Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

Ah, that's because Contessa/Cauldron practically was doing the Simurgh's work, to a point that i don't think it can even be called coincidental. For example: manton getting the siberian vial, Gray Boy getting his vial, the vials shipment getting lost into the Travelers hands, they being convinced that the S9 is actually useful to their end goal instead of fantastically harmful (Jack and Scion), some more things i forget. All of these aren't really intentional but they show that the purported Cauldron PoV advantage probably isn't all that against a master manipulator hidden from it like the Smurf.

Also I'll especially note that conversation between Jack and Scion sounds exactly like a prepared trigger set to explode at just the right time after all conditions are set and could have been done earlier or later since both are static personalities, which sounds just like the Smurf M.O.
I get that, what I am having perceiving is why you, who believes the Simurgh is working agaisn't Scion would work agaisn't us, her best bet of ending Scion.
That's easy; we changed the script and are therefore dangerous.

(besides, I want to kill the bitch, a enemy entity even smugger than Tattletale can't be allowed to live.)
Go big or go home, blah blah blah.
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I get that, what I am having perceiving is why you, who believes the Simurgh is working agaisn't Scion would work agaisn't us, her best bet of ending Scion.

Because Simmie is apparently that much of a bitch. So much so that she'd rather ruin a good way to get rid of Scion out of petty jealously because she didn't have a hand in creating the plans.

Or at least, that's what I pretty much got from this whole argument concerning Ziz mind-fucking us and the countermeasures we need to take.

And hell, if it's really all that bad then just have Taylor read some Deadpool comics. He's completely immune to mental manipulation, but also completely insane.

But it's an option.
It's not just mental manipulation.
The Simurgh complete list of (known) powers are:
large range super precise TK which it uses to see what would happen if she were to poke brains like this (there is no telepathy in worm)
using tinkers shards in range of her (if she even has a range and is not pretending and if she even is limited to tinkers and can't access, for example thinkers)
massive parallel mentality

Even if she can't hurt us directly just seeing our future or short range past can be lethal to us. If we deny that with a power, it doesn't mean family and friends are safe if she wants to fuck with us either.

She can't see the present, which is a interesting weakness. I suggested timestop and a mindblank effect to take advantage, but even that she'd see coming (because of her non-future), but might not have a chance to evade if we can find her. Another way is those probability/impossibility powers to remove her advantage. Yet another is to react instantly to her plans, either through true telepathy and very fast thoughts or through scry vs scry and hope that obfuscates things enough that in a pure skill contest she can actually lose.

But in the end, i doubt any of the other voters is actually interested in getting this done soon, but don't be surprised if there is a literal sword of damocles on this quest, because a evil prophet exists in this setting and the quest has a literal madness meter.
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Okay, firstly your level or paranoia is kinda high there and secondly the Nine are not that big of a threat when we can just throw them into orbit and they won't be coming back.
I should point out that we can't do that to Siberian, as it's suggested she can get past Monkey King's toughness, just like Alexandria's, which would then require a healer, or healing powers. One of the S9 is a power negating Trump, and so can't be attacked directly. Also, one is a pryokinetic, and we have a fear of fire. Not to mention we don't know what Bonesaw's stuff might do to us.

I'd offer Blinks power from Xanth series not very op, has limits, and generally helpful without being the center of attention.
No its not really plot armor, it can be worked around and cant really help in physical fights that involve skill, or at all.
Bink's power would be interesting. Especially since they work less by directly negating other powers, and by manipulating the situation to get them out of trouble. Even makes it so everyone (including Bink at times) forgets what his powers are. Could explain everything away as Bink's powers manipulating the situation.

Of course, only works to protect against powers, so might be interesting.
(there is no telepathy in worm)

Isn't there WoG countering this?
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Oh? I'm not aware of that. Doesn't make much difference to the listing anyway. Only makes her slightly more dangerous if she can do it, and we can do it anyway, since out of context problem.

edit: actually, that's a thought, get professor X power and mindread the Smurf... ahah, well it's probably a bad thought, since it invites much madness. Onslaught anyone?
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I'm of course voting against deadpool for simple reasons such as:
trainwreck of a personality and life
inadequate power for our personal protection from the goddamn Simurgh
torture, so much torture
are you even trying
more torture
+murder count for Taylor
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I'm of course voting against deadpool for simple reasons such as:
trainwreck of a personality and life
inadequate power for our personal protection from the goddamn Simurgh
torture, so much torture
are you even trying
more torture
+murder count for Taylor
Okay the first doesn't actualy matter all that much due to shorteness of required imersion
considering that he is know for being completely ipredictable and regenarating his head it surely helps
You do realize we can chose stories were he doesn't spend all his time being torured don't you ?
Lastly the murder counter won't rise from things we do in fiction, cosidering how many people she kiled on her very first video.
Sorry guys. Update will be a little late this time.

I love all the discussion that's going on. Its giving me so many good ideas.
(there is no telepathy in worm)
There is. Taylor's got it with her bugs.
8.4 comments section said:
In truth, when they're quoting the scientists as saying "There's no telepathy, it's impossible." they're quoting something where the scientists theorized that thought-transference wouldn't work. Which is similar but different.

Yes, Taylor is telepathic – she transmits information via. yet-unknown channels to her bugs, who respond, and through these same channels, she gets very frequent (to the point that it feels real-time) updates on her bugs' positions, biology/status, etc. in what's sort of a very rapid, hyper-detailed echolocation.

Meanwhile, thought-transference is more the 'put thoughts in other people's heads, or take thoughts out of other's heads and understand them.'
How about reading a discworld novel? At worst we will become death and remember everyting that ever happend or ever will happen. I personally would hope for granny weaterwax or nanna ogg. Both are skilled in headologi.
...Anyone up for being Ivy from Dresden files? After getting super sanity from somewhere obviously but you can't knock the usefulness of everything written ever.

Also, is Ichika from that Infinite Stratos quest a viable candidate? Because he is the reincarnation of Berzerkalot and has perfect skill in combat. Might help with our strength problem.
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It occurs to me that I only know two characters to get super sanity from but one of them is biological so it probably won't work for dives and the other is from a worm fanfic so she probably won't work unless we switch the names around. And even then it's mildly pornographic in what we only read and I'm not sure Taylor's ready for that.
At worst we will become death and remember everyting that ever happend or ever will happen. I personally would hope for granny weaterwax or nanna ogg. Both are skilled in headologi.


Taylor: I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.


...Anyone up for being Ivy from Dresden files? After getting super sanity from somewhere obviously but you can't knock the usefulness of everything written ever.

Also, is Ichika from that Infinite Stratos quest a viable candidate? Because he is the reincarnation of Berzerkalot and has perfect skill in combat. Might help with our strength problem.

If we're talking about quests, then we should endeavor to become Zhang from Eastern Rhapsody. We can get a lot of mileage from I Am The Terror, I Am The Night, I Am… Oh! A Butterfly, wow!
I should point out that we can't do that to Siberian, as it's suggested she can get past Monkey King's toughness, just like Alexandria's, which would then require a healer, or healing powers. One of the S9 is a power negating Trump, and so can't be attacked directly. Also, one is a pryokinetic, and we have a fear of fire. Not to mention we don't know what Bonesaw's stuff might do to us.
Actually inleast Taylor's power is shardbased, then that power negating Trump can't do shit.

Also Any anti-precog would INSTANTLY shut off ALL futures for Ziz, because our power growth is FUCKING large, The fact the Ziz hasn't attacked us yet is shocking because its now or Death since Taylor isn't going to spare her. In fact how do we know we DON'T have anti precog yet? If Simmy can read our future then she would know that WE WILL grow strong enough to end her (though non of her precog would be able to detect futures where we get anti-precog... because anti-precog)
That's a definitive point, and one of the reasons that if i was more attentive i would have voted 'antiprecog ASAP' on the first power vote for extra-paranoia (never leave home without it).

Some possible explanations for the case we do end up killing her:
1. She gave up. She knows she's going to die and can't avoid it, so is focusing as much on her job (she seemed a bit emotionless in the interludes) or less happily on leaving the largest mess possible to her killer.
2. She doesn't know who you are when you kill her (my much preferred alternative).
3. we use a fate fake-out to kill her ( destiny defying spell / exaltation impossibility breaking / luck manipulation / etc ), so the future victory she sees is completely false.

There is another consideration for precog bullshit on the Smurf level: there is literally nothing stopping her from learning who you are in a timeline possibility branch and leaving a 'message' back to the past, which then gets propagated to the other timelines possibility branches (when past Smurf receives the info) on a place that she checks regularly in precog. So all the branches would get the knowledge of one who succeeded, in a sort of bootstrapping. I mean, yes that future would become a 'impossible' one but that seems to happen all the time in fiction with clairvoyance anyway, and i don't think future-Simurgh simulation (or not?) would care.

It's a utterly bullshit power.
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Some clarification on Taylor's power:

Taylor does not get new shards every time she gets a power. She only has and only will have one shard: Queen Administrator. All the powers she gets are completely shardless. They're more of the effect of a power, than powers themselves. For instance, if Lung's power was taken away after he just got done burning down a building, that doesn't mean that the fire consuming the building would disappear. If for some reason QA is taken away or Taylor comes in contact with a power surpressing Trump, it will not affect the powers she has gained.

It will, however, affect their Manton Limits.

The Manton Limits are there to keep the host safe. Whenever Taylor gains a power from a fictional work, QA makes sure to apply Manton Limits to any power she gets so that way she won't accidentally kill herself. If Taylor does come in contact with a power surpressing Trump, then the Trump would suppress the Manton Limits themselves instead of the powers Taylor gains.

Which would be really bad, depending on what power Taylor has at the time.
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