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Then he just hits us later for leaving.
How hard would it even be to just break all ties and to disappear. I mean in even for someone completely unaware of how to live on the street it can't possibly be that hard to find a bus that goes as far away as possible, then to find a police officer and ask about one of those centers for homeless youth that exist in America.
How hard would it even be to just break all ties and to disappear. I mean in even for someone completely unaware of how to live on the street it can't possibly be that hard to find a bus that goes as far away as possible, then to find a police officer and ask about one of those centers for homeless youth that exist in America.
She doesn't know its wrong to be treated like that. Save for maybe the Green deep in her soul, which is where my wish idea wanted to go. Something to help us get in touch with it/integrate it safely without destroying her core personality.
How hard would it even be to just break all ties and to disappear. I mean in even for someone completely unaware of how to live on the street it can't possibly be that hard to find a bus that goes as far away as possible, then to find a police officer and ask about one of those centers for homeless youth that exist in America.

She's so completely sheltered, she doesn't really know much of anything as to living without her parents handling everything for her, to the point that she probably wouldn't even be able to function in your average homeless shelter.

On top if that, our parents still have our Pendant, which, while it might be a red herring, could full well be a mana generator artifact, and those things are so massively important, powerful, and rare, that we should never even think about leaving without it.
On top if that, our parents still have our Pendant, which, while it might be a red herring, could full well be a mana generator artifact, and those things are so massively important, powerful, and rare, that we should never even think about leaving without it.
Time to take a page out of the Red playbook. Pillage and then burn! Of course learning that we are a Green needs to come first.
I thin Aria wouldn't want to wish right now. She's feeling concerned and would want to learn more. Honestly, being paralysed makes sense of what we know of her. I do agree that soul modification doesn't sound like the kind of thing Green would approve of. Green doesn't appreciate artificial changes.

I'm not against wishing entirely, as they're fun to play with, but lets not jump in without looking.

Hmm ... A wish that is useful and Green approved?

[q]I wish to be able to restore things to their natural state

If that works on souls, that would be really helpful.
If that works on souls, that would be really helpful.
By removing the ability to use MG magic? The whole thing we just wished for and thereby rendering the whole thing moot?

If we ever did wish we should just use a similar one to Jade's. "I wish that I could easliy learn all magic just by watching and doing it." You know, like animals do. They can't read so they learn by watching and doing.
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She's so completely sheltered, she doesn't really know much of anything as to living without her parents handling everything for her, to the point that she probably wouldn't even be able to function in your average homeless shelter.

Aria is not quite that bad off. She knows how to cook a few basic dishes, clean up after herself, and generally use the supplies given to her by her parents. However, she is quite inept when it comes to the acquisition of said supplies and she doesn't have a lot of experience interacting with other people on equal grounds. Additionally, she's used to having some mechanical assistance.
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By removing the ability to use MG magic? The whole thing we just wished for and thereby rendering the whole thing moot?

If we ever did wish we should just use a similar one to Jade's. "I wish that I could easliy learn all magic just by watching and doing it." You know, like animals do. They can't read so they learn by watching and doing.

We could honestly probably think of a better wish than that with our potential. That one only worked for Jade as it was the best choice out of the ones we did come up with since everyone was stuck on dragons.

Something like controlling grief if it's allowed would allow us to cleanse our grief without burning our mana supplies.

Or something like being able to recycle, like turning trash into trees.

Hell, trying to get something like Tattletale's deduction power or the power of beast mimicry or something.

Or Aria wishing that she was a better singer since that would in her eyes make her parents happier or whatever.

Anyway, I am still against wishing but we are going to be continued to be hounded by Kyubey. I just think if we do wish, going down the Jade route would rather be a waste of potential.
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[X] Remain perfectly still and hope your father doesn't notice you. He probably will, but maybe it would help remind him that you were kinda throwing up a couple minutes ago? Hitting you now might make it even worse.
-[X] Telepathically ask Kyubey to leave
Probably. It's all about timing. Our Aunt should be out in about three months. Though we'll want to find our more about her first.

Though mind control really isn't Green.
Green does have a limit form of Mind control, Fight and Lure.,Green can force combat.

EDIT: also fuck Wishes, we don't need them.
[X] Remain perfectly still and hope your father doesn't notice you. He probably will, but maybe it would help remind him that you were kinda throwing up a couple minutes ago? Hitting you now might make it even worse.
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--[X] Help your farther grab that unnatural alien rat, and then the two of you can beat the stuffing out of it. Maybe after it's gone and you both calm down, you can ask your father about what it was that QB had interrupted him from saying.
Hah, no, that's a terrible idea. Family bonding moments don't work when the family isn't bonding.
Is everyone at least in agreement that the disgusting child abusers should at some point either die or by mind controlled?
Not IC. OOC, I think we should just get away from them in a permanent fashion, because all other options are off the table due to Aria's morality.
How hard would it even be to just break all ties and to disappear. I mean in even for someone completely unaware of how to live on the street it can't possibly be that hard to find a bus that goes as far away as possible, then to find a police officer and ask about one of those centers for homeless youth that exist in America.
We literally have a tracking bracelet.
Something like controlling grief if it's allowed would allow us to cleanse our grief without burning our mana supplies.
This will never happen, because Alivaril doesn't do free things unless the dice start bullying him. Becoming a Magical Girl without any of the downsides would be cost-free.

[X] Remain perfectly still and hope your father doesn't notice you. He probably will, but maybe it would help remind him that you were kinda throwing up a couple minutes ago? Hitting you now might make it even worse.

As long as we don't involve ourself in any way, there won't be a path for the brunt of his anger to focus on us, and so we'll catch a lot less of it.
0.8: Sit. Stay. Good girl.
[X] Remain perfectly still and hope your father doesn't notice you. He probably will, but maybe it would help remind him that you were kinda throwing up a couple minutes ago? Hitting you now might make it even worse.

Your father continues to stomp around the room. You belatedly realize that you don't actually know whether or not Kyubey can telepathically speak to nearby people without you overhearing. If he can, he could be saying all sorts of things to your father and you wouldn't even get a chance to defend yourself.

After an unusually loud thump, your father speaks once more.

"Don't go anywhere. Understand?"

He slams the door shut behind himself, leaving you alone with your nausea and stomach pain.

After fifteen minutes, your father still hasn't returned.

Kyubey crawls out from under your bed and curls up on top of you. You roll over and force him to switch to your hip. His weight wasn't helping your stomach calm down.

"That did not go as I anticipated. I apologize for angering your father."

"I told you so."

Kyubey doesn't respond, instead choosing to roll over onto his back. When he returns to an upright position, a small, dark sharp is left behind.

"What do you think of this?"

Your mouth speaks before your brain catches up. You instantly regret speaking aloud.

"It feels wrong."

It isn't nearly as awful as the feeling you first had when you saw a witch, but you can't help but feel like the object is heavily connected to the eldritch abominations. When you turn away and focus on an empty spot on your wall, the feeling goes away.


When you turn back to peek at the object, it's already gone. You assume Kyubey stuffed it in hammerspace or something similar.

"Your hesitation is unnecessary, but understandable. The effect of grief on your thoughts tends to be heavily over-exaggerated. There is a good chance it wouldn't be nearly as awful as you seem to believe it would be."

"I don't care," you stubbornly respond. "There's more to the soul than just thinking."

"The object you just saw is known as a 'grief seed.' You may consider it the corpse of a witch. Upon placing it in close proximity to the soul gem of a magical girl, it will attract and remove all grief from the inside of said soul gem. You may use grief seeds multiple times before they are filled up, so why not simply use them often in order to minimize the amount of corruption inside of your soul at any given time?"

...Now you really don't want the gunk in your soul. If that's what concentrated grief feels like, that means you'd have a lesser version of it growing inside of you. That's just disgusting.

Of course, you could be wrong. The unnatural feeling could just be in your head or due to the witchiness, not any grief inside the seed.

You're still pretty annoyed with Kyubey, though. You're having difficulty accepting the idea that he might have angered your father by complete accident. Maybe you could wish for him to actually help you? You'd need to be careful with phrasing to make sure you didn't overstep your potential or ruin his attempts to help humanity, but having the mascot of all magical girls on your side could be useful.

You could wish to be a better singer, for you to know what you need to do to make your parents happy, for your voice to heal people, or any number of other possible wishes. Your imagination is the only real limitation... Okay, maybe not. You'd also need to be careful to not overstep your potential, but you've heard of a lot of girls wishing for some pretty major things. Like removing the entire world's supply of WMDs. Provided, the countries in question just made more, but you're pretty sure that magical girl is still alive.

[] Tell Kyubey to go away and stop bothering you. Politely, of course.

[] Make a wish.
(will initiate another vote for what wish will be made)

[] Ask Kyubey some more questions.
-[] Write-in

[] Rinse out your mouth and throat so you can start practicing your singing, then do so. If your father comes back and finds you doing it, he might be a little less inclined to be upset with you.

[] Just rest until your father comes back. It's been a long time since you were allowed to have a sick day...

[] Write-in
I wonder what would happen if she wished to be a magical girl without having her soul accumulate the unnatural corruption that is grief.
[X] Rinse out your mouth and throat so you can start practicing your singing, then do so. If your father comes back and finds you doing it, he might be a little less inclined to be upset with you.

[X] Make a wish.
-[] Wish to be a magical girl, without having that unnatural gunk accumulate in your soul.
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