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Wishing is a horrible idea, as it leads to long-term pain and suffering, which we'd probably never be able to fix. Worse yet, it'll give the little demon bunnycat another shot at learning about mana by observing a mana using soul directly, which will make any plans to get rid of him much harder.

running away and/or altering the authorities isn't possible, as our character doesn't know that what she's going through isn't the way things should be, save for in the moments when she starts getting hints of Green. Furthermore, we've currently got a tracking bracelet locked around our wrist at all times, and we aren't ever allowed out of the house without direct parent super-vision, so getting away is just about impossible, since we'll be caught very shortly after.

magical awakenings are nice... but we can't really vote for them, as we know nothing IC about our magic potential, and even if we did, they aren't all that easy to just force through. I'm actually hoping that asking QB about the pendant might have him come clean and tell us about Color Magic, which would make things a lot easier for us.

whatever ends up happening, I wouldn't be surprised that within the next day or so QB will end up leading a witch to our house, as he'll likely soon consider our parents to much of a danger to our health, and therefor his experiments into Color Magic.
So what exactly is your plan then?
Because continuation of the current situation is intollerable and both running to the police and becoming a magical girl at least gives a chance of happiness and lack of torture.
Regarding making a wish: I actually do have reasons beyond "fluffy Kyubey pet".

He could be extremely useful, in that he could help regulate grief buildup, he could lead us to Witches we can handle easily, he could educate us on MG mechanics, and he could potentially teach us about Black Mana. With the right wish, taking the 20% power boost would also become viable, as he would actually take care when performing his scan, so it wouldn't be so traumatic as it was for Jade.
And as a bonus, he could probably alert the proper authorities about the shit our parents are doing.

We have enough potential that we could actually pull off a Legitimately-Helpful-Kyubey wish. A Type 5 civilization buddy is something that sounds pretty good.
becoming a magical girl at least gives a chance of happiness and lack of torture.

Unless we can radically change the system, becoming a magical girl inevitably leads to turning into an abomination and then being killed brutally by someone. It might be mostly okay on the way there, but think about how learning the witch bomb is going to affect Aria, given how strongly she reacts to grief? She already noticed when looking at Azura's gem that there's basically a small witch growing inside of it, and that core of grief felt unsettling. Having that inside her is going to be pretty upsetting too.

Right now there isn't really any good option that's going to make Aria happy. Any given response makes a lot of compromises, in either the immediate or long term.

If we want to run to the police, we're going to have to wait until the next time we're allowed out (tracking, remember?) and that'll probably be a while since the Witch attack happened last time. In the meantime, we're at danger and have no real way to stop it.

If we contract, we're immediately thrown into fighting for our lives, and we're probably going to be disowned (which is a good thing but Aria will hate it unless something else about her mindset changes).

If we work on color magic we might get lucky and awaken something soon enough, or go into Overchannel the next time we get beaten, but there's good chances it would take nearly as long as the police plan. I think this is the best plan but it's going to be difficult.

I don't think there's any good reason to return the pendant regardless, though. Parents won't notice it for a while and it's not any safer with them. We should either give it to Kyubey so they don't realize we have it, or hide it somewhere in the basement / our room for now. Kyubey can probably take it places and might do that as a favor to us if he's allowed to scan it more.
"I wish for you to do your utmost to help me."

To quote arguments for the same wish in another quest for some more points in favor:
He either knows about all magical girls and their methods, or at least the ones he's contracted, likely a massive number. Which were successful and lived the longest. Which died in short order. How to min/max magic training. Similar powersets to ours for ideas. He'll know whenever someone nearby Witches Out and which ones would be the weakest for us to hunt.

He has infinite, or at least a massive number, of bodies and could act as a distraction or field recon.

He's an adorable, huggable bunnycat for when we need emotional support. Snippets of the show indicate that he knows how to act cute.

I could go on, but I'm on a phone and lazy :V . We've turned his main priority from "fighting Entropy" to "helping us".

Judging from past behavior, I expect the other incubators will, at least, not try to interfere with us. Why? SCIENCE! "How will our gathering compare if we were actually helpful instead of encouraging grief-spirals?"

That and it's not like canon ever shows them interfering, with the sole exception of Homulucifer. And even then, they probably only moved in just before grief-out. ...She would probably approve of our activities, come to think of it. "Probably probably probably"

Helpful to us. I'd like to wish for him to be helpful to all the expendable girls too.

If we're going to go for that wish, anyway.
If we go with this, we could ask Kyubey to help our friends too. It might not be full "Kyubey, friend to all", but it'd be better than the current status.
[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.
[X] Try something else to get her to leave.
-[X] Curl up and try to get some sleep.

I wonder what Kyubey did to convince Azura to put pressure on Aria.

It's almost 100% certain that he did do something. New and valuable color of mana to study? He will do quite a bit to force Aria to make a wish and to examine her soul.

It's efficient this way.

I don't want that damn manipulative bunnycat to win - so I don't want a wish to be made.
So what exactly is your plan then?
Because continuation of the current situation is intollerable and both running to the police and becoming a magical girl at least gives a chance of happiness and lack of torture.

well, we know about mana now, so we can actually work on trying to learn something from our pendant, and considering we were able to sense something in there in the few seconds we had before Azura pulled us away from it, my current vote to tell her that we feel something and to back off for a bit has at least some chance of leading somewhere better.
[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.
[X] Try something else to get her to leave.
-[X] Curl up and try to get some sleep.

I wonder what Kyubey did to convince Azura to put pressure on Aria.

It's almost 100% certain that he did do something. New and valuable color of mana to study? He will do quite a bit to force Aria to make a wish and to examine her soul.

It's efficient this way.

I don't want that damn manipulative bunnycat to win - so I don't want a wish to be made.
But if we wish for him to be our assistant, a win for him is a win for us.
Fine, lets go over all the points then.
He could be extremely useful, in that he could help regulate grief buildup
I'm not actually sure what you mean here.

he could lead us to Witches we can handle easily
Mana Senses

he could educate us on MG mechanics
There are really not that many unknowns at teh moments beyond Witching which is a huge "nope" for us.

and he could potentially teach us about Black Mana.
He could potentially do so even if we didn't. For science.

With the right wish, taking the 20% power boost would also become viable, as he would actually take care when performing his scan, so it wouldn't be so traumatic as it was for Jade.
No, nope, nope, NOPE! Not touching that again! Nope!

Plus the Wish wouldn't kick into till after the scan so still Nope!

And as a bonus, he could probably alert the proper authorities about the shit our parents are doing.
He could do that now. :V

And for the other side

He either knows about all magical girls and their methods, or at least the ones he's contracted, likely a massive number. Which were successful and lived the longest. Which died in short order. How to min/max magic training. Similar powersets to ours for ideas. He'll know whenever someone nearby Witches Out and which ones would be the weakest for us to hunt.
Just a rehash except for the min/max bit but since we're primarily a Green mage that's not as helpful.

He has infinite, or at least a massive number, of bodies and could act as a distraction or field recon.
He's an adorable, huggable bunnycat for when we need emotional support. Snippets of the show indicate that he knows how to act cute.

We wouldn't gain anything major that we wouldn't already have access to as a Green mage and instead now have a chance of Witching. Plus the Witchbomb is still loaded in the chamber.
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We've been specifically told that the wish kicks in before that.
Really? Where? I probably skimmed over it.
well, we know about mana now, so we can actually work on trying to learn something from our pendant, and considering we were able to sense something in there in the few seconds we had before Azura pulled us away from it, my current vote to tell her that we feel something and to back off for a bit has at least some chance of leading somewhere better.

How about a mixture then

[x] Ask Azura more questions.
-[x] You don't feel anything from it?
-[x] Do you also not feel anything from the Grief Seeds?
[X] Tell them both that you're able to feel something from your pendant, and that you'd like to at least try to understand what it is and get access to this mana stuff without becoming an actual Magical Girl, and that Azura bothering you and poking at you isn't making it any easier.

[X] Tell Azuara that it wasn't your idea for her to come, it was Kyubey's that she answer a few questions for us. Since we can apparently use telepathy he is the one wasting her time.
-[X] It's past your bedtime as well and you just want to sleep now. Maybe you can talk later?

[x] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.

[X] Go to sleep.
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I'm not actually sure what you mean here.
He could supply us with grief seeds and ensure safe handling of such even more so than usual. (he's pretty passive on it usually.)
Can accurately gauge the difficulty and abilities of a witch, at range, untrained? I don't think so.
He could potentially do so even if we didn't. For science.
I doubt he would though. A KyuBuddy wish makes it much more likely.
There are really not that many unknowns at teh moments beyond Witching which is a huge "nope" for us.
Except, y'know, how to actually use most of it beyond the utmost basics.
No, nope, nope, NOPE! Not touching that again! Nope!

Plus the Wish wouldn't kick into till after the scan so still Nope!
I specifically asked and Alivaril said it would kick in before.

Edit: Ninja's by Xyzarach
He could do that now. :V
You know he won't though.
"Kyuubey is the one wasting your time, not me" doesn't really work when we voted for her to come over here.
But Kyubey knew it was past her bedtime and knew about telepathy. It was all his idea. we just said "ok." He could have just as easily said "Here, let me patch you in."
How about a mixture then

Eh, we should probably stick to just telling them to back off a bit and let us study. we can always tell them to leave and let us sleep after we finish studying, so there's no need to force that in there right now. and I really don't think putting the pendant back is a good idea, as I really wouldn't put it past our parents to throw it away to teach us a lesson, and there's no way they'd be able to connect it being missing to us unless we told them ourselves.
I really wouldn't put it past our parents to throw it away to teach us a lesson, and there's no way they'd be able to connect it being missing to us unless we told them ourselves.
And where are we going to be hiding it? If they find it with us then they don't even have to know it's missing. Kyubey said we create the same energy so we just have to look inside ourselves.
How does that make it his fault that we took him up on his offer? The whole thing sounds like childish blame-passing.
We asked for someone to answer our questions. He wanted someone to pressure us into making a Wish. We've already asked our questions, which could have been done by telepathy, and now we want to think about things. Kyubey is the one who still wants her here doing things, not us.
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