Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

Can we get powers that deaden or strengthen emotions to gain sanity?

Deadening your emotions will basically turn you into a robot. You won't want to do much of anything.

Strengthening your emotions will cause you to gain more sanity than you normally would. At the same time, any negative effects will have a greater impact on you, giving you a much higher sanity loss than you would normally have.
Hoo man, a Brute power we can't control and that will result in collateral damage, likely innocent deaths, if used, an item that is immobile without also activating the collateral damage power, and a 'skill' that's basically never going to be useful.

And on the other side, we gained a permanent disfigurement from a consummate shapeshifter, and lost San from a character who, in the story, achieved Nirvana.

Talk about rolling snake eyes on our power acquisition roll, yikes.

Also, so much for our plans for the next... ever. We're basically now stuck moving out to the Boat Graveyard until we can walk down the street without killing people. What a disaster.
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Hoo man, a Brute power we can't control and that will result in collateral damage, likely innocent deaths, if used, an item that is immobile without also activating the collateral damage power, and a 'skill' that's basically never going to be useful.

And on the other side, we gained a permanent disfigurement from a consummate shapeshifter, and lost San from a character who, in the story, achieved Nirvana.

Talk about rolling snake eyes on our power acquisition roll, yikes.

Also, so much for our plans for the next... ever. We're basically now stuck moving out to the Boat Graveyard until we can walk down the street without killing people. What a disaster.

No offense but you could probably offer critism without sounding like a dick complaining to the QM. There is no disfigurement by getting a tail and we have a disguise power. Not to mention that Taylor can turn off aspects of her powers so hopefully we can still keep durability while being able to turn off the strength. Failing that there is nothing stopping us from just turning off the power altogether.
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And on the other side, we gained a permanent disfigurement from a consummate shapeshifter, and lost San from a character who, in the story, achieved Nirvana.

Part of the why you lost so much sanity was because it reminded Taylor too much of her trigger, to the point where she was basically catatonic throughout the rest of the story.

Remember, she's DEEPLY claustrophobic and can feel everything the character feels. Being burned alive over and over for what seemed to be a day straight will fuck you up. The only reason why it wasn't even higher and Taylor didn't come out of the book screaming was because the character she portrayed did eventually reach enlightenment. It negated some of the effects somewhat.
What Sanity Means

500-451: You're at perfect mental health. For you that is. You are much more likely to reason your way through things and are a fairly positive person.

450-401: You've been through some tough things. Nothing that friends, family, and fun can't cure, but it still affects you. You are much more likely to have nightmares.

400-351: You've been hurt in ways that most people haven't. You are much more likely to gain negative traits of some sort, though many of these traits are temporary.

350-301: Your mind is depressing. You are less likely to take any joy in the world, reducing the amount of sanity you can gain.

300-251: Your mind is pain. You now have frequent nightmares that reduce your sanity. You are more likely to gain long term negative traits.

250-201: Your mind is crumbling. You are less likely to listen to commands or votes and will frequently ignore them all together.

200-151: Your mind is fractured. You are more likely to develop severe permanent traits that can affect how you live your life.

150-101: Is there anything left? The updates become unreadable from your point of view.

100-51: You are completely insane. Every action is against you. The slightest wrong choice will cause you to kill yourself, go catatonic, or go on a killing spree.

50-0: BAD END.

Ways you can raise sanity: making Taylor happy, giving her mental and emotional closure, helping her come in terms with her actions, spending time with her friends, having fun in general.

Ways you can lower sanity: mental trauma, humiliation, the pain and suffering of others and her loved ones, feelings of uselessness and despair, witnessing large amounts of loss and bloodshed without being hardened against it over time, sudden loss, torture.

well that would have been good to know a little earlier.
oh well.
forewarned is forearmed, i guess.
Urgently read:
[X] Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.

accept no substitutes for nirvana kool-aid.

Trigger warnings in the story: she will get laid (always nice to see bi-Taylor), she will have a depression and thoughts of suicide shortly before enlightenment, and her son will run away because he's a rebellious child (much like canon Taylor, which might give some perspective).

She will also experience true serenity (needed) and the illusion of time, material things and 'truth'. Ahoy clairvoyance!

It's a short book so it will take 5-6 hours at most.
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You know I wish I'd have remembered this guy earlier.
Mushra from Shinzo.

The main character of the first anime I truly watched.
Not quite as bullshit as the Monkey god but his power scales.
Normal form he's probably Aegis tier minimum.
Hyper form he's one of the strongest capes in the city and strongly aligned to fire.
Celestial Mushra... Obviously you don't care about collateral damage anymore.

As much as I love this character Taylor's Pyrophobia would not let it work. Even with Mushra's love of his element counteracting some of that.

However I thought of a character that would be really useful for Taylor.
Not for battle but for another reason.
Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tale.

Her Celestial Spirits are loyal allies and true friends just what Taylor needs and seeing Fairy Tale's devotion to their friends may help Taylor to trust again.

Wow I just went on and on...
Shutting up now.
I believe it has been stated before that we don't have access to anime and manga.
No offense but you could probably offer critism without sounding like a dick complaining to the QM. There is no disfigurement by getting a tail and we have a disguise power. Not to mention that Taylor can turn off aspects of her powers so hopefully we can still keep durability while being able to turn off the strength. Failing that there is nothing stopping us from just turning off the power altogether.
Honestly, if anyone is sounding like a bit of a dick, your "my vote won, so deal with it" attitude isn't really helping.

I still don't buy that there was really a compelling reason why we needed invulnerability posthate.

But okay, good idea:
[X] Reach for the metal switches to see if you can turn it off
Also screw anime anyway. Declaring attacks before executing them and spending 5 minutes intensely staring at the enemy eyes while regaining breath is particularly shitty tactics.
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That Poor Lamp...
[x] Try to move it.

Using muscles you didn't know you had, you try and move your tail. It rises to a have arc above the ground, lightly brushing it against the lamp by your desk.

The lamp is launched through your window at a speed that you can barely see. One minute it's there, the next it's gone, along with most of your glass window.

You stand there in horror for a second before scrambling over to the broken window and peering outside. The remains of the lamp are a few dozen feet away on the roof of your neighbor's house. You can't see much without your glasses so you put them on and stare in horrified fascination at the remains of your desk lamp. It looks less like it was launched through a closed window and more like it disintegrated.

The roofs don't look much better. Some of the roof tiles look as though they were shredded; there is a literal crater trailing through each roof the lamp passed through, as well as the dented reminds of what seems to be a stop sign.

You probably would have stared at your accident forever if you didn't realize a loud groining noise was starting to come from below you. You look down at your feet and find the floor of your room straining under your weight. It looks like it might collapse underneath you at any second.

As if to make a bad situation worse, you heard your dad call down from down the stairs.

"Taylor? Is everything alright? I heard a noise! Are you okay?"


[X] Run downstairs and meet your dad.
[X] Get the fuck out of dodge (jump out the window).
[X] Stay where you are.
[X] Turn off your fucking power already.
[X] Write in...
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[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.
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However I thought of a character that would be really useful for Taylor.
Not for battle but for another reason.
Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tale.

Her Celestial Spirits are loyal allies and true friends just what Taylor needs and seeing Fairy Tale's devotion to their friends may help Taylor to trust again.

Wow I just went on and on...
Shutting up now.
Lucy's powers are pretty good...buuuuuut...

Do you really think that living through her childhood would be good for her sanity?
The childhood that involves her mother dying and her father being cold and distant for years?

Edit: Also, what are the rules for incomplete comicbooks?
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[X] Turn off your fucking power already.

Changing vote.

[X] Run downstairs and meet your dad.

The comment about the 8 ton staff won me over.
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[X] Turn off your fucking power already.
-[X] try to shove your tail into the back of your shirt and keep your front towards your dad keep your hands in the open.
You're all kinda forgetting the 8 ton* staff you're holding you IDIOTS

[X] Enlarge you staff so that it is no longer dense enough to destroy the ground then gently put it down. And then turn off your power.

* how has the floor not broken through yet?

changing plan
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