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It WOULD be pretty ooc for Kyubey to just back off, and weak temptations likewise.

IC/OOC is a difficult split for some.

Honestly, this whole thing has been one giant, drawn-out clusterbuck.

If "make a wish" wins, we'll likely have people getting upset and claiming it's only due to OOC QM meddling (AKA trying to help you make an informed decision). This often seems to ignore the part where said meddling is to cancel out their own OOC knowledge or to just save us from another round of 40 (laser-guided) questions...

If "don't make a wish" wins, I expect we'll have arguments on whether or not a wish should be used to resolve any sufficiently horrible event. Forever. Not to mention the copious amounts of salt resulting from voting for high potential, complaining when QB won't leave you alone because of it, and ultimately not wishing at all. (I believe "wasting your potential" is the argument being used)

I'd intended this as stress relief from Ignition, but it turned out to be more stress than actual relief. I've continued in the hopes there would be some threshold where it stopped being like that, but that threshold isn't going to come, is it?
I'd intended this as stress relief from Ignition, but it turned out to be more stress than actual relief. I've continued in the hopes there would be some threshold where it stopped being like that, but that threshold isn't going to come, is it?
Probably not, no. Didn't you partially start this because you wanted to write more QB? That wish got monkey-pawed hard...
Patently false. I shouldn't have to explain why this is false.
Yes you should.
What makes you think she is going to have any special benefits of being a green Mage that will allow her to immediately aid Azura with her brand new powers that she has no experience using? She will still be a squishy 14 year old with a limited supply of Mana. Unless she gets some abilities by simply unlocking her mana she will have no combat or support abilities and no idea where to begin learning them.
claiming it's only due to OOC QM meddling
Those people are stupid. Like you said, every last bit of pressure has been IC and a result of having voted for high potential at the start of the quest. You're just better at writing Kyubey like the manipulative-bastard-who-has-all-the-power that he is and they're not used to it.
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Probably because:

For Don't Wish to win, they have to win every single vote where wishing comes up.
For Wish to win, they need to win one of the votes where wishing comes up.

The only way it could be settled definitively is for wish to win or for wish to be barred off. The latter can't happen as long as kyubey is around, unless weighted voting is introduced, or something.
Yes you should.
What makes you think she is going to have any special benefits of being a green Mage that will allow her to immediately aid Azura with her brand new powers that she has no experience using? She will still be a squishy 14 year old with a limited supply of Mana. Unless she gets some abilities by simply unlocking her mana she will have no combat or support abilities and no idea where to begin learning them.
So? Is she going to suddenly die, when she hasn't yet so far?

Why do we need to have power so badly? Why can't we just grow normally?
Probably because:

For Don't Wish to win, they have to win every single vote where wishing comes up.
For Wish to win, they need to win one of the votes where wishing comes up.

The only way it could be settled definitively is for wish to win or for wish to be barred off. The latter can't happen as long as kyubey is around, unless weighted voting is introduced, or something.
For Aria to make a wish, there would need to be a minimum number of 30 votes, with 16 of said votes being to make a wish. Votes may carry across recent updates for this purpose, but the carry-over includes people who don't want to wish.
So? Is she going to suddenly die, when she hasn't yet so far?
The fact that she is gaining Mana to help Azura fight Witches or the fact the as a potentail she will be targeted by Witches and possibly bu Sorceresses if they can sense her ability to use Mana? The whole point to unlocking her Mana was to fight Witches, but unless she gets something to increase surviveability or that allows her to actually offer support it will do her absoultly no good to just unlock it. She will still have nothing but her baseline human abilities and pool of power she has no experience using, and no idea what it can actually do.
regeneration gets a boost with green magic, super strength and durability, and that is just the basic abilities. Then there is summoning squirrels to eat your enemies. Or multiplying mana sources which depending on things, should be something we could do. So we could go from low mana to have enough to kill with spare or whatever.

I'd intended this as stress relief from Ignition, but it turned out to be more stress than actual relief. I've continued in the hopes there would be some threshold where it stopped being like that, but that threshold isn't going to come, is it?

Sorry about that if I increased your stress levels.
All of which is awesome, except Aria has no idea how to do it.
As a Mage Jade got the following abilities by unlocking her Mana: Fire Immunity 8, Mana Sense 1, Red Control 1 and Pyrokinesis 1. All her other abilities required practice and she had the benefit of Enhanced learning, which Aria doesn't have. It took Jade hours of practice with enhanced learning, and examples to work with to get anything other than basic pyrokinesis. Aria will take a longer than that, and she doesn't even have examples to work with.
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QB knows your life would improve and thus potential would only go down from here. Why wouldn't he do what he could as a last-ditch resort?
I don't mind him trying to convince us. What I am unhappy about is all of a sudden "+50% free!" I mean he does scan our soul but it's non-invasive (for a certain value) and so there really isn't an actual cost to us. With the +20% thing earlier there was a cost, even if it was hidden, but you explicitly went out of you way to say "nope, no cost to you." in a post outside of the story as a WOG.

You keep talking about neutrality but all you ever do is repeat the reasons that we have already given for not wishing and then give new reasons why wishing is totally fine. Your arguments for not wishing were never going to convince people not to wish because they had already been brought up and repeating them wasn't going to change peoples minds if they hadn't before. On the other hand you keep going "You don't want to wish? Well don't worry that thing you're worried about doesn't exist so you can wish with no problems." That isn't neutral.

That being said I'm sorry you're being stressed, other than this Wish thing I am enjoying the quest a lot. :D
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As far as goals for this quest go, I mostly just want to see what a Green overchannel or channel looks like at this point. It would be nice if unlocking Aria's mana came with a free one. ... I would also like a pony and examples of Black, Blue, and White channeling/overchanneling.
Yeah, but that doesn't stop it from being necessary to fight over it every update.
It won't be necessary after this next update, because Aria will either have wished or will auto-refuse from now on. I don't believe that will stop people from being salty as hell, but it's something.
@Alivaril: If people complain about having not made a wish after the wish vote is over, ask for them to be threadbanned. I don't want to read that shit any more than you do.
@Alivaril: If people complain about having not made a wish after the wish vote is over, ask for them to be threadbanned. I don't want to read that shit any more than you do.
As someone voting for not wishing, I think that's pretty excessive.

Threadbans are for disruptive behavior and shitposting, not for disagreements(and while I personally don't feel wishing is worth the trouble, it would be a legitimate perception for a wish to be a solution to a problem).
Those arguments do not matter because Aria will never make a wish, no matter how hard they argue or how salty they get. This is what auto-refuse means. It does not mean "Aria will refuse until the situation is dire enough."
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