Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World)

-[X]One Second Till Midnight.
For the first, choosing the most mysterious.
-[X]70% of my life is action movies. The Rest is up to you?
And this cause why not.

Odds we may end up going John Wick on someone?
-[X]One Second Till Midnight.
For the first, choosing the most mysterious
Congratulations you now might start world war 3 and end the world in nuclear fire.

Also you have choices to make coming soon.

Good luck.
-[X]70% of my life is action movies. The Rest is up to you?
And this cause why not
A young Hideo Kojima starts taking up lessons for hand to hand combat.

For his dream his dream, is to become an action hero.

Or failing that. A mercenary.

But his backup plan is to make games.
Odds we may end up going John Wick on someone
… eh… possibly
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Congratulations you now might start world war 3 and end the world in nuclear fire.

Good luck.

A young Hideo Kojima starts taking up lessons for hand to hand combat.

For his dream his dream, is to become an action hero.

Or failing that. A mercenary.

… eh… possibly
...Oh dear. The one second to midnight was the escalation option wasn't it...😅
And someone wh at one timeline became a famous video game maker, is seeking to follow in our footsteps.
Odds he will somehow manage to both do that and make video games?
Congratulations you now might start world war 3 and end the world in nuclear fire.

Also you have choices to make coming soon.

Good luck.
Quickest way to end the quest . . . Just Kidding. Honestly, via the way @Magoose said, we most certainly have to take side or becoming an independent faction(which we already are), investing in bunker and other supplies; ala Fallout or Metro.

...Oh dear. The one second to midnight was the escalation option wasn't it...😅
And someone wh at one timeline became a famous video game maker, is seeking to follow in our footsteps.
Odds he will somehow manage to both do that and make video games?
Kojima is GOD! Also because of his uniqueness, he most certainly will deliver a Game of The Year.
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...Oh dear. The one second to midnight was the escalation option wasn't it...😅
We'll here is something you must know:

Your about to have some good ole fighting coming soon.

And maybe show why you want to be left alone.
Odds he will somehow manage to both do that and make video games?
Kojima is god. That is all.

Also, he's one of the really good ones too.

After all, he's really good at the attention to detail.
Quickest way to end the quest . . . Just Kidding. Honestly, via the way @Magoose said, we most certainly have to take side or becoming an independent faction(which we already are), investing in bunker and other supplies; ala Fallout or Metro.
We don't need to, we have a natural bunker in our underground formations.

Plus we'll have water for years in case of nuclear war
Company of Heroes Middle East Madness
Company of Heroes Middle East Madness
During the chaos of the 1974s, Li Hua founds her own microstate while Egypt and Sudan were tearing themselves apart during the freshly started civil war many theorize she started, or at least triggered. Then they found the MOTHERLOAD of oil and water, which left half the world warily watching the powder keg that was freshly lit when her UN speech ended with an invasion from the communist block, and with the US Recognizing her nation's Sovereignty. With the board set, Li hua facing invasion by Sudan and Egypt, along with a china that wants revenge for her actions in Tibet, and a Russia whom is wary of her. And the US subtly supplying support when they think they can get away with it.
Russia has a large decently equipped army they field, and while Inferior to the US equivalents, are more reliable and cheaper, making them a rather versatile army, utilizing a large supply of reliable and innovative vehicles.
China has numbers, but between internal schisms and relatively lacking equipment and training, has trouble truly leveraging heir advantage even as they significantly outnumber any one side.
Sudan and Egypt benefit from having their infrastructure close to the frontlines making resupply easier. But they are still reeling from the major civil war they just recovered from, with Egypt decidedly being worse off thanks to falling apart after suiciding forty tanks on Li Hua's forces earlier. While Egypt is generally worse off, they managed to snag some US surplus to use against their enemies.
The US are the best equipped faction, but due to many factors, they limit themselves to deploying deniable assets, and raising forces on location to try and support Li Hua's forces.
Li Hua's forces, while small and lacking in anything above infantry equipment at the start has arguably the best infantry in the game. They are also capable of fielding superior equipment later on, thanks to the brilliant mind leading them, and with lots of options to make enemy attacks a living hell.
Company of Heroes Middle East Madness
During the chaos of the 1974s, Li Hua founds her own microstate while Egypt and Sudan were tearing themselves apart during the freshly started civil war many theorize she started, or at least triggered. Then they found the MOTHERLOAD of oil and water, which left half the world warily watching the powder keg that was freshly lit when her UN speech ended with an invasion from the communist block, and with the US Recognizing her nation's Sovereignty. With the board set, Li hua facing invasion by Sudan and Egypt, along with a china that wants revenge for her actions in Tibet, and a Russia whom is wary of her. And the US subtly supplying support when they think they can get away with it.
Russia has a large decently equipped army they field, and while Inferior to the US equivalents, are more reliable and cheaper, making them a rather versatile army, utilizing a large supply of reliable and innovative vehicles.
China has numbers, but between internal schisms and relatively lacking equipment and training, has trouble truly leveraging heir advantage even as they significantly outnumber any one side.
Sudan and Egypt benefit from having their infrastructure close to the frontlines making resupply easier. But they are still reeling from the major civil war they just recovered from, with Egypt decidedly being worse off thanks to falling apart after suiciding forty tanks on Li Hua's forces earlier. While Egypt is generally worse off, they managed to snag some US surplus to use against their enemies.
The US are the best equipped faction, but due to many factors, they limit themselves to deploying deniable assets, and raising forces on location to try and support Li Hua's forces.
Li Hua's forces, while small and lacking in anything above infantry equipment at the start has arguably the best infantry in the game. They are also capable of fielding superior equipment later on, thanks to the brilliant mind leading them, and with lots of options to make enemy attacks a living hell.
It's Li Mei but otherwise, this is great.

Choose your Reward:
-[]A Supply Drop from a friend
-[]New Minerals to be top Dog down down there.
-[]Another Day at the Office
-[] walk through the office and pick out as many bugs as we can find.
--[] pointedly leave any American ones.
---[] have an American video bug moved to point at the desk just in case we need to pass on anything. Block it with a tasteful potted plant when we don't need it.
Why don't we also leave any from our home country as well? Or at least the ones not in our office?:D
James Smith Intelligance Report
James Smith Intelligance Report.

It seems his last name may have been something else, with Smith being adopted to try and hide from something. He seems to have a very eclectic collection of knowledge, and started picking up knowledge on how to fight during his journey. Notably, he had clashed with other mercenaries multiple times in his career, whom seemed to be trying to capture him alive, presumably because of ties from before he appeared on our radar. That may be part of the reason he had developed his wondering habits, and part of why his group always stayed small. He is really skilled at staying hidden, presumably developed from experience, and has a habit of trying to finish contracts quickly and moving on to another location. Notably he seems to have some experience in high society, even though it seems like he tries to avoid avoid them whenever feasible. Though there seems to be one particular group he really tries to avoid, the PMC Queensguard. We aren't exactly sure about their origins, besides their ties with him based on how they seem to be trying to track him down, and has clashed with him and his group multiple times, with one particular case seeming to have escaped due to the Queensguard having an unfortunate run-in with Li Mei, distracting them in a way that allowed him to slip away and still complete his mission.

A/N: Yes, this is kind of inspired by a certain pokemon character. I mean, would having some very major heir running away and going mercenary to avoid his fiancé, whom continues to chase him with a private army be too crazy for this verse?
So. Bad news, China is going to be sending a LOT our way. Good news, there are like 5-6 factions that will probably be sabotaging each other and are monofocused on killing us...

...Anyone have an idea what these might be?
First one seems to be more negotiation or something?
Second gives us more backup.
Third is, I am not exactly sure...
I agree with your assessment of the first two. I don't know what the third is... but I will say that the first thing it calls to mind is the Doomsday Clock.