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[x] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.
[x] Make a wish.

Indestructible soul is good. Lack of reliance on any one powerset is good. Possibility of getting out of the current family situation is good. Protecting the city is good. Wish good.
[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.

Should we mention our need for some kind of 'growth' to Kyuubey? Funnily enough, implying that it isn't trauma which causes it might be a good thing.
[x] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.
[x] Make a wish.

Indestructible soul is good. Lack of reliance on any one powerset is good. Possibility of getting out of the current family situation is good. Protecting the city is good. Wish good.
It takes about ten R to cleanse every single day. We're not a planeswalker. It's like selling your sorcery spell slots to gain a single level in fighter, and we'll still need to supplement that with grief seeds because, again, not a nigh-omnipotent Godwizard.

Editing in: And that's with a specific wish to learn magic so well it's basically the magic-yo cheatin'-gan, combined with and on top of the natural ludicrous learning speed of planeswalkers.

Wishing is horrible, and when it's far more likely that we'll die to witching out rather than violence the invincible soul gem loses all of its luster.

And the city can go and die for all I care. Why should we help other people? Nobody else does it.
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[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.
Indestructible soul is good. Lack of reliance on any one powerset is good. Possibility of getting out of the current family situation is good. Protecting the city is good. Wish good.

The indestructible soul isn't good. It corrupts easily especially due to our characters situation which can easily gather grief like no tomorrow.

It would also force us to really on our Magical girl abilities as we spend our hard to come by mana towards cleansing grief and even then that would not be enough to stop the accumulation of grief. Jade, a planeswalker has trouble with this.

The possibility of getting out of the family situation? They would either disown us, causing a grief spiral. Or Punish us for going against their wishes and contracted anyway when our father made it clear he wouldn't like that.

Protecting the city? Not our problem right now. Maybe if our character gets her life on straight she can worry about other people. Otherwise we would just be more of an hindrance than a help until we gain in power.

So in Summary., wishing right now is bad and impulsive.
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The way I see it, the Kyubey and the wish system are an intolerable evil. The Kyubey are decpetive, manipulative, immoral. They are willing to torture, ruin lives and murder people out of convenience/apathy/whim.

The wish system itself targets emotionally fragile young girls. It offers to grant their greatest desire, to fix that which torments them the most, and the price is literally the girl's soul. Over time, the girl's soul will be filled with grief and despair. Her thoughts and emotions will not be her own. If she succumbs, she will go on and destroy those around her. While deplorable, this would be tolerable if the girls targeted were aware of these facts before contracting. It would be somewhat better if society as a whole was aware so that they could discourage the most troubled youths away from this self-destruction. But they are not. All of this, so that the Kyubey can harvest energy. They see the girls as livestock to be harvested, and they have no compassion for others.

To participate in this system, to acquiesce to Kyubey is in and of itself an evil, selfish act. I cannot condone it, I cannot support it. The only exception that I believe can be made is to make a wish that changes the system such as Madoka did. We do not have the power to make such an enormous wish, but it might be possible to wish to fix an element of it.

Other than that, we already have the potential power that towers over 99.99% of the earths population. Do we need to damn our souls for a tiny bit more?
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[X] Curl up into a ball and go to sleep.

Making a wish for Jade only worked out because we immediately noped out of the Plane before it became and issue, and had a spark to show us how to cleanse without using the seeds.
Aria doesn't have near as much Mana to throw around for cleansing as Jade and, and also has a natural aversion to grief and letting it contaminate her soul.
if we ask for a contrived plan to get hospital supplies to help us through the pain, they'll just say no, that's too much effort, make a wish so I can heal you already.
Who cares about the supplies. The whole thing was to accidently out our parents to that hospital workers. :V

QM's Note (edited): For those supporting wish-making: I suggest you explain your reasoning for why you would want to do so. Continuing to vote for wishing without trying to convert other people to your side won't really work out for you. The same goes for those who are against it, but as "don't wish" is currently the more popular opinion, it's not as major.

A few people have started to do this over the past few pages, but they've mostly been pointing out reasons to go for a specific wish. I think you need more for why you would want to contract at all.
Okay then. Reason not to Witch.

Primus. You begin to acquire grief.

Secundus. You have the potential to Grief Spiral and Witch-Out

Tertius. With our characters continual worries about the state of her soul the Witchbomb will likely be the end of us.

Quartus. There really isn't any long term benefit to Witching that can't conceivably be replicated by our Mage abilities.

Quintus. In any setting that has heavy Faustian themes you don't make deals with the Mephistopheles Expy.

Sextus. One of the main reasons for playing this quest is the potential to win without going Magical Girl.

Septimus. The Kyubey system is evil and should not be supported.

Octavius. OOC we know what wishing does so if you purposefully want to inflict that upon a 14 year old girl. Well you know what you're doing.

Nonus. Having a Lich body is kind of Anti-Green

Decimus. Potentially having to spend more Mana to stave off Grief. Jade was able to wipe out a bunch of new Witches with fire. We don't have fire and we're unlikely to hit a giant pocket of new Wiches so any time we are forced to clense it's a waste of mana. Also we don't have our spark to watch clense Mana so we don't even know how to start like Jade was shown.

Huh. That wasn't in my translation.Wishes still happen prior to the Soul Gem being pulled out though So this is clearly not a big problem.
Well it was in the translation you gave me. Also you're still overlooking the fact that the Grief may be siphoned off by Kybuey while the wish is being granted.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here. The point is that corruption is an addition Kyuubey added on. With the ability to naturalise thing, we could remove it and would never need to cleanse. Even if our magic was weaker and our body less durable, that'd be worth it. If it got stuffed back in our body, it would also mean we'd no longer be vulnerable to separation of body and soul.
And again :Citation Needed:. The Grief system is the best system for Kyubey. That doesn't mean that he created it. The Greif system may only work the way it is set up. Until you can prove otherwise I don't think you should go around kicking out possibly load-bearing pillars.

I'm using it in the informal context of "evidence that he's a dick".
Actually he really isn't. He doesn't understand human emotions and his motivations aren't the same as a humans. You can't judge him based on human morality. You can say that he does terrible things but he really isn't a terrible person. He just kind of acts according to motives that we can't agree with but are perfectly reasonable to his race.

He explains what he means when he says they're easier to protect. They're a small target, unlike our body. That's it. And again, not being able to cleanse matters squat in the situation I'm describing as we'd have naturalised emotions, so we'd recover from negative emotions like a normal human being, without ever needing to cleanse in the first place.
:Citation Needed:
You're still assuming for a system that works without accumulating Grief without actually providing evidence.
Energy source that defies thermodynamics does equal magic. That's what the show implies (which makes sense. It defies physics.)
The energy source can power magic but that doesn't mean that it is the magic. That source is emotions but emotion aren't magic. They just seem to defy the laws of thermodynamics but that just means that Kyubey in all his wisdom can't figure out how they do so. That doesn't make them magic, that just means he doesn't know the answer.

Point. Doesn't stop it from being to his advantage for the wish to cost corruption though. It means the girl is forced to go hunting right away. More emotional turmoil, more doubt in her wish, faster collection of grief seeds, faster witch turnover. It's all good to him.
The amount of Greif that would most likely be produced by Wishing can easily cause an instant-Witchout. If potential = their max reserves then making a wish equaling their potential wound then equal their reserves and then a Witch appears.[/quote]

See above. And again, it doesn't matter that we don't know another system. All that matters is that corruption is an extra addition. We can remove that addition via naturalisation.
:Citation Needed:

The main point of your entire argument is that Grief is an add-on but you have yet to actually prove that it is not an integral part of the system.
Citing yourself is in bad form old chap. Here, have another.
What Ho!
:Citation Needed:
Not if we wish right. Even setting aside "helpful coobs" there's probably another half dozen or so ways to circumvent the witch threat.
And the city can go and die for all I care. Why should we help other people? Nobody else does it.
Azura does it. She's right there, asking us to help her.

The indestructible soul isn't good. It corrupts easily especially due to our characters situation which can easily gather grief like no tomorrow.
That has nothing to do with the indestructibility, and as mentioned above can be circumvented.
It would also force us to really on our Magical girl abilities as we spend our hard to come by mana towards cleansing grief and even then that would not be enough to stop the accumulation of grief. Jade, a planeswalker has trouble with this.
Which is why we actually use our resources that have no other purpose than to cleanse gems instead of being stupid and recalcitrant about it.
The possibility of getting out of the family situation? They would either disown us, causing a grief spiral. Or Punish us for going against their wishes and contracted anyway when our father made it clear he wouldn't like that.
Where on earth do you get the idea that they could do either of those when the proper authorities are dropping on them like the hammer of god?

They are willing to torture, ruin lives and murder people out of convenience/apathy/whim.
I won't argue the rest because it comes down to philosophy, but bolded are flat out false. they do it because it's the most effective method of achieving their goals. It's not convenience, because they're constantly striving for more effective methods, and it's most certainly not whim.
[X] Use telepathy to talk to Kyubey.
-[X] Tell him about what you've learned from studying your pendant.
--[X] Ask if he has any advice for what growth could mean.
-[X] Ask if he could hold on to your pendant for you. losing what seems to be a priceless magical artifact because you did something wrong and your parents felt like punishing you would be horrible, so better that he holds on to it for now.
-[X] Ask if he could please keep watch and get Azura out of here before your parents get back, as you don't want to wake her up now, but it could be really bad for everyone if they found her here.
-[X] Ask him if there is anything else he can do for you without you making a Wish.

[X] Go to sleep.
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[X] Use telepathy to talk to Kyubey.
-[X] Tell him about what you've learned from studying your pendant.
--[X] Ask if he has any advice for what growth could mean.
-[X] Ask if he could hold on to your pendant for you. losing what seems to be a priceless magical artifact because you did something wrong and your parents felt like punishing you would be horrible, so better that he holds on to it for now.
-[X] Ask if he could please keep watch and get Azura out of here before your parents get back, as you don't want to wake her up now, but it could be really bad for everyone if they found her here.

-[X] Ask him if there is anything else he can do for you without you making a Wish.
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The most effective method? No, it is the most convenient, expedient method they use. They could use methods that aren't as harmful but still accomplish their objectives. They choose not to.

And whim? What do you call what they did to Jade? What they did to Madoka? They did it out of idle curiosity.
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[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.

If black had won then I'd support taking a wish, because black is selfish and would allow for an 'evil' protagonist.
but seeing as Green won I'd rather see how a pure MtG Green Mage fares, and hopefully Aria will make it to the top of the local supernatural food chain without needing a wish ever.
The most effective method? No, it is the most convenient, expedient method they use. They could use methods that aren't as harmful but still accomplish their objectives. They choose not to.

And whim? What do you call what they did to Jade? They did it out of idle curiosity.

You remember that these guys are trying to stop the heat death of the universe, right? They don't have time for idle curiosity. They saw something that they didn't understand and made an attempt to understand it to see if maybe it would help them enhance their methods. This isn't idle curiosity, this is "the ends justify the means".

Still monstrous, mind, but they aren't monsters for the sake of being monsters.
The most effective method? No, it is the most convenient, expedient method they use. They could use methods that aren't as harmful but still accomplish their objectives. They choose not to.
Provide evidence that there are more effective and simultaneously less harmful methods. Oh wait, you can't, because it doesn't exist.

And whim? What do you call what they did to Jade? They did it out of idle curiosity.
Scientific curiosity, with a defined purpose and goal. Kyubey is incapable of idle curiosity.
Besides, Kyubey asked to scan her soul and offered her something in exchange. She agreed. Not stopping to take-backsies half-way through the process doesn't make him evil.
[X] Have Kyubey put your pendant back exactly where he found it exactly how he first found it.

Plus we have enough magical girl quests without another one.
Where on earth do you get the idea that they could do either of those when the proper authorities are dropping on them like the hammer of god?

Like they currently are dropping down like the hammer of god right now because our parents beat us and locked us up alone in isolation for failing an audition?

Disowning can happen. And them beating us up more wouldn't alert the authorities more so when they currently do it now.
Like they currently are dropping down like the hammer of god right now because our parents beat us and locked us up alone in isolation for failing an audition?

Disowning can happen. And them beating us up more wouldn't alert the authorities more so when they currently do it now.

I believe Lost was referring to the possibility of Kyubey alerting the authorities after Lost's preferred course of action, IE forcing QB to do everything he can to help you via a wish.
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I believe Lost was referring to the possibility of Kyubey alerting the the authorities after Lost's preferred course of action, IE forcing QB to do everything he can to help you via a wish.

Ah. That actually makes a bit of sense then. Still could cause a grief spiral because Aria is attached to her family even though its so wrong. She just doesn't know better there.
Ah. That actually makes a bit of sense then. Still could cause a grief spiral because Aria is attached to her family even though its so wrong. She just doesn't know better there.
Technically, with QB being helpful, he could just use Grief Seeds on your soul gem to prevent the spiral part of a Grief Spiral.


EDIT: Could those voting for QB to return your pendant also set up your next action? It'd be a remarkably short update otherwise...
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