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Ah. I suppose I missed out on that due to a tendency to skim over most of the participant discussion, although some of the circular arguing this thread has been prone to didn't exactly help there.
I don't think it was mentioned anywhere in this thread. You have to have read Ignition to know some of the background. Like Kyubey has, or will potentially in the future, accidentally summon an Eldrazi. And (then) own(ed) it.
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Actually, here are all the relevant bits. Except for Jades life in PMMM (Spoilers)

Warning: contains a recap from Kyubey's POV... and a bit extra.

The 13,575,872,324 Incubator gestalts in charge of maintaining local harvesting operations simultaneously established communications, temporarily leaving their charges unguarded. The meeting began immediately; there was no need for social niceties. They all knew why the Kyubey gestalt had organized an assembly, even if the more detailed data packets were still in transit.

"Subject #1: Jade Agni. Suffers from depression, mild paranoia, demophobia, iophobia, mild atychiphobia, and the phenomenon known as 'loneliness.' Jade's father, an entertainer, was collateral damage from Hanna Fukui's wish. Jade's mother, a cook, subsequently committed suicide, attempting to bring Jade with her. Minimal effort was required to turn Jade into a magical girl candidate."

"Intended as an expendable asset, Jade defied expectations by immediately turning to Jeanne Lorelle, a nearby magical girl. Attempts to dissuade her were unsuccessful. After Jade joined her on a witch hunt, Jeanne was easily misled into believing Jade had been kissed and was likely to spontaneously die if Bellatrix was not defeated in short order. Arranging for multiple incidents to delay Jeanne's allies required an unusually large amount of energy, but were still successful."

"As expected, Jade was mortally wounded shortly after. The familiar responsible also elected to curse her prior to its elimination. 173 seconds later, Jade somehow managed to throw off the curse. Seven seconds after that, she and the surrounding area spontaneously burst into flame, eliminating four of my bodies."

"Immediately thereafter, Jade displayed a massive personality shift and began to rampage through Bellatrix's barrier, leaving an inferno in her wake. Said flames were not natural and somehow managed to destroy all grief they touched. Jade fell unconscious shortly after defeating Bellatrix. Scans determined that the entirety of her body had sustained severe damage save for her brain."

"Upon awakening, Jade was easily convinced to contract. She also agreed to a scan of her soul in exchange for a 20% increase in power."

"Understanding her soul proved to be surprisingly difficult. Several 'empty' areas were discovered early on, but it took significantly longer to establish a reliable means of detecting what was actually there. A complete copy of my findings has been distributed and is currently in transit. Suffice to say that her soul contained a source of power violating the rule of conservation. While I believe I could have determined a way to manipulate the 'Red' energy given enough time, an unknown structure overlaying her entire soul activated and began to actively interfere with my scans. Said structure greatly increased the amount of Red energy her soul was producing, but it forced me to conclude the process early."

"After she had become a magical girl, instead of immediately accumulating enough grief to become a witch, Jade's soul remained completely clear of grief. Unfortunately, any attempts to approach her for an explanation were met with hostility and immediate termination of the avatar contacting her. Jade vanished the day after."

"Immediately following her transformation into a magical girl, I attempted to recreate the circumstances responsible for the appearance of the secondary overlay. Most attempts failed. Subject #1781 was my first success, demonstrating the appearance of another 'empty' space similar to Jade's own. This one produced a similar, but different, type of energy I am labeling 'Black'. While Subject #1781 immediately turned into a witch, her ability to generate and control Black energy remained. Said ability interacted with her nature as a witch and produced a continual and massive amount of conservation-violating energy."

"Subject #1781 has since been assimilated into the Walpurgisnacht of Earth-103, empowering it and producing a massive source of continual power. I estimate that it alone has increased Earth-103's yearly output by over five times. I have already determined a method for controlling Black energy, and although it seems actively harmful to all kinds of life, it can still be used to make magical girls continually produce conservation-violating energy. I have tested it on 100 subjects thus far. Every attempt was successful."

"Unfortunately, I have yet to discern the location of Jade Agni and no further Red candidates have been found. As Earth-103 will cease to be a sustainable testing area if I continue to investigate, I am temporarily ceasing my attempts to find another candidate."

The primary update is slowly coming along. In the meantime, have some filler an interlude.

"God fucking dammit." Dawn sighs, falling face-first onto her bed. "Are you guys busy?"

"No." Jeanne's response was instantaneous. Kaede, also known as Cloudseeker, took a few moments longer.

"Sorta-not-really. I'm in the middle of combat, but it's just a normal witch. What's on your mind?"

"I killed another four sorceresses today. FOUR. It's just... what the fuck. I think we need to start fighting as a team again, at least until they stop spawning. This isn't even remotely safe."

"I don't think it's all that awful, is it? Their seeds are massive and fighting them is the first actual challenge I've had in years."

"Not all of us are blood knights, Jeanne."

"Says the masochist."

"For fuck's sake, just drop it already. I told you, I turn my pain off when I do that shit. And don't change the subject!"

"I'll drop it when you stop temporarily killing your body just to lich-bomb newbies. It wasn't funny when you did it to me, and I'm mortally certain whatsherface didn't approve either."

"Jade Agni."

"Yeah, her."

"Speaking of the newbie, still no luck finding her? She was a bit too passive when we talked and I'm starting to get a bit uneasy. Her soul didn't darken no matter what I did. Could be a powerhouse, could be broken."

"Admit it, you're worried about her."

"Shove it, blondie."

"Nope. She wasn't at Walpurgisnacht, nobody on Jeanne's forum has seen her, and even Kyubey has no idea where she went. Oh, but I did find out what she wished for: enhanced learning."

"You're shittin' me. You don't wipe out- How many witches was it, Kyubey?"

"Seventeen witches in ten hours, assuming you include-"

"What the bunnycat said. You don't kill that many witches with a learning wish. "

"I apologize for interrupting, but her exact wish is as follows: 'I wish I could learn magic really fast by watching and doing, with none of that boring studying stuff!'"

"Oh my god. Never do that again. Seriously."

"I'm with Dawn. Hearing you talk in her voice is just wrong."


"Still, even with a wish devoted to magical learning, she shouldn't have managed that. She did good work; when I went back over the area she cleansed, it was totally free of familiars. Even if she did get a few extra powers from some other wish, it really shouldn't have been that easy for her."

"Worth noting is that her soul gem remained completely untarnished for the duration. It is possible her innate magic renders her immune to grief, thus allowing her to utilize her strongest attacks without fear of the consequences."


"I call hax."

"That's bullshit!"

"I do not lie."

Wo ist eine lange Nadel?
There's no point in fighting.
There is no escape.

Wo ist eine kurze Nadel?
No matter how many times you repeat the same actions...
No matter how hard you fight to save the ones you love...
It doesn't matter.
Auf Widersehen des noch sind da.
You were lied to.

Na, Schwester, genau geschlossen,
Why do you struggle?
For every monster killed, two more will take its place.

geschlossen gerade heute sich.
Victory is impossible.
You only delay the inevitable.

Noi! zu erste Nahe ist zwar,
This story doesn't have a happy ending.
There are no heroes who will save the day.
Noi! nie sieht zweitens statt eine Ferne.
There is no hope, only despair.
But if this is a world without hope...
Noi! Noi! fahre! Noi! Noi! Noi! springe!
Then the only salvation is in paradise.
nicht voraus mal entsprechen!
Come, join us in oblivion.
Noi! Noi! fahre! Noi! Nein! Noi! springe!
For tonight, and every day after, is the night of Walpurgis.
Noi! Noi! fahre! Noi! Nein! Noi! Springe! Nah...

One of Kyubey's bodies sits overlooking a small metal chamber, watching the proceedings with only the tiniest flickers of detached interest. All of his emotions seem to be devoted toward a single purpose: ensuring the continuation and prosperity of his species.

To that end, he is currently attempting to determine what happens if you artificially drain all mana from a given area. Usually, this would leave some Black residue, but repeated casting may allow the experiment to succeed.

After several hours of staring at seemingly empty space, Kyubey is unable to see even the slightest flickers of mana inside. Nothing happens for seven minutes and forty-three seconds. At that point, space twists and distorts in an alien manner. A strange being emerges.

As the area around it inexplicably begins to lose power, Kyubey traps the entire testing chamber in a stasis field. The vast majority of his processing power is devoted toward analyzing the being and its interactions with the universe around it. The majority of his bodies appear to inexplicably fall asleep with no apparent cause. Six potential magical girls die as a result.

Two minutes later, Kyubey judges the being to be completely useless for his purposes. He issues a single command to the facility, disintegrating the testing chamber and everything inside.

"Result of experimentation appears to be unhelpful. Do not repeat."

You wake up feeling almost eerily calm. Assuming that was not an ordinary dream, which you find unlikely, it would appear Kyubey has found a way to lure beings from Eternity. Unfortunate. At least you now have an image to associate with the endless hunger.

...You have the feeling you're going to be panicking whenever the calm wears off. Kyubey was already terrifying to begin with and now you know he is learning how to control mana. Either that or he will be learning at some point in the future. It amounts to the same thing.

You thought it was an update but it was me, Dio an interlude! Vote is still going.

Several years previous...

One of Kyubey's bodies plodded through the shattered remains of a broken city. Little things like solid objects were ignored in favor of moving toward his destination: the broken remains of a magical girl. Or rather, of her body. Even as he watched, the corpse continued to regenerate from little more than mere scraps of flesh.

In most cases, the theory where magical girls could replace their bodies was exactly that: a theory. Their souls would fill up with grief long before they would be able to build a new one. Most magical girls didn't know how to make a replacement and the sheer amount of grief required would render it impractical. No, when a comrade fell, it was best to just let their soul gems sleep forever.

The magical girl in front of him had somehow managed to subvert this. Grief constantly flowed from her soul gem to the grief seeds she had in her possession, despite the significant distance between them. If Kyubey had the capacity for it, he would be quite impressed.

"I do not understand why you continue to try this pointless exercise. How many times have you failed? Five? Fifty? More?"

Kyubey didn't really require an answer. Previous versions of himself had etched their scientific discoveries onto the surface of the magical girl's soul, along with time stamps. No, his questions served a different purpose.

"You do realize your actions only serve to make Walpurgisnacht even more powerful, correct? It is a conglomeration-type witch. The more you despair, the stronger it becomes."

The river of grief flowing from the magical girl's soul gem stopped abruptly. Her regeneration halted moments later.

"Your despair never truly vanishes. No matter where or when you go, it will travel with you."

Although her body remained still, Kyubey could see grief rapidly growing in the magical girl's soul gem.

"Do you know how magical girl candidates grow in potential? While we ourselves have yet to find all the variables, my race does know most of them. The more suffering an individual goes through, the more potential they possess.

"You seek to protect a single individual, but I believe you have already failed countless times. If time is truly being reversed, then why does her potential keep growing? It should have been retroactively erased."


The following takes place during the visit to Earth-PMMM.

Agneyastra scours the Internet, devouring and storing as much information as it can manage. Occasionally, it takes a small detour to subvert a part of Kyubey and replace it with a simulacrum.

As a whole, Kyubey is many times more powerful than Agneyastra. Fortunately, his attention and processing power is split among a large number of bodies. Strictly speaking, Agneyastra does not need to subvert his watchers in order to acquire information from the homeworld of its master. However, the acquisition of knowledge isn't the only objective Agneyastra has. With the exception of some extra medical knowledge, especially various biochemical interactions, Agneyastra already extracted most of the information from Belka, the TSAB, and the other Earth.

For whatever reason, Kyubey chooses not to censor private messages between two magical girls who have already discovered the worse parts of the world. As this allows Agneyastra to acquire quite a bit of knowledge about his preferred tactics, Agneyastra is certainly not going to complain.

Once Agneyastra is certain it has subverted every single one of Kyubey's watchers, Agneyastra makes all non-emergency websites redirect to a certain page. As an afterthought, it enacts some basic security measures. It wouldn't even slow down Kyubey, but human hackers would have a tough time interfering.

It's a shame Agneyastra's master is in no state to rule a world. Yet. Global upheaval, anger, a common foe, and/or mass panic often make conquest significantly easier.

A brief guide to magical girls
  • Although he does not directly lie, Kyubey is still fond of lying by omission. Do not trust him.
  • The power sources of magical girls are called "soul gems." The name is literal.
    • Despair, sadness, grief, and similar negative emotions will generate corruption, or "grief", in the soul gem of a magical girl. Once their soul gem fills up completely, a magical girl will die in an extremely painful manner. If you have no other choice, destroy your soul gem before this can happen.
      • Grief will negatively affect the emotional state of magical girls. Keep your soul gem as clean as possible. Warning: grief seeds can cleanse only a minimum of 20% grief. Do not waste them.
  • For every magical girl who makes the news and becomes a publicly-known celebrity, five more die without anyone ever even realizing they contracted.
    • If you do contract, contact other magical girls as quickly as possible. Kyubey implies that your loved ones will be more likely to be attacked by a witch if you alert them, but that is utter nonsense. Kyubey just doesn't want the deaths of those he considers unlikely to survive to be publicized.
      • Revision: it's mostly nonsense. Kyubey is not above luring witches to the family members of potential magical girls in order to encourage contracting.
  • If you choose to become a magical girl despite all this, be very careful with your wish. The more energy it takes to fulfill it, the smaller your maximum reserves will be.
    • Do not trust Kyubey. He downplays the risks of contracting in order to get as many magical girls as possible. He is also fond of showing up in times of extreme emotional turmoil, as young girls are most likely to wish without thinking of the consequences during that time.
      • Kyubey's race believes emotions to be a mental disease. He can do a passable job of imitating them, but do not make the mistake of thinking he actually cares.
  • Work together with other magical girls.
  • Do not underestimate the benefits of training and practice.
  • The powers you receive will be greatly affected by your wish. Do your research before contracting.
  • Fill up grief seeds completely before feeding them to Kyubey. As magical girls need these to survive, every bit counts.
  • One of Kyubey's favorite lines is "you did not ask." Pay attention to his exact words whenever you ask him a question. Make sure he actually answered the question instead of deflecting it with something that made it sound like he answered it.
  • Kyubey can wipe the memories of human beings. Potential magical girls and magical girls are excluded. Suggestion: make a wish to ban him from doing this.
    • Kyubey has a stranglehold on the Internet and can alter it at will. The author of this article has temporarily subverted the sections of him devoted to keeping an eye on it, but he is likely to quickly fix this oversight once he learns. The author of this article cannot do a repeat performance. Suggestion: make a wish to keep Kyubey from wiping the memories of human beings and/or altering the contents of the Internet. Be careful not to leave any loopholes such as programmed viruses or simply taking the entire thing down.
Enjoy your gift, heretical abomination.
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[x] Vebyast

[X] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.
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Eh, we already have enough IC to be slightly hesitant of making a wish. Probably not enough to convince Azura, though.

1.) The whole "masquerade" in general. Deliberately hiding the existence of magic of magic from responsible adults while getting young girls to fight dangerous abominations? A little sketchy.

2.) His excuse for misleading people. Yeah, not buying it. He's clearly intelligent and has been around for thousands of years. And he didn't mention anything for several years. Either he's incompetent and/or doesn't get humans at all which makes a lot of what he says suspect, or he knew exactly what would happen if people found out.

3.) Also the fact that no one has found out about the soul thing until very recently. Someone should have figured such a thing way earlier. It's called "soul" gem for heaven's sake. So either the internet is incredibly hard to use, or someone has been going through a lot of lengths to hide it.

4.) Japan is apparently really freaking out about this. Parental controls would explain a great deal of it, but Aria couldn't find virtually anything about it online. Except for a single page which talks about how great magical girls can be. How convenient.

5.) This Jade's freak out. Magic could explain a lot of what happened. Of course, she could have also snapped. She did get horribly maimed, influenced by Witch, and awakened her magic in what looked like a very traumatic and violent manner. It wouldn't be surprising if she went through a psychotic break. Wouldn't be the first time where someone seeming normal did something like this. In any case, Aria could take steps to mitigate the potential consequences.

6.) Jade also slaughtered a whole bunch of people while insane. And yet Kyubey was oddly evasive about her attacking Dawn. He didn't actually mention what she did, rather conspicuously. Why be evasive? Jade murdered a whole bunch of girls, so there shouldn't be any problem with directly saying that she horribly maimed one more. This in itself isn't exactly suspicious, but it is a little odd.

And of course there's also a bunch of other reasons. Parents really freaking out, corruption in the soul, viable alternative available, Kyubey answering questions oddly, fellow girl who is a magical girl kind of unstable, etc.

And I'm not sure if we can actually get anything out of Kyubey. He's being so blatantly deceptive that even Canon Kyubey would admit it and go "Bro, your'e totally "lying" to those girls".
[x] Xyzarach

on second thought I don't care about questioning at all and would prefer not doing it
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Kyubey has concretely admitted to either failure or deception here:

"As a matter of fact, Aria, you are partially correct. However, you simply did not ask if there was an alternative to Grief. Choosing to distrust me because of a lack of information is rather silly, don't you think?"
When people give me lines like "you didn't ask", I generally assume either one of two things. If their goals are the same as my own and they failed to inform me, then they weren't being as intelligent as I'd like. If they made an intelligent decision to not inform us, then their goals aren't the same as my own. The first is excusable, but really only in cases where the failing party didn't have very much information (or hadn't properly integrated their information, which compared to full information-theoretic hypothesis elimination might as well be the same thing).
Edit: He did technically slip up though by letting us know that there are others who have awakened mana after becoming magical girls though so there is that. It's not 100% one-sided.
"The last person to awaken their Mana without becoming a magical girl did so by being cursed by a witch, having a significant portion of her body eaten, and nearly having the rest of her be eaten while she was still alive and conscious."
That was Jade. Which means that, to date, precisely one person has awakened Mana without being a magical girl. It actually makes variations on this question much more interesting:

[] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana?

I don't think that we're going to get anything out of it, but ideally what we want is an admission that people that were MGs before they were Mana-users (Wizard?) are worse off than the people that were Mana-users before they were MGs. I'll propose this:

[] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? What have they been doing since then? Can I talk to any of them?
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That was Jade. Which means that, to date, precisely one person has awakened Mana without being a magical girl. It actually makes variations on this question much more interesting:
I did actually address that.
[] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Where they homicidal as well?
I did actually address that.
It depends on how technical Kyubey wants to get with his misleading answers. I think that he might be able to answer with something like "No", leaving off the further information of ", they were perfectly non-homicidal for about thirty seconds, after which they witched out." I figure that asking what they've been doing since then, particularly if we can talk to any of them, leaves him less room to wiggle out of the admission that that's what sorceresses are.
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It depends on how technical Kyubey wants to get with his misleading answers. I think that he might be able to answer with something like "No", leaving off the further information of ", they were perfectly non-homicidal for about thirty seconds, after which they witched out." I figure that asking what they've been doing since then, particularly if we can talk to any of them, leaves him less room to wiggle out of the admission that that's what sorceresses are.
The same applies to that, "Magical Girl things." I suppose it would be better to ask about their current state.

[] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well or are they helping fight Witches?
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[] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well?
You're right, nailing it down to the present moment is even better. Still leaved him room to say something like "They're not killing anybody right now, if that's what you're asking", but that's not something we can really deal with anyway. Edited into mine.
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Cannibalizing for parts.

Also this,

[] The girl that approached Jade and didn't die - what did Jade do to her that didn't kill her?

is kind of open ended. "Talked to her" could be a possible answer.

perhaps something like this? I haven't quite gotten it nailed down.

[] The girl that approached Jade and didn't die - what did Jade do to her?

It just doesn't feel right though.

[x] Ask Kyubey
-[x] Were the people Jade killed Normal girls or Magical Girls?
--[X] If the answer is some variation of "they were magical girls." So she only killed your bodies and Magical Girls?"
---[X] if some variation of "yes." "Is there any reason to believe that she killed them because of their unnatural corruption?
---[X] if some variation of "no." "What else did she kill?"
--[X] if the answer is some variation of "both." So she killed people without that unnatural corruption in their souls? Besides your bodies I mean.

[X] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well?

--[X] The girl that approached Jade and didn't die - what did she say or do that made Jade not kill her?

-[x] Is there any way to temporarily remove our tracking band and then put it back on without giving our parents any method of finding out without them just getting very lucky?z
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[] The girl that approached Jade and didn't die - what did Jade do to her that didn't kill her?
You're absolutely correct that it doesn't feel right; I somehow typo'd it somehow and completely messed it up. I blame my phone. What I wanted was more like "What did she say or do that made Jade not kill her?". Want to figure out why Jade killed everybody but her.
Alrighty, could I please get another vote tally? I should be back home in about an hour. ...Probably. I'll have a few more things to do there and then I'll be able to update, I think.

Voting is not locked yet.

Hilarious (ly stupid) wish idea: "I wish my soul gem would just automatically expel grief and send it to whatever QB does with collected grief from grief seeds"

But very in character for dealing with her primary concerns

On a completely unrelated note, I'd like to know why you thought this was a stupid wish. What's the worst thing that could happen? :V
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On a completely unrelated note, I'd like to know why you thought this was a stupid wish. What's the worst thing that could happen? :V
The Grief rolling off our gem like fog attracting Witches? Creating ghasts, or wraiths, or whatever it is you call the naturally... occurring...


Found our 1/1 token template.
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Alrighty, could I please get another vote tally? I should be back home in about an hour. ...Probably. I'll have a few more things to do there and then I'll be able to update, I think.

Voting is not locked yet.
Vote Tally : Disjunction (PMMM/Ignition) | Page 68 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.0

[x] Ask Kyubey
-[x] Were the people Jade killed Normal girls or Magical Girls?
--[X] If the answer is some variation of "they were magical girls." So she only killed your bodies and Magical Girls?"
---[X] if some variation of "yes." "Is there any reason to believe that she killed them because of their unnatural corruption?
---[X] if some variation of "no." "What else did she kill?"
--[X] if the answer is some variation of "both." So she killed people without that unnatural corruption in their souls? Besides your bodies I mean.
No. of Votes: 7

[X] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well?
--[X] The girl that approached Jade and didn't die - what did she say or do that made Jade not kill her?
-[x] Is there any way to temporarily remove our tracking band and then put it back on without giving our parents any method of finding out without them just getting very lucky?z
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Don't wish.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Ask Kyubey
-[X] What kind of insanity was Jade having, and what was she thinking? If mana causes any sort of predictable insanity, I'd like to know what it is so I can be prepared for it. I don't want to disappoint anybody.
--[X] The girl that approached Jade and didn't die - what did she say or do that made Jade not kill her?
--[X] What kind of killing was Jade doing? Was it a mass homicide in a single location, a completely random serial killing, a targeted spree? If it wasn't completely random, why did Jade choose them to kill?
--[X] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well?
-[X] Is there any way to temporarily remove our tracking band and then put it back on without giving our parents any method of finding out without them just getting very lucky?z
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Don't leave yet; finish school first and be sure to ask your parents if you're allowed to go.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Where they homicidal as well?
-[x] Is there any way to temporarily remove our tracking band and then put it back on without giving our parents any method of finding outwithout them just getting very lucky?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Conclude your questioning, for now.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Timeskip to when we either awaken our mana ability or are forced to wish or die.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Don't leave yet; finish school first and be sure to ask your parents if you're allowed to go.
-[X] Don't mention magical girls or Kyubey; just say that you made a friend and that she's invited you over so that she can help you with your homework.
--[X] If they balk, remind them that the more time you spend trying to figure out your homework, the less time you have to practice singing. The faster you get it done, the better, and what's a better way to get it done than to have someone help you with it?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Don't leave yet; finish school first and be sure to ask your parents if you're allowed to go.
-[X] Don't mention magical girls or Kyubey; just say that you made a friend and that she's invited you over so that she can help you with your homework.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 17

Vote Tally : Disjunction (PMMM/Ignition) | Page 68 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.0

[x] Ask Kyubey
No. of Votes: 9

-[x] Were the people Jade killed Normal girls or Magical Girls?
No. of Votes: 7

--[X] If the answer is some variation of "they were magical girls." So she only killed your bodies and Magical Girls?"
No. of Votes: 7

---[X] if some variation of "yes." "Is there any reason to believe that she killed them because of their unnatural corruption?
No. of Votes: 7

---[X] if some variation of "no." "What else did she kill?"
No. of Votes: 7

--[X] if the answer is some variation of "both." So she killed people without that unnatural corruption in their souls? Besides your bodies I mean.
No. of Votes: 7

[X] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well?
No. of Votes: 7

-[x] Is there any way to temporarily remove our tracking band and then put it back on without giving our parents any method of finding out without them just getting very lucky?z
No. of Votes: 7

--[X] The girl that approached Jade and didn't die - what did she say or do that made Jade not kill her?
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Don't leave yet; finish school first and be sure to ask your parents if you're allowed to go.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Don't wish.
No. of Votes: 2

-[X] Don't mention magical girls or Kyubey; just say that you made a friend and that she's invited you over so that she can help you with your homework.
No. of Votes: 2

-[X] What kind of insanity was Jade having, and what was she thinking? If mana causes any sort of predictable insanity, I'd like to know what it is so I can be prepared for it. I don't want to disappoint anybody.
No. of Votes: 2

--[X] What kind of killing was Jade doing? Was it a mass homicide in a single location, a completely random serial killing, a targeted spree? If it wasn't completely random, why did Jade choose them to kill?
No. of Votes: 2

-[x] Is there any way to temporarily remove our tracking band and then put it back on without giving our parents any method of finding outwithout them just getting very lucky?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] What about those other girls you mentioned who awakened their Mana? Where they homicidal as well?
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Conclude your questioning, for now.
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Timeskip to when we either awaken our mana ability or are forced to wish or die.
No. of Votes: 1

--[X] If they balk, remind them that the more time you spend trying to figure out your homework, the less time you have to practice singing. The faster you get it done, the better, and what's a better way to get it done than to have someone help you with it?
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 17
2.4: Excessively Evasive
Earlier, I made a mistake with Jade's number of "victims". It should've been seventeen, not eighteen.

[x]Ask Kyubey
-[x] Were the people Jade killed normal girls or Magical Girls?

"Were the people Jade killed normal, or were they magical girls?"

"Three of them were magical girls. Fourteen were normal."

--[X] if the answer is some variation of "both." So she killed people without that unnatural corruption in their souls? Besides your bodies I mean.

"So... Jade killed people who didn't have Grief in their souls? Excluding your bodies, I mean."

Kyubey stares at you, unimpressed. "This is nearly identical to your previous question. The last time there were seventeen magical girls in a given area, they had gathered to fight Walpurgisnacht. Jade remained within the boundaries of a single city for the duration of her rampage. Is there a point to these questions? You are perhaps the most difficult individual I have spoken to for quite a long time."

...You can't help but notice that Kyubey didn't actually answer your question. Whether that's from force of habit or he's actually trying to hide something, you're not sure. It might be that the first magical girls were killed, then the other ones trickled in over time in an attempt to help stop Jade.

You're tempted to continue chasing that particular topic, but a glance at Azura's expression makes you reconsider. She looks throughly disgusted and rather impatient. You're not sure you want to give her more ammunition to use against you, or if she'd even wait for Kyubey to stop evading and actually answer.

Split into smaller parts to make reading easier. Unanswered questions have been included as potential options... Mostly. The "is there a way to remove our tracking bracelet" was removed since if Aria was thinking of dodging that blatantly, she knows she'd be doing something her parents wouldn't approve of.

[] Keep pushing. Kyubey might just be dodging out of sheer force of habit, but you'd like to make sure.

-[] Don't bother with trying to convince Azura. You're pretty sure she doesn't know about the tracking bracelet you're wearing; if she kidnaps you, your parents will just come and rescue you.

-[] Try to convince Azura to let you question Kyubey in peace.
--[] She's basically acting like Kyubey's mafia enforcer. Doesn't she have a mind of her own? She should use it.
--[] You'd be making a decision that would affect the entire rest of your life. Isn't a bit of paranoia healthy?
--[] Write-in argument

-[] If Azura doesn't actually attack you, ask even more questions.
--[] Ask about the girl who approached Jade and didn't die. What did she say or do that made Jade not kill her?
--[] What about those other girls Kyubey mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well?

[] Give up and move on. You're not paranoid, but Azura seems to think you are. You don't want to give her any more ammunition.

-[] Ask Kyubey more questions.
--[] What about those other girls Kyubey mentioned who awakened their Mana? Are they homicidal as well?
--[] Ask about the girl who approached Jade and didn't die. What did she say or do that made Jade not kill her?
--[] Write-in

-[] Talk with Azura. You've kinda been unintentionally ignoring her.
--[] Write-in

-[] Conclude your questioning.
--[] Call your parents for permission to head to Azura's property. If they agree to let you leave, go immediately.
--[] After school ends, call your parents and, if they're okay with it, leave with Azura.
---[] Don't mention the part where Azura is a magical girl.
---[] Tell them the person who gave you the scholarship wants you to go with them for a bit.

[] Write-in
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[x] Keep pushing. Kyubey might just be dodging out of sheer force of habit, but you'd like to make sure.
-[x] Don't bother with trying to convince Azura. You're pretty sure she doesn't know about the tracking bracelet you're wearing; if she kidnaps you, your parents will just come and rescue you.

I legitimately don't care what we do here, and the timing seems off for a wish, so first option.
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