Dungeons and Dragons Megathread

Another way, if you're willing to multiclass more (or get Gestalt), would be Intimidating Performance - which just gives Dazzling Display as free action whenever you start a performance, which can be a swift action. You could also get that via Variant Multiclassing (you get to do it as a move-action at 7th-level and as a swift action at 13th), but you could also take the Argent Thaumaturge PrC (move action right away, then swift action at character level 13), get to 7th-level of Ashavic Dancer for swift-action performance,, 7th level in Sphere Singer, or (probably) 5th in Battle Herald.


Intimidating Performance

Source Advanced Class Guide pg. 151 (Amazon)
Your performance strikes fear in the hearts of foes.

Prerequisites: Ability to start a performance (or raging song) as a move action, bardic performance or raging song† class feature.

Benefit: When you start a performance (or a raging song) as a move or swift action, you can use a standard action to demoralize a foe (Core Rulebook 99), attempting a Perform check appropriate to your performance in place of the Intimidate check. Your performance must be one with an audible component.

If you can start a performance as a swift action and you have the Dazzling Display feat, you can gain the benefit of Dazzling Display by succeeding at a Perform check in place of an Intimidate check.

It's still useful, because recovering maneuvers as a standard action is better than as a full round, but, I don't think it gives you a free action DD without very sketchy interpretation.

Honestly, I'd prefer to find a ranged bullrush option and go for the bullrush gambit if it comes down to recovery.

I mean, Bushi naturally get to recover once a round for free starting at 6 when they get Mixed combat. Gun Twirling just lets you get it earlier (and cooler looking). Though ironically, a Privateer/Bushi can't afford a gun at level 1, even though she can use one to recover maneuvers.
In DnD 5e, which is considered more powerful, an ability that grants advantage to allies within ten feet of you or an ability that grants disadvantage to enemies within ten feet of you?

You know my Charr homebrew? I did another one, this time for the Norn race. Help balancing Totem Beast would be nice.
Something that I would offer as an Idea is that you could look at the tritons, you get +1 str +1 con from the base , and get the third stat based on totems. which might be a double up or not.
The amount of Temp HP that you get seems to be to high as getting 20-30 temp HP on level 5 is certainly a worthwhile effect.
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I would assuem disadvantage because many allies should have ways tobget advantage on their own.
Not familiar with 5E, but I would have assumed it was the other way around, because you can ask your allies to group up on you before you activate the ability so that they can all benefit, but you can't control how spread out your enemies are.
Not familiar with 5E, but I would have assumed it was the other way around, because you can ask your allies to group up on you before you activate the ability so that they can all benefit, but you can't control how spread out your enemies are.
Yeah but most classes have a way to give themself advantage somehow. Disadvantage are usually only "if the enemys targets you " leaving them free to attack others.
Not familiar with 5E, but I would have assumed it was the other way around, because you can ask your allies to group up on you before you activate the ability so that they can all benefit, but you can't control how spread out your enemies are.

It's dependent. On the one hand there's that, but on the other hand targeting the enemy means you don't have to reposition and it helps focus the group on a target, and if they can already gain advantage it's less redundant.
Also, giving enemies disadvantage on saves is super powerful, and there isn't really anything equivalent to that in terms of giving advantage to yourself.
I need help.

My character died in the Iron Gods campaign I'm playing in.

We only have a 3 person party. We have a Nature Oracle, with animal companion, and a Savage Technologist Barbarian.

We need some utility casting and trap finding. However, the Arcane Trickster looks a little weak to be trying to pick up two very different rolls. Any suggestions on what to build here? The Iron Gods AP has really grindy dungeons at the end of each book, more so than other APs I've played, just to give info for those who haven't played it or don't know about it. Also, a lot of constructs to fight.

EDIT: If I can get my perception up high enough, I wouldn't need to be a rogue, I guess. Still, suggestions?
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I need help.

My character died in the Iron Gods campaign I'm playing in.

We only have a 3 person party. We have a Nature Oracle, with animal companion, and a Savage Technologist Barbarian.

We need some utility casting and trap finding. However, the Arcane Trickster looks a little weak to be trying to pick up two very different rolls. Any suggestions on what to build here? The Iron Gods AP has really grindy dungeons at the end of each book, more so than other APs I've played, just to give info for those who haven't played it or don't know about it. Also, a lot of constructs to fight.

EDIT: If I can get my perception up high enough, I wouldn't need to be a rogue, I guess. Still, suggestions?
5E I presume? Might I recommend a bard? You get a very wide spell tree, plus proficiency in Perception which you can double at 3rd level.
Trap finding is available in a bunch of ways. You can combine it with casting in several ways:
- the Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue gets up to 6th-level spells of the Wizard-list.
- the Investigator gets Alchemy (which can fulfill a good number of utility-functions, as well as healing) and is just the best skill class there is. With the Psychic Detective archetype, it's instead psychic spellcasting from the psychic list, and with Questionier-archetype it's arcane spellcasting off the bard list.
- a Crypt Breaker Alchemist also gets Trapfinding.
- an Archeologist Bard also gets trapfinding.
- a Seeker Sorcerer (or Oracle) can disable magical traps as well

(Iron Gods is a Pathfinder campaign, and Oracle and Savage Technologist are Pathfinder-things as well).
5E I presume? Might I recommend a bard? You get a very wide spell tree, plus proficiency in Perception which you can double at 3rd level.
PF, going by the other two party members.

As for suggestions, Investigator covers the Rogue niche, having Trapfinding, 6+Int skill points and major class features scaling off Int. It also has Alchemist extracts, so the Oracle has some slots saved from buffing and healing to make up for the missing party member. Investigator is mostly single target damage, though, so if you don't have ready access to extra Move Actions, groups of enemies will be an issue.

The Dread Investigator archetype is a bit more help for underpowered parties, having (some) automatically available minion creation to make up for the otherwise lacking anti-group damage and another option to keep party members alive. And Negative Energy/Death Effect resistance in place of poison resistance. Also, Undead Anatomy shenanigans are made a bit easier and a lot stronger. Shame you lose three talents, but the shenanigans available make it seem worth it.

Empiricist is absolute skillmonkey, getting to use Int for Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive and, boon of boons, Use Magic Device. So you get all your important skills covered by Intelligence.
I need help.

My character died in the Iron Gods campaign I'm playing in.

We only have a 3 person party. We have a Nature Oracle, with animal companion, and a Savage Technologist Barbarian.

We need some utility casting and trap finding. However, the Arcane Trickster looks a little weak to be trying to pick up two very different rolls. Any suggestions on what to build here? The Iron Gods AP has really grindy dungeons at the end of each book, more so than other APs I've played, just to give info for those who haven't played it or don't know about it. Also, a lot of constructs to fight.

EDIT: If I can get my perception up high enough, I wouldn't need to be a rogue, I guess. Still, suggestions?

May i suggest a Cryptic ?

It's excellent at dealing with traps, has an okay selection of powers, and it's insights can give you quite a bit of mezzing punch.

Also note that psionic classes do not suffer ASF, so you can wear armor even without proficiency if need be.
Thanks for all the suggestions.

I found the Pact Wizard archetype (the weird one, there's two in pathfinder) which works even without wizard progression. Got unchained rogue for dex to damage, and then am going into Arcane Trickster. There's an unchained rogue talent that lets you disable device constructs to remove DR for a limited time, and arcane tricksters can disable at range. Plus, sneak attack with damage spells and the ability to go invisible. I'm going to try it out. Given the campaign is a complete meatgrinder, I'll probably die again so I'll try a Cryptic next (thanks @Chloe Sullivan ) and if that dies an Investigator (thanks @Serafina @Q99 @Morphic Tide )
Hey, so, I want to be a dinosaur-riding lizard folk fighter. Do you think there is a way to convince a DM to let me be that?

I was thinking of not having any armor on, which I don't need much earlier on any way because of natural armor being a thing for me, even if it isn't as good as chainmail, as well as not having common as part of my language since my character will be from underground civilization that hasn't had contact with the surface for over five hundred years. Of course, this means I can't invest much into something that isn't either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, but that's for the non-fighters anyway, so it isn't like I'm losing too much. Also, there are some fun roleplaying oppurtunities if most of the rest of the party can't understand you.

What do you think? Is this suitable for convincing my DM to grant me such an enormous benefit as a dinosaur to ride? Or am I just making things worse?
Hey, so, I want to be a dinosaur-riding lizard folk fighter. Do you think there is a way to convince a DM to let me be that?

I was thinking of not having any armor on, which I don't need much earlier on any way because of natural armor being a thing for me, even if it isn't as good as chainmail, as well as not having common as part of my language since my character will be from underground civilization that hasn't had contact with the surface for over five hundred years. Of course, this means I can't invest much into something that isn't either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, but that's for the non-fighters anyway, so it isn't like I'm losing too much. Also, there are some fun roleplaying oppurtunities if most of the rest of the party can't understand you.

What do you think? Is this suitable for convincing my DM to grant me such an enormous benefit as a dinosaur to ride? Or am I just making things worse?
We really should have a banner saying "REMEMBER TO SAY WHICH EDITION YOU'RE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT" right above the reply box :V
We really should have a banner saying "REMEMBER TO SAY WHICH EDITION YOU'RE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT" right above the reply box :V
As with the previous, knowledge of the editions makes identification easier. Chances are he's talking 3.5, because I'm fairly sure PF doesn't call it's medium-sized reptile race Lizard-folk. If it even has such a race. 3.X and Pathfinder is the only place Natural Armor is a thing.

As for the request, I don't have the details memorized and am tablet posting at the moment, so I can't give the details involved because searches are clunky. But there's a few different things to keep in mind. There's a lot of kinds of dinosaur in D&D, so I'd suggest the Deinonychus in particular. It's CR3, which is a bit of a problem at low levels for balance reasons, but if the campaign starts at or past level 5, it won't be much worse than some of the splat book options. Although, being Medium-sized, the deinonychus is a kinda bad option for a mount due to penalties. It's the lowest CR dinosaur on the SRD, though.
As with the previous, knowledge of the editions makes identification easier. Chances are he's talking 3.5, because I'm fairly sure PF doesn't call it's medium-sized reptile race Lizard-folk. If it even has such a race. 3.X and Pathfinder is the only place Natural Armor is a thing.
5e Lizardfolk are a playable race with Natural Armor, though!
As with the previous, knowledge of the editions makes identification easier. Chances are he's talking 3.5, because I'm fairly sure PF doesn't call it's medium-sized reptile race Lizard-folk. If it even has such a race. 3.X and Pathfinder is the only place Natural Armor is a thing.
PF does actually call one of its (player-usable) medium-sized reptile races Lizardfolk.
We really should have a banner saying "REMEMBER TO SAY WHICH EDITION YOU'RE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT" right above the reply box :V
I was thinking 5e, but if it isn't allowed there, I might change to Pathfinder for this character.

As another point, I was thinking that he belongs to a Lizardfolk tribe who originally worked for the Yaun-Ti but then rebelled, killing their masters in brutal fashion. However, as the high priest was dying, he used his last ounce of magic to sink the city beneath the surface of the world, locking it away from outside influence for centuries with his final spell. This makes their language a bizarre hybrid between Yaun Ti and Draconic, evolving with its own linguistic quirks until it becomes neither.

Due to lacking a sunlight, the Lizardfolk Shamans crafted a mystical Sun Stone, designed to provide the energy they needed to support the plants they need to farm for food.

As for the dinosaurs, they were the original occupants of the land. Most mammals there were small, typically prey rather than predators. Other beings include insects such as giant Mosquitos and spiders, along with massive centipedes and dragonflies.

Why he left was to scout out the new lands for a new source of energy, since the Sun Stone has started to diminish in power.

How does this sound to you?
I was thinking 5e, but if it isn't allowed there, I might change to Pathfinder for this character.

As another point, I was thinking that he belongs to a Lizardfolk tribe who originally worked for the Yaun-Ti but then rebelled, killing their masters in brutal fashion. However, as the high priest was dying, he used his last ounce of magic to sink the city beneath the surface of the world, locking it away from outside influence for centuries with his final spell. This makes their language a bizarre hybrid between Yaun Ti and Draconic, evolving with its own linguistic quirks until it becomes neither.

Due to lacking a sunlight, the Lizardfolk Shamans crafted a mystical Sun Stone, designed to provide the energy they needed to support the plants they need to farm for food.

As for the dinosaurs, they were the original occupants of the land. Most mammals there were small, typically prey rather than predators. Other beings include insects such as giant Mosquitos and spiders, along with massive centipedes and dragonflies.

Why he left was to scout out the new lands for a new source of energy, since the Sun Stone has started to diminish in power.

How does this sound to you?
A 5e Lizardfolk dinosaur-rider is easy. The Beastmaster Ranger can have a CR 1/4 creature as a pet. Hadrosauruses are CR 1/4, Dinosaurs, and Large (meaning you can mount them). Bam, done.

If you specifically want to be a Fighter who rides a dinosaur, ask your GM to let you buy one. A Warhorse is CR 1/2 and 400 gp, there's no reason you couldn't buy a less powerful Hadrosaur unless the setting doesn't allow for dinosaur trade.