Name: Tamara Lyn/Fairy Knight (PL11)
Age: Biologically 25
Gender: Female
Personality: Tamara is a playful and excitable individual who maintains a cheerful demeanour. She will take everything in her stride whilst maintaining her optimistic outlook. Tamara will do her best in whatever task she is attempting but has no pride outside of that. In combat, Tamara will hold back and attempt to take her foes in alive unless they make things personal, where she will then do her best to take them down one way or another.
Shapeshifting (Magic-Fey): Morph 3 (Animal Forms, Limited to +10 Deception bonus, Metamorph with Variable Descriptor 2 & Limited to reduced PL by 2), Regeneration 2 (1 per 5 rounds)
Ethereal Beauty (Magic-Fey): Enhanced Advantage 1 (Attractive), Feature 1 (Change the external details of your appearance/+2 Circumstance Bonus to Interaction Skills)
Faerie Heritage (Magic-Fey): Enhanced Strength 2, Enhanced Agility 2, Immunity 5 (Ageing, Starvation & Thirst, Need for Sleep, Suffocation Effects), Partial Immunity 7 (Disease, Poison, All Environmental Effects,) Concealment 1 (Regular Hearing),
Talatine (Device-Sword/Magic-Fey): Penetrating Damage 5, Weaken Fighting 2 (Resisted by Fortitude), Feature 2 (Summon to hand at will as a Standard Action), Teleport 1 (8 Metres & 24 kg/Medium: Talatine), Indestructible, Personal, Impressive, Dangerous 2, Easily Removable,
-Thrown Talatine: Ranged Damage 5, Weaken Fighting 2 (Resisted by Fortitude), Feature 2 (Summon to hand at will as a Standard Action), Teleport 1 (8 Metres & 24 kg/Medium: Talatine), Indestructible, Personal, Impressive, Dangerous 2, Easily Removable,
Torlyn (Armour/Magic-Fey): Impervious Protection 10, Continuous, Limited to Human Form, Noticeable (Shining Silver Plate Armour), Feature (+5 Bonus against Mental Attacks) & Partial Immunity 5 (Mind Control),
Minor Spells (Magic-Fae): 3-Point Power Array with 1 Alternative Effect.
-Mimicry: Feature 1 (Imitate almost any sound you heard using your voice with +10 bonus to Deception checks to convinces others that the sound is real), Feature 2 (Disguises require no preparations, +5 to Deception checks for disguises),
-Urban Camouflage: Feature 1 (+5 to Stealth checks in an Urban Environment), Concealment 2 (Regular Vision, Limited to Urban Environments),
Major Spells (Magic-Fey): 4-Point Power Array with 2 Alternative Effects.
-Healing Spell: Healing 2.
-Lighting Bolt: Ranged Electrical Damage 2.
-Teleport: Teleport 2 (32 Metres & 24 kg).
2/Fairy Wings (Magic-Fey): Flight 1 (4 MPH)
Strength: 2 (4)
Stamina: 2
Agility: 3 (5)
Dexterity: 2
Fighting: 4
Intellect: 4
Awareness: 4
Presence: 0
Dodge: 6 (8)
Fortitude: 7
Parry: 8
Toughness: 2 (12/Impervious 10)
Will: 10
Initiative +11 (13)
Unarmed +11: Close Damage 2 (4), Critical 20,
Talatine +13: Close Damage 7 (9/Penetrating 5), Critical 18-20
Thrown Talatine +5: Ranged Damage 7 (9), Critical 18-20
Acrobatics 5 (8 [10])
Athletics 5 (7 [9])
Close Combat: Sword 9 (13)
Close Combat: Unarmed 7 (11)
Deception 4 (4)
Expertise: British Politics 5 (9)
Expertise: Current Events 4 (8)
Expertise: Fey Transformation Magic 20 (24)
Expertise: General Magic 4 (8)
Expertise: Maid 6 (11)
Expertise: Politics 3 (7)
Expertise: Fey Royalty 6 (10)
Insight 3 (7)
Intimidation 2 (2)
Investigation 1 (5)
Perception 3 (7)
Persuasion 4 (4)
Stealth 5 (8 [10])
Technology 5 (9)
Treatment 2 (6)
Accurate Attack: Trade effect DC for attack bonus.
Artificer: Use Expertise: Magic to create temporary devices.
Assessment: Use Insight to learn an opponent's combat capabilities.
Attractive: +2 (+5) circumstance bonus on Deception and Persuasion checks based on your looks.
Benefit (Friend on the Force): You are engaged in a covert partnership with Inspector Brown
Benefit I (Government Influence: Tara Lane): You have minor influence within the government as Tara Lane.
Benefit (Neighbourhood Hero): Call upon local support within Whitechapel.
Benefit (Prepared Rituals): Delay the effects of a completed rituals until a time of your choosing.
Diehard: Automatically stabilise when dying.
Defensive Attack: Trade attack bonus for active defence.
Evasion: +2 circumstance bonus to Dodge resistance checks to avoid area effects.
Improved Defence: +2 bonus to active defence when you take the defend action.
Improved Initiative II: +8 bonus to initiative checks.
Instant Up: Stand from prone as a free action.
Interpose: Take an attack meant for an ally.
Languages: English, Fey
Power Attack: Trade attack bonus for effect bonus.
Quick Draw: Draw a weapon as a free action.
Ritualist: Use Expertise: Magic to create and perform rituals.
Takedown: Free extra attack when you incapacitate a minion.
Tracking: Use Perception to follow tracks.
Uncanny Dodge: Not vulnerable when surprised or caught off-guard.
Winfield Castle
Size: Huge; Tou: 8; PL11
Intellect: 6; Awareness: 3; Presence: 3
-Living Space, Magical Defence System, Technological Security System (DC20), Magical Laboratory, Magical Workshop, Technological Workshop, Power System, Sealed (Magical Barrier), Self-Repairing, Magical Portal to Elphane, Intelligent (Rebecca),
Motivation (Her Duty): Tamara is the Fairy Knight because she sees it as her duty to protect the innocent and to fight evil.
Magic over Tech: Tamara is well-acquainted with the technology of the human world and has great respect for what it can do, especially in the hands of a genius. Yet when given a choice, Tamara will choose the magic she grew up with over a more technological solution.
Enemy (Prince Auraen): Prince Auraen has not forgotten his defeat at the hands of Tamara and Sapphire Squire. Escaping his imprisonment, Tamara's cousin now seeks to get revenge on her in his self-imposed exile.
Secret Identity (Tamara Wallis): Fairy Knight maintains a secret identity as Tamara Wallis nee Lyn, widow of Benedict Wallis and mother of Alexandra Wallis.