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Could I have a vote tally, please?
Vote Tally : Disjunction (PMMM/Ignition) | Page 62 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.0

[X] Talk to Kyubey.
-[X] So tell more me about that other girl who awoke her power, what was her name?, anyway what was the reason that she never became a magical girl?
--[X] If he admits that Jade made a wish. "So if you don't understand the power that well how do you know that it wasn't the unnaturalness of the gook inside the gem caused her to start attacking people?
-[X] Who and how many people did she kill? Why don't most people know about her?
--[X] if he admits to her not killing anyone but Sorc/Witch/Kyu. "Why did you try to make it sound like she started killing humans?
-[X] Why wouldn't our soul gem be indestructible if we made a wish to not have grief?
-[X] You mentioned that wishing beyond my potential is dangerous. Will it kill me? If not then why?
--[X] if the answer is some version of "it will reduce your reserves to such a small amount that you will X." Are there anything other dangers that could result from wishing beyond my potential?
---[X] If the answer is some variation of "yes." What are they?
[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.
[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.
-[X] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.
[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.
[X] Talk to Kyubey.
-[X] So tell more me about that other girl who awoke her power, what was her name?, anyway what was the reason that she never became a magical girl?
--[X] If he admits that Jade made a wish. "So if you don't understand the power that well how do you know that it wasn't the unnaturalness of the gook inside the gem caused her to start attacking people?
-[X] Who and how many people did she kill? Why don't most people know about her?
--[X] if he admits to her not killing anyone but Sorc/Witch/Kyu. "Why did you try to make it sound like she started killing humans?
-[X] Why wouldn't our soul gem be indestructible if we made a wish to not have grief?
-[X] You mentioned that wishing beyond my potential is dangerous. Will it kill me? If not then why?
--[X] if the answer is some version of "it will reduce your reserves to such a small amount that you will X." Are there anything other dangers that could result from wishing beyond my potential?
---[X] If the answer is some variation of "yes." What are they?
[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 11

Vote Tally : Disjunction (PMMM/Ignition) | Page 62 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.0

[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Talk to Kyubey.
No. of Votes: 7

-[x] So tell more me about that other girl who awoke her power, what was her name?, anyway what was the reason that she never became a magical girl?
No. of Votes: 7

--[X] If he admits that Jade made a wish. "So if you don't understand the power that well how do you know that it wasn't the unnaturalness of the gook inside the gem caused her to start attacking people?
No. of Votes: 7

-[x] Who and how many people did she kill? Why don't most people know about her?
No. of Votes: 7

--[X] if he admits to her not killing anyone but Sorc/Witch/Kyu. "Why did you try to make it sound like she started killing humans?
No. of Votes: 7

-[X] Why wouldn't our soul gem be indestructible if we made a wish to not have grief?
No. of Votes: 7

-[X] You mentioned that wishing beyond my potential is dangerous. Will it kill me? If not then why?
No. of Votes: 7

--[X] if the answer is some version of "it will reduce your reserves to such a small amount that you will X." Are there anything other dangers that could result from wishing beyond my potential?
No. of Votes: 7

---[X] If the answer is some variation of "yes." What are they?
No. of Votes: 7

-[X] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 11
[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.
[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.
the unnaturalness of the gook
Two things for this vote that kind of need to be changed:
1. Unnaturalness into influence. Unnatural things don't make people evil, evil makes people evil. Unnatural things just suck.

2. Gook into literally any other word. Corruption, waste, the darkness, anything but gook. Please.
2.3: Ignition according to Kyubey
[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.

"Do you mind if I eat while we speak?"
You gesture toward your untouched tray of food.

"Go ahead. You won't get big if you don't eat and I think you need the extra help."

...For whatever reason, you feel vaguely insulted. You're not sure why; your appearance is one of the few things you've managed to properly maintain.

[X] Talk to Kyubey.
-[X] So tell more me about that other girl who awoke her power, what was her name? Anyway, what was the reason that she never became a magical girl?

"Her name was Jade Agni. Jade initially came to my attention as a powerful potential magical girl. Unfortunately, when I offered to let her become one, she declined. Her exact words were as follows: 'Thank you, Kyubey, but I'm not really interested right now. Maybe later?'"

"Sound familiar?"
Azura chirps. You try to ignore the peanut gallery.

"You may have heard about the tendency for magical girl candidates to be attacked by Witches. Jade was such a victim. After being trapped in a Witch's barrier, Jade was attacked by a familiar, had a significant portion of her body mass devoured, and was finally cursed. She was in the process of bleeding out when she somehow managed to throw off the curse. A few seconds later, the entire surrounding area was turned into an inferno.

"Jade showed a remarkable personality shift, displaying multiple symptoms associated with insanity and generally acting like a completely different individual. After killing the Witch responsible and almost setting the entire city ablaze, Jade collapsed with significant damage to almost every part of her body. The services of a magical girl specializing in healing were used to save her life.

"Jade was unconscious for the next few days. After she woke up, I greeted her. She killed that particular body and proceeded to go on a rampage, killing Nanako Yuuko, Masami Fujita, Aiko Fujita, Yasu Hayashi, Suzu Kawaguchi, Tomiko Mizushima, Aoi Takenaka, Yuina Watanabe, and nine others. Additionally, she also killed all the bodies I sent toward her. After that, she appeared to be satisfied.

"The next morning, the magical girl responsible for healing her, publicly known as 'Radiant Dawn' or 'Dawn', attempted to speak with Jade. Dawn's neck, spine, and numerous other bones were all broken as a result. Jade vanished afterward. Fortunately, Jade did not destroy Dawn's Soul Gem, and Dawn was able to heal what would have been fatal injuries for a normal human."

Who and how many people did she kill? (Covered) Why don't most people know about her?

"There are already enough terrifying things in the world without adding an insane, mass-murdering pyromaniac to the list. Bringing attention to the crimes of such an individual would distract from the greater threat to humanity: Witches."

-[X] Why wouldn't our soul gem be indestructible if we made a wish to not have grief?

"The human soul is immensely complicated. Meanwhile, you would be making a unique wish with unknown effects on your soul. I could still make your Soul Gem incredibly durable if you so desire, but I am not sure trying to give you true invulnerability would be safe.

"You would still be able to shrug off the vast majority of attacks, but, for example, you couldn't survive being dropped in a gravitational singularity. Would you rather I risked permanently and irreversibly damaging your soul by attempting an untested procedure?"

-[X] You mentioned that wishing beyond my potential is dangerous. Will it kill me? If not then why?

"Strictly speaking, it would not instantly kill you, but your maximum Grief capacity would be minimal. Your Soul Gem would likely completely fill up with Grief in very short order."

--[X] If the answer is some version of "it will reduce your reserves to such a small amount that you will X." Are there anything other dangers that could result from wishing beyond my potential?

"The universe will begin to reject your wish and rely more upon wording than intent. If there is a possible bare minimum with which it could fulfill the wording, it will be fulfilled. Terrible misfortune will befall those directly or indirectly affected by your wish until the amount of hope and despair produced balances out to zero. As you would be responsible for the problems so produced, you would be harmed the most by this balancing."

[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.

"Okie. When? I can grab you and leave right now, buuuut I think people might freak out a little. It's always 'Put her down, Azura!' Or 'Drop your weapon and step away.' Honestly, if I had a dollar for every time somebody told me to stop doing something completely justified, I'd have..."

Azura pauses and looks toward the ceiling, mouthing various numbers as she does so.

"...A little less than two hundred dollars, assuming you only count each person once. Maybe a little more. I've lost track. Bored now. Can we go? I wanna see what you consider destructive."

[] Ask Kyubey more questions.
-[] Write-in

[] Ask Azura more questions.
-[] Write-in

[] Conclude your questioning, for now.

[] Don't leave yet; finish school first and be sure to ask your parents if you're allowed to go.

[] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.

[] Write-in

Wrote all this up from a phone. I apologize for any formatting errors.
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If we wish not to have grief, it kinda prevents us from filling up with grief and dying immediately, doesn't it?
She killed that particular body and proceeded to go on a rampage, killing Nanako Yuuko, Masami Fujita, Aiko Fujita, Yasu Hayashi, Suzu Kawaguchi, Tomiko Mizushima, Aoi Takenaka, Yuina Watanabe, and ten others. Additionally, she also killed all the bodies I sent toward her. After that, she appeared to be satisfied.
....I don't remember this happening. I thought Kyubey never lied?

Maybe it was proxy killing? I mean, Kyubey did make those crazy Sorcerers from Jade's soul. (I still can't believe people actually voted for trusting QB)

Edit: Oh, I know! It's the name of the Witches! Damn it, QB truth twisting skill is pretty high level.
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"Jade was unconscious for the next few days. After she woke up, I greeted her. She killed that particular body and proceeded to go on a rampage, killing Nanako Yuuko, Masami Fujita, Aiko Fujita, Yasu Hayashi, Suzu Kawaguchi, Tomiko Mizushima, Aoi Takenaka, Yuina Watanabe, and ten others. Additionally, she also killed all the bodies I sent toward her. After that, she appeared to be satisfied.
Called it.
[X] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.

"Jade was unconscious for the next few days. After she woke up, I greeted her. She killed that particular body and proceeded to go on a rampage, killing Nanako Yuuko, Masami Fujita, Aiko Fujita, Yasu Hayashi, Suzu Kawaguchi, Tomiko Mizushima, Aoi Takenaka, Yuina Watanabe, and ten others. Additionally, she also killed all the bodies I sent toward her. After that, she appeared to be satisfied.

"The next morning, the magical girl responsible for healing her, publicly known as 'Radiant Dawn' or 'Dawn', attempted to speak with Jade. Dawn's neck, spine, and numerous other bones were all broken as a result. Jade vanished afterward. Fortunately, Jade did not destroy Dawn's Soul Gem, and Dawn was able to heal what would have been fatal injuries for a normal human."
Amazing how much untruth can be used without a single literal lie.
"Jade was unconscious for the next few days. After she woke up, I greeted her. She killed that particular body and proceeded to go on a rampage, killing Nanako Yuuko, Masami Fujita, Aiko Fujita, Yasu Hayashi, Suzu Kawaguchi, Tomiko Mizushima, Aoi Takenaka, Yuina Watanabe, and ten others. Additionally, she also killed all the bodies I sent toward her. After that, she appeared to be satisfied.

Wow, that girl seems awful. We should kill her as soon as we can.
Well, that pissed me off so much. I wish we could just write off OOC votes like,

[Jk] Something felt off about Kyubey's statement.
-[Jk] The emotionless way he described the names of her victims.
-[Jk] How he paints this Jade person as a vicious magical girl killer.
-[Jk] Something doesn't sit right with you. QB wasn't lying. But he's not telling the full truth either.
[Jk] Find out more about this Jade person.
-[Jk] She might be a serial killer but something about her tells you that she's the key to unlocking your Green gem.
-[Jk] It's better than trusting QB.
-[Jk] Which is strange. Why do you trust a supposed serial killer you've never met rather than the cute, fluffy bunnycat striving to save the world?

Joke votes aside, anyone have any ideas? Preferably one that does not involve any wishes?
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Well, that pissed me off so much. I wish we could just write off OOC votes like,

[Jk] Something felt off about Kyubey's statement.
-[Jk] The emotionless way he described the names of her victims.
-[Jk] How he paints this Jade person as a vicious magical girl killer.
-[Jk] Something doesn't sit right with you. QB wasn't lying. But he's not telling the full truth either.
[Jk] Find out more about this Jade person.
-[Jk] She might be a serial killer but something about her tells you that she's the key to unlocking your Green gem.
-[Jk] It's better than trusting QB.
-[Jk] Which is strange. Why do you trust a supposed serial killer you've never met rather than the cute, fluffy bunnycat striving to save the world?

Joke votes aside, anyone have any ideas? Preferably one that does not involve any wishes?
[X] Don't wish.
[X] Don't leave yet; finish school first and be sure to ask your parents if you're allowed to go.

Don't wish, finish school. This is a simple vote.
[X] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.

I know asking our parents is in-character, but it's such a bad idea.
[X] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.
[X] Leave immediately. You can always make up for the lost time later, not to mention you're less likely to be hurt or badly influenced while in the presence of a magical girl. You should still be able to return home on time.

I know asking our parents is in-character, but it's such a bad idea.
We have a tracking bracelet. They'll know.

Why are people forgetting about their paranoia?
[X] Don't wish.
[X] Don't leave yet; finish school first and be sure to ask your parents if you're allowed to go.
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