Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

That's no fun though. We could conceivably use that to render Lung into an embryo and step on him. We may be overpowered but no one hit kills.
Now you happen to be forgetting one thing, would such an action be in character?


Activation->Activation(Pulsed)->Power Supply->Aspect(Strong Nuclear Force)->Alter(Weaken)->Project(Bolt)->Distance(120km<)->Direction.

You were saying?

I'm not really sure want that means but I'm guessing a beam that splits apart atoms at a strategic range?

Edit Imp'd
Never is such a harsh word. We may yet find an excuse purpose for multiple nuclear detonations.
Let the joy of BOOM into your heart.
The only way I could see something like that being justified is if we have to try and solo an Endbringer... and two out of the three currently alive are bullshit enough to resist/predict that particular attack.
[X] A scientist for the PRT
[X] Don't make a decision yet
[X] Read one of the books off your shelf
[X] Test out your powers to see what you're capable of.
[X] Find Hilda so the two of you can talk.
[X] Stay home and study a little.

"I'm not sure Dad. I think I need some time to think about it."

He nodded, his shoulders still tense. You knew he wanted you to become a Ward, but you just weren't sure how it would turn out. At the same time, becoming an independent had its own risks. And while you had faith in your powers, you weren't sure if you would be able to make it on your own.

A few minutes later, the two of you eat dinner. Your dad looked surprised and pleased by the cupcakes you made him. You tell him that it was Mom's recipe and he looks a bit sad, even as he eats them.

The mood brightens when you notice that he somehow managed to get icing on his forehead and ears. You make fun of him for it and he retaliates by spreading icing all over your cheeks. You put some more icing on his nose and before long it turns into an all our food fight. The two of you use the cupcakes as makeshift ammo, making a huge mess of the kitchen. You both end up having to clean it up.

Your dad eats a cupcake off the floor, citing the five second rule when he sees your disgusted expression.This is despite it laying there for at least two minutes. Your dad can be so gross sometimes.

Dad decides to order pizza and the two of you spend dinner talking about silly things, before going up to your rooms for bed.

Saturday, February 26, 2016
You did not have a good nights sleep.

Darkness. It was so cold. The smell... God, you could fucking taste it.

You couldn't breathe, didn't have enough air to scream.

You weren't sure how long you were here. Was it hours? Days? Weeks? Or were you slowly going insane? The laughter... you could still hear it, even though you knew they still weren't there. Or were they? Were they still standing in front of your locker, laughing at you even as you slowly choked to death on all the shit you were covered in? Was anyone there at all, or was it all in your imagination?

Please. Please let there be someone there. You didn't want to be alone. You didn't want to be trapped.

You wanted your mom. You wanted your dad. You wanted to go home.

Please. Somebody. Anybody. Let me out...

As always, you woke up choking on your breath. It took a good few seconds for you to realize that you weren't trapped in that locker. That you were home, in your room. The light shone down from your window and you took a moment to bask in it, to stretch out your limbs and take a deep breath of fresh air.

Another nightmare. The first in the last few weeks as a matter of fact. You supposed that it was a sign of your recovery; you usually woke up screaming whenever you dreamt of the locker. Your could almost imagine the proud expression on your therapist now.

Alice Copper, your therapist, was quite possibly the most cheerful person you had ever met. The smallest of improvements were the biggest of deals to her, and she made sure to always tell you how much of a special person you were after each session. You weren't completely sure she was being patronizing or if she actually cared about you.

You get up and get dressed, making sure to grab David's phone and battery when you walk out of your room. You planned on throwing it in the trash when you get the chance. As it was, you had a lot of things to get done. What are you going to do first?

Certain key events will happen throughout the day that may have greater effects later on. Depending on where you are or what you're doing at the time, you can affect the outcome of these events, making things better or worse for yourself later on. What will you do throughout the day? (Whatever order you put your choices in, thats the order in which Taylor will carry them out.)

[X] Testing out some of your powers.
-[X] To Be A Spy, You Gotta Dress Like A Spy (2 hours)
-[X] Sherlock Scan (1 hour)
-[X] Get Shanked (1 hours)
-[X] Bubble Bubble, Toil And Trouble (2 hours)
-[X] Testing out ALL of your powers at the same time. (6 hours)
--[X] Where will you test out your powers?
[X] Reading a book. (3 hours)
-[X] What book?
--[X] What character?
[X] Meeting up with Aunt Hilda (2 hours)
-[X] What will you talk about?
[X] Studying (2 hours)
-[X] What will you study?
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Sorry about the short update. As I was writing it, I realized that a lot of the things I had planned for the day was largely determined by where and what Taylor was doing at the time. I didn't want to make the choice for you guys, since today is the day that things officially get complicated.
If she reads Harry Potter as Hermione and does research would the world fit with all the extra information Rowling has given?
Like that in african countries the norm is to use wandless magic?
By J.K. Rowling
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Although Africa has a number of smaller wizarding schools (for advice on locating these, see introductory paragraph), there is only one that has stood the test of time (at least a thousand years) and achieved an enviable international reputation: Uagadou. The largest of all wizarding schools, it welcomes students from all over the enormous continent. The only address ever given is 'Mountains of the Moon'; visitors speak of a stunning edifice carved out of the mountainside and shrouded in mist, so that it sometimes appears simply to float in mid-air. Much (some would say all) magic originated in Africa, and Uagadou graduates are especially well versed in Astronomy, Alchemy and Self-Transfiguration.

The wand is a European invention, and while African witches and wizards have adopted it as a useful tool in the last century, many spells are cast simply by pointing the finger or through hand gestures. This gives Uagadou students a sturdy line of defence when accused of breaking the International Statute of Secrecy ('I was only waving, I never meant his chin to fall off'). At a recent International Symposium of Animagi, the Uagadou School Team attracted a lot of press when their exhibition of synchronised transforming caused a near riot. Many older and more experienced witches and wizards felt threatened by fourteen-year-olds who could turn at will into elephants and cheetahs, and a formal complaint was lodged with the International Confederation of Wizards by Adrian Tutley (Animagus: gerbil). The long list of celebrated ex-students produced by Uagadou includes Babajide Akingbade, who succeeded Albus Dumbledore as the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards.

Students receive notice that they have gained entrance at Uagadou from Dream Messengers, sent by the headmaster or headmistress of the day. The Dream Messenger will appear to the children as they sleep and will leave a token, usually an inscribed stone, which is found in the child's hand on waking. No other school employs this method of pupil selection.
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If she reads Harry Potter as Hermione and does research would the world fit with all the extra information Rowling has given?
Like that in african countries the norm is to use wandless magic?

If what you mean is if Word of God can affect the fictional reality Taylor is in, then yes. If the author of a work explicitly states something about a fictional work, then it will be true within that fictional work. But only if Taylor herself reads what the author says.

Quick question, what time is it currently?

It's 8:00 AM.
Now that we can get a power can we please pick one that gives at least gives super durability? It's just so embarrasing that a drugged up mook can still threaten someone who can gain any power she wants.
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Now that we can get a power can we please pick one that gives super durability? It's just so embarrasing that a drugged up mook can still threaten someone who can gain any power she wants.
I have not read an actual book in forever, know any ones with a character with a good super-durability? I can think of several that give her plenty of fighting skills and reflexs as to avoid being stabbed in the first place, but can't think of many that makes actually getting stabbed no problem.
I have not read an actual book in forever, know any ones with a character with a good super-durability? I can think of several that give her plenty of fighting skills and reflexs as to avoid being stabbed in the first place, but can't think of many that makes actually getting stabbed no problem.
The thing I wrote has something to take care of that, and all we need to make it is a soldering iron, some sheet metal, and a bag of sugar!
The thing I wrote has something to take care of that, and all we need to make it is a soldering iron, some sheet metal, and a bag of sugar!

I'm not super clear as to how your magic system works. Can you explain it to me?

Also, it has to be a book. Remember, Taylor does not have a computer right now.
The thing I wrote has something to take care of that, and all we need to make it is a soldering iron, some sheet metal, and a bag of sugar!
I feel that we are broken enough as it is without the ability to resort to web-fiction. It seems just fine to put ourselves through the burden of finding an official media that has what we want.

It's not like it's super hard. After some consideration, I remembered those Incarnations of Immortality I mentioned a while back. They are all immortal except for specific loop-holes. I think Death is the only one that can be killed, and then it's only by the one destined to become the next Death. Life and Fate give up their roles, War ceases to exist when there is no more war (even if only for a couple of days), and Time gives it up at some causally pre-ordained time.

Then there are the Ring Wraiths in the Lord of the Rings. And if she can put up with living it, the Vampires and Werewolves in Twilight are pretty damn tough. Apparently in Warrior Cats Lionblaze's special power is that he can't be hurt in battle, so that would work, though it might mean we'd have to be a cat to use it.
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Then there are the Ring Wraiths in the Lord of the Rings. And if she can put up with living it, the Vampires and Werewolves in Twilight are pretty damn tough. Apparently in Warrior Cats Lionblaze's special power is that he can't be hurt in battle, so that would work, though it might mean we'd have to be a cat to use it.

Aren't the Ring Wraiths weakness the fact that they will die if either their rings or the One ring is destroyed? Would definitely be worth gaining the power if we ever gained an inventory like video game characters have where we are the only ones who have access to it(note never remove the ring from inventory). Exactly how tough are Twilight vampires?