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[x] Follow Kyubey toward Azura's home. Does this count as kidnapping yourself?
-[x] As you go, fill him in on what you've learned.

There's a guaranteed beating waiting for us at our home. Easy choice. Now to never go back ever.
Sooo.... anyone else think she's fighting off a witch right now? kinda sounded like that to me...
What else would she be doing? She views herself as worthless for anything other than magical girling.
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[X] Try to get a straight answer from QB on what exactly happened with the the girl who killed multiple MGs.
-[X] Make a wish afterwards.
--[X] If QB reveals something that would severely damage his recruitment efforts blackmail him into giving you a 20% boost for free.
[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.

Changed vote.

[X] Try to get a straight answer from QB on what exactly happened with the the girl who killed multiple MGs.
-[X] Make a wish afterwards.
--[X] If QB reveals something that would severely damage his recruitment efforts blackmail him into giving you a 20% boost for free.

Why would we want to make a wish and get the 20% boost why would we do that?
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[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.

Wandering home with no protection.

Just ASKING for Kyubey to drop a witch onto us again and then offering a lifesaving contract.
We're Green.
We grow to fit the situation, not rush out.
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[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.
-[X] Try meditating. Feel how the energy flows. Stretch out your senses.
--[X] Towards Kyubey, see if you feel anything from him.
--[X] You feel growth if important, what else grows?
---[X] Try sensing the tree you're leaning against and the grass all around.
---[X] Try sensing the entire forest.
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...Does anyone else think I should just kill this quest?
Just go back to the potential vote. Because all we've got is 'Various situations where everything sucks, wish?' posts, with a single 'everything still sucks, but you can do something even worse than wishing if you feel like it' post.
[X] Try to get a straight answer from QB on what exactly happened with the the girl who killed multiple MGs.
-[X] Make a wish afterwards.
--[X] If QB reveals something that would severely damage his recruitment efforts blackmail him into giving you a 20% boost for free.
You are a very optimistic individual.

[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.
[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.
-[X] Try meditating. Feel how the energy flows. Stretch out your senses.
--[X] Towards Kyubey, see if you feel anything from him.
--[X] You feel growth if important, what else grows?
---[X] Try sensing the tree you're leaning against and the grass all around.
---[X] Try sensing the entire forest.
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[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Take a nap until then. Finding a spot comfortable enough to sleep might be a bit difficult with your bruises, but you'll manage.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From yourself.

Might as well get started on that few months to make our mana awaken.

Or engage a witch, whatevs.
...Does anyone else think I should just kill this quest?
*Had stopped following this quest for a little while because he felt we were being railroaded* *Comes back to five new updates with only the last one having anything of worth in it* Its really felt like "make a Wish now or I'll hold the plot hostage" ...Also, SV not knowing when to give up with the Q&A bloated it annoyingly.

If we're actually going places now, keep going I guess.
Pretty much what I expected.

[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Take a nap until then. Finding a spot comfortable enough to sleep might be a bit difficult with your bruises, but you'll manage.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.
-[X] Try meditating. Feel how the energy flows. Stretch out your senses.
--[X] Towards Kyubey, see if you feel anything from him.
--[X] You feel growth if important, what else grows?
---[X] Try sensing the tree you're leaning against and the grass all around.
---[X] Try sensing the entire forest.
[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Take a nap until then. Finding a spot comfortable enough to sleep might be a bit difficult with your bruises, but you'll manage.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.
-[X] Try meditating. Feel how the energy flows. Stretch out your senses.
--[X] Towards Kyubey, see if you feel anything from him.
--[X] You feel growth if important, what else grows?
---[X] Try sensing the tree you're leaning against and the grass all around.
---[X] Try sensing the entire forest.
Pretty sure going back into the pendant will eat up another several hours. That's how meditating on heirlooms worked in Ignition and it's how it's worked here.
3.2 *poke*
[X] Wait until Azura can afford to spend some time on you. Your parents would probably be upset if you tore and stained your clothes on the way back into the city.
-[X] Try mentally tugging on some Green mana to see what happens.
--[X] From your pendant.

You sit down and begin staring into your pendant once more. You're not entirely sure if it's a good idea to try controlling something that enormous, but it's worth a try, right? Worst case scenario, you die and (hopefully) go to Heaven. It's nothing your parents haven't threatened to do before when they think you're a lost cause. They can always start over with a child who isn't so difficult to raise.

...You get the vague feeling your stance toward death might be just a tad abnormal, judging by how much fuss Azura is kicking up.

Once you've gotten a vague idea of what you should be aiming for, you imagine reaching out and trying to tug part of the enormous substance into yourself. After several false starts, you actually succeed, much to your surprise.

(Ability Discovered: Green Mana Control [Rank 0])

The Green mana floods into your source and starts helping it grow several times faster. Apparently, the support structure for your source was starving. If you keep feeding it mana every few hours, you should be done within just a day or four.

Unfortunately, it also feels like your skin is burning from the inside out, but you're used to pain. Mostly. Okay, not really.

"I shall point out that making a wish would unlock your mana without the need for what appears to be an absurdly painful process. Assuming this is intentional, of course."

You try to remain conscious and keep funneling power, but quickly end up falling unconscious.

When you return to painful consciousness, it's to find Azura poking your side with a long stick. Night has already fallen, but there's enough leftover light from the city to see by.

"Good evening, sleepyhead! So I think your parents are prooobably going to be pretty upset with you. When I still had to deal with mine, I found staying out for a while was a pretty good way of getting them to forget about things. Try to time your return for when they're drunk. Like, really drunk. If you do it wrong, they'll just focus on you and it'll hurt even more."

...You're almost totally certain your parents don't really touch alcohol. It's supposed to be a horrible substance capable of poisoning minds and bodies alike.

"Anyway, wanna come over to my house? It'll be a lot easier to keep you safe from Witches there. And maybe we can do some fun stuff, like Monopoly!"

Azura pauses briefly, then giggles.

"This is a trick question. I'm kidnapping you, miss I-have-the-survival-instincts-of-a-lemming."

[] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[] Don't mention your tracking bracelet, but say your parents would find you. They always do.
-[] Tell Azura about your timeframe for mana acquisition.
-[] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.
-[] When Azura is around, try to spend time with her. You've never really gotten to play with anyone else before...

[] Try to convince her not to kidnap you.
-[] Tell her that if you keep trying to feed your source Green mana, it should only take you a few days to get magic. You can help her after that.
-[] Don't mention your tracking bracelet, but say your parents would find you. They always do.

[] Write-in
[X] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[X] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[X] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.
-[X] When Azura is around, try to spend time with her. You've never really gotten to play with anyone else before...
[:V] "Hey! Some of my best friends are lemmings!"

[X] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[X] Tell Azura about your timeframe for mana acquisition.
-[X] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[X] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.
[X] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[X] Tell Azura about your timeframe for mana acquisition.
-[X] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[X] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.

Progress ho!
[x] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[x] Tell her about your tracking bracelet.
-[x] Tell Azura about your timeframe for mana acquisition.
-[x] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[x] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.
-[x] When Azura is around, try to spend time with her. You've never really gotten to play with anyone else before...

Fucking finally. Now to get rid of the tracking bracelet, fake our death, and NEVER GO BACK.
[X] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[x] Tell her about your tracking bracelet.
-[X] Tell Azura about your timeframe for mana acquisition.
-[X] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[X] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.
-[X] When Azura is around, try to spend time with her. You've never really gotten to play with anyone else before...

Don't forget to talk to Azura when she's around! ignoring her will just make things worse!
Phone keyboard so can't write it myself: convince Azura to send ransom note?

Also, propose other games once a few monopolies are done. "never gotten to play with anyone else before" is a good vote . also, how'd Azura get an entire house for herself?
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[X] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[X] Tell Azura about your timeframe for mana acquisition.
-[X] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue
--[X] Ask if she could heal you, maybe a little bit so you can feed your mana source longer? If it's not too much trouble. You understand how worthless you are.
-[X] If she asks you why you don't just make a wish explain why you don't want grief in your soul, how it feels to you, and how you'd feel better if you were able to help her with your own ability.
Just go back to the potential vote. Because all we've got is 'Various situations where everything sucks, wish?' posts, with a single 'everything still sucks, but you can do something even worse than wishing if you feel like it' post.

You are a very optimistic individual.
Perhaps my vote was unclear, I meant to continue asking QB for details about the jade incident until we knew every detail, and QB confirmed that we knew every detail. I also want to just make a wish already so we can move on, and if we can blackmail QB we should.
[X] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[x] Tell her about your tracking bracelet.
-[X] Tell Azura about your timeframe for mana acquisition.
-[X] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[X] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.
-[X] When Azura is around, try to spend time with her. You've never really gotten to play with anyone else before...
Perhaps my vote was unclear, I meant to continue asking QB for details about the jade incident until we knew every detail, and QB confirmed that we knew every detail. I also want to just make a wish already so we can move on, and if we can blackmail QB we should.

Did you even read ignition because we made the 20% power boost choice there and Jade got traumatized by it. Do you really want that happening here? And besides most of the thread won't vote for wishing anyways.
[X] Go with Azura quietly. You're still wearing your tracking bracelet; your parents will come and pick you up soon enough. You don't think they'd punish you for being abducted... Well, mostly. They might pull you out of school.
-[X] Tell her about your tracking bracelet.
-[X] While at Azura's house, keep feeding your source mana until it hurts too much to continue.
--[X] Restrict this to times when Azura needs to spend large amounts of time out of the house.
-[X] When Azura is around, try to spend time with her. You've never really gotten to play with anyone else before...

I'd rather not tell Azura how long it'll be until we can fight witches. It may prompt her to put us into combat before we are ready.

Always, always manage expectations. If we think it should take 4 days, we should quote 12, or better yet, not mention it at all. Once we are strong enough to fend for ourselves, or she forces the issue, then we can reveal that we are ready to help her.
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