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It's not personal, it's just the Red thing to do. :V
Repeatedly. After the Red Surge had expired.
Yes. For intentionally taking a completely helpless individual into one of the most dangerous places on the planet and then leaving her alone in order to get her to sell her soul to survive, we are vindictive stupidheads.

She was malicious, or incompetent enough to make no difference, and we reacted accordingly.
Yes, yes you were. Kyubey deliberately tricked her into thinking the best option was to kill the witch ASAP, and we the voters knew that, yet the campaigning for killing and/or maiming her didn't die out until we left the goddamn plain. that is beyond the realm of "reacting accordingly" and well into violent idiocy.
Repeatedly. After the Red Surge had expired.

Yes, yes you were. Kyubey deliberately tricked her into thinking the best option was to kill the witch ASAP, and we the voters knew that, yet the campaigning for killing and/or maiming her didn't die out until we left the goddamn plain. that is beyond the realm of "reacting accordingly" and well into violent idiocy.
It was decided that she was too incompetent to be useful enough to make up for her actions, and so we left. Our hatred abated, became disdain, and then we intentionally never saw her again.

The lesson is that sufficiently advanced ineptitude is indistinguishable from malice, and acts of malice are not forgiven without good explanations, which she lacked.
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It was decided that she was too incompetent to be useful enough to make up for her actions, and so we left. Our hatred abated into disdain, and then we intentionally never saw her again.

The lesson is that sufficiently advanced ineptitude is indistinguishable from malice, and acts of malice are not forgiven without good explanations, which she lacked.
So you're saying Mami's malicious then? because they literally made the same mistakes, aside from Jeanne not getting herself decapitated.
So you're saying Mami's malicious then? because they literally made the same mistakes, aside from Jeanne not getting herself decapitated.
They lived. We wouldn't have. There was nothing that mitigated our negative opinion of her. The end result was that she was merely somebody responsible for almost killing us, possessing no positive traits.
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They lived. We wouldn't have. There was nothing that mitigated our negative opinion of her. The end result was that she was merely somebody responsible for the reckless endangerment of a minor, the minor being us.

Mami deliberately kept Homura out of the barrier, and if she hadn't been along both Madoka and Sayaka would have died there. Homura showing up to save them (and even being inclined to do so, since at the time Mami thought she was a threat) was totally unforeseen, in the same way Jade awakening her mana was.

They practically did the same thing, except that Jeanne didn't bring two helpless civilians along with her.
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Mami deliberately kept Homura out of the barrier, and if she hadn't been along both Madoka and Sayaka would have died there. Homura showing up to save them (and even being inclined to do so, since at the time Mami thought she was a threat) was totally unforeseen, in the same way Jade awakening her mana was.

They literally did the same thing, except that Jeanne didn't bring two helpless civilians along with her.
Mami wasn't deliberately led into it by Kyubey either.
you guys should take this Jeanne stuff to the other thread

I just want Azura to not end up thread enemy #2 (first is Kyubes, obvs), but I guess that's up to her. Hopefully we'll never learn what she considers drastic.
you guys should take this Jeanne stuff to the other thread

I just want Azura to not end up thread enemy #2 (first is Kyubes, obvs), but I guess that's up to her. Hopefully we'll never learn what she considers drastic.
Why would our faithful minion be enemy #1?
Mami deliberately kept Homura out of the barrier, and if she hadn't been along both Madoka and Sayaka would have died there. Homura showing up to save them (and even being inclined to do so, since at the time Mami thought she was a threat) was totally unforeseen, in the same way Jade awakening her mana was.

They practically did the same thing, except that Jeanne didn't bring two helpless civilians along with her.
Mami recieved sympathetic characterization. Jeanne did not.
Mami wasn't deliberately led into it by Kyubey either.
Kyuubey led Mami into everything, really.
you guys should take this Jeanne stuff to the other thread

I just want Azura to not end up thread enemy #2 (first is Kyubes, obvs), but I guess that's up to her. Hopefully we'll never learn what she considers drastic.
Locking us into a basement. Presumably torture. I'd imagine she could get pretty creative, with her powers. We won't enjoy it, but we've had worse.
[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating. It might be a bit rude to eat in front of them, but telepathy would prevent you from speaking with your mouth full.
[X] Accept Azura's offer to use her property for your experiment.
Grief accumulation and the threat of witching, and the threat of Kyubey witching other girls to keep us functional.

Sure it does. Ordinary girls don't accumulate grief or witch, so we don't either. We can naturalise other girls to have the same immunity too.

Sereg, you are, in essence, trying to get away with a Sabrina-tier conceptual wish. By definition, those things are pretty broken.

You are not going to get it in this quest no matter how hard you argue.

Now, can we please move on?

Understood. I'll just watch for now. I understand that I've earned a reputation as a ridiculous powergamer on this site.I won't force you to deal wih that if you ask me to stop.
Then we wouldn't be able to use magic. Being a "normal girl" and a "magical girl" are mutualy exclusive.

I suggested wishing for the ability to naturise concepts independantly of each other. Again, we get every advantage of both magical and ordinary girls.

No we wouldn't nothing in the wording you provided indicated any such thing.

Sure it did. I asked to naturalise whatever we wanted to. That includes other girls, meaning we can provide them with the same advantages.
I suggested wishing for the ability to naturise concepts independantly of each other. Again, we get every advantage of both magical and ordinary girls.
...That is not what that wish would do. Like, there is no logical connection between that wish and having all the advantages of both magical girls and normals. Especially as said advantages are mutually exclusive.
Sure it did. I asked to naturalise whatever we wanted to. That includes other girls, meaning we can provide them with the same advantages.
Advantages which we would not get.
...That is not what that wish would do. Like, there is no logical connection between that wish and having all the advantages of both magical girls and normals. Especially as said advantages are mutually exclusive.

Advantages which we would not get.
Intent. It would give what I expected it to do. Again, I'm wishing to naturlise concepts independently and have them interact as I wish. So, I naturalise the need for grief seeds while leaving the ability to do magic completely unharmed.
Intent. It would give what I expected it to do. Again, I'm wishing to naturlise concepts independently and have them interact as I wish.
Intent does not go that far, nor are you the one wish. It's Aria wishing, and she doesn't operate on the insane troll logic that lead you to believe that wish would have those effects.
So, I naturalise the need for grief seeds while leaving the ability to do magic completely unharmed.
You can't naturalize out something that's an inherent part of the thing.
Intent does not go that far, nor are you the one wish. It's Aria wishing, and she doesn't operate on the insane troll logic that lead you to believe that wish would have those effects.

I'm the suggestor of the wish. And part of Aria. As such, my intent is the one that matters.

You can't naturalize out something that's an inherent part of the thing.

But it isn't. Aria was born a normal girl, so she can gain any advantage she once had in the past, at will, because it was possessed by an earlier version of her and is thus more inherently her.
why are you both still talking about that wish
Sereg, you are, in essence, trying to get away with a Sabrina-tier conceptual wish. By definition, those things are pretty broken.

You are not going to get it in this quest no matter how hard you argue.

Now, can we please move on?
this is the opposite of moving on
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I'm the suggestor of the wish. And part of Aria. As such, my intent is the one that matters.
You are not the only part of Aria though, and honestly, saying any of the voters are a "part" of any of Alivaril's protags strikes me as not really correct. This isn't PMAS, they're very much their own characters.
But it isn't. Aria was born a normal girl, so she can gain any advantage she once had in the past, at will, because it was possessed by an earlier version of her and is thus more inherently her.
...what you're describing there isn't "naturalization", that's time regression.
And the need for grief seeds is an inherent part of the soul gem, it can't be "naturalized" out because it's "naturally" there.
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