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Because we can deal with it, easily, and as it would be the only risk it simply doesn't outweigh the benefits for me.
Let's take this back into the extended universe/entropy metaphor.

Yes, it is possible to stop entropy. But when you keep throwing in unknown, easily universe ending variables, the end result is that the universe is most certainly going to die before thermodynamic equilibrium is reached.

Yes, we could, theoretically, cleanse our soul gem with green. This is not instinctual. We are not a planeswalker, and do not have magically enhanced learning times that works especially well for magic. We don't even have an example to work off of.

So it's not even going to begin to happen instantly.

Add in that we're not a planeswalker again, this time for mana capacity. If we're in possession of more than five green mana a day I'll eat Alivaril's hat. Jade, a planeswalker, with all of the aforementioned advantages that we lack, still takes ten mana a day to cleanse, using an inordinate amount of experience for the time she's been doing this.

This indicates that it is going to be incredibly expensive for a very, very long time, and it won't even be completely effective for even longer.

And now let's just throw in the fights we'd have to get into. The fights which cost grief. The grief that Jade doesn't have to deal with because her main method of attack is thinking things to death with fire. The grief that would actively push our consumption above Miss 'A cleanse a day'.

And since we can't use mana to cleanse, we're going to be eating so many broken little girls that the sheer size of this unintended double entendre will call down mods on us.

Which means more fights.

Ad Infinitum.

Until we die.

This is not a system that people survive.
factually wrong as I don't want a Wish and voted Jade level potential.
it also fails at hyperbole as more than 2/3rd voted for potential above low, 11 people voted for low potential which is the same number that voted for making a wish, but I'm not going to check if those are the same people.
I... Apologize for assuming that people would not vote for trauma just for the character trait...
Negating meta knowledge again:

In this, Grief Seeds do not feel any negative effects from having Grief poured into them. Describing them as "dead souls" would be pretty accurate.
(Again, not a Kyubeyism)
They're only mostly dead. :V
It's really not the same thing.

...and humans are poisonous, why would you eat them?
"Surprise! Those souls you're pouring all of your evil into came from humans. But don't worry, they don't feel anything when you use them, so there's nothing wrong with grabbing seconds."
Let's take this back into the extended universe/entropy metaphor.

Yes, it is possible to stop entropy. But when you keep throwing in unknown, easily universe ending variables, the end result is that the universe is most certainly going to die before thermodynamic equilibrium is reached.

Yes, we could, theoretically, cleanse our soul gem with green. This is not instinctual. We are not a planeswalker, and do not have magically enhanced learning times that with especially well for magic. We don't even have an example to work off of.

So it's not even going to begin to happen instantly.

Add in that we're not a planeswalker again, this time for mana capacity. If we're in possession of more than five green mana a day I'll eat Alivaril's hat. Jade, a planeswalker, with all of the aforementioned advantages that we lack, still takes ten mana a day to cleanse, using an inordinate amount of experience for the time she's been doing this.

This indicates that it is going to be incredibly expensive for a very, very long time, and it won't even be completely effective for even longer.

And now let's just throw in the fights we'd have to get into. The fights which cost grief. The grief that Jade doesn't have to deal with because her main method of attack is thinking things to death with fire. The grief that would actively push our consumption above Miss 'A cleanse a day'.

And since we can't use mana to cleanse, we're going to be eating so many broken little girls that the sheer size of this unintended double entendre will call down mods on us.

Which means more fights.

Ad Infinitum.

Until we die.

This is not a system that people survive.
Jade generates far more corruption than I think we're likely to, and refuses to use the grief seeds she has. She also didn't wish for an uncorruptable soul, which we can do.
"Surprise! Those empty husks you're pouring all of your evil into came from humans. But don't worry, they don't feel anything when you use them, so there's nothing wrong with grabbing seconds."
Which means more fights.

Ad Infinitum.

Until we die.

This is not a system that people survive

Did you read this? I just made a post to address this. There are reasons not to contract, but I'd very much prefer if you didn't include this among them.

EDIT: It remains a valid reason for why you shouldn't get other people to contract, though.

EDIT 2: Urk. And now I feel like I'm unintentionally coming across as railroady when all I wanted to do was cancel meta-knowledge... :cry: I'm headed off to sleep. Good night everyone.
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"Surprise! That empty husk you're eating came from humans. But don't worry, they don't feel anything when you eat them, so there's nothing wrong with grabbing seconds."
you don't eat empty husks. you don't even eat from them, that why we have bowls.
That's really all Grief seeds are. Bowls to hold grief. The fact that the bowl is made of bones doesn't bother me, we have entire buildings made of them.
you don't eat empty husks. you don't even eat from them, that why we have bowls.
That's really all Grief seeds are. Bowls to hold grief. The fact that the bowl is made of bones doesn't bother me, we have entire buildings made of them.

Great, but you're not Aria. Convince me that it would never bother anyone.

Rather, convince him that it wouldn't bother Aria, since that's really all that we need to discuss. desperate attempt to keep discussion on topic
Why would it bother Aria? Bones are perfectly natural, if a little on the creepy side when put together in a set and put under the right lighting.
Did you read this? I just made a post to address this. There are reasons not to contract, but I'd very much prefer if you didn't include this among them.

EDIT: It remains a valid reason for why you shouldn't get other people to contract, though.

EDIT 2: Urk. And now I feel like I'm unintentionally coming across as railroady when all I wanted to do was cancel meta-knowledge... :cry: I'm headed off to sleep. Good night everyone.
Name a single magical girl that did not die violently.

A single one.

Kyuubey keeps PR-happy magical girls alive. He does not keep them alive forever.

We. Will. Die.

At what point? Is it weeks? Months? Years? Certainly not decades.

It's there. We'll cross some line or another. And then we're gone.
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Name a single magical girl that did not die violently.

A single one.
In canon? Madoka, Homura, Sayaka technically died sitting still in a train station, Kyouko suicided so I don't know if you count that as violent or not, and a couple others from the spinoffs that I honestly can't remember the names of.

Kyuubey keeps PR-happy magical girls alive. He does not keep them alive forever.

We. Will. Die.

At what point? Is it weeks? Months? Years? Certainly not decades.
By that time we'll be perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves.
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Became a goddess
Became a devil
Sayaka technically died sitting still in a train station,
After killing people on a train because she had gone homicidally insane.
By that time we'll be perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves.
I can say the exact opposite and be just as correct.

No, we're probably going to be dead by then.
I'm voting no to wish because I want to play a Alivaril quest that isn't also an MG quest. That, and I hate Kyubey after what he did.
Died violently or witched whenever she was a magical girl. Law of Cycles was a whole other animal.
Sayaka technically died sitting still in a train station,
You can't be serious.
Kyouko suicided so I don't know if you count that as violent or not
Well, that's one way to avoid dying in battle I guess. Just kill yourself before the witches get you!
and a couple others from the spinoffs that I honestly can't remember the names of.
Given the standard you're applying to the people whose names you do know I find this unconvincing.
I'm voting no to wish because I want to play a Alivaril quest that isn't also an MG quest. That, and I hate Kyubey after what he did.
Neither of those are even close to IC justifiable reasons.
You can't be serious.
I am. Oktavia does not count as Sayaka, nor does witching count as violent death. It's death, sure, but the most violent part was the barrier expanding and tossing Kyouko away.
Right, I can see you're not worth arguing with on this subject.
Death yes, violent no. Explain why you would say otherwise?

Edit: serious question. All the witchouts I know of, while emotionally awful, were rather non violent. Gem break, barrier expands, not there's a witch. The barrier is the most violent part of that, and it comes after the "death".
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Death yes, violent no. Explain why you would say otherwise?

Edit: serious question. All the witchouts I know of, while emotionally awful, were rather non violent. Gem break, barrier expands, not there's a witch. The barrier is the most violent part of that, and it comes after the "death".
I consider Witching out a prolonged violent death, because as Kyubey says becoming a witch is a state change + insanity rather than death so the MG only really dies once the witch is slain.
this is backed by Rebellion and Homura, who became a witch, was unwitched, and ate then her own soul thus becoming a demon/devil.
Did you read this? I just made a post to address this. There are reasons not to contract, but I'd very much prefer if you didn't include this among them.

EDIT: It remains a valid reason for why you shouldn't get other people to contract, though.

EDIT 2: Urk. And now I feel like I'm unintentionally coming across as railroady when all I wanted to do was cancel meta-knowledge... :cry: I'm headed off to sleep. Good night everyone.

Are you saying that spending a few months to years spending grief and cleansing with grief seeds while holding Aria's personal beliefs isn't just setting her up for a very bad time as an eldritch abomination when she figures out what exactly they are? Because I don't think you are, but this is a PMMM quest, and that revelation will be hovering over our heads for 100% of the time once we wish.

Episode 10 Mami comes to mind. Heck, as someone who was supported by Kyubey, just Mami in general comes to mind. It only took one moment of inattentiveness to do her in. I know you don't mean that Aria will be invincible, but implying that Kyubey's support and the potential for a MG success story exists doesn't mean that MG Aria will live a long happy life without the potential of dying or witching. That potential will always, irrevocably be there once she's a MG.

tldr: think you're trying too hard to devils advocate this tbh
We can make a "uncorruptable gem" wish, I remind you. Corbeau specifically wished for her corruption to be loaded off on other magical girls, so unless that's our intent when we make the wish it's an unlikely downside.
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