Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

You know you realy should stop fearmongering so much @SCO, normaly I try to not acuse people, and I could have let Contesa pass, because even if she is limited be having to know which paths to chose unless you are a bindspot her power is realy bulshit but if you are calling Coil omnisciente then you have either lost the sense of scale or doing it on purpose.
He said "not omniscient". Using the Smurf as a reference.
Exactly. There was that quote from the QM saying that the conflicts would scale to the power levels you guys get. So by rushing to get invulnerability and mind blank and all that other shit, you're just digging the hole deeper, and begging for a endbringer or S9 fight, rather than street level stuff.

Also, the whole "spending time to deal with issues or being happy" being the things that stabilize the sanity meter, but instead reaching for more powers. But I realize trying to get non-dakka actions like that that are a lost cause.
Exactly. There was that quote from the QM saying that the conflicts would scale to the power levels you guys get. So by rushing to get invulnerability and mind blank and all that other shit, you're just digging the hole deeper, and begging for a endbringer or S9 fight, rather than street level stuff.

Also, the whole "spending time to deal with issues or being happy" being the things that stabilize the sanity meter, but instead reaching for more powers. But I realize trying to get non-dakka actions like that that are a lost cause.
Hey I agree with the spending time being a teen thing. I'm just stockpiling characters for later.
Exactly. There was that quote from the QM saying that the conflicts would scale to the power levels you guys get. So by rushing to get invulnerability and mind blank and all that other shit, you're just digging the hole deeper, and begging for a endbringer or S9 fight, rather than street level stuff.

Also, the whole "spending time to deal with issues or being happy" being the things that stabilize the sanity meter, but instead reaching for more powers. But I realize trying to get non-dakka actions like that that are a lost cause.

I don't care about your out of context rationalizations to prevent Taylor being able to defend herself. I know that logic says that mind blank as you call it should have been the very first power we got, simply because the less rope you give the smurf to hang you with the better. In world, with the information that Taylor has she absolutely could make that deduction. Everyone knows that endbringers target people that can make a difference, she now has cosmic power. Do the math.

Besides, even in your rationale, it's too late. You already went out and got a broken power that absolutely can be abused by the monsters in the setting, not getting mind blank right now is completely irresponsible.

Unless it's all a plan by the Smurf to prevent Contessa from being able to kill Taylor while letting Contessa (also a useful tool) alive. Ohhhh. Well whatever, i still prefer to leave her less material to model us.
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I mean, you guys are already doing a bang up job making sure she's completely screwed (up) mentally, without even inviting the Simurgh herself to the party
Too bad, because she has a standing invitation to all parties in earth bet*. And you just announced to her postcognition you're a brute 12 - even if you take the mind blank now to prevent her looking at your future.

*and beyond, let's not forget the Travelers
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[X] "Do you remember when you used to read "Journey to the West" to me? Turns out Sun Wukong does not get Superman motor control."
Well, i guess you can feel safe trusting on luck and QM benovolence to pretend that the Simurgh will not care and / or not discover your power if you lay low and don't take measures against her clairvoyance.

To be honest, even getting countermeasures is a risk, if she notices and escalates a countermeasure to our countermeasure.
Which she very well might because we know from canon that Coil is part and parcel of a Simurgh plot (Travelers) and Coil and Tattletale will notice this. However, pretending everything is fine if she does get interested in us is a sure(r) way to get fucked.

Actually i kinda suspect Worm itself is structured like it was a Simurgh plot to kill Scion with Taylor a central part, so the QM can justify you're already fucked sideways.
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I'd offer Blinks power from Xanth series not very op, has limits, and generally helpful without being the center of attention.
No its not really plot armor, it can be worked around and cant really help in physical fights that involve skill, or at all.
Well, i guess you can feel safe trusting on luck and QM benovolence to pretend that the Simurgh will not care and / or not discover your power if you lay low and don't take measures against her clairvoyance.

To be honest, even getting countermeasures is a risk, if she notices and escalates a countermeasure to our countermeasure.
Which she very well might because we know from canon that Coil is part and parcel of a Simurgh plot and Coil and Tattletale will notice this. However, pretending everything is fine if she does get interested in us is a sure(r) way to get fucked.
Hello there, Mr. Strawman!

I have literally never claimed we shouldn't get anti precog abilities. Neither have I said we should rely entirely on luck and GM's benevolence.

What you should do, however, is calm down and stop being such an overly sarcastic twit to everyone else. Your holier-than-thou attitude and bossiness are exactly the things I don't want to see in my spare time playing what amounts to a game.

shut up or get your act together before making any further posts.
I gotta say, I am loving all of the discussion going on. But at the same time, maybe you guys should calm down?
I honestly don't see what stopping us from finding something to prevent us from being wrecked by thinkers, mostly its just discussing what we are looking for.

Besides, would the Simurgh even be able to affect us, cause she affects people through TK brain surgery and using post/precognition to do it, but would she even be able to bring about enough force to affect us? Cause we are REALLY durable, like durable to the level of outright "just no." levels of durability, which means that I doubt that she could effect our brain with the power being on.
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Sarcasm is a beautiful flower of the internet and i'm proud of mine. It keeps me sane. So no, i have no urge to obey your dictat (can you believe auto correct says this is wrong?).

@Sour Knight, currently she can't use that power, and the Simurgh doesn't depend on just brute force to destroy people. Actually, i kinda expect her to mindfuck and brutalize Danny like Jack in Canon (it probably was her arranging it there too). But them's them breaks when you get Goku level power without thinking of how to protect yourself and your loved ones first.
You're right that being brain immune is probably a good first step to avoid breaking too early, but she'll just get tricky then.
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dictat (can you believe auto correct says this is wrong?).
I can. Because it is.
Oxford Dictionaries said:
Pronunciation: /ˈdɪktat/
An order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent:
'a diktat from the Bundestag'
[MASS NOUN]: 'he can disband the legislature and rule by diktat'


1930s: from German, from Latin dictatum 'something dictated', neuter past participle of dictare.

Edit: I do believe the popular consent is for you to stop fraying on the nerves of other voters. As such, this isn't a diktat.
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Also why would we gather the Simurghs attention for being Brute: Yes? It still wouldn't beat it, and in a week of quest time we will have probably managed to find some form of fiction that will help with the precog problem, so all this fear mongering is kinda a bit much considering, all we need to do is go looking for fiction that has powers about being fateless or something, shouldn't be that hard considering that there is a lot of us so we can all just calm down and think about how hilarious having a tail is.
Because the quest has a sanity meter and the Simurgh operates by spreading hopelessness and triggers through proxies? And our brute rating is 'can destroy cities in 2 hours'? If you want Taylor to be known as another S class threat by all means, ignore this, but i'm of the opinion that the faster you prepare, the less chance of Jack giving a wider smile to danny in this alternate reality (not much of a chance sadly. Danny will not have mind blank powers).

That is, if logic reigns, if you just want to touch the fluffy tail, by all means pretend the Simurgh doesn't exist. Maybe the QM will not even fuck you over.*

*although i personally would be sad, because canon didn't ignore her almost omniscience. It hangs together that the events of the Golden Morning are so unlikely and so dependent on Taylor being traumatized in that exact way and being a master and all that it was a Smurf rebellion.**

**Consider also that if this reality is consistent with canon until the alt-power and that premise holds, things just got derailed, and getting a mindblank power on top might push her to another alternative, or even negotiation, since usually it was Eden placing limits on shards, so from her perspective we're either a new thing (not a parahuman) or a unlocked shard from Eden if she can't tell.
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Okay, firstly your level or paranoia is kinda high there and secondly the Nine are not that big of a threat when we can just throw them into orbit and they won't be coming back.

Also the precog blank power is directly on our list as next to get so the concern isn't that high as I don't think you understand what will happen when we get it.

Once we are immune to precog all things close to us basically become uncertain which means that the methods used to mess with us become harder and harder as even if they base us off when we didn't have it, how would they know things weren't going according to plan when all Ziz thinks we are is a brute then suddenly we pull out stuff she hadn't seen and that we could completely blindside her when she even becomes a problem.
Luck in Nasuverse is defined as one's ability to defy fate. The rankings system is relative to Servants, so it's iffy on how good they really are, but Servants pull off some utterly ridiculous stunts.
**Consider also that if this reality is consistent with canon until the alt-power,
Except it's February 26, 2016. You were saying?
Maaa, i forgot about that date thing, good catch. Nothing else seems to have changed though.

And you Sour Knight do have a point about chaotic alterations starting from Taylor disrupting things... but if the Simurgh does want us to suffer she can do it by pushing things where we aren't and using a heavier hand than usual and short term paths.

This is why Danny is in danger, Jack Slash going against you with loaded with powers is obvious result. But Jack Slash going to your house while you're involved on a gang war with the E88 like in canon? Worse, i don't think the distraction really has to be all that much time. She's perfectly able to influence Jack to move to BB and then influence him to get Danny when you're not there in a short postcog path (the past is fixed, reactions of other people would say where we are, etc).
She might not because your reaction would be uncertain without heavy modeling. Which is another reason to blind her now i guess. Prevent heavier modeling and discourage a central role in her plans (she might try to kill you because of your disturbance though *shrug*.)
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You want to have Taylor play as a nasuverse character? Do you want to push Taylor's sanity to zero?
... Point. Still, conceptually having the origin of humanity's wisdom is pretty damn awesome.

Ryuugi said:
Brian isn't Taylor. At all. In someways they may seem similar, but they really, really aren't and it gets especially obvious when you really look at things. Like, you look at the Undersiders and at first you think, 'okay, so Brian's the pragmatic, responsible one.Lisa's the smart, knowledgeable one, Alec's the blunt, easy-going one, and Rachel's the crazy one. Taylor is the other responsible one.' But as you look closer, you see where that breaks down, and the biggest way is this.

Taylor's not the responsible one. Taylor's the bat shit crazy one--Rachel's just maladjusted.

Jokes of escalation aside, we all know how Taylor gets, especially given a goal to focus on. She's somewhere between unstoppable and suicidal. I want to be a hero--let me throw myself against Lung the first night out. I want to be a hero--let me take up an absurdly dangerous plan to go undercover with no experience. An Endbringer attacks and I have no way to harm it in the slightest? Let me rush towards the oncoming tsunami. Coil has Dinah? I'll do whatever it takes to save her. The Slaughterhouse Nine? Behemoth? The end of the world? Scion? I'll do whatever it takes.

And she does. She gives up everything to do that, several times. Once she starts going, she never stops and even though her power is nowhere near weak, she regularly goes off to fight people she just outright can't hurt. High risk, high reward; high risk, low reward. It doesn't matter. She starts and keeps going until she crashes or everything that could kill her is gone--and usually reached the latter first.

Brian's kind of the obvious. I mean, I know a lot of people have pointed out he's kind of bland--hell, even Wildbow's said that he needed to do more with him on the rewrite. After his second trigger especially, he almost seemed to vanish, even before Taylor became a Ward and when he died, it was hard to even notice. I like Gruea lot, but there's are obvious and definite issues with him on that front.

And I think the biggest might be this. Brian's pretty easy-going. He's remarkably well-adjusted for a Parahuman and he's usually pretty content, too. He wanted custody of his sister and not much else. When he got that, he wanted to keep what he had, protect his friends, etc. And...that's it. That was all he really did or wanted to do and so he was fine just cooling his heals afterwards.

The thing is, Grue is super powerful. He can black out city blocks with a gesture and everyone inside? Is fucked. Post-second trigger, Grue could easily claim to be one of the most powerful capes in the world, at least potentially. I mean, after he sets up his shit, 99% of all capes are fucked--he doesn'tjust steal powers, after all, he plunges anyone within into sensory deprivation, weakens their powers, and then steals them. If you put him against the Brockton Bay Protectorateand Wards? I'm pretty sure he could rip them apart on his own. In his darkness, most of them are screwed outright and the few that aren't couldn't last long once he starts juggling his powers. And he gets worse the more people show up. Honestly, I thought the Echidna fight was his worst showing by far, because holy shit--how are you having any problems whatsoever here? You can pick and chose from just about anyone you want. Same with the Behemoth fight.

When Alexandria threatened the Undersiders, when she told Taylor how she would take them down, I blinked and wondered what the fuck she was talking about. When, afterwards, Defiant pressed her, mentioning the danger they'd be in, how many heroes would go after them...I was scratching my head. Because if you send a horde of heroes into Brockton Bay, they're fucked. Tattletale means your odds of taking them by surprise are negligable at best and Taylor makes that even worse with her bugs. Imp is an assassin they can't notice or stop. And, once the element of surprise is gone, Grue crushes you. He blacks out city blocks, swathes massive chunks of the city in darkness that the heroes can't see in, can't hear in, can barely feel stuff in--and it cuts down their powers, weakens them even as Brian grows in strength himself. If Alexandria goes after the Undersiders, Grue takes her powers. Or Legends. Or whoever Lisa says is best for the situation.

And once you're down, once you're beaten, Regent takes you.

And then you add in Parian. Foil. Accord and his dudes. More options in their own right and Grue can take their powers at will. And you want to send a horde of heroes in there after them? What are you going to do, put them in the Birdcage? Are you out of your goddamn mind--you want a power copier in that place?

After his second trigger, even after Taylor, Grue and the Undersiders could do whatever the hell they wanted. Noteasily, perhaps, but they could. They could have expanded into Boston and New York easily. The greater the opposition, the stronger they are.

But the thing about Brian is, he's not that kind of guy. He doesn't care. You leave him be, you ignore him, he's fine, he stays put. He did for years, before and after Taylor. Even when his power was just at will sensory deprivation, he could have joined any major gang and gone far, but he's not really into pushing the limits or taking risks. What he wanted was to provide for Aisha, keep her safe, and that was it. Even after things went to hell, after Bonesaw, he didn't really care about much--not even revenge, really. He could have gotten it; pick the right capes to copy, find the Nine, plot things out, kill them; he could probably have managed.

Instead, he stayed put. Grew his power base, but safely, quietly. One of the strongest capes in the world, honestly pretty content.

Put in this situation, would he have done the same thing as Taylor? Almost certainly not. For one thing, if this was Brian without his trigger event, he'd be different but probably still well off-ish. He wants to help Aisha, but he didn't need his power to beat the shit out of his mom's boyfriend and getting her out of her drug addict mom's place was easy. There were issues between her and his dad, things he wanted resolved, but still, he was pretty good. But not triggering, not getting powers? That fucks Taylor up. She was near a breaking point even with them; three months without them and shit going awry? Damn. Is it any surprise this happened, that she mutated horribly?

But let's say he does, that he gets the same powers--how does he handle this. He reaches out to Contessa, gets her powers, and then what?

Honestly, he probably just leaves. See, Taylor could have done that at any time. The moment she got Doormaker's powers, she could have fucked off out of here. Brian probably would, maybe grabbing Doormaker and bringing him along so they couldn't easily follow. If Aisha was taken too, he gets her, reaches out to Panacea if she needs healing, and goes from there. Make it hard to follow, path to making it not worth hunting him down, and done. He wouldn't care about saving everyone Cauldron ever touched, righting every wrong, or any of that, just getting out and saving Aisha. Might also plot a path to fix things with her and her custody issues on that front.

Or, perhaps more likely, Contessa mindwhammies him. It'd be pretty easy. The moment he survives, proves he's alive, and shows his power...suddenly he's useful as all hell. A force multiplier. And Contessa could plot a course to getting him everything he wants and then some. Cauldron could german suplex Aisha's custody issue like it was nothing, get him money, get him set up, everything he wants, and make him a major player in the process. She could align her path with his and they could both get what they want; Grue would be a name mentioned alongside Eidolon or another of Cauldron's boogiemen. It would have been a win for Cauldron, even if Grue didn't like them; he's pragmatic and they have resources, access to other powerful capes.

He sure as hell wouldn't do what Taylor did, because he's not crazy. Contessa could have taken a lot of the fight out of him by name dropping Eidolon, someone he couldn't beat, couldn't model, but she didn't even try that with Taylor. Why? Because Taylor wouldn't have backed off, she'd just have gotten worse. She gets her powers, gets her PtV, and the first thing she does is look at all of Cauldron and go 'Fight me!' She copies Crawler, not just to survive the initial changes, but to mutate herself into something monstrous and unstoppable, even though that means stuff like melting off her own face, burning alive, and worse. She takes risks rather than holding to PtV's comfort, teleports, shuts Cauldron down, and focuses on and goes after Contessa specifically.

And then, when that's done, she focuses on the other Case 53s, starts plotting out how to help them escape, keep them together, and keep them safe. In the back of her mind, she's got lists of threats and enemies and they include names like 'The Protectorate' and 'The PRT' and a shit ton of other major groups. In front of her, she's got a bunch of super volatile mutated capes. And she wants to escape with them, keep them together as a group, and figure something out. Hit this point, this point, this point. Do this regardless of the risk. Mutate and break myself for the win.

You can't really say Brain would handle this in anything like the same way, because unlike Taylor's his crazy train has actual breaks--he periodically stops and goes 'Maybe this isn't a good idea' or 'Do I really need to do this?' Taylor...Taylor just kind of doesn't.

Felt like this was a good reminder for people.
Good old escalation. Really ideally, Taylor wouldn't have a deadweight parent and we could escalate all the way to the (almost) top of this pyramid of evil by first becoming a mindblank, then quickly moving to other places under our own power with red spy so the Smurf doesn't have even a shadow of a clue where we are and then prepare to kill her in as unavoidable a manner as we could.

But since that's a pipe dream, i think the Smurf will strike first. Narratively speaking. And the crazy train will get crazier than that scenario before it hits.
Which is a pity, because to give up initiative in a war is kinda bad and Taylor will be crazier at the end than if she was coldly calculating at the start and strike at the ultimate (as far as she knows) enemy first.
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Hey @SCO I was wondering, if you think worm was essentialy a Simurgh plot and considering Contessa end goal what make you think that both of then are going to come down on us ? Considering our powers and their objectives wouldn't that be extremely counterintuitive ?
Ah, that's because Contessa/Cauldron practically was doing the Simurgh's work, to a point that i don't think it can even be called coincidental. For example: manton getting the siberian vial, Gray Boy getting his vial, the vials shipment getting lost into the Travelers hands, they being convinced that the S9 is actually useful to their end goal instead of fantastically harmful (Jack and Scion), some more things i forget. All of these aren't really intentional but they show that the purported Cauldron PoV advantage probably isn't all that against a master manipulator hidden from it like the Smurf.

Also I'll especially note that conversation between Jack and Scion sounds exactly like a prepared trigger set to explode at just the right time after all conditions are set and could have been done earlier or later since both are static personalities, which sounds just like the Smurf M.O.

So it's not that i exactly think that Contessa will come down to kills us. It's that i was trying to find devil advocate ways for a 'don't get Simurgh immunity right now!' stance to make sense. And the only thing i could think of was, either she will find out too soon and escalate, or she's counting on that to make something happen to Contessa, which would put us in Contessa path from pre-modeling or from Simurgh modeling Contessa.
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