Nice to see this Quest again.
Locked: --[X] Agricultural Automation

-[X] Agricultural Technology (T2)
--[X] Agricultural Automation

The process has been slow, but some progress has been made on more labour efficient modes of agriculture. A modified Mister Gutsy could replace most of the manual labour of traditional agriculture. While far from ideal, it's better than managing crops by hand. The new 'Mr. Field' doesn't actually exist yet, but you doubt it will take long.

Locked: --[X] Agricultural Automation
I think something is wrong with the Locked Actions.

Anyway, we probably need a Building Ties Action with Vault 34. In Canon they had Trouble with their Reactor and they where overpopulated.
Useful with how we need Manpower.
So, we really ought to figure out T51 PA now since the odds are pretty good and we can do some impressive things thanks to improved micro-reactors. Pair that with he AES, and maybe we can develop a system for a suit of PA to recharge or directly power our DEWs.

Novac likes us, and we're going to need more materials in the long run, so boosting their friendliness is ideal.

@Isaacssv558 does the Brotherhood Radio station reach California? Can we reasonably expect any NCR civilians to listen to it? Because if so popularizing it with more music would potentially help with Stalemate.
It does reach California. Specifically, it reaches all of Nevada and most of the neighboring states. You can thank Black Mountain for that.

It is less popular with NCR citizens as a result of their antipathy to the Brotherhood propaganda. Some still tune in for the technical info and others might listen for an expanded music selection.
Nice to see this Quest again.

I think something is wrong with the Locked Actions.

Anyway, we probably need a Building Ties Action with Vault 34. In Canon they had Trouble with their Reactor and they where overpopulated.
Useful with how we need Manpower.
I was sure I added them to Building Ties. I'll have to double check that.

The reactor trouble occurs as a result of internal conflicts which are yet to occur. Their overpopulation is a serious problem, but you haven't unlocked recruitment yet.
@Isaacssv558 What's the status of the remaining Brotherhood forces in California? How much longer will they be able to hold out?
The NCR is not actively storming the holdouts, but they can only surgive a siege for so long. You've got about 6 months to continue the evacuations.
Their supply situation will be fine until Turn 12, after which about a quarter will starve each of the next two years. At that point their supply situation will stabilize for the near future.
Regarding Vault 34's overpopulation, wasn't the Boomer Exodus to Nellis AFB already the release valve to that problem? Could've sworn we covered this before the hiatus.
we should wipe out both of the Great Khans groups at the same time least they become a problem and the next turn lets wipe out the Vipers and Jackals so we dont have to worry about bandits and raiders in our land and we need to go to Vault 3 and 21 to meet more Vault people or we can try and go and see Vault 11 and maybe save the people there
So does that mean we have to take the option now in order to save them all? Since the option takes 6 months.
No. A ceasefire will allow limited resupply and your evacuation will prioritize those closest to the brink. Each month of success means 1000 evacuees, so 2 months of success will delay starvation for another year.
Regarding Vault 34's overpopulation, wasn't the Boomer Exodus to Nellis AFB already the release valve to that problem? Could've sworn we covered this before the hiatus.
The Boomer exodus happened quite some time ago. This is the second time Vault 34 has become overpopulated.
[X] Plan: Clear the Way
-[X] Yardwork
--[X] Southeastern Vipers
---[X] 50 Paladins
---[X] 25 Veteran Paladins
-[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[X] Vault 11
---[X] 10 Paladins
---[X] 15 Knights
--[X] Hidden Valley Bunkers
---[X] 35 Knights
-[X] We Come in Peace
-[X] Building Ties
--[X] Freeside
[X] Steel Legion
-[X] Mark II Sentry Bot (Limit 10)
[X] Buying Happiness
-[X] Freeside
[X] Dam Expansion
-[Locked] Research Facilities
[X] Gold Diggers
-[Locked] Searchlight Airport
-[X] The old world has burned.
--[X] Industrial Technology
---[Locked] Advanced Old World Manufacturing
---[Locked] Automated Resource Extraction
--[X] Agricultural Technology
---[Locked] Agricultural Automation
-[X] A challenger has arisen: Part II
-[Locked] Big Brother
-[Locked] The Men Who Knew Too Little

This plan is based around a couple of high priority goals: Preparing for the incoming brotherhood refugee crisis and getting access to the Followers.

First, we will need places to house the 6000 brotherhood refugees that will come from the Stalemate. We can fit a maximum of 6000 in Hidden valley if we use the remaining slots for residential bunkers, but that is a temporary measure, since the cramped conditions won't hold up long term. Only 2000 will be able to stay, the other 4000 will need to end up somewhere else. We'll need to find uninhabited locations to expand into, since I doubt that the Brotherhood will be okay with sharing a place with outsiders. The vaults will be a good start, though we will have to neutralize each of the experiments before moving anyone in. Each can fit 1000 in cramped conditions, or 500 comfortably.

Vault 11 is our best place to start, due to it being near most of our bases, underground, and not currently inhabited or actively dangerous like the other Vaults in the Mojave. Vault 19 should be next, since it is uninhabited and not too far from our bases, though repairing and pacifying the lower levels will take some time. Vault 22 is the last uninhabited Vault, and probably shouldn't be considered unless there is no other options. Infested with spore crawlers, far from any base, the effort to make it livable doesn't seem worth it as long as there are better options. With two vaults, that allows for 1000 with permanent housing.

This still leaves us with 3000 to permanently house, and no good place to put them. I see a few options; get used to cramped housing, massively expand civilian facilities at our bases, or live with the locals. If we do decide that the locals are our best bet, we'll need them to not see us as an enemy. For that to happen, we need to use the radio to do so, as well as have the recommendation of someone they trust. In Freeside, the Followers are currently seen by the population of the Mojave as Good People, if they vouch for us, and we don't betray that trust, we'll be golden. To get them to vouch for us, we need to open relations with them, as well as help Freeside alongside the Strip.

Finally, Freeside is probably the only singular location in the Mojave that can house another 3000. We'll have to renovate it to our standards of course, which will probably make the Followers like us even more, but its a preferable idea compared to spreading our people thin across the Mojave. Keeping them all in one place makes it much easier to defend them, and who knows? Maybe House will want to make sure that his ally's people are nearby his casinos and well defended, and will send a few securitrons our way. If some of our civilians decide to visit the strip, that just means we can both benefit.
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So we should probably evacuate them ASAP, After all we do Get those refugees added to our population right so alls the better.

That's the problem, we can't conventionally defeat the NCR to break the sieges. Not that we can't defeat the NCR, but the method used would turn California either back into a wasteland of squabbling factions that destroys civilisation or create a more efficient NCR that would steamroll East and overwhelm us through numbers and fanatical hatred.

Our attempts at diplomacy are currently stifled by Kimball simply stonewalling until the rest of the West Coast Brotherhood starves to death.

Apparently the Remnants Bunker might give us the equipment to save the rest of the Brotherhood via airlift, but we can't get into it. At least not without getting some Enclave Tech to make a key.
Apparently the Remnants Bunker might give us the equipment to save the rest of the Brotherhood via airlift, but we can't get into it. At least not without getting some Enclave Tech to make a key.
The only Enclave Tech we could realistically get would be from Silver Peak mine (Legendary Cazador, Supermutant community nearby) and Deathclaw promontory (Packs of Deathclaws). We'd need to send a large amount of Paladins to either of them, and potentially have at least neutral relations with Jacobstown to prevent extra conflict.
Or maybe just use industrial tools and heavy machinery to bruteforce the door and use a pulse charge/scribe technobabble for the shield? As long as it's not garrisoned, there's no time pressure on getting it open. Vault 13 got breached by super mutants stubbornly going at the door.

The Enclave Remnants don't seem to live there and the worst case scenario is some alarm being tripped and a delayed remmant reaction to the intrusion attempt.
Or maybe just use industrial tools and heavy machinery to bruteforce the door and use a pulse charge/scribe technobabble for the shield? As long as it's not garrisoned, there's no time pressure on getting it open. Vault 13 got breached by super mutants stubbornly going at the door.

The Enclave Remnants don't seem to live there and the worst case scenario is some alarm being tripped and a delayed remmant reaction to the intrusion attempt.
Or the whole place blows up
Or the whole place blows up
Name one Enclave/US military facility that was remotely detonated or self-destructed from the equivalent of a burglar alarm. Considering how much pre-war real estate the BoS is sitting on, that kind of precedent would be campaign-breaking.

Edit: Please don't cite anything from "Fallout" 4/76.
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Name one Enclave/US military facility that was remotely detonated or self-destructed from the equivalent of a burglar alarm. Considering how much pre-war real estate the BoS is sitting on, that kind of precedent would be campaign-breaking.

Edit: Please don't cite anything from "Fallout" 4/76.
It doesn't have to self-destruct to ruin your day.
It doesn't have to self-destruct to ruin your day.
Yep. The security measures in Sierra Army Depot come to mind. Sentry bots, gas, force fields, mines, turrets and computer lockouts. Though I doubt the remnant bunker is anywhere near that large or formidable.

It's primary defence is supposed to be obscurity, after all.
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@Isaacssv558 Would it be possible to make some sort of deal with the NCR to get food to the Brotherhood forces in California? Maybe something like in exchange for feeding them we'll give them power?