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By removing the ability to use MG magic? The whole thing we just wished for and thereby rendering the whole thing moot?
Souls. Not ability to use magic. Soul Gems are not necessary to be a magical girl. Kyuubey added them deliberately. He says as much.

[x] After learning hours are over, look up more stuff on magical girls.
-[x] Ask your parents if they could unblock some of the websites so you can look at them.
--[x] While you may not necessarily want to become a magical girl, you should still learn everything you can in case there's an emergency.

We still need to learn about the local magical girl's magic
[X] OOC: Timeskip until after your next audition or when current events necessitate an interrupt. (Thursday or ???)
-[X] Ask Kyubey if you could hug one of his bodies at night. You may have some of your stuffed animals back, but you still miss Endal...
I'm a little leery of the timeskip option because... her parents aren't going to discuss magical girls, or wishes, or the witch attack, or anything with her? Really?

"Timeskip" was a poor choice in wording. In hindsight, "skimming" would have been better.

Incidentally, you guys really didn't have to append the extra "practice singing" bit to the vote. She was going to do that anyway. Better safe than sorry, I guess?
Alivaril threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: A, ^ = + Total: 31
31 31
Alivaril threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: S, ^ = - Total: 30
30 30
Alivaril threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ ^ = + Total: 83
83 83
Im not sure how i feel about the kyubey face rolling high. I cant tell if thats a good or bad thing for us.
Im not sure how i feel about the kyubey face rolling high. I cant tell if thats a good or bad thing for us.

Last time the Kyubey face rolled around a 70, and then he immediately showed up in person to ask us things, and persisted by talking to our Dad.

So I assume it's either him getting information (noticing we have high potential the first time, this time probably us showing some Green mana or whatever) or it's rolling for how persistent he's being.
Anyway, could I have a vote tally, please?
Vote Tally : Disjunction (PMMM/Ignition) | Page 31 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.0

[X] OOC: Timeskip until after your next audition or when current events necessitate an interrupt. (Thursday or ???)
-[X] Practice singing, to make sure the audition goes perfectly.
--[X] Obviously don't push to the point where your audition is going to fail because you're tired..
No. of Votes: 11

[x] After learning hours are over, look up more stuff on magical girls.
-[x] Ask your parents if they could unblock some of the websites so you can look at them.
--[x] While you may not necessarily want to become a magical girl, you should still learn everything you can in case there's an emergency.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] OOC: Timeskip until after your next audition or when current events necessitate an interrupt. (Thursday or ???)
No. of Votes: 2

[X] OOC: Timeskip until after your next audition or when current events necessitate an interrupt. (Thursday or ???)
-[X] Ask Kyubey if you could hug one of his bodies at night. You may have some of your stuffed animals back, but you still miss Endal...
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 16
Souls. Not ability to use magic. Soul Gems are not necessary to be a magical girl. Kyuubey added them deliberately. He says as much.
The ability to use MG magic is not "natural." That's even worse than I was thinking though. Soul Gems may be added on but the grief probably isn't. Good luck cleansing when your soul is safely hidden in whatever metaphysical place it hides. Unless we're using Mana in which case we're wasting resources again. The very same thing we have learned is a bad idea with Jade. Trading super magic for weaker magic and the chance to Witch out is a terrible idea.

Adding soul gems so MG's at least have a chance is probably the nicest thing Kyubey has ever done.
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1.0: Stick
Trigger warning: contains child abuse. Again. I expect this will be the last chapter with physical abuse, exempting memories.

[X] OOC: Timeskip until after your next audition or when current events necessitate an interrupt. (Thursday or ???)
-[X] Practice singing, to make sure the audition goes perfectly. (Unnecessary; you were going to do that anyway)
--[X] Obviously don't push to the point where your audition is going to fail because you're tired... (Unnecessary; you were going to do that anyway)

Your father seems perfectly happy to pretend the incident with Kyubey never happened. You're not even sure your mother ever even found out about it. Regardless, the subject of you being a magical girl candidate is not brought up in your household again.

Strangely enough, Kyubey doesn't approach you after your last rejection.

The slaughter you were caught in continues to plague your nightmares. You try not to let it affect your practice time.

On Thursday, you initially thought the audition went quite well. You managed to perfectly imitate the song they handed you and generally performed the best you had in quite a long time.

For whatever reason, they still didn't choose you. You weren't allowed to watch the attempts of other people, so you don't know who the record company did choose, but it wasn't you. They said they'd keep you in mind, but both you and your parents know what that means: you simply weren't good enough.

In other words, you failed. And since you failed...

[] Try not to show any signs of fear. You're not supposed to cry in public.

[] Don't bother hiding your terror. Other people might think you're a crybaby, but you're not sure you care right now.

Hours later, your father locks you in the basement of your house, ignoring your crying. You vaguely hope he'll be back later; it's rather cold down here and he never did free your wrists from the handcuffs keeping them behind your back. On the other hand, if he does come back, it might just be to hurt you more, so there's some fear thrown in with the hope.

Why does everything have to hurt...?

You try to shift so you aren't placing weight on any of the injured areas, but that's kinda impossible for you right now. Your father didn't break any bones, but almost your entire body still hurts. The only area to be spared was your head. Your father is supposed to be punishing your failures, not doing permanent damage to you.

Eventually, you settle for just lying on your side. Staying upright isn't as painful, but it requires more work.

Despite the fact that you know it's your own fault, you can't help but feel like something is wrong.

It isn't supposed to be like this.

As if summoned by your thoughts, Kyubey slinks out from somewhere behind you. He's carrying some unknown object in his mouth.

You try to rub away some of your tears using one shoulder, but your neck isn't supposed to bend that way. You don't really succeed. Despite this, you still manage to figure out what Kyubey is carrying: your pendant.

Kyubey drops the heirloom into your hands, walks several feet away, and begins staring at you.

(Heirloom Pendant Retrieved [Without Permission])

"...What are you waiting for?" You ask after over a minute passes with no visible effects.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with."

Kyubey walks toward you and pokes the skin of one leg. You flinch away from the contact. Even though he wasn't applying very much pressure, it still hurt.

"For whatever reason, your potential is currently the highest I expect it will be for quite a while. On an unrelated note, your soul seems to be rather unusual. In exchange for being allowed to perform a more detailed scan of it, I am willing to increase your maximum potential reserves by 20%."

Kyubey flicks his tail and stares at you with undisguised pity.

"I could also bring Azura to visit you, if you so desire. I believe she could address any questions you may have about the life of a magical girl."

[] Don't show any signs of fear. You're not supposed to cry in public.

[] Don't bother hiding your terror. Other people might think you're a crybaby, but you're not sure you care right now.

[] Remain silent and don't do anything. You don't want to give your parents more reasons to be angry with you..
-[] Tell Kyubey to put your pendant back where he found it.

[] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...

[] Make a wish.
(Initiates another vote for which wish would be made)

[] Write-in
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In exchange for being allowed to perform a more detailed scan of it, I am willing to increase your maximum potential reserves by 20%."
And there's the other shoe dropping.

[X] Try not to show any signs of fear. You're not supposed to cry in public.

[X] Try concentrating on the pendant. Remember the connection you had with your grand-uncle.
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[X] Try not to show any signs of fear. You're not supposed to cry in public.

[X] Remain silent and don't do anything. You don't want to give your parents more reasons to be angry with you..
[X] Don't bother hiding your terror. Other people might think you're a crybaby, but you're not sure you care right now.

[X] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...

If QB actually can get the local MG into our basement, right now, while we're still beaten black and blue and hand-cuffed to a wall... well, it'll make things very interesting, in multiple ways. we'd definitely be out from under our parents after that comes out, and seeing an MG face-to-face might be enough for us to sense the wrongness about them, and solidify our desire to never have anything to do with being one.
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[x] Don't bother hiding your terror. Other people might think you're a crybaby, but you're not sure you care right now.
[x] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...

I would very much like to see what Azura makes of this first impression.
Yeah, originally I was going to go with this till I realized that a magical girl coming to our front door is likely going to end badly.
Does that matter? She's either going to sneak in or bust her way in, and after seeing the state Aria is in if she's even halfway a decent person Aria shouldn't have to worry about her parents abusing her anymore.
I am willing to increase your maximum potential reserves by 20%."

Wait what? He can just do that? That's interesting.

[X] Don't bother hiding your terror. Other people might think you're a crybaby, but you're not sure you care right now.

We're already getting put into a basement and beaten, crying in public just means that someone else might notice us. Which actually helps us.

[X] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...

[X] Try concentrating on the pendant. Remember the connection you had with your grand-uncle.

And both of these seem good. Might as well flare Green a little bit, Kyubey will be very interested.

Yeah, originally I was going to go with this till I realized that a magical girl coming to our front door is likely going to end badly.

Kyubey said he'd bring her, not just ask her to come over, and he got in. That implies there's a window or something to the basement and he knows about it and will tell the MG to use it. Worst case she shows up at the door and we tell Kyubey to relay a message about us being tied up, I guess? Which will probably make her try to help us. (Well, possibly. I dunno if we should really trust her without any prior contact but she might care enough, if she's not fully jaded yet.)
Does that matter? She's either going to sneak in or bust her way in, and after seeing the state Aria is in if she's even halfway a decent person Aria shouldn't have to worry about her parents abusing her anymore.
Depends on how Kyubey phrases it. If he tells her what the score is sure but otherwise she gets stopped at the door and then leaves. Eh... How is it you kids say it? YOLO?

[X] Try not to show any signs of fear. You're not supposed to cry in public.
[X] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...
-[X] While waiting try concentrating on the pendant. Remember the connection you had with your grand-uncle.

Wait what? He can just do that? That's interesting.
He did literal the exact same thing in Ignition. It's why Jade is so traumatized about Kyubey.
We're already getting put into a basement and beaten, crying in public just means that someone else might notice us. Which actually helps us.
No. People go "Oh look, another one that has crumbled under the stress. There's always one or two" and then we get punished worse. People tend to only see what they want to see.
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[X] Don't bother hiding your terror. Other people might think you're a crybaby, but you're not sure you care right now.

[X] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...
[X] Try not to show any signs of fear. You're not supposed to cry in public.

[X] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...

Trained and conditioned response, with a little reaching out anyway.
[X] Don't bother hiding your terror. Other people might think you're a crybaby, but you're not sure you care right now.
[X] Try concentrating on the pendant. Remember the connection you had with your grand-uncle.

Let the public know there is a Problem. And fuck the wish. We got the shiny. Use it
[X] Try not to show any signs of fear. You're not supposed to cry in public.
[X] Ask Kyubey if he could bring Azura to visit you. Even if she can't do anything, a little company would be nice...
-[X] While waiting try concentrating on the pendant. Remember the connection you had with your grand-uncle.
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That implies there's a window or something to the basement and he knows about it and will tell the MG to use it.
There is a window at the other side of the basement (you don't currently have line of sight to it), but it's rather small. You're not sure anyone but a child would be able to fit through—oh, wait... :p
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