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what would "I wish that my soul wouldn't produce any corruption" get us? with the intent that its simply never generated, without actually changing our soul beyond the whole "you're now a rock" thing?

because if that left us with no PM magic, but also no grief gen.... that would actually be a pretty good deal, as we'd have no need to hunt witches to live (we'd do it because it's our job, but we wouldn't need to worry about grief or cleansing), we'd automatically unlock our green mana, and we'd be completely immortal outside of actually being bodily killed (and even that we can come back from given enough green mana, or a PM with enough seeds willing to heal us a new body).
[X] Summers

You glance over at the other people on the rooftop. Most of them are paying attention to their friends, but a small number are starting to notice Azura's presence and her proximity to you. If they find out about your potential and your refusal to become a magical girl, you expect they'd probably start pressuring you. You're not sure if your intention to help with Green mana would dissuade them.

[X] Try to defuse the situation.
--[X] Ask if she's been remembering to keep her soul-gem clean. it felt nearly half full last night, and she seemed to have almost forgotten to take care of it at the time. She does know that leaving it to fill is really bad for her, right?

"Um... Before we talk about this, one little thing. Is your Soul Gem clean right now?"

Azura opens her mouth, pauses, and glances down.

"...Oopsie?" Azura gives you a sheepish smile, converts her Soul Gem into gemstone form, and produces a Grief Seed from one of her pockets. You quickly turn away before nausea can set in.

(Azura's Corruption: 81% -> 0%)

When you turn back, Azura looks much calmer. Still rather determined, though.

"What I said still stands, you know. You're being selfish. If I need to resort to drastic measures, I will."

-[X] Say that it's only a temporary measure; you'll be happy to help her once you've unlocked your magic.
-[X] Tell her that you just don't trust Kyubey enough to let him near your soul. He hid that Soul Gems had souls for the longest time. And whatever he does with Soul Gems makes them generate that... corruption.

"Like I said earlier, I'll be happy to help you once I get access to my own kind of magic. I have a hint, at least: I need to grow some. I'm not sure what kind of growth. However, I don't really trust Kyubey to tinker with my soul. For the longest time, he concealed the fact that Soul Gems are containers for souls. He's evasive when I ask him questions and whatever he does to souls makes them generate corruption even when magic isn't being used."

Azura slumps. "So... You're one of those people who forges tinfoil hats. That's kinda stupid, but understandable."

"As a matter of fact, Aria, you are partially correct. However, you simply did not ask if there was an alternative to Grief. Choosing to distrust me because of a lack of information is rather silly, don't you think?"

Kyubey slinks out from behind Azura. You're almost completely certain he wasn't there a minute ago. You suspected Kyubey was Schrodinger's bunnycat prior to this, but now you've received confirmation.

It's official: the bunnycat can either teleport, phase through solid matter, or turn invisible.

"While the process which creates magical girls does require the presence of Grief in some form or another, there are ways to mitigate the generation. Those with larger reserves will be able to have a larger percentage of their Soul Gem fill up before it begins to have a noticeable effect on their mind, as emotional changes are partly based upon the remaining capacity of a Soul Gem.

"Larger reserves may be traded to create an even bigger buffer against emotional manipulation. Some wishes give access to a separate source of self-refilling power which can be used without generating any Grief at all. Usually, it is only for a specialized kind of magic specific to their wish, but it does exist.

"As Azura has stated previously, I am currently adapting to the lack of a 'masquerade' concealing the existence of magic. Several thousand years of habit are difficult to overcome. I apologize for anything you may have perceived as an attempt to mislead you. If you have questions, you need only to ask them."

[] Move off the roof and head to a more private area. There has to be an abandoned classroom somewhere, right?

[] Ask Kyubey more questions.
-[] Write-in

[] Ask Azura more questions.
-[] Write-in

[] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating...
-[] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
--[] Ask them to just leave you alone until you actually gain access to Green mana. You don't really expect them to listen, but it might be worth a try.

[] Write-in

After school ends... (Timeskip may not occur quite yet, depending on what happens next)

[] Ask your parents if they can pull you out of classes. If Azura just intended to use it as a way to manipulate you, that's rather cruel.

[] Don't go back on your desire to attend school. You had fun and it was much easier to learn from actual teachers.
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[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating...
-[X] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
--[X] Ask them to just leave you alone until you actually gain access to Green mana. You don't really expect them to listen, but it might be worth a try.
[X] Don't go back on your desire to attend school. You had fun and it was much easier to learn from actual teachers.
[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating...
-[X] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
--[X] Ask them to just leave you alone until you actually gain access to Green mana. You don't really expect them to listen, but it might be worth a try.

[X] Ask your parents if they can pull you out of classes. If Azura just intended to use it as a way to manipulate you, that's rather cruel.

The second bit is just a protest vote against this girl, because she's a jerk.
[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating...
-[X] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
--[X] Ask them to just leave you alone until you actually gain access to Green mana. You don't really expect them to listen, but it might be worth a try.
[X] Don't go back on your desire to attend school. You had fun and it was much easier to learn from actual teachers.

Azura is a bit of a jerk, but Kylee seems like she might be nicer, and having an actual friend is pretty crucial for Aria at this point.
[X] Move off the roof and head to a more private area. There has to be an abandoned classroom somewhere, right?

[X] Ask Kyubey more questions.
-[X] how would a wish for non-grief based magic even be worded?
-[X] is it within your potential to be able to make it so that you don't generate any grief? not a buffer against corruption, but a total lack of production in the first place, without damaging what makes you who you are?

[X] Tell Azura that you really do want to help her, but that every time you get near witches or grief, something inside you just screams that it's unnatural, to the point that you feel physically nauseous just looking at them. You want to help... but just the thought of having any of that stuff inside you...

[X] Mention that while studying your pendant, you thought that there might be a way to force through an awakening, but that it could be destructive to those nearby. is there anywhere safe that you could go, where you would be able unleash that kind of power without hurting anyone?

[X] Don't go back on your desire to attend school. You had fun and it was much easier to learn from actual teachers.
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The second bit is just a protest vote against this girl, because she's a jerk.
Azura is a bit of a jerk, but Kylee seems like she might be nicer, and having an actual friend is pretty crucial for Aria at this point.

how's she a jerk? she's a literal child soldier, who's had her mind and body played with so that she can never not be a child, fighting a war against soul-eating monsters using magic that actively corrupts the soul and makes you hate everything, and has no back-up that can actually help her. not to mention that from what we've heard of her backstory, and how she acted around us in the basement, she's been just as badly abused as us, and has the same issues with knowing what to do to fix the problem. I'm honestly surprised that she's doing as well as she is.

besides, are we supposed to judge all the canon characters on what they said when their souls were 80% full of pure hatred and bad-thoughts? because if we did, then I'm pretty sure there'd be a lot fewer fans of certain characters.
besides, are we supposed to judge all the canon characters on what they said when their souls were 80% full of pure hatred and bad-thoughts? because if we did, then I'm pretty sure there'd be a lot fewer fans of certain characters.

She cleansed and she's still going with :

"What I said still stands, you know. You're being selfish. If I need to resort to drastic measures, I will."

I think threatening kidnapping is the point where Aria probably shouldn't deal with her right now. I can understand why she's doing it, but that's not really the same as thinking she should stick around, you know?
I think threatening kidnapping is the point where Aria probably shouldn't deal with her right now. I can understand why she's doing it, but that's not really the same as thinking she should stick around, you know?

we're talking to a girl with the mind of a 10 year old (or younger), who was physically abused for her entire life up until she made a wish that let her kill her parents to get free, and who's main contact since then has been QB.

and you're expecting her to be good at social?! :confused:

Jade's been nasty to Nanoha the last couple times we talked to her, does that mean that Nanoha should drop her as well? all of these girls are broken and need help.

rejecting Azura won't help her or us, and it won't get her off our backs either. we already tried to get the both of them to just leave us alone, and they're still doing this. Azura can at least be reasoned with, but if we're just going to be stubborn without actually talking to her it won't make her stop, it'll just make her try harder. we need to go along with them for a bit and talk things out, so we can actually get her to get that we're not just being selfish and stubborn, but that we actually want to help.
[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating...
-[X] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
--[X] Ask them to just leave you alone until you actually gain access to Green mana. You don't really expect them to listen, but it might be worth a try.
[X] Don't go back on your desire to attend school. You had fun and it was much easier to learn from actual teachers.
so we can actually get her to get that we're not just being selfish and stubborn,
Aria is being selfish and stubborn though. The only non-selfish reason to not wish is that it might prompt QB to Witch more girls. That's it. Aria doesn't even know about that in-character.

I'm not saying it's wrong to be selfish about this, just that Azura isn't wrong when she calls Aria selfish.
[X] Tell Azura that you really do want to help her, but that every time you get near witches or grief, something inside you just screams that it's unnatural. You want to help... but just the thought of having any of that stuff inside you...
And not just that, but if nobody else reacts that way that means our mana's responsible and if it reacts that way just to someone else using a Grief Seed who knows how it'll take us doing that.

Yes, OOC it won't be an issue, but IC it's a reasonable theory that Kyuubey can't definitively refute.

I think you're articulating this poorly, though. You make it sound like some kind of new-agey thing when Aria actually gets physically nauseous looking at them.
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Right. After binge-reading this, I am firmly on the 'no wish' camp. I'm gonna be picking any options that involves poking around the gem and awakening the green mana. I feel sorry for Azure and the PC's home life but being one of Kyubey's expendable foot soldier is no way to live.

And yes, I do think that all MGs are expendable in the end. Regardless of Alivaril's info, any female children of mankind with potential on them is a resource to fight off entropy, and resources are called as such because they are used and expended. The only questions left are how valuable said resources was.

God, with the tone Alivaril's been setting here, I'm starting to wish one of his PMMM quest would have a heartless protagonist. Like that time when Flandre killed a bunch of MGs for lulz. That was much, much more cheerful than this. Huh, I wonder how that Quest goes on?
Aria is being selfish and stubborn though. The only non-selfish reason to not wish is that it might prompt QB to Witch more girls. That's it. Aria doesn't even know about that in-character.

I'm not saying it's wrong to be selfish about this, just that Azura isn't wrong when she calls Aria selfish.

Yeah, but we can make her see that we have good reason for it (Green mana seeming to react poorly to grief), and that we do intend to help her once we've got our mana unlocked.

Azura can be reasoned with, but just taking the vanilla option and telling them to go away is the worst possible thing we can try. she's a child for god's sake, what happens when you tell a child that they can't have something they want without giving a good reason? they dig their feet in and get as obnoxious and stubborn as possible, and don't let up until they either get what they want, or are punished for acting that way. we can't do the latter, so it's just going to backfire in the worst way.

that's why my write-ins are to actually talk to them, express our concerns, and ask about alternative options, so that Azura actually gets that we do want to help, and we aren't just being stubborn without good reason. besides, QB might figure out that Green and grief are inimical to each other, and might stop pushing so hard (he probably won't, but we can always hope).
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[X] Start eating your lunch. You wouldn't want to go the entire period without eating...
-[X] Ask Kyubey and Azura to please leave.
--[X] Ask them to just leave you alone until you actually gain access to Green mana. You don't really expect them to listen, but it might be worth a try.
[X] Once Kyubey starts being stubborn again, tell him you'll reconsider if he brought back the gem. You need more experimenting on that item.
[X] Don't go back on your desire to attend school. You had fun and it was much easier to learn from actual teachers.
Aria is being selfish and stubborn though. The only non-selfish reason to not wish is that it might prompt QB to Witch more girls. That's it. Aria doesn't even know about that in-character.

I'm not saying it's wrong to be selfish about this, just that Azura isn't wrong when she calls Aria selfish.
Being selfish is fine by me. I'll put up with any forms of hipocrisy, cruelty and sophistry so long as the PC don't end up being one of QBs pawn.
Oh, speaking of, we asked Kyuubey to put that back where he found it. We should probably get it back now that our parents aren't a concern.
Good idea. I'll add that along witb veekie's vote.
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that's why my write-ins are to actually talk to them, express our concerns, and ask about alternative options, so that Azura actually gets that we do want to help, and we aren't just being stubborn without good reason.
I understand that's what you're aiming for, but when someone says something "feels unnatural" the image that forms in my mind is someone who won't give their kids vaccines because they have chemicals in them. Azura's acting pretty much like that's what she hears too. More descriptive language is necessary.
besides, QB might figure out that Green and grief are inimical to each other, and might stop pushing so hard (he probably won't, but we can always hope).
We don't have to leave that to him to figure out.
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I understand that's what you're aiming for, but when someone says something "feels unnatural" the image that forms in my mind is someone who won't give their kids vaccines because they have chemicals in them. Azura's acting pretty much like that's what she hears too. More descriptive language is necessary.

We don't have to leave that to him to figure out.

Well, if you've got a suggestion for better wording, I'm all for it, but you might want to hurry before plan "make the obnoxious child even more stubbornly obnoxious so she can ruin our life" gets any more support.
Just play up the fact that there is an actual physical reaction here. Don't leave any room for thinking that this is just some Deepak Chopra bullshit.

I'd do it myself, but need to work.

[x] Xyzarach
[X] Tell Azura that you really do want to help her, but that every time you get near witches or grief, something inside you just screams that it's unnatural, to the point that you feel physically nauseous just looking at them. You want to help... but just the thought of having any of that stuff inside you...

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