Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

[X] Enlarge you staff so that it is no longer dense enought to destroy the ground then gently put it down.

People let us not be a bunch of idiots and forget the 8 ton staff we are currently holding.
We turn of the powers and we will end up smashing trought the ground whitout the endurance.
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You're all kinda forgetting the 8 ton* staff you're holding you IDIOTS

[X] Drop the staff on the roadway and then turn off your power.

* how has the floor not broken through yet?

Staff is part of the power and should dissappear alongside it

[X] Turn off your fucking power already.
Worth noting that it might be worth it to reread the story at some point (possibly an abridged version that covers mostly the latter part and less of the former), because we do get to build more powers from doing so... which might eventually include the shapeshifting.

Not right now, though. Not even a little bit right now.
Do you want to risk it? It would fall down. The floor is already groaning and i'd prefer the thing to be out of the house.
Revolver: A gun perfect for far away kill shots. Holds six bullets. Disappears when you turn your power OFF.
Ru Yi Jin Gu Bang: A wooden staff capable of growing and shrinking to any size, be it the size of a needle or the size of a skyscraper. It weighs 8 tons, no matter what form it takes and is extremely durable. Currently has no other affects.
If the Spy's equipment dissapears when she changes back, wouldnt the staff do the same?
Staff is part of the power and should dissappear alongside it

[X] Turn off your fucking power already.
I assumed it was like the red spy suit.

The spy equipament explicity states that it dissapears, the staff doesn't , do the math.
Unless specified in the character sheet, any items you gain will pretty much be permanent objects unconnected to the power you have.

So if you turn off your power, the staff will still be there in all its 8 ton glory.
BTW that lamp damage is a disaster for your secret identity, regardless if the house is destroyed and you kill dad, it is probably not going to be so secret.
I'd say put it in the basement but going down stairs with it is very likely to be dangerous. Enlarging and gently put it in the ground, go down and shrink and then put in basement is more likely to have good results.
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[X] Enlarge you staff so that it is no longer dense enough to destroy the ground then gently put it down. And then turn off your power.
Unless specified in the character sheet, any items you gain will pretty much be permanent objects unconnected to the power you have.

So if you turn off your power, the staff will still be there in all its 8 ton glory.

Would have liked to know that sooner, i think many will agree.
Right, no more stories which might summon items.
With our luck 'gently put it down' will cause the house to implode. No anger like a QM scorning filthy munchkins.

Also we urgently need some mental protection from the Simurgh since we're hella dangerous and not immune right now i think.

I honestly think a secret identity is kinda a lost cause*, but we probably should enact a better plan than just dropping the staff without (hopefully) destroying the house and our father. Hiding it in this vote might be a good idea for example.

* you can also be a asshole and cause a quake to disguise the damage as a 'natural' event. Probably wouldn't work since seismographs would tell the epicenter was err, unusual in depth.
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I honestly thought it was obvious. Sorry.

No worry. it's just that due to the SV and SB's nature, we like to squeeze the maximum out of every vote we have. (and occasionally go apeshit, just for fun)
However, to do so requires very precisely crafted rules and limits.
I guess the point here is, think of things in advance and write it down for us to se, then sit back and enjoy the LSD ride...
* how has the floor not broken through yet?

It's been about 90 second since you got out of the book. You have maybe 30-45 seconds before the floor of your room gives into the strain and collapses.

You're identity isn't completely shot. It is possible to spin a story for the lamp thing if you guys come up with a good enough justification. That being said, it will be way harder to come up with a reason as to why the floor of your room broke.
I'm changing my vote.
8 tons cars fly through the air and into the ground all the time and the ground wins.
edit: see next post
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Didn't you read the QM saying the floor is breaking? We have to get rid of it.

edit: changing plan again
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