Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

[x] Dry Water - By Eric Nylund

Advantages? The protagonist basically achieves the enlightenment of the Akashic Record over the course of the story, gaining the ability to basically pass into the wheel of reincarnation, experience someone's entire life, and return to their self knowing everything that person knew. In the process the protagonist- a down on his luck writer- comes to find himself again. It's a phenomenal story, with ghosts, action, legacies- and is actually rather quite uplifting and might help us get some SAN points back.

It works- actually similar to our power- we could basically experience someone's entire life, earning a treasure trove of knowledge and learning- and relevant information for our Sherlock powers to key off of.

EDIT: It's been a while since I read it, but the protagonist, Larry can see the future and gains a number of other powers over the course of the story.

EDIT2: you can find the first three chapters here
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[x] Player of Games
Perfect strategist/tactician, excellent awareness, extraordinarily fast learner. Also like him better then Ender.
[X] The Wise Man's Fear
Magic, music, swords, and alchemy, but better than in Name of the Wind.
[X] Lord of Light by Zelazny.
I think the best way to describe this is: "His followers called him Mahasamatman and said he was a god. He preferred to drop the Maha- and the -atman, however, and called himself Sam. He never claimed to be a god, but then he never claimed not to be a god."

Also, speaking of Name of the Wind/ Wise Man's Fear, a friend of mine went to a Rothfuss book signing to get both as a present for me. One of those signatures reads: "Polyamory is a great concept," which I think is one of the greatest author signatures ever.
We don't need to turn it, on at all you know, and the setting would help her in the longe run, or pick a different character doesn't have to be the main one.

Topic Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain
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You guys do realize that volume 1 Agatha is still just coming into her powers right? She hasn't even gotten onto the airships at that point, and her only creation of note is a walking wagon.

I'd recommend the omnibus edition instead, but that came out in 2012.
Name of the Wind protagonist is a cringeworthy gary stu. If you want to read about how she learns to give orgasms from the goddess of elf-love of the place herself, by all means choose that.

Tinker powers, how i hate thee.
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It's also badly written and long and i presume the QM will have to read it to continue, if she hasn't already, which might very well kill the enthusiasm deader than a rock.

The only good scene on those books was when he thought his magic teacher wanted him to throw himself off a cliff to learn wind magic and broke his legs. I had a good laugh.
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It's hard to find books that don't have 'some' kind of mental scarring.

Just to make sure, let's keep away from Rand al'Thor in Lord of Chaos, as he gets stuck in a chest and tortured near the end. Grey Lensman by E. E. Doc Smith would also be a bad choice.

If we go with Girl Genius, how probable would it be to end up with the Other in our head, or San loss after the death of her parental figures.
Please not Rothfuss. There's a lot of shit in his books which would cause SAN loss. It'd be like making Taylor read 50 shades of gray.
@SCO not the place for character bashing.

Also, please vote on what you'd like to see rather than saying everyone elses' choices suck. Or at least provide links like you did for Achilles.
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What, do you want me the find and transcribe the 10 pages chapter of the guy learning to fuck from a 5000 elf that lures men into forests to fuck to death and being the best lover she ever had?
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There are Girl Genius Books not comics, that cover her Time up to Wolfenbecks? Sky Castle. Don't think the Other will come at all, not an item, or physical boost.
The Quest would get old really fast, if the most of the OP powers were allowed to be gained without getting mass nerfed. Immortality Really sucks after everyone you know dies, and giving everyone it, doesn't sound like a fun quest. Don't like mode cheats like that, no sense of accomplishment.
Ubik by Phillip K. Dick apparently has powers and antipowers, so like there are precogs there are also anti-precogs. Only the 'powerful' precog power rationale sounds like bullshit (he changes the past minutely so the future is not the same) and wouldn't work on the Smurf anyway (she sees the past too and would discover a variation there like she would discover a variation in the futures).
Dune from god emperor on has a genetic antiprecog power, and you can pick up other useful things if you choose a reverend mother or a mentat (or both) however, those wouldn't be able to survive without melange (but the genetic anti precog power is side effect free). Also, it's maybe not the... best... idea to let Taylor have her mother and every female ancestor living on her head giving advice.

The best power i've heard so far is Zero from that comic, that apparently no-sells everything.
Similarly there is also the Haitian from Heroes, only his power turns off if he's unconscious, so fuck that.
There are plenty of powers i want from that Tv show, Misfits.
Time Reversal
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Ubik by Phillip K. Dick apparently has powers and antipowers, so like there are precogs there are also anti-precogs. Only the 'powerful' precog power rationale sounds like bullshit (he changes the past minutely so the future is not the same) and wouldn't work on the Smurf anyway (she sees the past too and would discover a variation there like she would discover a variation in the futures).
Dune from god emperor on has a genetic antiprecog power, and you can pick up other useful things if you choose a reverend mother or a mentat (or both) however, those wouldn't be able to survive without melange (but the genetic anti precog power is side effect free).

Isn't the god emperor slowly turning into a massive sand worm? No clue about Ubik, sounds good.
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Okay, guys.


No comics, no webcomics, no webcomics turned into books. JUST REGULAR BOOKS.
It doesn't have (indeed it can't, since he doesn't have the mutation) to be the god emperor, just any human (i recommend a very normal person) a dozen centuries after his life. Say a minor character from chapterhouse dune (but without the powers that require melange for obvious reasons). Ubiks power wouldn't work on the smurf, i shouldn't even have mentioned it.

Both of these powers are slightly dangerous in that being a 'blank' is unusual in Earth Bet. The Ubik power is supposed to be camouflage against 'blank detection' but again, the justification sounds like so much bullshit i can't even take it seriously.
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How do tabletop games work exactly?
Everyone gathers around a table or uses skype and a shared online mapping tool and then after people have made their characters they tell the GM what they want to do and roll dice for their actions while the GM controls the NPCs and rolls dice for their actions. Basically a RP but in meatspace and with more solidly written rules. Sometimes they buy a module to run if their GM is unimaginative.
EDIT: People write fanfictions and oneshots and self inserts about being a cape right? So I could write a source story set in the earth bet as long as I don't include spoilers or at least accurate spoilers.
Oh found it finally:

Precognitive Immunity

One of the dune characters with antiprecog is even there, this is a quality list.
It's uh, also the only one from a book that is not a comic or worm or twilight (ugh) i think.

Anyway the smurf has another weapon, postcog, which i don't know if it would work against, but i'm hoping it does otherwise the DM is railroading because these powers are usually used as narrative rails, and the fact that anti-precog powers are unusual is a sign of it, so covering that and then being expected to cover the other like they're not the same mechanism applied differently (which makes sense) is more than unfair.
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