Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

If we do want to Ryu Jingu Bang in battle, we should get a floating power regardless of weight. I'm sure there must be some around.

Also if there is a hilariously OP comic power that is still controlled it has to be the Flash.
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If we do want to Ryu Jingu Bang in battle, we should get a floating power regardless of weight. I'm sure there must be some around.

Also if there is a hilariously OP comic power that is still controlled it has to be the Flash.
There are plenty of good flying powers. If we ever go DBZ I'd go for Tien. He can fly and use general ki manipulation without being a planet destroying powerhouse who can still hit above his weight class if we get that zooming in move he used on Cell.
[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.
[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.
I know it's bit late but i think that even in its original size it's not going to do much noise. This is a 10 ton drop hammer doing its hammer thing:

I'm worried it might get buried so deeply we might effectively lose it for a while.
[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.
[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.

Yeah the staff is nothing but dead weight to us, we have basically no use for it, in fact the tail is probably the only benefit we got out of this story that we can actually use, and the negatives we got from this story outweigh it by far.

I'm worried it might get buried so deeply we might effectively lose it for a while.
But what will we even USE this thing for? The only state in which we can use it is one where we are incapable of fighting without turning people into stains or red mist.
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[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.

Yeah the staff is nothing but dead weight to us, we have basically no use for it, in fact the tail is probably the only benefit we got out of this story that we can actually use, and the negatives we got from this story outweigh it by far, this story was an absolutely terrible decision, people are assuming we will be meeting foes we can reasonably use this power against, the list of which is very short, and the only one of which we will be meeting within a reasonable timeframe is still an iffy bet, we are now one of THE strongest brutes in the world whenever we want to be, and it is now much more difficult to hide the fact that we are a cape without assuming somebody else's identity.

But what will we even USE this thing for? The only state in which we can use it is one where we are incapable of fighting without turning people into stains or red mist.
Well the fact that it's basically an infinitely long, probably indestructible rod makes it a great force multiplier for fighting Endbringers. But that's a bit away and it's not going anywhere.
Yeah, we should get to work on that 'needs air to live' thing, we don't want to end like Alexandria in canon with Levi.
If we ever want to get any good out of this munchkiness we need a thinker like power of absolute body/strength mastery, like superman is always holding back... but errr, better because you lunatics made us stronger than superman?

I'm curious if you punched uranium with those powers you're get a nuke.
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[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.
I think we should remenber the QM promises to keep the chalenges in line with our power and stop trying to munchkin our away towards invincibility as fast as possible lest the planet becomes colateral.
If we ever want to get any good out of this munchkiness we need a thinker like power of absolute body/strength mastery, like superman is always holding back... but errr, better because you lunatics made us stronger than superman?
I don't think we're stronger then superman, maybe equal to him at most but I don't think we're actually stronger than him, so really, we just got supermans speed, toughness, and strength, but without any of the control that would be required to ever use them, so basically in search for a power to use in combat, we achieved a power that we can only use in combat against world ending threats and the highest end brutes
If we ever want to get any good out of this munchkiness we need a thinker like power of absolute body/strength mastery, like superman is always holding back... but errr, better because you lunatics made us stronger than superman?
I know the perfect guy:
Chad from Drew Hayes' Super Powereds. Has complete control over his body to the molecular level. Also uses it to control his emotions when necessary. And as far as I remember never buried alive. Can also be used to make a weaker form of super strength. Like enough to hold the staff with dedicated training but not more than that.
EDIT: Now that I think about it a bunch of the secondary characters have great powers. Camille is basically Panacea but with more options to heal and somewhat fewer options to hurt, Angela can create and control super dangerous solid light projections, her brother can kill you with your own shadow, Nick is one of the main characters with some of the most bullshit luck powers ever but he also has serious issues I don't think we should deal with, Alex is literally a fucking Jedi the list goes on.
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We're also going to get grounded out of reading by Danny because he will realize that reading The Journey West involved being trapped burning alive.

So i hope Taylor has some fast lying skills and the will to use... ahah, who am i kidding.
Two more hours guys. Then I'm closing the vote and updating.
I'm wondering if reading Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress (but NOT the sequels) is a good idea. The original story is about some genetic manipulation which had unintended consequences: the resulting babies were sorta immortal, didn't need sleep, and had genius level 'natural' IQs and great mental stability. It only really got ugly in the sequels and near the end, and the book ends in the reveal that they're immortal and they started being persecuted, but some characters never were.
On the other hand immortality is not much use now, so better focus on useful powers.

And we might be infected by a lite form of objectivism. Which would be shit.

I wonder what would the QM do to us to punish if we had voted for a Culture Mind. Maybe be a immobile monolith with that power? Ahah.
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Do you people know what we could read ? Archer & Armstrong. Armstrong is a superstrong imortal with a botomless bag while Archer has the power to acess the Akashic records, granting him the sum of humanitys knowledge and skill.
Still voting for Chad once we get a computer. Having trouble thinking of someone with a really good thinker power. I can think of a few mundanely useful ones though. Like a character in a fanfiction who always knew exactly what time it was and exactly how long any given action would take down to the nanosecond. Definitely useful for deciding what to read and also generally useful for being on time and even gauging how long something someone else is doing will take if you finagle for something like "How long will observing armsmaster finish this project beginning to end take" as a gauge.
[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.
Actually what would happen if we read a story where a person's ability is explicitly stated but blocked by an outside source for the duration of screentime?
Needle Staff
[X] Shrink the staff the most you can into a needle shape. Drop the staff into the earth outside your window vertically. It will probably bury itself. Turn off your power, run down and check the staff. If it's there and not buried and you can see obvious damage on the ground, hide it better, say in the basement at toothpick size or something, or pat down the earth.

You remember something about Son Wu Kong's staff. How its total weight was about eight tons. You didn't know the weight capacity of your second floor bedroom, but it sure as hell wasn't eight tons. You needed to do something quick.

You focus on the staff. As you recall, Son Wu Kong was capable of growing and shrinking the thing at will. There's no reason why it shouldn't work for you. So with every desperate thought in your being, you will the staff to shrink. And almost sob in relief when it does.

You shrink the thing down to the size of a knitting needle and drop it out your broken window. You would make it smaller, but you want the chance to find it later. The staff sinks through the ground like a knife through butter, the ground actually shaking a bit when it hits. You can hear your dad's startled shouts and the sound of his footsteps. He's probably coming up the stairs.

Making sure not to move or touch anything else for fear of laughing it into orbit, you visualize your power in your mind.

Just by looking at it, you could tell what your power was. And boy was it a doozy. The strength you had at your fingertips was unbelievable. Unbelievable and terrifying, because you could control none of it. The world may as well be made of wet tissue paper for all it mattered to you. You could actually kill someone just by breathing in their direction.

You flick it off, idly flicking off the smaller same colored switch beside it. Until you managed to get a better change on your strength, you were not going to be using this particular power.

You were about to run downstairs in order to check on the state of your staff when --

"Taylor?" You Dad started knocking on your door. "Kiddo, are you okay? I'm coming in!" To your horror, the knob started opening. You completely forgot to lock your door last night or this morning.

You glance widely around your room -- at the broken floorboards, at the broken window, the mess on your desk, your tail.

You only have a few seconds to react. What do you do?

[X] Stuff your tail under your shirt.
[X] Cover the broken floorboards with a blanket.
[X] Open the broken window and act like it isn't broken.
[X] Clean your desk a bit.
[X] Get the fuck out of dodge. You probably won't hurt yourself if you jump out the window right?
[X] Don't cover up anything. Come clean with your dad.
[X] Write in...
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