Deep Red (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

I don't want either extreme, I think it would be far more interesting to see what happens when the Gaang is faced with a fire leader that isn't a jerkass and wants to rule properly. From the likes of Kori we know that enough time has passed for earthbenders to start being born under fire rule, and being happy with it. The only reason Ozai didn't tap into this amazing resource was because he was an elitist asshole with a god complex. What would the Gaang do if faced with more of these people? We know that the situation in Ba Sing Se is uter crap, what if Akane makes it better for the common people?

I rarely, if ever, saw issues like these explored in Avatar fics.
This is what i'm working towards.
Wow, I really like how you're showing Akane "losing it", for lack of better words. It's hard to be an unreliable narrator for how other characters see you, but it's even harder to be an unreliable narrator for how a character sees themselves. My point is that she should probably just listen to Mitsuko.
Wow, this is a really great quest. That most recent update though

Either the players really like role-playing or they're huge screw ups. I'm guessing it's a little bit of both.:V

The QM really made it interesting and entertaining either way.
I'm feeling less interested in Akane as a protagonist after the last two updates. As much as it is understandable for a young child to feel betrayed and go on to totally demonize the betrayer, she's taken more steps towards being a protagonist that I cannot cheer for.
I'm actually of the opposite opinion, I've found her recent struggles really engaging and endearing. It makes sense to me that Akane's constant repression of emotions in her attempts to look proper be both a strength and a weakness. She looks like a princess in control but struggles to really deal with emotional upheaval. Just seems like good writing to me.

Then again, I tend to get bored of perfect protagonists. Especially in works known for them, like oc/self inserts or quests.
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Like I said on Akun, I've seen incredibly few stories, let alone quests, that present me with believable and - especially - unexpected twists.

I like the quest, and I hope to see more from you.
Oh, God, I hope Akane didn't slip into the level azula was at the end of AtLA.

... In hindsight, trying to practice detachment while trying to care for your siblings might not be the most wise option.

It would also be hilarious if by the time aang thawed out, Akane have solved the plot. One way or the other.
Hmm. I trust Mitsuko's assessment of our bending, which makes me think that we should go back to our roots a bit, and study the scrolls on other bending styles for some ideas to incorporate into our techniques.

Earthbending literature might help us a bit on a psychological level, even, although it's probably less practical then waterbending when it comes to actual technique utility. "Staying grounded" and all that.

Plus, being studied in all four bending styles (at least on a theory level) would make us a really interesting foil to the Avatar, once that plot thread comes up.
Oh, God, I hope Akane didn't slip into the level azula was at the end of AtLA.

... In hindsight, trying to practice detachment while trying to care for your siblings might not be the most wise option.

It would also be hilarious if by the time aang thawed out, Akane have solved the plot. One way or the other.
Trying to detatch ourselves wasn't the problem. Chat decided that the best way to deal with stress was to be more of a perfectionist. Which led to Akane's current issues.
The struggles Akane has been going through lately have kind of frustrated a lot of readers, I know. ^_^' I'm hoping I can make it satisfying. I'm open to everyone's thoughts and feedback. I know a lot of people have said Akane's recent emotional-ness seems inconsistent with her character previously, so I'd be interested in hearing people thoughts about that.

I notice that Akane seems to have completely abandoned her previous work with experimenting with Firebending in other bending styles. I think that's a shame; it showed serious results after even basic attempts, and without it Akane looses a lot of what made her a unique combatant. As things stand, she's essentially a less crazy Azula, rather than an innovative combatant with a completely novel fighting style.

My headcanon for why Airbenders always seem to have really successful showings against other benders is that with the Airbenders gone for a century, all the old techniques for fighting them have been forgotten, or at least atrophied to the point of being academic. Which means that anyone who found themselves in a fight with an Airbender would have to work out the proper counters from first principles. With a completely unique fighting style, Akane would have been looking at similar benefits.

Akane's experimentation has sort of flagged recently due to everything going on. Also, the most recent chance she had to meditate and do some self-reflection, players chose to cling more strongly to traditional Fire Nation philosophy. She'll have more opportunities to branch out in the future.

We first saw the tanks during the attack on the Northern Air Temple, so the timeline should fit.

These are early tanks - they can't yet climb up vertical surfaces or that kind of thing, like the ones in the show could. But they're getting more advanced over time.
Alert: Alert
IC, Akane herself is still in denial about being lesbian. She also doesn't attract to azula like how she is to mitsuko yet. She does genuinely love and trust azula as a family though while waifuing is mostly us voters pushing it. Still, Azula have imply to want akane to be her concubine if azula end up as the firelord and she might be a little yandere for akane.
Unfortunately for you, this quest is hosted on which has almost no rules about NSFW stuff. Soo... ya know while wanting to keep it out of SV is okay, don't jump on others that want it

alert I realize this is a bit late, but just so we're absolutely crystal clear on this, regardless of what flies elsewhere, slavering after underage incest on SV will get a response to make Ozai jealous.

So don't.
The struggles Akane has been going through lately have kind of frustrated a lot of readers, I know. ^_^' I'm hoping I can make it satisfying. I'm open to everyone's thoughts and feedback. I know a lot of people have said Akane's recent emotional-ness seems inconsistent with her character previously, so I'd be interested in hearing people thoughts about that.
To me it looks less like inconsistency and more like the result of building stress and external stress factors. I quite like ups and downs in stories though.
The struggles Akane has been going through lately have kind of frustrated a lot of readers, I know. ^_^' I'm hoping I can make it satisfying. I'm open to everyone's thoughts and feedback. I know a lot of people have said Akane's recent emotional-ness seems inconsistent with her character previously, so I'd be interested in hearing people thoughts about that.
I honestly enjoyed Akane's breakdown and issues along with your use of the unreliable narrator (Akane herself). It affirms that there is a person underneath the mask, someone who's struggling to cope with the recent changes in her life, practicing detatchment or not. Akun might have been pissed that Akane couldn't just shrugg off everything that has been happening, keep training to be the best (like no one ever was), and draw up her plans for world conquest, but I think the story/quest would have been poorer for it had you gone that route. The scope of her overreaction with Azula came a bit out of the leftfield initially, though that might intentional due to the mask/detatchment/unreliable narrator combo kicking in previously compounded by the decision to soldier on.

Now that both Akane and (more importantly) Mitsuko are aware of the extend of Akane's issues and the two of them are about to have some time away from the palace, it seems to be a good time to work on them.
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Well, this stuff is pretty good. Just a bit leery on the quest aspect since I don't want to read about Crusader Kings 2: Avatar Edition instead of a more traditional Avatar story... Though as noted having to look after Azula and Zuko limits that unless something drastic (or not so drastic) happens with Ozai. I generally dislike villain protagonists as well.

kosm, what are your thoughts about Ty Lee having Air Nomads in the family tree, since such stuff has been explicitly brought up in the story?

And through that I wondered if Mitsuko has some Water Tribe blood, an absent mother is convenient for that as well... Though Piandao has a bit darker skin anyway so eh. But water healing would be a useful thing to have available. : P
The struggles Akane has been going through lately have kind of frustrated a lot of readers, I know. ^_^' I'm hoping I can make it satisfying. I'm open to everyone's thoughts and feedback. I know a lot of people have said Akane's recent emotional-ness seems inconsistent with her character previously, so I'd be interested in hearing people thoughts about that.

I think part of the frustration was because people didn't know what they were voting for. Maybe have a thing before the actual poll where your options and any write-ins can be read, digested, and discussed. I get the sense that people are rushed when a poll goes up since there's quite a few people voting and everyone wants to get ahead of the bandwagon—which can lead to people not thinking things through or not understanding what a vote is.

Like the confusion on whether a vote was Akane being in denial and repressing, or actually brushing it off and not going full-on panic.

So being able to understand the options before voting, as well as giving people time to do write-ins, and choosing which write-ins make it to the actual poll—may be beneficial? Just a thought.

Personally I'm not frustrated because it's still a good story in my books. The characterization makes sense, and 'inconsistency' is just people developing, their personalities adapting. That's just what happens when people live through major events; everyone's a sum of their experiences.

So yeah, the votes may not have gone the way you—or possibly anyone—expected, but I think you've been doing a damn fine job regardless.

As always, thanks for writing

Edit: It could also be that people on Akun aren't used to protags that are so young: adults' personalities are way less malleable and dynamic than adolescents'
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I think part of the frustration was because people didn't know what they were voting for. Maybe have a thing before the actual poll where your options and any write-ins can be read, digested, and discussed. I get the sense that people are rushed when a poll goes up since there's quite a few people voting and everyone wants to get ahead of the bandwagon—which can lead to people not thinking things through or not understanding what a vote is.

Like the confusion on whether a vote was Akane being in denial and repressing, or actually brushing it off and not going full-on panic.

So being able to understand the options before voting, as well as giving people time to do write-ins, and choosing which write-ins make it to the actual poll—may be beneficial? Just a thought.

Personally I'm not frustrated because it's still a good story in my books. The characterization makes sense, and 'inconsistency' is just people developing, their personalities adapting. That's just what happens when people live through major events; everyone's a sum of their experiences.

So yeah, the votes may not have gone the way you—or possibly anyone—expected, but I think you've been doing a damn fine job regardless.

As always, thanks for writing
A Moratorium might not actually be a bad idea.
As someone who's not really interacting with this story as a quest but just as a story I think it's fine. The "Repress, repress, repress! Gotta do everything! Gotta be the best!" reaction she's having is stupid and unhealthy, but it's also very adolescent and believable.
Chapter 5: Overcast Skies (Part 2)
Hey all! ^_^ Here's the next chunk of story, from last night. Thanks so much for reading! <3


You and Mitsuko sit and talk through the evening, trading ideas and plans.

Obviously, she needs to forge her sword, and you need to be there for it. The only complicating factor is the arbitrary politics and appearances involved around her father, since he needs to be present as well. Piandao is forbidden from leaving the country, and you're certain Father won't want to give him the honor of hosting royalty at his estate. The politics of the court have frankly been rather unstable in the years since his ascension, and you doubt he'll want to be seen to grant a degree of favor to a man who was once guilty of treason.

But it's not an insurmountable problem. If you and Mitsuko went to Yu Dao, Father might be convinced to allow Piandao to come with you. It's still in the Fire Nation, after all, just overseas. And if the official purpose of Piandao traveling to Yu Dao was to serve as your bodyguard, it might neutralize any backlash in the court - having a man of his legendary skill serve as a humble guard for the royal family would bring more prestige to you than to him. The court would see it as Father showing off his control over Piandao, rather than him showing favor to a man who got away with being disloyal to Azulon. It could work, if Piandao was willing. Mitsuko says he would be. And besides, visiting Yu Dao would certainly be a useful experience for you. You could see the crown of the Fire Nation's colonies, learn more about the efforts to uplift those formerly of the Earth Kingdom, and perhaps get some practical experience by helping them deal with the dissent being caused by Father's policies.

The issue, though, is what your siblings will do while you're away.

You have no desire to abandon them - either of them. They've both had enough of abandonment for a lifetime, even Zuko. You could ask Father to send them both with you, under your care, but you don't know how he'd react. Sending all three of his children overseas while he remains in the capital might raise eyebrows. Or invite assassination attempts. Maybe if you were going to Ember Island instead, it'd be easy to get Father to allow you to take your siblings with you, but then it might be much harder to get permission to go in the first place. Now is no time for a simple vacation, you have too much to learn and practice. But you can't just leave Azula behind. Not now.

Maybe you could at least talk Father into letting Azula go with you. You two always train together anyways, you push each other to be better... But leaving Zuko behind would just cement the idea he has that you don't really care about him.

What should you do?

Ask Father about arranging a separate trip for Zuko while you and Azula visit Yu Dao. (18)
+Ask Azula if she would like to join first before making a decision. (16)
+Explain to Zuko that your trying to help him find something that interests him, you enjoy experimental bending, Azula loves the thought of war and now your trying to find something for him starting with machines/machinery but if thats not to his tastes he can try something else afterwards. (10)

Ask Father's permission to go to Yu Dao with Mitsuko, Piandao, and Azula. (16)
Ask Father's permission to go to Yu Dao with Mitsuko and Piandao as bodyguards, leaving your siblings home. (10)
Ask Father's permission to go to Yu Dao with Mitsuko, Piandao, and both your siblings. (8)
Ask Father's permission to arrange a short vacation to Ember Island. (2)
97 AC (15 years old)
Fire Lord's Study

Mitsuko runs your plan by her father and gets his agreement, and you run it by Azula and get hers. She still seems annoyed with you over... what happened the other day. But she says getting out of 'this stuffy palace' and 'putting down rebellions in our colonies' would be interesting. You even idly run the idea of getting out of the capital by Zuko, and he shrugs and says he guesses it might be nice to go on a trip somewhere sometime.

So now Father's the only one left to convince.

You ask for an audience with him when you're ready, and he makes time to see you in his study the next day. You arrive promptly, and a servant you don't recognize lets you in.

You hate this room.

"Princess Akane," Father says. His eyes flick up at you as you bow, then back down to the ledger on his desk. "You had something to discuss with me?"

"Yes, Father," you say, straightening. "I believe it may be time for me to begin acquiring practical experience outside the palace."

Father sets aside his brush and gestures for the servant to leave. She bows and rushes out of the room.

"I take it you have something specific in mind," Father says.

"I do," you answer. "I've never visited the colonies, and we currently have an issue with governors failing to properly manage dissent there. A visit to Yu Dao would allow me to correct both of these failings."

He taps his finger on the desk. "Your training and studies must not be allowed to lapse."

Excellent. That means he has no other real objections. Now to convince him that Azula should come along.

"Of course, Father," you answer. "As a matter of fact, I thought I might bring Lo and Li with me, both to continue my training and to advise me as I learn about the colonies' administration. If Azula came with me, they could continue working with her at the same time, and she could benefit from an early start learning about the colonies as well."

"So you want to take Azula with you," he says flatly. "Is there anyone else you'd like to add to your expedition?"

In other words, get to the point.

"I would bring Mitsuko along as my handmaiden," you say. "And I would also like to arrange to have her father accompany me as my bodyguard."

Father raises an eyebrow. "The mighty Piandao, serving as a humble guard?"

"His daughter is quite devoted to me." As devoted and caring as any member of your family ever has been. "Protecting me is the same as protecting her. He will be quite willing."

"And I suppose you'll want Zuko to come with you, to continue his lessons as well?" Father asks.

"It is of course your decision where Zuko would do the most good, Father," you answer. "I have spoken with him and mentioned the idea of getting practical experience outside the palace, and he seems interested in the idea. He could accompany us to Yu Dao, or perhaps travel elsewhere -"

"No," Father interrupts, shaking his head. "No, there's no need to send all three of you off at once. If you and Azula travel to Yu Dao, Zuko will remain here and learn. It's long past time he stopped wallowing in his weakness."

A part of you doubts that Father's approach to Zuko will be especially productive, frankly, which is exactly why you didn't want to leave him in the palace alone. But it sounds like Father's at least seriously considering letting you take Azula with you...

Should you try to press harder for Zuko, or take what you can get?

Just focus on getting permission to take Azula with you. Zuko will be fine at home. (22)
+"Life at home leads to contentment. I thought that having an outward mission would help temper Zuko into a more competent warrior or general." (11)

Respectfully suggest places Zuko could go to learn and possibly shake himself out of his slump. (15)
Respectfully suggest that you could take Zuko with you and hopefully get him started on the right track under your tutelage. You've had some success tutoring him in firebending before. (4)
"Of course, Father," you say, inclining your head respectfully. "I had only suggested it because I thought that time away from the comfort of the palace may help temper him. If there is any way I can be of assistance in his education, I am at your service."

Sorry, Zuko. But it's not that bad. He's just staying at home in the palace, it's fine. Maybe things will even improve between him and Father now that Mother's gone. You never know.

You're sorry.

"He will learn here, where I can ensure he is not being coddled," Father says. You keep your expression still. "Now, enough. If you wish to go to Yu Dao, prove that you've prepared enough to make your trip useful."

The next part is easy. Father drills you for some time on your knowledge of Yu Dao and the colonies in general. You answer his questions without difficulty. Yu Dao is the oldest colony in the Earth Kingdom, established even before the war began. As a matter of fact, its establishment likely hastened the war - it showed the uneducated people of the Earth Kingdom that a better way of life was possible, and for that reason the Earth King felt threatened enough to try to 'reclaim' land that had previously been empty. Regardless, Yu Dao has never been captured by enemy forces, and in its one hundred years of existence it has grown into a flourishing outpost of the Fire Nation. Its main industry is steel; it takes the raw materials produced by the mines and camps throughout the colonies and transforms them into top-quality metal and weaponry to fuel the continuing war effort. It has a major port and shipyard, though it does more work repairing ships than building new ones. A university was established there during Azulon's reign, the first real institute of higher learning on that continent.

Yu Dao is also noteworthy for having successfully integrated natives and settlers into a harmonious, civilized whole. Everyone born in Yu Dao enjoys Fire Nation citizenship, though obviously disloyal or countercultural conduct can result in it being stripped away. Intermarriage between colonists and natives is allowed, and so is the practice of earthbending, so long as it is not used for illegal or antisocial purposes. Mayor Morishita, the current administrator of Yu Dao, even has an earthbender wife from a respectable, well-off native family. Their daughter can also earthbend. Earthbending scouts and specialists from Yu Dao, vetted for loyalty, even occasionally serve in the Fire Nation military. There are still some issues with the native population - they commit more crimes, are more often vagrants or unemployed, and so on - but in general Morishita and his predecessors have done an excellent job keeping Yu Dao running smoothly and putting down the occasional cell of Earth Kingdom rebels. It seems that they may need to do so again, now, judging by the reports of increasing dissent.

Eventually, Father seems satisfied with your knowledge.

"We'll see how you perform in your firebending training the next few days," he says. "And then I'll make my decision."

You bow. "I will not disappoint you, Father."

"See to it you don't."

* * * * *
97 AC (15 years old)
Royal Palace: Crown Princess's Chambers

You push yourself as hard as you can in training. Within a few days, Father gives his approval for you and Azula to go. You inform your siblings - Zuko takes the news without comment and leaves to practice with his broadswords, and Azula seems excited - and then celebrate by training harder. Yu Dao may be an established colony far from the front lines, but it's still got one fewer ocean between it and the war. You might have to deal with assassins. You'll have Mitsuko and Piandao as guards, certainly, but you still can't afford to take any risks. Not with Azula there, too. You need to be faster, more precise, more elusive. More deadly. It gives you new direction in your training. You improvise and invent new moves and forms, trying to imagine what would be the most efficient ways possible to evade and kill any assassins coming after you or your sister.

At night, you study in your room, trying to find flaws in earthbending forms, weaknesses that you'll be able to exploit in combat. It's difficult to predict what weaknesses you might be able to use - you don't have any actual combat experience against earthbenders yet - but there are a couple simple principles that stand out. Stay off the ground when possible, obviously. Attack from above when possible; their blocks tend to rely on bringing walls out of the ground. At the same time, go for their lower body when you can, to disrupt their bending. Their attacks can be predicted by watching them, like any other bender. If they swing down at the ground, expect the attack to come either from directly beneath you or in a line from them to you; dodge horizontally. If they swing at a wall or move their arms side-to-side, you can expect horizontal attacks and should dodge by moving forward, backwards, or vertically. At least, that's what you think. You'll see if your theories hold up in practice.

Maybe Lu Ten's letters and Uncle's book will turn out to be good for something after all.

Your reading is interrupted by the door opening. You're on your feet by the time you can see who's there.

"Zuko," you greet him, inclining your head politely. "How are you this evening, little brother?"

Zuko just looks up at you for a moment.

"You're really just leaving me here?" he asks quietly.

Tell him you asked permission to take him with you, but Father didn't want to send all three of you away at once. (35)
+Tell him that father insisted it be him to stay. (32)
+"Whatever you do, never argue with father." (23)
+Hug (22)

Tell him Father wanted to spend more time grooming him as prince. It'll be a good opportunity for him. (20)
+ Tell him you'll take him with you on the next trip. (17)
"...father doesn't think you're strong. He thought bringing you along would just make you weaker. We won't be gone for long, just until Mitsuko can get her sword made, and then we'll be back and-" Pause, look like you're going to pat him on the shoulder, then stop, then put your hand at your side again. "I'll help you train some more. I promise." (10)
+"Besides, didn't you say that I should leave you alone?" *Mic drop* (9)

"I asked Father to allow you to come with us, but he thought it would be unwise to send all of us overseas together," you say. "He was concerned for our safety. He asked that you remain here."

Zuko looks up and meets your eyes. His expression can't quite decide if it's defiant or about to cry.

"You wanted to take Azula with you," he accuses. "Not me."


"You don't care."

"I do care," you say gently. "Father just -"

"You can't just blame it on Father," Zuko tells you. "You're the one leaving."

"I am only leaving for a few months, Zuko."

"You're running away with Azula and Mitsuko to do things you actually care about and you're leaving me here!" Zuko snaps. "You keep pretending you care but you never do anything except talk -"

"Zuko, I do care -"

"Then why are you leaving?"

Because you need out of this palace, because Mitsuko needs to forge her sword, because you won't even be gone for long, because your life doesn't revolve around Zuko -

"It is my duty to gain more experience in rulership," you answer.

"You want to go have fun with Azula and Mitsuko and get away from me," Zuko challenges.

He's tearing up. You step closer, but he backs away. "That isn't the case, Zuko," you say. Zuko shakes his head. "It's a short trip, and you'll be safe here in the palace. Just do as Father says and focus on your studies, and we can see about having our own trip together later."

His fists ball up at his sides. He squeezes his eyes shut, but tears still leak out.

He always cries. Just like Mother.

"For a little bit, I thought maybe you actually did care," he bites out. "I thought I was being stupid when I yelled at you, and you at least tried to be there, and I should say something to you."

He... "Zuko, I -"

"Now I'm glad I didn't," he snaps. "Because you're just leaving me behind. At least when Mom left it wasn't because she wanted to."

You hold yourself still and keep your expression neutral. Is that what he thinks of you? He thinks you're as bad as Mother, or worse? Mother lied through her teeth to you all your life, she put you in danger, she left you alone to spend time with the child she actually cared about -

You are nothing like her. You are nothing like her and you never will be. You will never -

"You're nothing like Mom," Zuko spits. "And you never will be."

Your mouth opens slightly.

"I hope you have fun with Azula on your trip," he snaps.

He turns and starts to stomp out of your room. After a half-second of hesitation, you quickly grab his wrist.

"Akane, stop -"

You turn him around and pull him into a tight hug. He lets out a quiet sob before shutting his mouth and going quiet.

"Zuko, you are my little brother," you say quietly. "I do care about you. No matter what."

He doesn't say anything. He just holds still for a second, and then pulls away.

* * * * *

97 AC (15 years old)
At Sea

You've never been at sea this long. It's... uncomfortable. Training on a ship, with the floor constantly shifting underneath you in barely-perceptible ways, is a nightmare. Everyone seems to adapt to it better than you do; you watch Mitsuko and her father spar one morning and they look like a work of art. Your forms are so sloppy that even those sycophants Lo and Li have actual corrections for you. If someone were to attack your ship, or sabotage it, or sneak an assassin on board - it's an unacceptable weakness. But you don't know how to correct it, aside from just training harder. Which nearly makes you sick. Mitsuko provides you with a special blend of tea that she says helps with seasickness, but it doesn't make enough of a difference.

You end up going to bed early rather often. It's stupid, you feel tired even though you're not getting anything done. Sleeping is difficult when you constantly feel nauseous.

You're lying in bed one night, trying to fall asleep, when your door quietly creaks open. Before you can worry about assassins, Azula slips into your room. Even in the dark, you recognize her form.

"Azula?" you ask quietly.

She walks over to your bed and sits down on it. You prop yourself up.

"Do you think there are people listening in on us here, too?" Azula whispers.

'Too'? You suppose there are likely almost always people listening in on you while you're in the royal palace, but right now you're at sea... Maybe Father could have ordered servants in the ship's staff to listen in on you somehow, but you don't know how or why they would do that.

Get out pen and paper. No one can listen in if we don't talk. (27)
+"...we could hide under the covers if you aren't totally sure." (17)

Tell Azula you can likely speak freely here, for now. (15)
Tell Azula it's always best to be cautious; the walls always have ears. (7)
You think for a moment, then slip out of bed to get some paper, ink, and brushes.

"I don't know if anyone's listening," you whisper, "But that's not a problem. Come here."

You end up sitting together on your bed, under your blanket, with the writing supplies arrayed between you. You light a tiny flame in your palm and hold it in your lap - and give Azula an unamused look when she 'accidentally' nudges the inkwell towards you.

"That's a nice robe," Azula whispers, smirking.

"Yes, it is," you whisper back. "It would be a shame if something were to happen to it."

Azula snorts. You smile.

"What did you want to discuss, little sister?" you ask her.

The mirth fades from her expression. She picks up a brush and starts to write in small, tight little characters.

What happened to Mother?

...Mother? You had thought she might ask to finally get the details about Azulon, not her.

She watches you as you consider the question. You keep your expression neutral.

It makes sense, you suppose. Azula doesn't know what you discovered about Mother's betrayal, and has no idea about the servant; from her perspective, Mother really might have been being honest about wanting to make things better, and disappeared while she was still trying to spend more time with you both. Azula did seem at least a little pleased by Mother's supposed attempt to make things better, perhaps. Not that Azula needed Mother, neither of you did.

Does Azula miss her? Are you not enough to take care of her?

Azula frowns and taps the paper insistently.

Tell Azula that Mother was a friend of the servant who attempted to kill Father, and tell her what Father was doing to the servant. Leave out what Mother did to you. (24)
Tell Azula everything. Tell her about your conversations with Father and Mother, about the servant girl, Mother's betrayal of you, and the last confrontation you had with her. (15)
+Tell her you think, in the end, Ursa did try to make up for her mistakes as a mother. She did want to be a good mother to Azula too. No matter what arguments we had with her. (8)
+Ask if she misses her. (5)
Tell Azula that Mother was a friend of the servant who attempted to kill Father. Don't tell her about what Mother did to you, or about what Father did to the servant. (1)

What Mother did to you... it's not directly relevant to what happened to her. Azula doesn't need to be distracted by your issues with Mother when she's asking a specific question. If she were to ask, specifically, you could tell her then. If necessary.

You take a brush and start to write. It's a long story; you try to shorten it into a few concise lines.

Father was using the servant who attempted to kill him as a concubine.

He was badly burning and beating her in the process.

I do not know why.

Mother was treating her wounds in secret.

I do not know why.

I do not think Mother was involved in the assassination attempt; I think the servant acted alone and spontaneously after being abused.

Father likely simply seized on the opportunity to get rid of her. He had wanted Mother gone for some time.

I do not know if Mother disappeared because she fled the capital, was banished, or was killed. I do not know if she is alive.

You think that sums up everything relevant. Azula reads over what you've written a few times, frowning. She looks up at you for a moment, then takes the brush herself.

I heard Mother trying to get into your room that night.

Ah. She heard.

"I was angry at her, and didn't want to speak," you whisper.

"Why?" Azula whispers back.

Because Mother betrayed you years ago, and you'd only just gotten a chance to get angry at her for it that night. Because Mother didn't deserve to just act like everything was okay without ever having to face what she did to you. Because you'd had enough of Mother's lies and secrets and wanted to cut her out of your life before the next one reared its head.

But Azula hasn't made that choice yet. Azula almost looks like she misses Mother. Are you not enough? If you tell Azula why you were so angry at Mother, are you protecting her? Or taking something away from her?

Tell Azula you and Mother had a fight over something very personal, and you just would rather not talk about it right now. Maybe another night. (26)
Mother and Father had been fighting behind our backs for quite some time. One of mother's actions dragged me into the fight. I am not sure if it was an accident or on purpose. I was angry at her for it. Tell her the broadest strokes but not the details. (9)
Tell Azula what Mother did. (8)
Tell Azula you were angry over nothing important, just one of the usual annoying things Mother did. You regret overreacting. (1)
You're quiet for a moment.

"We had a fight," you whisper. "It was over something very personal."

"What?" Azula whispers, pushing the paper towards you.

You don't know what the right thing to say is.

"I would prefer not to discuss it right now," you whisper, looking away. "I'm sorry. Perhaps another night."

Azula's quiet for a moment. You practically hold your breath. If she presses you...

"Fine," she whispers back.

You look at her. The blanket over you both shifts as she shrugs.

"Thank you, little sister," you whisper.

She shrugs again.

"It's getting late," you whisper. "Is there anything else on your mind?"

She considers for a moment, then shakes her head.

"Alright," you whisper. You reach out and squeeze her hand. "I'll clean this up."

You burn the paper you used and put away everything else. Azula stays sitting on your bed as you do. When you slip back into bed, you hold up the blanket for her, and she slips under it too. Your sister snuggles against your side, her back to you. It's comfortable.

"Whatever happens," you whisper to her, "I will always be here for you, Azula."

You feel her fidget quietly, then nod.

"Okay," she whispers.

You smile, and gently hug her from behind.

"I love you, little sister."

Azula's hand touches yours.

She doesn't say another word, but you both sleep peacefully.
I'm sad that Zuko was left behind, but I really don't see a good way out of it. Ozai probably wants to get rid of him as much as he wanted to get rid of Ursa (even more so here than in canon considering he already has a first-born he likes more), and I don't see a way to bond with Zuko at this point. He doesn't want to listen to Akane, and the only one who managed to break him out of his shell was Iroh.

I wish the best for the guy because he's just an abused kid, like all 3 siblings.

Your forms are so sloppy that even those sycophants Lo and Li have actual corrections for you.
Oh, the horror. Akane needs to relax.