Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World)

So question:

UN or our resource turn?

I'm asking because I've got both almost ready.
Interlude: The UN
Interlude: The UN

You were dressed in a dress uniform that was more fit for a Chinese officer than one of your own nation. Well, it was all you had that could fit what you wanted to show the world. Small, powerful, and otherwise, without remorse and power.

People would love the fact that you used their base uniform for them, you made certain that you wore colors that were brilliant Blue. Perhaps you were trying to make the Nations of the world see you as less than a violent, angry mercenary that goes into combat zones for shits and giggles and overthrows nations by sheer accident, mostly because those same nations were run by fucking idiots.

But enough about China, and America. You were here on business after all.

But you felt nacked without a gun. Trusting others for your security was not something that you liked to do, especially when you had to deal with… Politicians.

Ma was smiling as she joined you, as you sat, waiting. "Well, can't say that everything couldn't be any worse. If china were in charge, they would have tried to arrest you immediately."

"Don't remind me of the humiliation that I want the Red Dragon to feel for their inadequacy." You stated. "I was hoping for a far more receptive welcome, considering the absolute mess the Egyptians and Sudanese are doing with the territory and to their people. If it were not for me, there may have been a genocide." You stated.

"Perhaps that may be the truth, but I feel as if many nations will see the rise of a microstate that has single handily shaped the entire region without having a permanent population may also make them fear you."

"They will always fear what they do not know." You replied. As you saw the Egyptian delegation come forward to speak, no doubt to make things worse for you. "Well once more into the breach, as they say?"

There was a smile, and you felt the groan come from ahead.

Egyptian and Sudan Delegation Roll: 7

The Egyptians did nothing but denounce you as Terrorists, squatting on rightful land that they owned and that the violations that were occurring would be punished.

It was strong words being thrown around.

Strong words indeed, if their government hadn't collapsed in on itself to rebels and Islamists, lost 30 tanks to people on foot with RPG and had collapsed after they tried to commit a terroristic attack, on an UN-sanctioned safe zone for the people and refugees.

All that occurred was laughter and anger. No one, not even their allies that they may wish to see, like Jordan and Palestine, was going to step up and defend their idiocy.

It made you smile, for a brief moment, as you realized that these fools may lose their territory permanently, without you needing to fight for it.

"The Chair recognizes…" There was a pause. "The Chair recognizes The Mighty Mercenary Lord of Man, She Who Conquered the Desert and Commander of the Armies. AKA Lord of Generals or Just Lord, Li Mei of." He paused again and looked at the very long name. "The Majestic and Mighty Lands of Wài Tiāntáng, Lords of the War and Desert, Breakers of the Swordsmen."

You smiled. "There will be more titles, I promise you that." You joked, causing a laugh to erupt from among the assembly.

You took your time to stride up to look at the delegates. You were sure that the men were jealous, and the soldiers among them were happy to see another one among their ranks walking to the head once again.

The Americans and Soviets both were interested in you. But they did not know what to think. Not yet.

They would have an answer soon enough.

You took a deep breath, tapped the microphones, and finally spoke.

What do you say?:

[]Write in.

AN: Sorry for the delay, had work really early.
Egyptian and Sudan Delegation Roll: 7

The Egyptians did nothing but denounce you as Terrorists, squatting on rightful land that they owned and that the violations that were occurring would be punished.

It was strong words being thrown around.

Strong words indeed, if their government hadn't collapsed in on itself to rebels and Islamists, lost 30 tanks to people on foot with RPG and had collapsed after they tried to commit a terroristic attack, on an UN-sanctioned safe zone for the people and refugees.

All that occurred was laughter and anger. No one, not even their allies that they may wish to see, like Jordan and Palestine, was going to step up and defend their idiocy.

It made you smile, for a brief moment, as you realized that these fools may lose their territory permanently, without you needing to fight for it.
Well. I guess Egypt and Sudan are done for.

I mean, I could see the negaverse quest, especially with that 7 last hurrah.:lol::rofl:
>you all know who I am. I have no doubts that any halfway competent intelligence agency would have dug that up within hours or minutes.
>a place in the desert to call our own.
>a quiet place for those who cannot find peace out in the world or within themselves.
>express understanding that we're not good people. Express that we would however like to be better and someday maybe be good people, or at least be less bad.
>express our belief that the UN is a good thing. That while conflict is inevitable, it does not need to happen with guns and bombs.
>express the belief that day by day, little by little, the world will be a more peaceful place.
>it will not be today, it will not be tomorrow, we might not live to see it, but someday my kind will be put out of business. And that's good.
>but until that day comes, for anyone with enough money, or a good enough sob story, we'll be around.
>and if the UN needs something from us, we'll probably be able to help. Give us a ring. We'll pick up the phone.

>also offhandedly pinky promise that we will not knowingly commit war crimes, and endeavor to put a stop to those who do under our jurisdiction.

>also also mention that we have methods of putting people in contact with armed hirable groups of not only good quality but also good character should that be necessary.

>also also also. If we could get some observers to make sure those safe zones we set up are on the level, that would be great. Please and thank you.
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The UN is known for allowing dictators to speak to the world.

They are expecting a dictator.

What you say may push them to look you one way or another.
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Also lads!

I have a omake challenge for you:

The UN negaverse. About the Egypt fiasco.
They would think we would be another insane dictator. Unfortunately they would also think we're lying.
Hmm. Right. Realpolitik version then.

Firstly extol our work in Zimbabwe. "Honestly I was just doing a job but you know what? I think it turned out alright."
Secondly bring up the safe zones. "Yeah, if I could get some observers or humanitarian workers to come around and check that they're on the level. That would be great please and thank you."
Thirdly dab on China.
Fourthly dab on Egypt.
Fifthly dab on dad.
Sixthly mention that we are hirable for any jobs that the UN might put to us. We'll even have a discount for any peacekeeping missions.
Seventh pinky swear that we super duper promise not to knowingly commit any war crimes or take contracts that entail committing war crimes as an objective.
Eighthly say that we are actually serious about what we said when we announced ourselves to the world.
Ninthly T-pose on the Egyptian delegation to exert dominance after the assembly adjourns.
How long do we have before the vote is called?