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I still don't see where he says that having a Soul Gem causes you to gain Grief. Or that Soul Gems aren't an important part of the system. If Grief is formed in the soul and you have to touch it with a Grief Seed to cleanse it then isn't making a Soul Gem a good thing? Without it you can't cleanse which means you will Witch out in short order.
The previous link I showed you pointed out him saying that the witch system is designed as such as the conversion of hope to grief was most efficient and he could have done it another way. It isn't relevant anyway as being filled with grief that doesn't naturally turn back into other emotions is unnatural. As such, no matter how necessary they are to the system, we can remove that grief without cleansing by making it natural.
Blue breaks the system because it can.
Blue does not break that system. Blue/White might if any society in MtG managed post-scarcity communism, but you'd still have people competing to reproduce which is really all that survival is for in an evolutionary context. Really what you'd need to do would be to abolish heredity for the system to be broken and I'm not entirely sure even that would qualify.
Basically, Blue wants to change things and Green thinks it's heresy to want things to be different from how they were in the past.
All the subsystems meshing together. Everyone fighting for what they need to survive. Blue breaks the system because it can. Green to survive.
Your supersystem/system/subsystem thing seems like nonsense to me, no offense. Perhaps I'm merely failing to understand your point properly.

Basically, Blue wants to change things and Green thinks it's heresy to want things to be different from how they were in the past.
No. If anything, it's the other way around. Blue's position on the color pie includes inaction; it wants to examine or analyze things, not generally change them. Green wants competition and emergent evolution. A blue-dominated world will be largely static but well-understood while a green-dominated one will be in a state of continual change as organisms strive to constantly grow and expand out of their current niches.
I'll be leaving the vote open 'til sometime tomorrow to make sure everyone gets to participate.
Your supersystem/system/subsystem thing seems like nonsense to me, no offense. Perhaps I'm merely failing to understand your point properly.
It's kind of hard to explain and I think I confused myself there. Lets start over. Nature has many smaller ecosystems. All these systems go together to create the "super-system" but that's chance, not design. Blue tries to order things neatly and figure them out but the smaller systems are constantly changing. When Blue tries to make things make sense they end up tipping the balance of the system and things start to collapse. They see all the Chaos as a bad thing but it is necessary for the Order that exists. Without the Chaos things begin to Stagnate and then Wither.
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I know Aria is sheltered but did her parents seriously not explain to her what her period is? =| It does make me wander what the hell they are thinking. What do they plan on doing with her in the long term? Do they intend to keep her confined even into adult hood? Becauses theres no way that she will possibly be able to integrate into society as she is now.
I know Aria is sheltered but did her parents seriously not explain to her what her period is? =| It does make me wander what the hell they are thinking.
Aria is a soprano with an unusually large range, and thankfully, her voice has not been "ruined" by puberty.*

*Aria's parents have yet to give her a proper version of The Talk. Her education in that department mostly consisted of "You're going to have some sinful thoughts for the next several years. Ignore them."

E: Despite the best attempts of her parents to give her a properly sheltered upbringing, she still managed to pick up some vocabulary words her parents probably don't want her to know about, courtesy of when they're really angry. Oh, and from a few books which were insufficiently analyzed.

Do they intend to keep her confined even into adult hood?

Why wouldn't they?
Okay let's go over the facts.
Kyubey discovered an energy that is fueled by emotions.
The human soul is the energy source we need that counteracts the effects of entropy.
That energy is harvested when people "Witch out"
The most effective energy came from females in their second stage of development when they have the most intense fluctuations of hope and despair.
At the precise moment when your Soul Gems flare out and become Grief Seeds, an enormous amount of energy is created.
Kyubey turns people's souls into gems.
I take a person's soul from their body and turn it into a Soul Gem.
Which allows them to use their magic more easily
and where you can control your magic more efficiently.
Nowhere does it quantify that magic is a natural part of the system. Emotion peaks and a Witch is born. That is the extent of the system as stated. Magic could be something that Kyubey cobbled onto the system to keep it going by allowing Magical Girls to live longer and to generate even more grief.

Nowhere does it say that they could use magic safely without Soul Gems. All It says is that Soul Gems make it more efficient. Perhaps by making it possible to cleanse. Maybe without Soul Gems their magic would be unwieldy and expensive.

Removing Soul Gems without first understanding their full part in the system is potentially dangerous. Combustion exists in nature but no one is saying that removing an engine from a car and then letting it happen will make it run better. Just because something is not a natural part of a system doesn't mean that it isn't an integral part of keeping said system safe.
Would y'all like for me to start capitalizing the following when making story posts? I was, and remain, a little fuzzy on whether or not I should actually be doing so.

- Witches
- Sorceresses
- Grief Seeds
- Soul Gems
- Grief
- Magical Girls

-> People hoping somebody notices Aria's predicament or otherwise wishing it was IC for her to make a wish to get help
-> This little bugger is right here: /人
‿‿ 人\
-> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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When Blue tries to make things make sense they end up tipping the balance of the system and things start to collapse.
That's survival of the fittest. Something that can't handle a person trying to make sense of it isn't any more worthy of survival than something that can't handle a Baloth deciding to eat it.
Would y'all like for me to start capitalizing the following when making story posts? I was, and remain, a little fuzzy on whether or not I should actually be doing so.

- Witches
- Sorceresses
- Grief Seeds
- Soul Gems
- Grief
- Magical Girls
I'm a little hazy on the actual rules, but I think that you should, if only to potentially differentiate them from the non-magical variants of them all.

Also QB pls.
That's survival of the fittest. Something that can't handle a person trying to make sense of it isn't any more worthy of survival than something that can't handle a Baloth deciding to eat it.
Exactly. Which is why Green hates Blue.

Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc!
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Exactly. Which is why Green hates Blue.

Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc!
I don't think you quite understood what I said. Anything Blue destroys being destroyed is the fittest surviving. Evolution happens in any framework that contains heredity. Blue has never done anything that could even consider threatening it, it'll just start optimizing for raccoons and cockroaches instead of bears and baloths. Just like in real life where we've built up.
I don't think you quite understood what I said. Anything Blue destroys being destroyed is the fittest surviving. Evolution happens in any framework that contains heredity. Blue has never done anything that could even consider threatening it, it'll just start optimizing for raccoons and cockroaches instead of bears and baloths. Just like in real life where we've built up.
So what you're saying is that when Blue destroys things Green will fight back? Because that's what I just said. Blue tries to order the system and Green goes "nope" and fights back. We've got nature pretty much suppressed in major areas of civilization but out in the wild? Watch your step our Green will be all over you......
So what you're saying is that when Blue destroys things Green will fight back?
No, I'm saying Blue destroying things is fully within the system you claim Blue is destroying. I'm saying Green as you present it should be Blue-agnostic.
We've got nature pretty much suppressed in major areas of civilization
No we haven't, things are just evolving in a different direction around us than out in the wild. Sometimes in ways we don't like, like antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and sometimes in ways we do, like dogs. Even we continue to evolve despite claims to the contrary. Major areas of civilization are just a different environment, and stuff that can't survive in them having trouble in them isn't nature being suppressed any more than stuff that was optimized for the Ice Age not surviving now is nature having been suppressed.
[X] Thank Azura for coming over and ask if she could please leave before your parents find her.
-[X] Tell her that you'd much rather find a way to unlock your mana without needing to become a magical girl. Assure her that you'll definitely help her once you figure out how to use mana.
--[X] You just don't want that unnatural gunk in your soul.

[X] Study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find and use it.
-[X] Ask Kyubey more about this "mana". Are there other people out there who can use it? What do the difference colors mean?

[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.
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