Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World)

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In the Beginning, There was Daddy Issues!


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
"A small man can cast a very large shadow."
-Varys, Game of Thrones​

For most of human history, the State was controlled by the strongest, the man who owned the most powerful force. For all of human history, that was a constant. Power is derived from strength, not simple modern ideas, such as Republicanism, democracy, and, eh gasp, Direct democracy.

Pah, they are nothing more than weasel words that describe such travesty.

Power was power, and even in a nation that did not control large swaths of territory, your country is influential and influenced.

Even in the smallest nations, power can exist with only their will.

Bir Tawil: There was an odd territorial blip that occurred during the decolonization of Africa. Egypt and Sudan, both of them, really are trying to claim territory, but no one wants it.

Feeling a great deal of need to prove yourself to your father and having the never of Steel that you have, and your father lacks, you went to both governments and then bought the real estate, recognizing both of their claims, by giving them copious amounts of money.

You then crowned yourself Dictator of this little shithole in the sand and started building up the region because fuck them; it's free real estate you technically own; you paid for it after all.

But all Dictators have a story, and you need to spin yours.

The problem is, you have daddy issues, and the only to win his approval is by conquering vast swaths of land and ruling with an iron fist. Preferably competently, in a way that your father never could with his company, his marriage, or his children.

Am I blatantly ripping off TTIBADOASACN, by @HeroCooky, taking some of the Framework he made, throwing in a little Magoose twist to it, and then just going wild with insane dice rolls and utterly mad ideas that will make his quest look sane?

Yes. Yes, I am. Hell, I showed it to @HeroCooky and he approved. Mostly because he's seen my dice and wants to have fun with all the bullshit, and frankly, so am I.

So let's raise some hell!

In this quest, there will be only Three stats to keep track of (Because I'm not stupid and think that more stats are stupid, I know rich coming from me):

Control - The Amount of Control you have over your region. Basically, the amount of shit you can do.

Every action has Control costs or gains, which then leads to a Dice roll whether it succeeds or fails. 1-30 is a failure, 31-68 are considered regular successes. 70-95 are considered Good successes. unlike others 69 and anything other then 100 will be fun times ahead.

No. Failures lose double the amount of control spent.
So 1=2. 3=6 Etc.
Most of the time however, but there are exceptions.

ad if goes to 0... You're fucked and have to deal with the consequences of your actions. And run back home to daddy!

History Page - How the world will remember you. The longer it goes on, the more you do, the more history remembers you. The only thing we have in our lives is our stories, so make it a good one. Hell, try to make it memorable.

International Recognition is quickly explained. You are in territory claimed by two legitimate states that can destroy you with only a thought. And since you are claiming territory neither want, they may not have a fuss. It is a 0-10 Scale. You start at 1. (You are Crazy, maybe we'll humor you.)

Go to negative 10? without proper preparation?

You're fucked!


What is your name?:
[]Write in here
(Can be of any decent, but Preferably Arabic, Sudanese British, American, or any other nationality that you want to write in)

--[] Male
You are the son of some no-name that does not deserve to be recognized as your father. But you are a damn fine man. And the small number of people who actually live there will soon praise you. (Your Father respects you but somehow only wishes to see you fail in every way! WHY?!)

--[] Female
You are the weak daughter of that bastard no name that should never have done you the disservice of fathering you in the first place. That was after he tried to marry you off, the cunt. You will be the Queen of this land and prove that idiot of a father of yours. (Your Father is trying to marry you off for being a disgrace to the Family because you were born a woman. Good luck!)

--[]British: You are a Child of Britania, and due to the actions of the Empire, you see yourself as a man trying desperately to keep the Empire going, as you hope that this may stop the Empire. (Begin with Trait: Child of the empire: You are a Child of the Empire, and you will never see it fall. +10 to diplomacy and Millitary rolls. -10 to economic and RND rolls. And you will have a harder time gaining international recognition. Unlocks Unique ways to circumvent the latest treaties and map drawing of the Old Empire.)

So you are just some dumb Yankee that just happened to understand the complex geopolitics of the Modern West African Continent. And you know there is a clearly brilliant thing that can be broken down, and wealth can be made. After all, It's for fun and profit. (Gain Trait: Child of America: You are a child who was Born Free, in a land of wealth and Plenty. You chose to spread it to the world +10 to Economic and RND rolls. -10 to Diplomacy and Military Rolls Unlock Special Actions)

You never liked Russia, and there is a choice that one must make if there is a cold winter or the fucking scorching Desert in your future, you will choose the Desert. Plus Draft Dodging is Cool, and more people should try it! (Gain Trait: Child of Russia: You are a child born in the Land of Ice Snow and Communism. You are a criminal, but you are also a man who seeks to better his life. +10 to military and RND rolls. -10 to economic and Diplomacy Rolls. Russia always seeks to protect the Russian Minority, where ever it is.)

There is an old saying in the world that you know. The Horselords ruled the world. And while you are not a Beduin, you know that a saddle may be needed to travel this land. This land that is now yours. (Gain Trait: Child of the Desert: You are a child born in these lands, Born Free, and are free to shape your destiny. -5 to all (Military, Economic, Diplomacy and RND) rolls, but you have unique options setting up the nation to gain wealth and industry, and support from the people who may want to live there)
--[]Write in

What Era do you Hail From?:

--[]1956: The War is over, and after decades, the British Empire begins to Fracture into its commonwealth, and many more become Republics. But in such territorial flux, there is an opportunity for greatness. After all, who in the Empire, or the world for that matter, cares about some undeveloped, underutilized, and unwanted piece of Clay in the middle of the Desert? After all, Sudan and Egypt do not want this piece of Land.

--[]1974: So Egypt is weak. Sudan is going through internal problems, and oh, look, free real estate. You know, with Egypt losing Sinai, and their weakening position of the Pan Arabic league, and their network of alliances is collapsing. With such things falling about, who would notice or care about a little patch of Desert?

--[]1991: Well no, the World is in Global Chaos with the Fall of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia is beginning to break up, Sudan fell into civil war. My god, what a perfect time to just go off and just start your own country. Does everyone seem to be doing this these days? Because it seems like it.

AN: @HeroCooky You did say to tag you when this finally gets posted.

And let's just say those memes you made to get me to post it today really motivated me.

martincitopants memes are...

Pretty good.
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The Sheet.

Name: Li Mia

Age: 25

Political Leaning!: Socialist! You believe that, as Dictator of your nation, you have a right, nay a duty to your subjects to serve their interests, just as they serve your own interests. And if that means you have to put on a show for the cameras and faux democracy while you rule, then so be it. (+1 to International Relations. +10 to RND Rolls, due to necessity being the Mother of Invention. Your home country will not talk to you but not hate you.)

Nationality: Child of Guangchou: You are a child of a little-known island nation of Guangchou, a daughter of a government official. You are much more skilled than many people believe, and hold depths that no one has realized. (Suffer a -10 to Social rolls. However, Gain the Masterful Roll Explosion. Every time you have a crit (95 or above with roll bonuses) roll the dice again. If it crits three times in a row, good things will happen. And By Good things, I mean some insane things that benefit you.)


You have a way of understanding the situation of anything, from people, to places to even your own body when you got stabbed that one time when you were ten by that crazy person. Anyway, you always understood shit, even when it seems impossible. (Gain an additional +10 to all rolls, at the cost of making the Cost for failure increase to 1-40. However, on Critical successes, you will gain double the control you gain and maybe cause even more craziness.)

Legendary Soldier!
You were one of the greatest soldiers to ever come out of the Army of your homeland, and have been a nomad for the last few years. While perhaps not as individually talented as other special operators of the United States, Russian or British Special Forces, you can keep up with them. And you have gained combat experience all over the world fighting for anyone who will pay you. And that is something special that most people cannot claim to be. (+10 to military rolls. Certain Governments may wish to hire you for your services. Unique Title unlocked. Other Mercenaries may wish to join you in your little kingdom Outside of Heaven)

Your Powerful Wife, Ma Tang It wasn't like life was going to be any worse. You two loved and cared for one another and that was all there was to it. She was a soldier, long before she was your wife and partner, and she learned a great deal of the soldiering trade. Not enough to be a threat to any trained special operator from America, but enough to where most desert bandits will be finding themselves at the wrong end of the barrel of her gun soon enough. (+10 to Military Rolls. Will be unable to have children the natural way. Suffer a -10 to all social roles because homosexuality is considered Taboo in this part of the world.)
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REserved for the State of the Glorious Nation of... Whatever you are calling it.
Current Objectives.

Win Conditions:
The Army with a State:
Have 100% of your population be a member of the military (Out of a population of 10,000 Adults living there permanently)
Up From Nothing, we lead the Way:
In one Industry, have it be Cutting Edge Level.
The Conference Table
Successfully host an international mediation that ends a dispute.
Fortuna Favet Fortibus:
Take part in a war, and not only survive but Thrive!
I Love Democracy:
When you reach a population of over Ten Thousand permanent residents. Win an election within your own nation, with more than 60% of the vote, without election fraud.
The World Ends With You
Hold the Fate of the Entire world in your hand, and Choose to save it, or kill it.
Have a GDP Per Capita of 10 million (US) dollars per person without having Hyperinflation occur in the US.
In the End, there is only one thing that Matters, Love
Legalize LGBTQ Rights in the Entire World.
New World Order:
Join the Nuclear Club, and become a G20 Nation
Since You Can't Agree on Anything, Neither of You Get It!:
Annex the Halaib Triangle from Egypt and Sudan.
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[X]Plan Rule Britannia
-[X] Elizabeth Spencer
-[X] Female:
You are the weak daughter of that bastard no name that should never have done you the disservice of fathering you in the first place. That was after he tried to kill you, the cunt. You will be the Queen of this land and prove that idiot of a father of yours. (Your Father is trying to marry you off for being a disgrace to the Family because you were born a woman. Good luck!)
-[X]British: You are a Child of Britania, and due to the actions of the Empire, you see yourself as a man trying desperately to keep the Empire going, as you hope that this may stop the Empire. (Begin with Trait: Child of the empire: You are a Child of the Empire, and you will never see it fall. +10 to diplomacy and Millitary rolls. -10 to economic and RND rolls. And you will have a harder time gaining international recognition. Unlocks Unique ways to circumvent the latest treaties and map drawing of the Old Empire.)
-[X]1956: The War is over, and after decades, the British Empire begins to Fracture into its commonwealth, and many more become Republics. But in such territorial flux, there is an opportunity for greatness. After all, who in the Empire, or the world for that matter, cares about some undeveloped, underutilized, and unwanted piece of Clay in the middle of the Desert? After all, Sudan and Egypt do not want this piece of Land.
Huh, imma give this a shot

[]Plan Russian Roulette
-[] Vera Nikolaev
-[] Female:
You are the weak daughter of that bastard no name that should never have done you the disservice of fathering you in the first place. That was after he tried to kill you, the cunt. You will be the Queen of this land and prove that idiot of a father of yours. (Your Father is trying to marry you off for being a disgrace to the Family because you were born a woman. Good luck!)
-[]Russian: You never liked Russia, and there is a choice that one must make if there is a cold winter or the fucking scorching Desert in your future, you will choose the Desert. Plus Draft Dodging is Cool, and more people should try it! (Gain Trait: Child of Russia: You are a child born in the Land of Ice Snow and Communism. You are a criminal, but you are also a man who seeks to better his life. +10 to military and RND rolls. -10 to economic and Diplomacy Rolls. Russia always seeks to protect the Russian Minority, where ever it is.)
-[]1974: So Egypt is weak. Sudan is going through internal problems, and oh, look, free real estate. You know, with Egypt losing Sinai, and their weakening position of the Pan Arabic league, and their network of alliances is collapsing. With such things falling about, who would notice or care about a little patch of Desert?

because I wanna play a russian, and 1974 seems like a good time as any to capitalise on the chaos

edit, changing my vote
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So if we're British we're from the upper class, America we're from a rich family if we're Russian are we a White Émigré?
oooh i got some ideas

[X] Plan: takes One to know One
[X] write in name: Oriel Fedorov
[X] Male
[X] Russian
[X] 1991

Wanting to get out of the falling Soviet Union, we find ourselves in a turning point of history. Time to take American Consumerism to our Russian flavor town!
[X] Charlotte "Charlie" Fisher
--[X] Female
--[X]American: So you are just some dumb Yankee that just happened to understand the complex geopolitics of the Modern West African Continent. And you know there is a clearly brilliant thing that can be broken down, and wealth can be made. After all, It's for fun and profit. (Gain Trait: Child of America: You are a child who was Born Free, in a land of wealth and Plenty. You chose to spread it to the world +10 to Economic and RND rolls. -10 to Diplomacy and Military Rolls Unlock Special Actions)
--[X]1991: Well no, the World is in Global Chaos with the Fall of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia is beginning to break up, Sudan fell into civil war. My god, what a perfect time to just go off and just start your own country. Does everyone seem to be doing this these days? Because it seems like it.
Can we hire Big Boss Warbell?
That depends on all the things that you do in creation.

Who you inevitably side with in the Cold war (if it's still ongoing)

if you have oil?


Natural minerals that can be mistaken for revolutionary.

If you science the Shit out of something and make something that can power all of Africa.

Really it depends on what you do.

What you create.

And if Uncle Sam likes you.
[X]Plan Tomboy Tigress
-[X] Li Mia
-[X] Female:
You are the weak daughter of that bastard no name that should never have done you the disservice of fathering you in the first place. That was after he tried to kill you, the cunt. You will be the Queen of this land and prove that idiot of a father of yours. (Your Father is trying to marry you off for being a disgrace to the Family because you were born a woman. Good luck!)
-[X] Guangchou
-[X] 1974: So Egypt is weak. Sudan is going through internal problems, and oh, look, free real estate. You know, with Egypt losing Sinai, and their weakening position of the Pan Arabic league, and their network of alliances is collapsing. With such things falling about, who would notice or care about a little patch of Desert?
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Also, in case you haven't notice, @HeroCooky was helping me immensely with this first part.

But we differ slightly on two things.

I like the d100. I like it a lot everyone.

And I'm all for some fuckery involving artistic licenses with Geology when it comes to setting things up.

Cause oh boy, the things I am prepared to give you if you like hard mode.
[X]Plan Tomboy Tigress
-[X] Li Mia
-[X] Female:
You are the weak daughter of that bastard no name that should never have done you the disservice of fathering you in the first place. That was after he tried to kill you, the cunt. You will be the Queen of this land and prove that idiot of a father of yours. (Your Father is trying to marry you off for being a disgrace to the Family because you were born a woman. Good luck!)
-[X] Guangchou
-[X] 1974: So Egypt is weak. Sudan is going through internal problems, and oh, look, free real estate. You know, with Egypt losing Sinai, and their weakening position of the Pan Arabic league, and their network of alliances is collapsing. With such things falling about, who would notice or care about a little patch of Desert?
[X]Plan Tomboy Tigress
-[X] Li Mia
-[X] Female:
You are the weak daughter of that bastard no name that should never have done you the disservice of fathering you in the first place. That was after he tried to kill you, the cunt. You will be the Queen of this land and prove that idiot of a father of yours. (Your Father is trying to marry you off for being a disgrace to the Family because you were born a woman. Good luck!)
-[X] Guangchou
-[X] 1974: So Egypt is weak. Sudan is going through internal problems, and oh, look, free real estate. You know, with Egypt losing Sinai, and their weakening position of the Pan Arabic league, and their network of alliances is collapsing. With such things falling about, who would notice or care about a little patch of Desert?

Quickly Everyone, pinch me I must be dreaming!

Also fun times ahead.