Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

I had a really stupid thought: read the old testament genesis and become god. I wonder how hard the QM would slap that down. Probably we'd 'gain' the power to create earth at the rate of 10 grams/hour.
The QM slapped it down in the very beginning. Since non-fiction books don't count and he doesn't want to get into a religious artifact all non-dead religious texts are a no-go.
Honestly, I fell we should stop planing like the whole of Worm is going to come knock on our door the second we turn our back to it.
Besides the way we get radomized and reworked parts ofthe powersets whitout the actual skills at using it means that like the Monkey King ging for bulshit power and hope everything works out will tend to backfire.
I know this will be hard to do considering the nature of quests but I think we should take as step back and soon , stop hunting for a breath of powers and work on their actual depth, seriously we don't need a perfect defence agaisnt every thing we may encouter as long as we are smart about it and as I already said the way our power works make it unlikely to succed.
With that said I think we should first dive a few more time into Sherlock Holmes, it as a safe a proposition as we can hope for, grants very uselful abilities and will give us wealth of information about how our power works so that we can make actualy actionable plans.
I'm making the point we DO need perfect defense against precogs (and masters and thinkers would be nice). There is a massive obstacle against our immediate future called the Simurgh* that is literally watching everything we can do except if we get a power like this.

If there is no better suggestion for power cancelers i vote for that Zero guy the next time there is a vote

*and minor ones called Contessa and Tattletale
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I'm making the point we DO need perfect defense against precogs (and masters and thinkers would be nice). There is a massive obstacle against our immediate future called the Simurgh* that is literally watching everything we can do except if we get a power like this.

If there is no better suggestion for power cancelers i vote for that Zero guy the next time there is a vote

*and minor ones called Contessa and Tattletale
Well there is the issue that Super Powereds is a web serial. So we'll at least need a phone. But after that we become the most powerful Trump in existence.
I think this is actually a effective strategy to kill her:

1. get power like that, that throws off her model of us in the future but is not really threatening to her (because she can still feel herself alive in most/all futures)
2. get a 'impossible becomes possible/certain' or 'improbable becomes certain' or both power
3. kill her with 2 if you can use the power with 1. If not get a timestop power then kill her with 2 after turning off 1 and using timestop (the Simurgh can't see the present...). With luck we don't even need to resume time to kill her like this, but if we do, we should stack the deck even worse than Homura in PMMM.

Err, there is also the fact we need to damage the core, if 2 doesn't take care of that, get some ignores defense or attacks all dimensions power or convince Fletchette to be useful and apply 2 to those attacks.
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I'm making the point we DO need perfect defense against precogs (and masters and thinkers would be nice). There is a massive obstacle against our immediate future called the Simurgh* that is literally watching everything we can do except if we get a power like this.

If there is no better suggestion for power cancelers i vote for that Zero guy the next time there is a vote

*and minor ones called Contessa and Tattletale

And I was making the points that we A)have some time,B) Are extremely unlikely to get an effective antiprecog and C) are extremely unlikely to atract their attention unless we actively go against them.
the third one is the most important because is heavily suported by the QM statements about story progession, which means your quest to try and make us immune to precogs is essentialy a self fulfiling prophecy, we won't need to take action agaisnt precogs as long as we don't try to go against pregos thus we shold learn to crawl before dogfighting with madscience jets. (Also short of a Deus Ex Machina I can't see how we would become immune to Tattletale)
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[X] "Do you remember when you used to read "Journey to the West" to me? Turns out Sun Wukong does not get Superman motor control."
And I was making the points that we A)have some time,B) Are extremely unlikely to get an effective antiprecog and C) are extremely unlikely to atract their attention unless we actively go against them.
the third one is the most important because is heavily suported by the QM statements about story progession, which means your quest to try and make us immune to precogs is essentialy a self fulfiling prophecy, we won't need to take action agaisnt precogs as long as we don't try to go against pregos thus we shold learn to crawl before dogfighting with madscience jets. (Also short of a Deus Ex Machina I can't see how we would become immune to Tattletale)
While I agree on point A points B and C bother me. I have already suggested one of the best Trump powers in fiction. The literal ability to be not only completely immune to other people's powers but shut them down completely once you get in range. And as for C as soon as we become at all useful or noticeable Coil's gonna be precoging our ass six ways to sunday.
[X] "Do you remember when you used to read "Journey to the West" to me? Turns out Sun Wukong does not get Superman motor control."
While I agree on point A points B and C bother me. I have already suggested one of the best Trump powers in fiction. The literal ability to be not only completely immune to other people's powers but shut them down completely once you get in range. And as for C as soon as we become at all useful or noticeable Coil's gonna be precoging our ass six ways to sunday.
I am not saying that the power isn't god, it is just that between how our power works and the QM statements I fell there is very small chance of a power as broken as that work exactly as we want it to and that even if it did conflict would adjust acordingly (besides this is one of those powers that make fights realy boring). But about C you are heavily averestimating bot us and Coil, on one hand we will have to do something to mess with his plots with some regularity before we enter his radar, it won't altomaticaly hapens as soon as we step out of home, also you have to remenber Coils power is strongh but limited, at the same time that he probably wont do an attack which won't succed the simple fact is that he only has two timelines, many plots and is trying to take control of the entire city, there is only so much he can divert at us and even less that he will , condintional to much he has to handle and how our action either hinder or help his plans, which brings us back to C, the only precog we may have to realy worry on the short term doen't realy operate like a precog most of the time ,won't come after us until we mess with him sonehow and will propably try to manuver around us first isntead of nuking us out of nowhere. Thus the more we analize the situation the more I fell it will be safer to all involved if we focus more on building a solid and useful base isntead going straight for immunity to everything and seeing how the QM works around that.
for fraud by fucking with their bank accounts.
There's that one guy who made an awesome plane (forgot the name. Blackbird or something). Phillip made his car really good.

You get my point.

Also, Dragon can't get the program. Mainly because we get it from the book, not the Internet. The only way she could get it is she looked over Taylor's computer/the library's, which is just unnecessary paranoia. There's a limit to its usefulness and what you're proposing would mean Taylor may as well not use her powers at all just in case someone saw her.

nanayoung, I made a compilation of Wildbow's WoG statements directly from the comments section of Worm. Link.
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There's that one guy who made an awesome plane (forgot the name. Blackbird or something). Phillip made his car really good.

You get my point.

Also, Dragon can't get the program. Mainly because we get it from the book, not the Internet. The only way she could get it is she looked over Taylor's computer/the library's, which is just unnecessary paranoia. There's a limit to its usefulness and what you're proposing would mean Taylor may as well not use her powers at all just in case someone saw her.
Oh I know. Just pointing out it'd be hard to use it to fix our monetary problems. And we have no way of knowing how the QM will implement the power. She could make it so the program gets inserted into one if not more servers in the kind of places they were found in the book.
I am not saying that the power isn't god, it is just that between how our power works and the QM statements I fell there is very small chance of a power as broken as that work exactly as we want it to and that even if it did conflict would adjust acordingly (besides this is one of those powers that make fights realy boring). But about C you are heavily averestimating bot us and Coil, on one hand we will have to do something to mess with his plots with some regularity before we enter his radar, it won't altomaticaly hapens as soon as we step out of home, also you have to remenber Coils power is strongh but limited, at the same time that he probably wont do an attack which won't succed the simple fact is that he only has two timelines, many plots and is trying to take control of the entire city, there is only so much he can divert at us and even less that he will , condintional to much he has to handle and how our action either hinder or help his plans, which brings us back to C, the only precog we may have to realy worry on the short term doen't realy operate like a precog most of the time ,won't come after us until we mess with him sonehow and will propably try to manuver around us first isntead of nuking us out of nowhere. Thus the more we analize the situation the more I fell it will be safer to all involved if we focus more on building a solid and useful base isntead going straight for immunity to everything and seeing how the QM works around that.
Fair points. Though I will point out this is supposed to be an overpowered Quest.
I'll just say that you're sabotaging Taylor on purpose to get a more 'interesting' quest when i have no interest in being fucked yet again by Coil/PRT/etc

Besides, a power nullifier wouldn't be all that for direct effects i think. For one, it wouldn't stop bullets, it probably wouldn't stop tinkertech weapons, it even probably wouldn't stop things like energy beams directed from out of range. I only want it to stop thinkers, masters and some asshole with dimensional powers from turning Taylor into a pretzel.
Basically all the capes that directly affect the body of a parahuman with their power, or use voodoo to get important information out of you directly. For example, this probably wouldn't stop Sveta swallowing you, but it might stop her creating clones. There is no way that the QM can't make a Taylor with this power interesting.

I also find a power like this absolutely necessary for the death world that is Earth Bet, which makes me feel like a ass when people start to suggest : 'ooohh dragonball z next', like $&%**# and give her absurd earth breaking brute powers right away never even considering the real evil that the other classifications can do with such a cape.

Also i suggest some proofreading in your posts next time, i'm no saint about it, but that was almost unreadable.
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Oh I know. Just pointing out it'd be hard to use it to fix our monetary problems. And we have no way of knowing how the QM will implement the power. She could make it so the program gets inserted into one if not more servers in the kind of places they were found in the book.
Except it would break the theme. All the powers Taylor gained, she carried within herself. The switches represent those and I sincerely doubt Taylor's power would generate one on a random server.

It's much more likely for her to have to manually use a computer/phone/electronic device to access her abilities. Unwieldy in combat, especially against brutes.

I never specifically mentioned how she could get rid of financial worries. There are a plethora of ways, especially with what amounts to omnipotence. See Atlantis, the city of (literally) diamonds. Atoms are generated to create pwetty cwistal. She could do so with some other valuable substance and sell it in many places and not just one.

I wonder how powers interact? I mean similar ones. Say she gets Superman. Does she get extra strength by multiplication, additive or nothing extra? Some other power?
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Except it would break the theme. All the powers Taylor gained, she carried within herself. The switches represent those and I sincerely doubt Taylor's power would generate one on a random server.

It's much more likely for her to have to manually use a computer/phone/electronic device to access her abilities. Unwieldy in combat, especially against brutes.

I never specifically mentioned how she could get rid of financial worries. There are a plethora of ways, especially with what amounts to omnipotence. See Atlantis, the city of (literally) diamonds. Atoms are generated to create pwetty cwistal. She could do so with some other valuable substance and sell it in many places and not just one.

I wonder how powers interact? I mean similar ones. Say she gets Superman. Does she get extra strength by multiplication, additive or nothing extra? Some other power?
Yeah but artifacts can be persistent. And that's what the program is. Just a really powerful artifact.
[X] "I was monkeying around with my powers, a bit."

In the vein of "interesting over powerful", I shall recommend we read Discworld. Probably not as DEATH (there are rules, you know) but Vimes, Carrot, or Bloody Stupid Johnson should all work.
SCO and Bludflag, thanks for pointing out my mistakes. I'm always in such a hurry to out it out that I make all sorts of spelling mistakes.

Next update will be in a few hours. I want to go over my writing and fix some stuff.
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Modern Marvels: Iron.

Great reference point for something our civilization rests upon.

TV Tropes has Useful Notes, a section which contains information about stuff that appears on media frequently. It's the science-y version laid out in layman's terms. My favorite is the black hole entry.

So yeah, there's a lot of sources out there that simplify science. I'm fairly certain the voters will be willing to pitch in with some links.
I'll be honest, I think I've underestimated just how durable we are now, as it turns out, trillions of tons of force is a lot, as in supernova levels of force.

Unless anyone knows about that kinda of physics better than me I think we don't have to worry about much for threats barring the major ones.
Ahah, right, another guy that obviously didn't read the new chapters/discussion. Basically Taylor doesn't dare to use that power right now because sneezing might cause a tornado (or maybe eject earth's atmosphere? It's so hard to tell).

This is your fault munchkins. At least i hope you have the wisdom of voting for a thinker/master/stranger canceling power next, because let me tell you, everyone on earth bet except scion is a rat in a cage for the Simurgh and we just got the potential to deal unparalleled misery on the world. Red spy is good but not enough considering that it's the Smurf. Even then the DM will probably pull some 'yeah, she already modeled what you would do after you got the power', but at least not omniscient characters... like Contessa or Coil wont. And the masters are shutdown of course.
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You know you realy should stop fearmongering so much @SCO, normaly I try to not acuse people, and I could have let Contesa pass, because even if she is limited be having to know which paths to chose unless you are a bindspot her power is realy bulshit but if you are calling Coil omnisciente then you have either lost the sense of scale or doing it on purpose.

EdIt: Ignore what I said, I seen to have sufered some reading compreension failure.
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