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I'm curious: Does anybody even have a medium-term plan, or is it entirely "hope our Green awakens before more bad things happen to us."

This is not intended as a criticism or anything, I'm just wondering what's going through yer heads right now.
Our current options appear to be:

1. Wish
2. Do what our parents say while continuing to not wish

I don't expect our mana to awaken before something bad happens to us, I expect it to happen when something bad happens to us. I'm just hoping that that "something bad" happens soon so we can move past this phase of the game.
Basically my thoughts are about the same as Xyzarach's. Along with a dash of "let's wait till we get out of the basement to get the lay of the land." I'm still wanting to accidentally our parents by going to a hospital or drugstore and asking for meds to make the pain go away.

again, how? we're handcuffed, not wearing any clothes, in a locked basement with no way out, and the only people to help us are QB and Tiny Tina Azura.
Basically my thoughts are about the same as Xyzarach's. Along with a dash of "let's wait till we get out of the basement to get the lay of the land." I'm still wanting to accidentally our parents by going to a hospital or drugstore and asking for meds to make the pain go away.
And that's still contrived as fuck.
My medium term plan is 'Streneuosly not wish while hoping we awaken green mana before bad end.' and also the Kyubes isn't going to attack us since if we die without wishing odds are that he'll lose the ability to learn about green mana for a longgg time. And he knows it.
I'm curious: Does anybody even have a medium-term plan, or is it entirely "hope our Green awakens before more bad things happen to us."

This is not intended as a criticism or anything, I'm just wondering what's going through yer heads right now.
My plan is 'screw wishing'. That's it. The rest is blank. Literally, if we had a choice between wishing or dying, I'd go for death. It'd even be in character.

You're the one who's supposed to present not wishing as a valid story choice. If it isn't, then just jump to the wishing update already.

There are no other possible paths.
My medium term plan is 'Streneuosly not wish while hoping we awaken green mana before bad end.'
I'll be honest, even if I weren't in favor of wishing this would sound like a shit plan.

and also the Kyubes isn't going to attack us since if we die without wishing odds are that he'll lose the ability to learn about green mana for a longgg time. And he knows it.
Attack us directly? no. Do everything possible to pressure us into a situation where we either A) wish, or B) awaken mana? Yes.
And do note that the only two examples of mana awakening he's had have come from extreme danger. How do you suppose he'll try to facilitate it in us, hmmm?

And I still don't see your point. Just because something is contrived doesn't make it bad.
When planning for the future? yeah, it kinda is.

There are no other possible paths, because half-wishes aren't things.
It's entirely possible for us to make a wish that nets us a permanently griefless soul gem. That's canon.
Is it in this AU? I didn't think we'd heard about that, and since our potential is a little below Jade's I'm not sure we're really Madokami tier, here, and she's the only PMMM-canon example of that I can think of.
Tart Magica, which is canon, has a villain who literally cannot accumulate grief in her gem. it's expunged the instant it's generated.
It's entirely possible for us to make a wish that nets us a permanently griefless soul gem. That's canon.
Tart Magica, which is canon, has a villain who literally cannot accumulate grief in her gem. it's expunged the instant it's generated.

By forcing the Corruption onto everybody else around her. Aria is concerned enough about the state of her soul without making everybody else suffer for her sins, and she would probably be correct in assuming, given the required cosmologies, that doing something like that would send her straight to hell.

Which is to say that she'd never do it, especially if she was about to die.
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By forcing the Corruption onto everybody else around her. Aria is concerned enough about the state of her soul without making everybody else suffer for her sins, and she would probably be correct in assuming, given the required cosmologies, that doing something like that would send her straight to hell.

Which is to say that she'd never do it, especially if she was about to die.
It does, however, prove such a thing is possible, without turning oneself into a metaphysical concept. Which means we could do it ourselves if we wish properly.

But I'm gonna be totally honest, in a wish or die situation "no, don't wish" sounds utterly goddamned stupid.
Actually at this point, submitting to a wish or die by choosing to struggle hopelessly against death might well trigger Green.

Its a very Green line of thought.
Actually at this point, submitting to a wish or die by choosing to struggle hopelessly against death might well trigger Green.

Its a very Green line of thought.
Isn't "keep living, no matter what it takes" also green? It's one of the most fundamental instincts around.
Actually at this point, submitting to a wish or die by choosing to struggle hopelessly against death might well trigger Green.

Its a very Green line of thought.
I just realized that your message number is a digit larger than mine, despite only being on here twice as long as me. Wow.
Isn't "keep living, no matter what it takes" also green? It's one of the most fundamental instincts around.
Die, or have your soul filled with literal evil and then probably die anyway, or turn into a horrible demonic monstrosity otherwise?

Riiiiiiiiiiight, sure she'd wish.
Isn't "keep living, no matter what it takes" also green? It's one of the most fundamental instincts around.
Not really. The strong triumph and the weak fall. Unnaturally advantages such as Magical Girls powers which create that Unnatural Junk is to be hated. If someone were to use it to win then they aren't truly strong. It's artificial.
Die, or have your soul filled with literal evil and then probably die anyway, or turn into a horrible demonic monstrosity otherwise?
Can't die when your soul is indestructible.

Not really. The strong triumph and the weak fall. Unnaturally advantages such as Magical Girls powers which create that Unnatural Junk is to be hated. If someone were to use it to win then they aren't truly strong. It's artificial.
Alright, noted. Color theory isn't my strong-suit.
Alright, noted. Color theory isn't my strong-suit.
The quick and dirty rule of thumb is Green is Druid Magic and hates Wizards, Stagnation and Artificial things. Which ofttimes is created by Wizards. There's more to it than that but it's a good rule of thumb.

Edit: Now who's a Wizard who forces their Artificial Dreams on Reality and doesn't want to Grow up? I swear, it's like Alivaril was ticking the boxes for Green's natural enemy.

Well early morning tomorrow. G'night.
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Not really. The strong triumph and the weak fall. Unnaturally advantages such as Magical Girls powers which create that Unnatural Junk is to be hated. If someone were to use it to win then they aren't truly strong. It's artificial.
You're focusing on the wrong thing here.

It's not that it's unnatural.

It's that it's unnatural and disgusting.

Houses are great. Toxic waste less so.

Grief is like the Outsiders in The Dresden Files. When we say 'unnatural', we don't mean 'not found in nature', we mean 'this is the kind of horrific thing that is extruded from five-dimensional space and should be killed with fire just to be sure'.

The word 'unnatural' really doesn't do it Justice. Of course, some folk take it into 'I am incapable of understanding you' levels, but I just ignore them, because they must be collectively insane. Obviously.
Can't die when your soul is indestructible.
So you can only become a horrific demonic monstrosity doomed to wander the earth and commit evil acts for the rest of time. *claps*

Witching is more likely to kill us than literally every other threat on the planet combined. That's how the story works. If our body died but our soul gem lived on, we'd witch trying to regenerate anyway.
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So you can only become a horrific demonic monstrosity doomed to wander the earth and commit evil acts for the rest of time. *claps*
Not if you're not a goddamned idiot who refuses to cleanse their fucking gem like someone with an actual functioning mind.

Witching is more likely to kill us than literally every other threat on the planet combined.
Only after Wishing, because then it would be the only thing that could "kill" us.
Not if you're not a goddamned idiot who refuses to cleanse their fucking gem like someone with an actual functioning mind.
By using the artifacts of horrific evil? Riiiiiiiiiiight.

Only after Wishing, because then it would be the only thing that could "kill" us.
And what part of 'It will come after us more consistently and effectively than literally every other threat against our life combined' did you miss?

It doesn't matter if that's the only thing that can gun for us any more, it's got infinite bullets and is as immortal as we are! We could keep living in Australia, or we could go and saddle ourselves with fighting this thing!

Except instead of hitting our body, it's hitting our soul that will never go to Heaven, ever, because the gem was literally designed to be indestructible!
By using the artifacts of horrific evil? Riiiiiiiiiiight.
They only feel evil because they suck all the nastybad out of us.

And what part of 'It will come after us more consistently and effectively than literally every other threat against our life combined' did you miss?

It doesn't matter if that's the only thing that can gun for us any more, it's got infinite bullets and is as immortal as we are! We could keep living in Australia, or we could go and saddle ourselves with fighting this thing!
You say that like an infinite number of things with one bullet is better than one thing with infinite bullets. Especially when we can straight up dodge everything from the a thing once we know it well enough.
Tart Magica, which is canon, has a villain who literally cannot accumulate grief in her gem. it's expunged the instant it's generated.

Fair, I haven't read most of the stuff outside of the show that's canon.

I have a hunch that Ali wouldn't allow a wish like that without some substantial downside, but I can't really back that up, so I guess I'll file that away as a possibility.

You say that like an infinite number of things with one bullet is better than one thing with infinite bullets. Especially when we can straight up dodge everything from the a thing once we know it well enough.

Sooorta? It precludes any real hope of actually eliminating witches and saving the world, because we'd be dependent on either Grief Seeds or ridiculous mana sinks to keep our gem clean just from passive emotional uses, in the long run. I doubt the quest will reach that point but I feel like it's the kind of thing to avoid.

If we take the Kyubes wish, other than asking him to feed us grief seeds (and I think we already know he's either going to steal them or witch out girls to keep us around) how else do we handle grief cleansing?

I guess we could try to create a Juubey that actually works?
Sooorta? It precludes any real hope of actually eliminating witches and saving the world
We're not a planeswalker. Unless I missed something major, that goal is flat out beyond our grasp without is wish, and likely is even if we do wish.

If we take the Kyubes wish, other than asking him to feed us grief seeds (and I think we already know he's either going to steal them or witch out girls to keep us around) how else do we handle grief cleansing?

I guess we could try to create a Juubey that actually works?
That... might actually be possible, with both green and black working on it. Might need some blue, but I could definitely see it.
Double post because on phone, editing is a pain.
I have a hunch that Ali wouldn't allow a wish like that without some substantial downside, but I can't really back that up, so I guess I'll file that away as a possibility.
Likely possibility is we vent it into the atmosphere. Atmospheric grief becomes wraiths in sufficient quantities.
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