Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

Come on the vord queen in codex alera is the lovechild of Sarah kerrigan and the simurgh. We are definitely s class already let's act like it.

-Player of games gives her a much needed strategist thinker power and a real nice vacation like as a member of the culture. Their language is designed to prevent conflict and potentially grants us access to a culture drone ( that could eat dragon and saint for lunch)
@Zedlar You seen to have missed my last post so, agains , you should put your vote for books outside a quote box otherwise it may end up not being counted.

I hadn't decided yet but i have now

[x] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
[x] Girl Genius
[x] Endars Game

Hermione for bag of holding and possibity of using runes
and Endar because he was a great tactician. and if memory serves then his life wasn't so bad
If we do a Harry Potter book I would reccomend Dumbledore from OotF, Snipe from HBP, or Lupin from PoA.

Edit: on second thought forget Lupin, forgot about the Werewolf thing.
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[X] Ask your Dad to go power testing with you.

-[x] But he needs a mask or a bandana himself

[x] Alice in Wonderland
[X] The Illiad
[X]Lord of the rings
[x] Player of Games
Perfect strategist/tactician, excellent awareness, extraordinarily fast learner. Also like him better then Ender.
[X] The Wise Man's Fear
Magic, music, swords, and alchemy
[X] Lord of the Rings
Legolas shouldn't have gone through too much pain, right?
Wow, I hadn't realized just how much trauma most of the books I've read have the protagonist go through.

Convinced to choose the second over the first.
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Super powereds contains Chad who has perfect control over his body, which is useful both for being able to use sun wukong's strength and also because he was able to streamline his brain and intake carbon into his muscles to gain super strength that steadily increased over time as well as Zero the trump.
I'm iffy if Chad's perfect control will help us, because I'm iffy on what the problem is. I mean, without getting into magic stuff (which would plausibly put it beyond Chad's power) gently brushing the lamp, regardless of how strong we can be, would not send it flying. Unless we have advanced perception and that "lightly brush" happened at several times the speed of sound, but it sure didn't sound like it did.
Steam Powered is the expansion with the Artificer in it since any group we find to play with is somewhat unlikely to have it and Danny would probably let us play with them because he might not recognise it as valid fiction and thinks we need friends.
So it's a rule-book? I also question if our power would recognize it as a valid fiction.
I haven't read over 2 thousand books for no reason. Or at least i think it might be 2 thousand. More than 1 surely.

Anyway, i will vote for any and all anti-precog powers. This would be much easier to find if books had tag collections *grumble*

I don't like player of games suggestion. If you're going to do Culture, go big or go home i say. Special circumstances versus a fucking Mind, which is better?
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Shouldn't she be reading something that'll regain her some of the sanity points that she lost from reading Journey to the West? What about that Sweeper Monk character who knew Time-fu or something like that that someone mentioned a while back who had the super power of common sense? Or nearly any martial arts monk type character who has inner peace and reaches enlightment.
Question, the dwarves in Lotr are psychic proof right? I don't remember where I read that the rings couldn't do anything to them because their minds were as hardy as their physique.
Wasn't Hermione continuously bullied throughout the Harry Potter series?
Especially before the Goblet of Fire?
I'm iffy if Chad's perfect control will help us, because I'm iffy on what the problem is. I mean, without getting into magic stuff (which would plausibly put it beyond Chad's power) gently brushing the lamp, regardless of how strong we can be, would not send it flying. Unless we have advanced perception and that "lightly brush" happened at several times the speed of sound, but it sure didn't sound like it did.
Well the QM said:
Only through time and control will she be able to keep herself from destroying the world around her.
And so by getting perfect control we can skip the training time.
So it's a rule-book? I also question if our power would recognize it as a valid fiction.
The book itself isn't the fiction. The roleplay is. And we still haven't gotten a responce from @nanayoung about whether those work despite the promise of one. The book is just somewhat obscure and third party so even if we find a dungeon master they might not have one we could use.
Yeah they were. That's why Sauron couldn't control them with the One Ring.
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What really annoys me is that most of these books aren't particularly good or useful in powers.

Casca for example is just a immortal cursed (spear of longinus) roman. It's not like it's actually useful.

At least if you want a super tactician use a super tactician, like in for example The Tactics of Mistake (which isn't a particularly good book either and the QM would prevent her 'super genius' from solving her problems for us anyway).
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Perfect control OF THE BODY. Like I said, there could very well be Magic BS going on, that is independent of the body.
Well it wasn't just his body. It was also everything inside his body. Like his dad who had the same power managed to fight someone who's power was being a god within a certain radius because he lolnoped him whenever he tried to just make him stop.
[X]Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain
Throw back, but The Machine is useful, and the world fits this one.
[X]Girl Genius Volume One
I really think this would help, her deal with pushy people or minions.
[X]Case Closed
Double up on useful things, analytical skills and soccer.

Will change one, but not the first two. I do think they would help.

Discworld had a good manipulative leader, forgot his Title.