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Am I the only person who actually /likes/ the bunnycat? If he tells the truth about an intrinsic inability for human empathy, as far as I see it, interpreting its character comes down to assuming one of the following:

A) Kyuubey is a pathological liar with no positive interests other than [resolving entropy], and "happily" maximizes efficiency of that goal above all else by any means available, including deceit and psychological warfare, with no regard whatsoever for casualties of any kind left along the way. Replace square brackets with tinfoil motive of choice.

2) Kyuubey is pretty much straight up throughout canon, using available resources (humanity and other emotion-capable species?) to the best of its ability. It avoids disclosing unnecessary information to prevent the burden of knowledge causing already short-lived megua to burn out even more quickly - fairly justifiably, as everybody, aside from Madoka, snaps like a Prince Rupert's drop when the lich/witch bombs are dropped.

I tend to prefer the latter because it means the sole assumption is that his word is reasonably sound, as opposed to assuming that just about everything he says is intended to weasel him out of any negative PR or admissions of sensitive or worrying information. Occam's Razor, probably. Though it could equally be said I'm optimistic about characters like that.

Bearing in mind that he has as much stated, and it has been confirmed by Alivaril that, given Kyuubey's imperfect knowledge of the topic, that we could make a wish so as to completely nullify the negative consequences of wishing - namely, Grief and potentially witching out - wishing seems entirely positive, as it, combined with Green magery, makes us about the biggest deal around except for probably Walmart-chan, which is an optimal position to start therapizing a character from. :V

Either way, that all said, I'll happily follow this - and Ignition, if it picks back up - regardless of the outcome. It's an enjoyable quest, if somewhat stuck in a rut at present, but hopefully perseverance by us questers to at least bitch at each other a bit less should smooth things enough to get to more enjoyable material for all.

[X] Make a wish.
-[X] Tell Azura before you actually do so.

[X] Let QB scan you even though you won't be wishing.

Wish is for griefless gem, via piping it to Kyuubey-disposal. That seems a reasonably safe and useful wish.
Either way, that all said, I'll happily follow this - and Ignition, if it picks back up - regardless of the outcome. It's an enjoyable quest, if somewhat stuck in a rut at present, but hopefully perseverance by us questers to at least bitch at each other a bit less should smooth things enough to get to more enjoyable material for all.
Agreed. The structure of future voting will help cut this down, too.
I tend to prefer the latter because it means the sole assumption is that his word is reasonably sound, as opposed to assuming that just about everything he says is intended to weasel him out of any negative PR or admissions of sensitive or worrying information. Occam's Razor, probably. Though it could equally be said I'm optimistic about characters like that.

I mean, you have a point of view there that probably works for you. However...

In this quest setting, we know that Kyubey's honesty is because of a wish. Before that, it used outright lies. Now, there's still wiggle room as to motivation, but on the balance of probabilities, it seems clear to me that Kyubey's word is goal-driven rather than directly honest.
It's pretty commonly agreed that Green has the worst non-creature spells out of any of the colors.
This is primarily because Green's non-creature spells rely on having creatures present either to buff or to make punch a thing. As a result Green's non-creatures are very mana efficient but not very card efficient and can be easily two for one'd if the other player responds with removal. All that shit that makes Green's non-creature spells bad though? Not really applicable when you're not counting cards and you can guarantee a creature on board (Aria herself or some other ally).
Unless a surge of people abruptly decide to vote for wishing, I'll be locking the vote shortly. No, that should not be interpreted to mean I support wishing, I just consider an ideal vote to be one that would be the same if given an infinite amount of time to work with.

Put another way: speak now, or forever hold your peace. :V
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This is primarily because Green's non-creature spells rely on having creatures present either to buff or to make punch a thing. As a result Green's non-creatures are very mana efficient but not very card efficient and can be easily two for one'd if the other player responds with removal. All that shit that makes Green's non-creature spells bad though? Not really applicable when you're not counting cards and you can guarantee a creature on board (Aria herself or some other ally).
The effects are also somewhat lacking. Offensively, at least. Green's non-creatures are combat tricks, usually of the 'more biggatons' variety, ramp, which is usually flavored as either promoting plant growth or exploration, revitalization, in a fertilizer way that's redundant with the flavoring of ramp, or shitting on limited subsets of things Green Doesn't Like TM​, which is really kind of curious and has very little to do with flavor. Occasionally you get a 'hermit's wisdom' sort of draw spell, and recently cards to force fights. So as far as actual effects go, Green is very limited.
Green competes with Black for having the best removal in the game. Black is better for creatures, but Green has better anti-enchantment, anti-artifact, and anti-flying effects than anybody, has historically had the best access to things like "all creatures dealt damage by this creature die at end of turn", and has an entire raft of "+3/+3 until end of turn" instants that, if used well, might as well be direct damage. The "force fights" stuff has been there forever in the form of "all able to block do so", which is even more deadly; even Portal had "I cast Alluring Scent on my Sylvan Basilisk and attack. Every creature you own dies.". Almost every set that's ever been released has a Black/Green removal/graveyard deck in it's that's easy enough to build that you can draft it, and Green provides half or more of the removal. The other colors have to settle for burn (inefficient, and it only works on small creatures), bounce (at which point Green just replays it), or control (which is admittedly very effective, but Blue has pathetic offense compared to Green).
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Oh, yeah, I forgot that green breaks spell effects. Durr. :confused: Yeah, if Aria gets good at breaking apart barriers or enchanted items (if she can), that'll be good.

I didn't include deathtouch and similar effects because they rely on card effects to really be true to form. In terms of how they translate to actual application, they're either poison or petrification. Poison sucks, admittedly useful, but ultimately up to Alivaril in how it actually works and whether or not it'll affect Witches. It'd be good against MGs if Aria can find out how to do it, but that's true for all but the most basic effects: growth, growth in a different way, predation reliant on growing.

She's reinventing the wheel as far as Green magic goes, so I really don't think she can rely on having anything other than simple things for the near future.
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Alright, could I have a vote tally, please?
Vote Tally : Disjunction (PMMM/Ignition) | Page 90 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.0

Accept Kyubey's offer of painless scanning.
Don't make a wish or let Kyubey scan you.
Make a wish.

Winner: Don't make a wish or let Kyubey scan you.

First Runner Up: Make a wish.

Second Runner Up: Accept Kyubey's offer of painless scanning.

Total No. of Voters: 26

[X] Don't make a wish.
No. of Votes: 21

[X] Don't let QB scan you.
No. of Votes: 17

[x] Make a wish.
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Let QB scan you even though you won't be wishing.
No. of Votes: 10

-[X] Tell Azura before you actually do so.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 35
4.0: GTFO QB
Reminder: Ability ranks are indicators of skill/control/etc. Additionally, they're going to differ from ranks in Ignition. You know, just to make it more difficult to take advantage of meta-knowledge. :V

[X] Don't make a wish.
[X] Don't let QB scan you.


No matter what he says, no matter how he tries to reassure you, your trust for Kyubey is practically nonexistent. You believe he means well, but he modifies souls. How can Kyubey honestly be certain his modifications don't harm people once they pass on? He claims answering your questions on the subject would introduce existential terror, but is that only because they do hurt people and you'd be afraid of the consequences?

"You are being highly illogical and quite selfish. Your assistance could help the entire human race fight against Witches."

"Could. You aren't sure, are you? And anyway, that's only while they're still alive."

"Your casual dismissal of death is quite abnormal. Why are you so fixated on..."

You tune Kyubey out and focus on your source. You don't need to wait very long.

(Mana Awakened)

(Various Abilities Acquired [Hidden])

The air around you fills with Green mana, overwhelming external influences, healing your injuries, purifying the area, and instantly rejecting Kyubey's hold over the body closest to you. It slumps bonelessly to the ground.

As you'd expected, you've now gained the ability to direct the mana contained in your pendant. Not that you really need to right now; while the effects may be temporary, your personal source of mana is currently generating all the power you'll need. You have the feeling you may be able to imitate the effects by flooding your source with more mana than it can handle, but it would be really quite damaging to your body.

(Ability Discovered: Green Mana Control [Rank 5])

(Ability Discovered: Overchanneling [Rank 1])

You quickly become aware of another potential source of mana aside from your pendant: the land itself. Or at least, it would be a source of mana were it not being overwhelmed by Black and Red mana from Karia.

Thanks to its close proximity to a city, the surrounding area isn't in very good condition. The entire ecosystem has been disrupted; life can usually adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances, but humanity has been changing them much too quickly.

The deliberate and systematic extermination of all the creatures which could pose a threat to humans has led to an excess of herbivores. As a direct result, entire sections of forest are barren.

Several trees have grown much too large and are preventing new plants from sprouting. While this may not have been entirely deliberate, it was certainly caused by humanity. Refusing to cut down the oldest trees out of some misguided wish to preserve them will only harm things in the long run. Under ordinary circumstances, forest fires would remove the old vegetation and allow new growth in its place. Unfortunately, humanity has been stopping that, too.

Even the ground and sky are tainted. You didn't really notice before, but now that the air around you has been cleansed, you know that what you've been breathing for your entire life is absolutely disgusting.

But it doesn't need to be that way. You can restore things to the way they should be.

Pick up to two actions worth. Half=0.5, Full=1. This is probably more important than it looks.

[] Fix the balance of fauna. (Half Action)
-[] Give them a little temporary assistance. Humans need to learn to keep their distance and cease their harmful interference. (+Half Action)

[] Fix the balance of flora. (Half Action)
-[] Help them adapt to the changes humanity has introduced into the world. (+Half Action)

[] Purify the atmosphere. (Half Action)

[] Remove the toxins from the ground. (Half Action)

[] Close off the forest from the outside world. There's too much for you to do in the time you have available. (Full Action)
-[] Wait for Azura to return before you do so. (Free)

[] Set up an Enchantment over the forest, banning Black diseases and abominations from forming within its boundaries. It won't do anything to bar them from entering, but it's a start. (Full Action)
[X] Close off the forest from the outside world. There's too much for you to do in the time you have available. (Full Action)
[X] Set up an Enchantment over the forest, banning Black diseases and abominations from forming within its boundaries. It won't do anything to bar them from entering, but it's a start. (Full Action)

Get a foothold first, and work from there.
[X] Fix the balance of flora. (Half Action)
-[X] Help them adapt to the changes humanity has introduced into the world. (+Half Action)
[X] Set up an Enchantment over the forest, banning Black diseases and abominations from forming within its boundaries. It won't do anything to bar them from entering, but it's a start. (Full Action)

First is Saproling skill tree. Saprolings are awesome. The second is green healing/whatever you call it. That's good too.

Humans are something more like a force of nature in large numbers. You don't fight against them, you just plan around them.
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[X] Close off the forest from the outside world. There's too much for you to do in the time you have available. (Full Action)
[X] Set up an Enchantment over the forest, banning Black diseases and abominations from forming within its boundaries. It won't do anything to bar them from entering, but it's a start. (Full Action)

This quest is finally getting fun!
[X] Close off the forest from the outside world. There's too much for you to do in the time you have available. (Full Action)

[X] Purify the atmosphere. (Half Action)
[X] Remove the toxins from the ground. (Half Action)
[X] Fix the balance of flora. (Half Action)
-[X] Help them adapt to the changes humanity has introduced into the world. (+Half Action)
[X] Set up an Enchantment over the forest, banning Black diseases and abominations from forming within its boundaries. It won't do anything to bar them from entering, but it's a start. (Full Action)
[x] Fix the balance of fauna. (Half Action)
[x] Fix the balance of flora. (Half Action)
[x] Purify the atmosphere. (Half Action)
[x] Remove the toxins from the ground. (Half Action)

Actually thinking about things rather than bandwagoning, I feel like this is the best option because it gives the forest a general fix. We can still do the crazy stuff later, but this does the most good in the long term. And this way our parents can come in so we can murder the shit out of them while we're insane.
[x] Fix the balance of flora. (Half Action)
-[x] Help them adapt to the changes humanity has introduced into the world. (+Half Action)

[X] Close off the forest from the outside world. There's too much for you to do in the time you have available. (Full Action)
-[X] Wait for Azura to return before you do so. (Free)
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[X] Set up an Enchantment over the forest, banning Black diseases and abominations from forming within its boundaries. It won't do anything to bar them from entering, but it's a start. (Full Action)
[X] Fix the balance of flora. (Half Action)
-[X] Help them adapt to the changes humanity has introduced into the world. (+Half Action)
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