Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World)

Is Elizabeth in the North East?
North West.
Y'know, if one of those groups wasn't special forces that would probably be in "kill them all" range.
Well all of them except Elesebeth are Special operators or former special operators.

Vasily is ex Speznaz, and Shepperd is ex Green Beret.

Elesebeth is just a rich socialite, but she has enough money to buy some quality help in mercenaries to make up for her lack of soldiering experience.
Also is there any way to go figure out what everyone else wants without having to social roll them?

Political actions.
Well. I guess that getting them all on the same team, while certainly helpful. Would fully invoke the Ragtag Bunch of Misfits trope in all its great and terrible glory....:lol::rofl:
if you mange to get all of them onto the same team and accepting you as leader, I will eat crow.
That unit list feels like a c&c unit/structures list. Feels like a mashup of the GLA and Chinese.
Inded. It's quite a bit of fun too.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Mar 19, 2022 at 1:03 AM, finished with 40 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan Outside of Heaven
    -[X] The Majestic and Mighty Lands of Wài Tiāntáng, Lords of the War and Desert, Breakers of the Swordsmen.
    --[X] The Mighty Mercenary Lord of Man, She Who Conquered the Desert and Commander of the Armies. AKA Lord of Generals or Just Lord.
    [X] Plan Gunpoint Diplomacy
    -[X] The Majestic and Mighty Lands of Wài Tiāntáng, Lords of the War and Desert, Breakers of the Swordsmen. Wài Tiāntáng for short.
    -[X] [Title] Lorde (with an 'e')
    -[X] [Objectives]
    --[X] Get a translator.
    --[X] Free villages under Islamist control near (or better yet, within) our borders. Aim for minimal collateral damage.
    --[X] Offer them safety and eventual prosperity in exchange for fealty to our new nation. Not threatening, past the passive intimidation of being responsible for whatever shenanigans we do during the liberation step
    ---[X] If somehow the majority of the village agrees we extend our borders out to them
    ---[X] If not we take what people who want to come with us (and their stuff) back to Wài Tiāntáng
    --[X] Recruit interested parties to our army, with guns from bunker and training from us. No kids.
    --[X] Army lets us scale up liberation/recruitment efforts.
    --[X] Keep an eye out for people with experience in various fields (agriculture, mining, construction, assorted sciences) to advise us. Also medics/doctors for our people.
    --[X] Set up Sustenance Agriculture using our water resources ASAP
    --[X] Get a construction crew going for housing, general infrastructure
    --[X] Once everyone is fed and housed and such, start in on education and mining.
    --[X] If we bumble into enough experienced researchers/engineers for it to matter then try to give them the resources to ply their craft as well.
    --[X] if at any point our micro-neighbors end up in military duress from all the civil war, negotiate with them to try leverage some type of military alliance to get more resources/people (or gain control of them as a province of ours in the absolute best case). If they're starving, do the same for food if it won't cause our own people trouble.
    [X] [Plan] I want peace dammit!
    -[X] [Name] Green Hearth, Paradise Of Badasses!
    -[X] [Title] Lorde (with an 'e')
    -[X] [Objectives]
    --[X] To build up a paradise worthy of all your days.
    ---[X] Then make your Father Public Enemy #1
    --[X] Free Health Care
    --[X] To celebrate all our success by proposeing to my wife to remarry her. On our villa!
    [X] Elesebeth Spencer has a few more insane ideas.
I'm doing the nations that are currently in this Triangle and then we will see what I decide to do.
The Nations of the Triangle:
The Nations of the Triangle:

The Apache Confederation

Official Language: English, Arabic, Apache

National Languages: Apache

Government: Intirmn Tribal Confederation.

Head of Government: Great Chief John "Wailing Wolf" Sheperd

Currency: US Dollar, Egyptian Pound.


1 (Permanent Residence)

10 (From other nations within the Triangle)

1,000 Dollars/ Estimation of 100,000,000 in five years if oil development is achieved.

Foreign Affairs

Diplomatic Status: (-3) You are a rogue state, sitting on rightful land to two other sovereign states. With your claim also carrying oil, no other nation will stand by and allow you to be here.

War and Peace: You are Hostile to the Egyptian and Sudanese Militaries, and are waging a one-man war on the Islamists who seek to use your territory as a training ground.

Interior Traits:

Massive Oil Reserves: There is enough Oil underneath these sands to feed the world for the next thousand years, give or take. (Can Develop Oil Industry. -3 to International Relations. Rake in that oil money and prepare for a bad fucking time with the Racist Arabs and other oil producers of the world who do not like the Americans)


The Commune of Southern Cambridge

Official Language: English, Arabic

National Languages: English

Government: One Party Dictatorship

Head of Government: Chairwoman Elisabeth Spencer

Currency: British Pound, Egyptian Pound.


5 (Permanent Residents)

20 (From other nations within the Triangle. And Mercenaries under hire)


20,000 GDP in US Dollars

Foreign Affairs

Diplomatic Status: (+2) You are a microstate that, at the moment, has not broken any international laws, nor do the nations that own this territory consider you a threat. You are safe to continue for now, and at the moment, can develop without any

War and Peace: While the Nations that claim this territory have yet to truly accept the fact you are trying for independence, they do not care. They have other things to worry about. You are hostile to the Islamists who are trying to use this triangle as their territory.

Interior Traits:

The Oasis in the Sands
You really did not see the point in setting up an agricultural place in the Desert. But the Oasis is something special. It gives life, just as much as it gives hope. (Can Set Comercial Agriculture. +2 to international relations)

The New Haven:

Official Language: Russian, English, Arabic

National Languages: Russian

Government: Monarchy/ Dictatorship

Head of Government: Captain-General Vasily Aristov

Currency: Russian Ruble, Egyptian Pound.


2 (Permanent Residents)

6 (Family living in Alexandria)


10,000 GDP in US Dollars

Foreign Affairs

Diplomatic Status: (+1) You are a microstate that, despite its clear violation and fears from the Russian government that a national is starting his own country, the rest of the world does not see it that way. He's just a man living on private property and playing a little game and fucking around.

War and Peace: This man is hostile to anyone who threatens his family. And considering the civil war, he will cut a path of a thousand bodies if he does not get to them.

Interior Traits:

--[]Buried Treasure
While digging for water, you found enough rare Egyptian Artifacts from one of their later dynasties to be considered a museum in and of itself. You managed to not only have the finders fee. But you also managed to snag a very lucrative deal with the Egyptians that will make your life easier. (+3 to international relations. What were you expecting something else?)
--[]Rare Earth Minerals
So you don't know what these are, but you are somewhat aware that, yes, these minerals seem important. (Electronics Mining Industry and Electronics Industry can be developed. -2 to international relations)
So first step. Save the apaches from the 'islamists', and see about forming ties with the rest when moves are taken. The russian has valuable electronics, the american has oil, and the British merely has the ability to grow cash crops, but has connections...
So first step. Save the apaches from the 'islamists', and see about forming ties with the rest when moves are taken. The russian has valuable electronics, the american has oil, and the British merely has the ability to grow cash crops, but has connections...
Yeah, see, you've both have an easier time, and a harder time in dealing with unifying the place.

After all, a legendary soldier offering to help you in exchange for a place in their inner circle?

if they were stupid, they would say no and then we could kick ass.

If they were smart? They would have us do a job for them, and everything will get very wierd.

And belive me when I say, things can get wierd.

Like going to an island paridice and help a mad lad coup a government that just couped another government two weeks prior.
Realm of the mighty Dragons, the beginning of immortals, where Phoenixes Rise, Etc. dear lord you missed some names, lol, but those are some pretty creative ones to be honest, kinda.
We can make more when we finally annex the rest of the Desert under out administration.
We can make more when we finally annex the rest of the Desert under out administration.
*Looks at list of names that are just blatantly there to fuck with you* good, I want to make the Abbreviation of our Hellishly long realm name to be able to summon Fucking Cthulhu, so we can ram it with a Longboat and put it back to sleep, I've been playing to much CK2
*Looks at list of names that are just blatantly there to fuck with you* good, I want to make the Abbreviation of our Hellishly long realm name to be able to summon Fucking Cthulhu, so we can ram it with a Longboat and put it back to sleep, I've been playing to much CK2
Insane plans and other shit, that describes my quests in a nutshell.
let's start conquering our neighbors, just invite some people who can fight with us and start our take over
let's start conquering our neighbors, just invite some people who can fight with us and start our take over
Well... Thats going to be easier said then done. Because Africa is full of mercenaries fighting for any cause under the sun.

and plus, we don't really have that much in the way of money.
SO I just wrote...

40... 50+ actions, for about 6 different categories?

Fuck this is going to be amazing!
The Sheet.

Name: Li Mia

Age: 25

Political Leaning!: Socialist! You believe that, as Dictator of your nation, you have a right, nay a duty to your subjects to serve their interests, just as they serve your own interests. And if that means you have to put on a show for the cameras and faux democracy while you rule, then so be it. (+1 to International Relations. +10 to RND Rolls, due to necessity being the Mother of Invention. Your home country will not talk to you but not hate you.)

Nationality: Child of Guangchou: You are a child of a little-known island nation of Guangchou, a daughter of a government official. You are much more skilled than many people believe, and hold depths that no one has realized. (Suffer a -10 to Social rolls. However, Gain the Masterful Roll Explosion. Every time you have a crit (95 or above with roll bonuses) roll the dice again. If it crits three times in a row, good things will happen. And By Good things, I mean some insane things that benefit you.)


You have a way of understanding the situation of anything, from people, to places to even your own body when you got stabbed that one time when you were ten by that crazy person. Anyway, you always understood shit, even when it seems impossible. (Gain an additional +10 to all rolls, at the cost of making the Cost for failure increase to 1-40. However, on Critical successes, you will gain double the control you gain and maybe cause even more craziness.)

Legendary Soldier!
You were one of the greatest soldiers to ever come out of the Army of your homeland, and have been a nomad for the last few years. While perhaps not as individually talented as other special operators of the United States, Russian or British Special Forces, you can keep up with them. And you have gained combat experience all over the world fighting for anyone who will pay you. And that is something special that most people cannot claim to be. (+10 to military rolls. Certain Governments may wish to hire you for your services. Unique Title unlocked. Other Mercenaries may wish to join you in your little kingdom Outside of Heaven)

Your Powerful Wife, Ma Tang It wasn't like life was going to be any worse. You two loved and cared for one another and that was all there was to it. She was a soldier, long before she was your wife and partner, and she learned a great deal of the soldiering trade. Not enough to be a threat to any trained special operator from America, but enough to where most desert bandits will be finding themselves at the wrong end of the barrel of her gun soon enough. (+10 to Military Rolls. Will be unable to have children the natural way. Suffer a -10 to all social roles because homosexuality is considered Taboo in this part of the world.)
So magic voodoo or genetic cloning are the way?
Artificial insemination, getting a male doner, cloning, building a robot, having a miracle birth where you give birth to a girl... Having a miracle birth, having the anti christ or the reincarnation of Christ.

I mean, lets be honest here, this can go lots of ways!
Turn 5: The Game Begins
Turn 5: The Game Begins:

The Tent was a smoldering place, even before you ever thought that things could have been better. The Bunker was good enough for safety, but you wanted to be outside. To see the sky and the stars.

"Something on your mind?" Ma said as she sat down next to you.

"Besides you?" You asked, a smile creeping on your face.

Ma then playfully punched you. "I meant about what our future holds? I know you think about me every day."

"Without clothes a lot of the time." You snarked.

Ma frowned. "Do you want to sleep on the ground for the next week?"

"With you, I'll sleep in the desert." You smiled.

"I don't think you are taking any of this seriously." She stated.

"I do take things seriously, but I'm tired, all I want to do is stare up at the stars, and you. Is it really that more to ask for?"

"You want to found a country, and have no plan?" She was surprised. "Are you just brillient, or are you just insane?"

"Brilliance and insanity are the same things, one just has effort being placed into it while the other doesn't." You paused and sighed. "So please, just take a breath, and sit with me. We've got plenty of time until morning."

She looked up and let out a heavy breath. "The stars a beautiful tonight."

"They are, and so are you." You said.

A wave of red crimson overcame your wife. "You too."

You smiled and leaned your head onto her. It would be a quiet night, so you would enjoy this.

You may be a leader of your own, recently founded nation, but dammit all to hell, you were a loving wife to the woman you loved first.

The Majestic and Mighty Lands of Wài Tiāntáng, Lords of the War and Desert, Breakers of the Swordsmen.

Official Languages: English, Arabic, Mandarin

National Languages: Mandarin

Head of State:
The Mighty Mercenary Lord of Man, She Who Conquered the Desert and Commander of the Armies. AKA Lord of Generals or Just Lord, Li Mei!

Currency: Yuan, Egyptian Pound.

2 (Permanent Residents)

-Mining- Nonexistent
-Light Industry- Nonexistent
-Heavy Industry- Nonexistent
-Oil Industry- Nonexistent

-Roads- Nonexistent
-Runways- Nonexistent
-Housing- Nonexistent
-Service industries- Nonexistent
-Medical Services- Nonexistent

1 Li Mei
1 Ma Tang
1,000 rifles,
five million rounds of ammo,
10,000 Grenades,
500 pounds of plastic explosives
Control - 50 (It seems that you may not have had the total control of this place as you expected. Bloody Adventurers)

International Recognition- 4 An International curiosity, a nation founded by a woman who does not bow to anyone but herself. A Mercenary of note, doing the impossible. There are those that wish to meet you and hope that you are everything they think you are.

History Page- (A Name, Date of Birth, Military Service in Gaungchou, Date of Death) (History is not kind to those seeking to write it)

Types of Actions:

Social: (You currently have a -10 to all social rolls)
-[]Speak to the Communist Neighbor: You want to see that Crazy woman who wants to save the Empire (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Speak to the American Vagrant: This idiot is going to turn the entire Muslim world against him if he continues his crusade. (Cost 2 Control)
-[]Speak to the Angry Russian: How has this man not been hired by the KGB to be a one-man army, he is a one-man army. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Break Bread with the Egyptian Government: They may be falling apart, but they are legitimate. Well more powerful than Sudan (Cost 3 Control)
-[]Coming together to have some fun: You know what this place needs, a party! You are going to party like it's the end of the world. (Cost 2 Control)
-[]A Council Of Nations: You are going to bring this group of crazy people together, and maybe, just maybe, you can unify and help one another. (Cost 6 Control)
-[]Recognition from another International Source You are going to find out just how far the rabbit hole goes in who might accept a micronation as international recognition. (Cost 5 Control)

Military (+20):
-[]Sell Guns: You have no need for all these weapons. Maybe there is a buyer out there that can take them off your hands. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Store Guns You have a bunker, so at least the weapons will be safe (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Trade Guns to other Micronations: Well at least you can see if those idiots are stupid or smart when it comes to the profits of their own security, from outside it. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]A Little Help From My Friends: You have some old mercenary friends that might be able to help out with you. You can give them a call. (Cost 3 Control)
-[]A Bear By the Name of Aristov: Aristov has a problem. His wife and five children are in Alexandria, and he knows he cannot reach them alone. Why do you think he came on bended knees asking for your help. (Cost 2 Control)
-[]The Red Tsarina's Ultimatum: You need to remind this Red Bitch that, just because she has more men than you, does not mean you will not succeed (Cost 2 Control)
-[]A War Chiefs Lone mission: That idiot, besides pissing off everyone with his control of trillions of dollars worth of oil, has also started killing people. He needs to be stopped or helped. (Cost 2 Control)
-[]Tired Faces, and Worn Out Places: So… Which idiot on the planet put a hit out on you, and what idiot would travel across the world to collect. They'd must have some balls to try and collect? (Cost 4 Control)
-[]The Only Thing They Fear is You!: You are going to announce to the world that yes, you are alive, and you are well. Take that China! (Cost 3 Control)

Economic (Have +10):
-[]Hire Some Workers: You are not doing all the grunt work all by yourself. (Cost 2 Control)
-[]Build up Trade Relations (Egypt): Well, you might as well start to try and look legitimate. (Cost 3 Control)
-[]Build up Trade Relations (Sudan) Well, you might as well start to try and look legitimate. (Cost3 Control)
-[]Build up Trade Relations (Other African Nations) Well, you might as well start to try and look legitimate. But this time to places that are not on fire. (Cost 5 Control)
-[]Starting up the Fire of Industry: Well there is no time like the present to decide to turn a single patch of desert into something amazing (Cost 2 Control)
-[]Building a Home for a Family: You did Promise that one woman you love a villa. Best get on that. (Cost 3 Control)
-[]My Kingdom for a Horse: You need a horse because none of the jeeps work. Fuck (Cost 1 Control)

Agriculture (Part of Economic)
-[]Develop Sustenance Agriculture: Well the Desert isn't the best place to farm, but it is a start? (Cost 5 Control)
-[]Taping the Water Reserve: You need to get access to the underground water reserves. (Cost 5 Control)
-[]To Turn a Desert Green: Maybe you can make the desert bloom? (Cost 10 Control)
-[]River Connections and if Such irrigation is possible?: Wait there is something that can make the Nile reach you? Inconceivable?! (Cost 1 Control)

Industry (Part of Economic):
-[]Survay The Desert (Minerals): What minerals are there for the taking. (Cost 4 Control)
-[]Survey the Desert (Precious metals): You know there is gold and silver, but what about everything else? (Cost 3 Control)
-[]Equipment For Digging: You know there is going to be lots of mining in the future. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Preparing for the Factory (Light Industry): Time to start an industry. (Cost 3 Control)
-[]Land Development and other signs of Civilization: Maybe you can make infrastructure, and roads that will make things. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Gather Corporate backers: Perhaps there are some greedy, bloodsucking corporations you can manipulate for your own gain? (Cost 1 Control)

RND (Currently at +20 to the rolls):
-[]Design a New Gun: You want a new gun designed by you. Perhaps one that can stand up to the test of time. (Cost 2 Control)
-[]Copy another Design: When they say that you were mad, well they do say that plagiarism is the (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Create something New(Military): Well maybe you can use that big brain and do something amazing. (Cost 3 Control)
-[]Create something new (Agriculture): Well maybe you can use that big brain and do something amazing. (Cost 3 Control)
-[]Create something New(Industry) Well maybe you can use that big brain and do something amazing. (Cost 3 Control)
-[]Science the Shit out of Something: Who said that science was something that would be the death of you. (Cost 3 Control)

Politics (+10 to rolls):
-[]Tell Dad to Fuck Off: Time for the semi-annual letter to your father, who will need to burn in all hell for this. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Say Hello To the Glorious Leader: Wei is a fine boy, last you met him. He seems now to be a fine man. Perhaps there will be no hard feelings about the whole… going mercenary thing. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]The KGB Says Hello: Oh, the KGB found you, and aren't trying to recruit you? Oh god, this must be the end of the world. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]It seems that the Americans are Back… Again: American CIA operatives in Egypt, coming to you? This will be interesting at least. (Cost 1 Control)
-[]An Offer From an Empire: The Ethiopian emperor is asking you for a favor? By god, this is going to be something else. What does he want? (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Desperate Times, Desperate Measures: So, the Islamists want you to do what for them? Win their civil war for them? They better have a damn good offer. (Cost 1 Control)

[] Li Mei - (RP)
-[] (Write-In three things she does within the next six months.)

AN: Well shit everyone, here it is. I'm tired. Vote in plan format, and please, enjoy.
EDIT: seems I've misunderstood the system a bit. Actual plan is on next page.
[] Plan Settle In
-[]Store Guns You have a bunker, so at least the weapons will be safe (Cost 1 Control)
-[]Hire Some Workers: You are not doing all the grunt work all by yourself. (Cost 2 Control)
-[]Develop Sustenance Agriculture: Well the Desert isn't the best place to farm, but it is a start? (Cost 5 Control)

I thought the guns were already in the bunker, but this will at least leave us with a stable starting point.
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I thought the guns were already in the bunker, but this will at least leave us with a stable starting point.
Just remember, you have 50 control, you can spend some, as every action succeeding will give you more

And remember. The RP at the bottom is a good way to increase character interactions and have fun.

Also I kinda want to try a basic write in.
Just remember, you have 50 control, you can spend some, as every action succeeding will give you more

And remember. The RP at the bottom is a good way to increase character interactions and have fun.

Also I kinda want to try a basic write in.
So the 3 actions thing does not mean "pick 3 of the above"? We can do what we want as long as we don't zero out on control?
[X] Plan Starting with some water
-[X] Store Guns You have a bunker, so at least the weapons will be safe (Cost 1 Control)
-[X] Hire Some Workers: You are not doing all the grunt work all by yourself. (Cost 2 Control)
-[X] Taping the Water Reserve: You need to get access to the underground water reserves. (Cost 5 Control)
-[X] Li Mei - (RP)
--[X] Work extra hard to stay in her wife's bed and not get kicked out to the floor. After all, she was promised a villa and Li hasn't even started yet. Maybe a Romantic dinner next to water after digging to it.
[X] Plan - The beginning of the beginning.

-[X]Hire Some Workers: You are not doing all the grunt work all by yourself. (Cost 2 Control)

-[X]The KGB Says Hello: Oh, the KGB found you, and aren't trying to recruit you? Oh god, this must be the end of the world. (Cost 1 Control)

-[X]My Kingdom for a Horse: You need a horse because none of the jeeps work. Fuck (Cost 1 Control)

-[X]A Bear By the Name of Aristov: Aristov has a problem. His wife and five children are in Alexandria, and he knows he cannot reach them alone. Why do you think he came on bended knees asking for your help. (Cost 2 Control)

-[X]Develop Sustenance Agriculture: Well the Desert isn't the best place to farm, but it is a start? (Cost 5 Control)

-[X]Taping the Water Reserve: You need to get access to the underground water reserves. (Cost 5 Control)

-[X]Land Development and other signs of Civilization: Maybe you can make infrastructure, and roads that will make things. (Cost 1 Control)

-[X]Create something new (Agriculture): Well maybe you can use that big brain and do something amazing. (Cost 3 Control)

Simple windmill waterpump to get to the underground water for farming/use aboveground.

-[X]Speak to the Angry Russian: How has this man not been hired by the KGB to be a one-man army, he is a one-man army. (Cost 1 Control)

Save this guys family and we got his loyalty Guaranteed!

Total Control cost: 21

RP: Li Mia goes out to hire workers at the nearest native enclave, while there she meets up with KGB superspy , the meet and greet goes well. Li Mia "informs" the KGB superspy that she is about to liberate a Russian family from the clutches of the dastardly Egyptians. In an effort to look good in-front of Li Mia, KGB superspy goes along with her(they are saving Russians so its all good) Li Mia also "confiscates" some of the KGB superspy's horses and gear for herself. KGB superspy doesn't have the courage to say anything about that and just goes along with it.
While Li Mia is away Ma takes control of the new workers and starts with the basics - Food and Water, o and also a windpump, because wells and buckets are SO 1300's.
When Li Mia gets back she heads over to broody Russian man with family in tow. SURPRISE! So you mind if I annex you now?
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