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I specified "Kyubey Magic" not "Magic." "Kyubey Magic" is really just "Sufficiently Advanced Technology" that runs on emotions. It's all one system. You can't just go around knocking out pieces without expecting the whole system to crumble. Especially since Green delights in destroying magical Enchantments and Artifacts.

Kyuubey specifies himself that magic is not technology but a force he doesn't understand that emotional beings are capable of and non-emotional beings are incapable of. That's like the opposite of Blue.

EDIT: He says that they discovered a form of energy that violates the laws of thermodynamics and required emotions and that they could not use it because they had no emotions. He literally said that that was the reason. Unless, hypothetical non-emotional, non-Incubator species could use forms of magic that don't violate the laws of thermodynamics, but that's reaching.
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1.2.2: Questions, cont.
[X] Ask Azura more questions.
-[X] What kind of magical girl abilities are considered the most valuable?

"What sort of magical girl abilities are considered the most valuable?"

"Prior to magic going public, healing was a biggie. Norms will still pay a lot for that, but nowadays lasting defensive wards are much more valuable among magical girls. Knowing that your family and friends are going to be safe while you're out fighting witches is a huge relief, apparently. I wouldn't know. Let's see, what else is there...? "

--[X] If you make a contract, is there anything she would prefer you try to get?

"If I do make a contract and become a magical girl, is there anything you would prefer I try to get?"

"If you make a wish that turns you into a sensory type, that would be awesome. Killing witches is easy; finding them is the tricky part. Healing or something to keep us safe from explosions would be nice too. Ooh, or what about portals? Those could be a lot of fun."

-[X] What's Walpurgisnacht?

"What's Walpurgisnacht?"

"The strongest witch. It's what happens when witches are allowed to roam free for too long: they combine and turn into a big super-ultra-mega-witch. Hint, hint. Walpurgisnacht goes years or decades between attacks, but when it does show up, it usually destroys everything in a massive area."

--[X] Do sorceresses only show up while Walpurgisnacht is nearby?

"Do sorceresses only show up while Walpurgisnacht is nearby?"

"Sorta. They'll keep spawning 'til a few years have passed since its last appearance, apparently. Otherwise, nope! They spawn all over the world. Like I said, please don't try to tackle one until you're a lot more experienced."

[X] Ask QB why he's so interested in you, and why he brought you your pendant when it would only get your parents to punish you some more.

You turn to Kyubey.

"Why did you bring me my pendant? If my parents notice it's gone, I'll be the one they punish."

"Wow. That was mean, Kyubey."

Kyubey ignores Azura's remark. "As I mentioned earlier, your soul is quite unusual. I believe the process of becoming a magical girl will grant you access to a form of energy I have yet to properly study, 'Green mana'. Your pendant is generates this form of energy and I was hoping it would help you gain control over it. Anything I learn from observing your use of said mana could be used for the purposes of battling witches. As the fight against witches is eternal, why wouldn't I pursue anything I could use to help humanity?"

You blink and try to digest this. "Are there any ways of unlocking it that don't involve me becoming a magical girl?"

"I'm afraid learning the potential triggers for unlocking mana is one of the main things I am hoping to learn from watching you."

Azura directs puppy-dog eyes toward you while her lower lip starts quivering. "Please help me? I can't do everything by myself."

[] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl.
-[] You'd need to think about it more before you make a decision either way.
-[] Write-in reasoning

[] Have Kyubey put your pendant back where he found it.

[] Ask Azura some more questions.
-[] Write-in

[] Make a wish.

[] Write-in

Active discussion often leads to quicker updates. :V

For those who didn't play Ignition: Becoming a magical girl isn't the only way to awaken your mana-controlling abilities. Jade managed it via extreme physical danger and despair, but there are multiple safer ways to manage it. If Aria manages to stay alive for long enough, she'll manage it eventually without you needing to try anything specific.
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[X] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[X] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl.
--[X] You just don't want that unnatural gunk in your soul.

[X] Study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.

[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where and how he found it.
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[X] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[X] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl.
--[X] You just don't want that unatural gunk in your soul.

[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where and how he found it.
unnatural has two "n"s.
She Converts her Dreams to Reality. If that isn't Blue then nothing is. Even a little Red does nothing to absolve her of that. Also FOOF is part of Red which would be against the natural order. If something can catch fire then that's fine. If you are actively messing with things to make something that normally would not light do so then you are Anti-Green.
What I've never understood is what constitutes natural. Why is it natural for beavers to build dams, but not humans? Or octopi, they build houses. What's unnatural about a house?

How is fire unnatural? It's a thing that just happens when things are too hot. Brush fires don't happen because of magic (usually).

How is chemistry unnatural? Plants literally do nothing but catalyse chemical reactions all day.

How are tools unnatural? There are crows that use tools to make tools to get tools for food. Crows are smart.

How is magic unnatural? Pistol Shrimp are a thing.
[X] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[X] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl.
--[X] You just don't want that unnatural gunk in your soul.

[X] Study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.

[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.

Maybe we can unlock a route where we don't contract and not die....
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How is magic unnatural? Pistol Shrimp are a thing.
I'm not sure where you are going with this one.

What I've never understood is what constitutes natural. Why is it natural for beavers to build dams, but not humans? Or octopi, they build houses. What's unnatural about a house?

How is fire unnatural? It's a thing that just happens when things are too hot. Brush fires don't happen because of magic (usually).

How is chemistry unnatural? Plants literally do nothing but catalyse chemical reactions all day.

How are tools unnatural? There are crows that use tools to make tools to get tools for food. Crows are smart.
Green is really weird about things but it kind of boils down to this. "If it would occur naturally on it's own then it's fine."

Homes are fine but once they go beyond your needs they are excessive.
Fire isn't actually unnatural but shooting jets of fire out of your hands is.
Chemistry is fine until you start synthesizing new chemicals. Creating an herbal poultice is chemistry and completely fine.
Tools can be fine. It is kind of an "it depends" type thing. Simple tools are good but once it hits a certain point of complexity it isn't.
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[X] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[X] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl.
--[X] You just don't want that unnatural gunk in your soul.

I think we should do something with the Pendant that isn't just give it back. While our Parents have it, they have a means of controlling us.

I'm loathe to actually cooperate, but we could just ask Azura or Kyuubey to hold onto it? If he gets to study for a while, that's payment for him and he might do us favors later. It's a lopsided trade but it keeps the Pendant safe and gives us some more freedom.

Crows are blue, too. Not every animal is Green, and not everything in nature is Green, at least in Wizards version of the color pie. Things have been shifted a bit here (in MGLN the color associations of buildings were really varied, with Stadiums and Hospitals both showing up as Green, for instance.) It's totally possible that here Green is a very specific kind of "natural".

really? because I assumed she was talking about azidoazide azide

I mean, it could be that, but FOOF is a common example of a chemical that burns on contact with basically anything, including water I think?

It sounds like the sort of thing an imagination Magi would find after googling around a bit, and start using.
[X] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[X] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl.
--[X] You just don't want that unnatural gunk in your soul.

[X] Study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.
[X] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[X] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl.
--[X] You want to study the unnatural gunk before letting any of it into your soul.

[X] Study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.

[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where and how he found it.

I still want to try and get some Black but that's just me, I don't think I'll be able to manage to convince others of it.
Kyuubey specifies himself that magic is not technology but a force he doesn't understand that emotional beings are capable of and non-emotional beings are incapable of. That's like the opposite of Blue.
Then it's Red/Black or just Black. Possibly Red for the emotions but since it's feeding off of them it's not completely necessary. Black is parasitical so it feeds off of emotions while creating an unnatural byproduct. don't suppose you could link the part where he explains it?
Its too bad that it would probably be OOC for Aria to run away. The streets are a horrible place too, but at least she won't be abused by those who are supposed to protect, nurture, and love her.

That said, if we are going to make a wish, I want it to be something that reduces/restricts the Kyubey, no matter how minor. Something like the Kyubey cannot purposefully make magic girl potentials lives harder than they already are (like it did by enraging her father or stealing the pendant).
[X] Study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.

[X] Ask Kyubey if he could hold onto your pendant for you. while it going missing would make your parents mad, as long as you don't say anything they'd never be able to know it had anything to do with you, and if it really is magic like he says, then it's too valuable to just leave it where your parents could throw it away if you screwed up badly enough.
Then it's Red/Black or just Black. Possibly Red for the emotions but since it's feeding off of them it's not completely necessary. Black is parasitical so it feeds off of emotions while creating an unnatural byproduct. don't suppose you could link the part where he explains it?

Anime Transcripts@アニメで英語 - Puella Magi Madoka Magica>09. I'd never allow that to happen

Sure, it's Red, but Red is an ally of Green and Green's pretty into emotions as well, with the whole "instinct" thing.


[x] Make a wish.
-[x"I wish to be able to find that which is unnatural, and to revert it to something better."
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So...squirrels suddenly becoming the size of mountains?
Growth is a natural part of life young grasshopper. [image=WiseOldMan.jpg]

Really the easiest way to keep track, though it's not 100% accurate, is the class system.

White = Cleric/Paladin
Green = Druid/Animist
Red = Elementalist (sans water)
Black = Necromancer
Blue = Wizard

If it fits into one of those archetypes it usually fits into that color.
I'm not great at this sort of thing: What is it Aria actually wants? And are we actually vindictive enough to wish for something to spite Kyubey? Vindictive is possibly not the word I'm looking for, but what I'm getting at with the former question is, does Aria have the presence of mind to wish for a major change to her circumstances?
I'm not great at this sort of thing: What is it Aria actually wants? And are we actually vindictive enough to wish for something to spite Kyubey? Vindictive is possibly not the word I'm looking for, but what I'm getting at with the former question is, does Aria have the presence of mind to wish for a major change to her circumstances?
Aria hates those that "win" against her. Once she manages to put her parents into that category then the reckoning shall be at hand!
I'm not great at this sort of thing: What is it Aria actually wants?

She thinks she wants the following:

1: To be a better singer.

2: For her parents to be happy and not have reasons to hurt her.

3: To help people.

4: To actually have fun.

And are we actually vindictive enough to wish for something to spite Kyubey?

No, but forcing him to be more helpful is certainly within what you are willing to do.
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