Crimson Beauty of The Crescent Moon (Fate/Grand Order)

Yeah, can we yeet his perverted ass onto the Pyre and just run off with Jealter? We can buy Jeanne's allegiance with a sister to preach to.
No. Until you have finished eating all of your tentacles you don't get to have any Jeannes.

Yes, I know the tentacles are infinitely spawning, that just makes them an even more nutritious meal.
I will say that it's bold to assume that I'm going to be using the other CasGil into this. I'm not gonna be so predictable :V

That said, the Rits have her own actions and you're not controlling her. Part of the reason the update might take a good while is because I need to put in a blurb of Rits' actions in the update.

It's a busy week, in case that wasn't clear~
No. Until you have finished eating all of your tentacles you don't get to have any Jeannes.

Yes, I know the tentacles are infinitely spawning, that just makes them an even more nutritious meal.
I will say that it's bold to assume that I'm going to be using the other CasGil into this. I'm not gonna be so predictable :V
Okaaay then. Anyone know any other blasphemers in FGO?
... either we're meeting Caster Gilgamesh early, or we're meeting an original, half-corrupted version of Gilles de Rais.

Can we keep Caster Gilgamesh? He's an actually useful Servant.
Since no one actually asked this, I am going to give a freebie of sorts. France Singularity will be coming up before Turn 4. Turn 3 is where I expect Chaldea's ducks to be lined up enough to allow taking on the fight against... whoever it the antagonist is. Remember, time is of the essence and situations in these Singularities are constantly moving. I am throwing curveballs, after all~

You are very lucky in this regard that you got a 'Hero Unit' in the form of Maxamed. For the record, the threshold for having a competent - and comparatively unbiased - Department lead is 18. Had that not been the case, I'd have saddled the Analytics with... other obligations.

Also tally is slanted for Bandaids. I feel like there's enough talking point for me to be comfortable in not closing just yet. For now though, I am going to take a nap. Retrospective should be up when the vote closes, which is good. There'll be a Q&A session attached to that one in case there are further questions when I pull back the QM curtain.
I never said all of the ducks will be in a row, I said enough of them by Turn 3. Also close enough~ Here's the bad news:

Power problem is not made the top priority. The opportunity cost that Chaldea is going to be hefting in this case is the fact that neither of the Masters would be able to summon additional Servants in time for France. For the projections now and looking at my notes, the second best thing you would be able to get is the Regenerating Command Seals.

Unless you want to use the Grail in this, which well, you haven't researched it so I'm not pulling the curtain any further.

That said, you do have three excellent Servants — two of which managed to tango with Herk, and Mashu is tanky. Four Servants in total not counting any particular help you might get in France itself is... good enough.

Totally worth it in my opinion. Our people should be the most important priority right now. What kind of leader would we be if we left them hanging longer than they needed to be? Plus, that sweet, sweet synergy. Also, getting everyone who can back to work as soon as possible is sure to give some sort of morale boost.

Also it looks like the vote technically isn't closed yet, so we could hypothetically switch Da Vinci on Prosthetics over to Wind Turbines and Medea from Grecian Healing over to The Holy Grail. But that's cheaty so nah. I guess we could try and prioritize power next turn, or we could examine the grail. Honestly I think that between Mashu, Hinako, Billy, David, and Medea, that we'll have things covered for France. We will probably want to focus on getting that weapon made for Hinako next turn though instead of another Material run. That or do the weapon making on turn 3. After all, there are a lot of Servants wandering the countryside over there. We just need to go on a recruiting spree and make sure they don't die. It would probably out Hinako though, but that is honestly something we probably want to happen sooner rather than later.

I do think we should research the grail next turn though with that hint, especially so depending on what catalysts Hinako brings back from her Material Gathering run. If we can either get a catalyst for some sort of scientist or engineer from one of those runs, or get one from storage, then we could summon them and put them to work on un-fricking our power situation. Ideally, I think Tesla or Edison would be the best to summon in that regard.


Staffing Department:
Olga - [] A Memorial. Earth is Incinerated. The survival of the human race is in doubt. In Chaldea alone, a fifth of its staff are dead. There, Anselm states, is a need for a time to reset the broken bones. For a painful time of remembrance, lest it festers and brings down the cohesion of the Chaldean as a whole. Time: One Week. Result: Morale… increase? Other benefits?

As the director, it should be up to Olga to write and make the memorial. Although uh... I do worry about her doing it due to her more... caustic nature. Still, it's her responsibility as director.

[] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1. The entirety of the Hydroponics Wing is buried in rubble. They need to be cleared first. Enlist some Servant-power and what few able workers to shift the debris and prepare for rebuilding. Time: Three Weeks. Result: Hydroponics Wing is cleared of debris. Unlocks Part 2.

- We'll have to get a servant to do a food run on turn 3, as our food will run out when this is done. Said servant will presumably be either David or Billy. If we do the latter, then maybe we can sneak in another Material Gathering run by having Billy coincidentally find all of Hinako's hoard's on whatever singularities he goes to, and bring them back with him officially.

Security Department:
[] Repair the Reactors Phase Two

- We're obviously getting a phase two unless shenanigans happen in phase one

[] Repair the Wind Turbines. Chaldea, as a measure of energy-sufficiency, has a small windfarm. Its output is enhanced through cutting-edge tech, thaumaturgical expertise, and a large amount of capital. With its almost complete destruction, there'd normally be no way to repair the turbines. But the existence of Leonardo Da Vinci changes things. Divert her effort here and let her genius be applied. Cost: Da Vinci Action. Time: One Week. Result: Fully repair the turbines to 100% Operatibility. Increase fuel supply by 1 Week. Lessen the load on the overworked Reactors. ???

- Stick Da Vinci on this, no questions asked. Power is important now that our people are functioning again.

Medical Department:
-Hopefully we'll have something new here since we utterly depleated it this turn, haha.

[] Backfill Documentation. Tantamount of the effort of the department is the recovery of information from the wrecked databanks and servers. It will be a hard slog, shifting through corrupted data and files to find the usable information. But it's a slog that the department excels in. Time: Two Weeks. Result: Unlocks actual departmental options. ???

- Will already be filling our slot for next turn likely.

[] Holy Grail Investigation. Of import is the recovery of the Holy Grail of Fuyuki. It is a chalice fully brimming with energy and could do much for Chaldea… and yet, it is something that needs testing and checking. Fortunately, one of the greatest Magus of the Age of Gods is here. Have her ascertain the use of the Holy Grail and if it is indeed worth using. Cost: Medea Action. Time: One Week. Result: Gain information on the Grail. Unlocks actions on utilizing it.

- Now that Medea is free from healing people, this is an obvious pick
-We'll hopefully have another action for science from the "Unlocks further mechanical augmentation options." we'll get from doing prosthetics. Honestly, I wonder if we'll be able to bring any with us in case of any unfortunate accidents.
Totally worth it in my opinion. Our people should be the most important priority right now. What kind of leader would we be if we left them hanging longer than they needed to be? Plus, that sweet, sweet synergy. Also, getting everyone who can back to work as soon as possible is sure to give some sort of morale boost.

Also it looks like the vote technically isn't closed yet, so we could hypothetically switch Da Vinci on Prosthetics over to Wind Turbines and Medea from Grecian Healing over to The Holy Grail. But that's cheaty so nah. I guess we could try and prioritize power next turn, or we could examine the grail. Honestly I think that between Mashu, Hinako, Billy, David, and Medea, that we'll have things covered for France. We will probably want to focus on getting that weapon made for Hinako next turn though instead of another Material run. That or do the weapon making on turn 3. After all, there are a lot of Servants wandering the countryside over there. We just need to go on a recruiting spree and make sure they don't die. It would probably out Hinako though, but that is honestly something we probably want to happen sooner rather than later.

I do think we should research the grail next turn though with that hint, especially so depending on what catalysts Hinako brings back from her Material Gathering run. If we can either get a catalyst for some sort of scientist or engineer from one of those runs, or get one from storage, then we could summon them and put them to work on un-fricking our power situation. Ideally, I think Tesla or Edison would be the best to summon in that regard.


Staffing Department:
Olga - [] A Memorial. Earth is Incinerated. The survival of the human race is in doubt. In Chaldea alone, a fifth of its staff are dead. There, Anselm states, is a need for a time to reset the broken bones. For a painful time of remembrance, lest it festers and brings down the cohesion of the Chaldean as a whole. Time: One Week. Result: Morale… increase? Other benefits?

As the director, it should be up to Olga to write and make the memorial. Although uh... I do worry about her doing it due to her more... caustic nature. Still, it's her responsibility as director.

[] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1. The entirety of the Hydroponics Wing is buried in rubble. They need to be cleared first. Enlist some Servant-power and what few able workers to shift the debris and prepare for rebuilding. Time: Three Weeks. Result: Hydroponics Wing is cleared of debris. Unlocks Part 2.

- We'll have to get a servant to do a food run on turn 3, as our food will run out when this is done. Said servant will presumably be either David or Billy. If we do the latter, then maybe we can sneak in another Material Gathering run by having Billy coincidentally find all of Hinako's hoard's on whatever singularities he goes to, and bring them back with him officially.

Security Department:
[] Repair the Reactors Phase Two

- We're obviously getting a phase two unless shenanigans happen in phase one

[] Repair the Wind Turbines. Chaldea, as a measure of energy-sufficiency, has a small windfarm. Its output is enhanced through cutting-edge tech, thaumaturgical expertise, and a large amount of capital. With its almost complete destruction, there'd normally be no way to repair the turbines. But the existence of Leonardo Da Vinci changes things. Divert her effort here and let her genius be applied. Cost: Da Vinci Action. Time: One Week. Result: Fully repair the turbines to 100% Operatibility. Increase fuel supply by 1 Week. Lessen the load on the overworked Reactors. ???

- Stick Da Vinci on this, no questions asked. Power is important now that our people are functioning again.

Medical Department:
-Hopefully we'll have something new here since we utterly depleated it this turn, haha.

[] Backfill Documentation. Tantamount of the effort of the department is the recovery of information from the wrecked databanks and servers. It will be a hard slog, shifting through corrupted data and files to find the usable information. But it's a slog that the department excels in. Time: Two Weeks. Result: Unlocks actual departmental options. ???

- Will already be filling our slot for next turn likely.

[] Holy Grail Investigation. Of import is the recovery of the Holy Grail of Fuyuki. It is a chalice fully brimming with energy and could do much for Chaldea… and yet, it is something that needs testing and checking. Fortunately, one of the greatest Magus of the Age of Gods is here. Have her ascertain the use of the Holy Grail and if it is indeed worth using. Cost: Medea Action. Time: One Week. Result: Gain information on the Grail. Unlocks actions on utilizing it.

- Now that Medea is free from healing people, this is an obvious pick
-We'll hopefully have another action for science from the "Unlocks further mechanical augmentation options." we'll get from doing prosthetics. Honestly, I wonder if we'll be able to bring any with us in case of any unfortunate accidents.
Also vote is closed. Bandaids won, will begin frameworking the synergies and opportunity costs.
I can get behind these actions, but I'm going to wait to see the progress on week 1 if something unexpected happens before commiting to week 2
Avicebron would probably be a useful caster for helping rebuild, serving similar to his Lostbelt 1 role. I doubt we'll get him, but he would be helpful.
Yeah I assume we'll be unlocking more options to choose from in Week 2, making things trickier.
I was somewhat disappointed with myself that I only put like, 9 Options for 6 Chaldea Actions. Suffice to say, you'll not have want for options come Week Two.

Also apologies, but my head is wracked with headache since my last post and a nap didn't make it go away. Suffice to say, updates and interludes and the like will be postponed for the day.
Chaldea Week One Results
[X] Chaldea Plan: Bandaids
-[X] [Staffing] Food.
-[X] [Security] Repair the Reactors Phase One
-[X] [Olga] Seal the Storage Wing
-[X] [Analytics] Backfill Documentation
-[X] [Medea] Grecian Healing
-[X] [Da Vinci] Prosthetic Procurement
-[X] [Research] Spare Parts Creation
-[X] [Medical] Procuring Meds

When the directives came out of the meeting room, a flurry of activity erupted. Paramount to the orders and the majority of the work is the need to streamline as much of the workflow that needed to be done for the week.

In particular, for the work to be done by the two Casters. Opposites, one can almost say. One the genius of the Age of Man, the other a prodigy of the Age of Gods. One a dour mage, the other a cherry inventor.

Both merely nodded at one another, no formalities or words needed for while their craft differs, the application remains the same. One moved to a Workshop, taking Romani's tidy yet hastened measurements of impaired Chaldeans. The other to the Medical Wing itself, sighting within her eyes the suffering wrought by the bombing.

None can see the face of the Colchisian behind her hood or hear her say anything, but one can see the tenseness of her frame here and there as she flittered between the patients noted in Romani's list. And then she's off, to her own Temple made in an empty room adjacent to her Master's.

While the two Casters do their work in Chaldea, two Archers make their forays to another more open space.

"Kinda peaceful out here, isn't it Mister David?"

"Could be better." The shepherd said simply, looking at the remains of the many wolves that tried to harm his flock of sheep. Literal, in this case. "At least there's no giants here."

"You know the saying, the bigger they are, the harder they fall." The gunslinger eyes the shepherd, or more specifically, on the slightly bloody staff on his hands. "Y'know, I didn't quite peg you for a melee fighter."

"Said the one who tried to grapple the King of Knights due to sheer frustration." At the slightly indignant splutter, the other King continued. "But to answer, poor is the shepherd who does not know how to use their crook."

"And uh, stab the wolves through their eye sockets?"

"Must I repeat myself?"

"Well, I dunno, you could've just… sling your rocks at them. Aren't you an Archer?"

"I am, but I do have my venting needs as well." He traced his hand on the non-existent scar across his chest. "You were not the only one frustrated back then."

"...Ah. Sorry."

"No need, we've been keeping the amiable silence for half a day now. I relish the conversation as much as you and-" The two look at the ground ahead of them, at a blue-coloured magical circle that thrums with power that stabilized the micro-Singularity that the two Archers walked on. "And we're here."

"Faster than I expected, really. I thought we'd have to shoot through another pack of wolves." Billy looks at the flock of sheep they gathered. Thirty sheep. Corralled without any horses and took only half a day of gathering them from a weird — almost primeval — location in Europe. He didn't know if this is the standard of how old shepherds do it but in his time, it would have been a chaotic mess to do this sort of work.

Just goes to show just their differences, really.

"They are more tenacious and undeterred, but with two Servants, not so. Have you your herbs, cowboy?"

"Yup~" Billy points at the satchel slung over his shoulder. "Got all I need from this place."

"Good, you can go on ahead without me now. Since we cannot take live animals through, I will take on the task of cutting them."

"...All by yourself?"

With a slight flourish, a long and flat knife is produced from the folds of his robes. The shepherd gave the gunslinger an easy smile. "Must I repeat myself?"

"...All day long, huh?"

"Consider this a small reprieve on my end. A task that I am good at and menial enough to take my time through the day."

"If you say so, see you later, Mister David." With that, Billy steps onto the surface of the circle and with a flash of ether, returns to Chaldea.

"...Ah, I forgot a shovel. How am I supposed to bloodlet all these sheep without a hole?"

"Again, Mash."

"Senpai, you're exhausted. Please, take a break."

"..Not yet, Mash. I can still train."

"Master, your muscles still need to-"

"You're wrong, Mash Kyrielight." The two women look at the source of the new voice. "She can still move. Let her... But the venue needs to change. Follow me."

Olga Marie Animusphere looks at the mass of rubble and debris ahead of her. True, she had directed the effort of clearing out the mess of the Storage Wing. True enough, makeshift tarps had been installed on the exposed ceiling of the Wings that formed a patchwork of cloth beneath the concrete. True enough, what few untiring Dragon Warriors Medea can spare in between her task had collated the rubble to the side, alongside what time Billy the Kid could spare in between his tasks.

Now though? Now she will need to do her part.

At its core, what she's about to do is simple, shift the rubble. Separate them to their constituent parts. To partially reverse causality and render everything to piles of sorted metal and concrete mix. To do that to the literal tonnes of rubble in front of her. Putting it that way, it's not as simple.

But Medea has a shortcut or twenty.

Intoning a spell in her mind, the right hand of the Animusphere glows in a searing light. A pattern visualizes in her head, a complex yet nonetheless ordered ritual circle appears and with a wordless shout, her hand impacts the concrete ground. From the point of impact, that very same circle sears itself on the floor, nary a millimeter of flaw or error even as they bore below the pile of debris.

With the circle complete, she invokes it. In the name of Hephaistos, in the name of the Aetnaean, in the name of the twenty bellows that powers His forge. In more chants of a dead language, all who could see the Director sees her magical energy flares as the piles of rubble melt. Sand and metal of all variety turning molten yet its heat contained impossibly within the array, flowing like a river into their respective elemental parts, the heat contained dispersing into nothing as bars upon bars of metals both varying types yet almost impossibly pure. Of the sands, they reform into their own pile of fine grains, contained within a smaller circle of stasis field ensuring that they do not scatter.

Wiping her brows, the Animusphere allowed herself a small smile, marvelling at the power of the ancient magics that she had just wielded.

The moment passed as she twirled to see the face of Skaidrite Elof-Waldemar, one of the few R&D staff that can moderately trail behind the genius of Da Vinci. Her fair face does not hide the Latvian magus' look of subordinate-given-task-to-deliver-bad-but-not-that-bad news.

"M-Madam Director? We have a problem."

"Go on."

"We just finished inventorizing the spare parts and materials needed to run all the equipment in Chaldea and as it turns out, the secondary reactors are… deteriorating."

The Director reacted with a sigh. "Faster than expected?"

"Yes. We've talked to Captain Avram about the matter and his own work to replace the parts. Together, we've concluded that we need to reduce the strain for the secondary reactors. They are not meant to hold everything together. As it stands, in another two weeks, we would run out parts to maintain them even with reproducing new parts. We would run out of raw materials to get them running…" She looks behind the Director. "...though those metal ingots would help."

Olga Marie nodded. "Very well. Anything else?"

"Every other system is more or less fine, we have identified the wear and tear that we've automated the maintenance - by the way of scheduled repairs - and we've forwarded a proposal to Da Vinci. Well, several, actually. On a related note, Doctor Black on Medical said the same to me. Just a warning, Director but there's going to be some more projects on your plate."

You nodded. As you expected really. Still, that can only mean good things if there's that much proposal, right?

Hinako's Intervention: 13

It's bad luck, really.

She had thought that the Director would focus on working doing something else. A memorial perhaps.

But no, she decided that her focus is to seal the storage. An understandable one but one that poses problems to her task. Of no fault to Caster, of course. She could have withheld the ritual array but that would be untoward obstruction to Chaldea's rebuilding efforts.

Hinako sighs, as she watches the Diretor and Elof-Waldemar talk unseen.

...Not a lot to hide, now that the items are out in the open. Some of the caches she has could still be of use though.

Provided she can get to them before anything else is done.

David inspects his knife once more. No mar or scratches. Good. He looks around, at the work he has done. Racks upon racks of dried and salted meat are laid before his eyes, several tens of kilos mutton meat left in a container left unsalted. A deep hole where all the leftover fat, blood, and bones are dumped to.

And of course, the corpses of even more wolves and assorted beasts, their head caved in from the stones on his slings. As expected, the predators of this Singularity are drawn into this slaughter site. They do not stand against more than a single shot. Though that Chimera does pose a bit of a problem.

He'll need to carve out the parts from that, he's sure both Casters would have use for them.

But first, there's ten more sheep that needs to be slaughtered. Intoning the prayers, he continued his work.

"Again. You can still move, can you not?"

"This is insane. Madness. Sto-"

"No, Mash. I can still move. How many more?"

"Sixteen more. Then you can rest."

"So, what're you here for, young man?"

Not all micro-Singularities are empty and uninhabited. Wrinkles of times have few regards for what space thinks of them. As such, they tend to displace buildings and even people in them.

"All the grain you got, geezer. That and any other produce you got."

The people in these wrinkles often do not realize this. And as such, went on with their lives before the wrinkles are ironed out, leaving them with a feeling of faintly not remembering the things they thought of or done in these wrinkles.

"Do you even have the money for them, cowboy?"

At that, Billy the Kid grinned and gave the general shop owner a stack of five dollar notes, the face of Andrew Jackson clear on the obverse. Chaldea had prepared these notes — and many more like these, all of them bought from all over the world and categorized by the in-house numismatists. Some are even perfect forged copies of coins and notes, for the occasions where travels would necessitate blending in with the locals and having enough money to spend.

Good thing too, he didn't need to rob people blind for the sake of it.

"Well I'll be! You just made the day for 'ol Jerome. Want me to give you the keys to the storage?"

"Sure thing~ Oh, and also, can I buy your cart and horse? Kinda trashed my employee's cart down halfway through and well…"

Jeremiah — Jerome to his friends — Parkhurst, a veteran of the Mexican Wars, squinted his eyes at Billy. "Didn't take you for one of McPhearson's or Sebastians' ranchers. Who'd you work for?"

"Well, u-" His word is cut by a raised hand and he kept his silence. If need be… he can still draw his Colt.

"...Y'know what, forget it. Not my business and you didn't try to rob me with that iron of yours." He said suddenly, throwing the storage key to the Archer. "You got that gleam in your eyes, young man. A warrior's gleam. So best be along now and don't let this old man bother you none."


"Don't mention it, don't you got an errand to do? Talleyrand's out back. You don't need me to get him affixed to the wagon, right?"

"No need, ol' sir. Some menial things are worth doing, after all~"

"So tell me something, Miss… Caster?" The one thing that many would notice about Sterling Maxamed is the fact that the voice does not match the body. For a stalwart man such as him, a towering Somalian man with thick cords of muscle, to possess a voice of dulcet-like qualities is a dissonance.

"Medea. You may call me Medea." For the Colchisian, it reminded him of her old travelling companion and in just days prior, a sane version of the obsidian Berserker. The demigod too, had a soft quality to his normal speech, though not to the point of Maxamed's own.

"Then Miss Medea, why are you here? I had thought that your task in the Medical Wing is of priority."

"It is, but at the same time, I have enough time to spare here. We Servants are untiring, young man." She smiled, looking at the purple hues that suffused the charred room that possessed the majority of Chaldea's databanks. "And in this, I think I can be of some help."

"Truly now? Help with modern technology?"

"Analogues to the past. You know of the fading of magic, do you not?"

"All mages do — for better or worse. Mysteries have and will be supplanted by science and technology."

"Then you know of the Pythia?"

A pause, both to recollect memory and also to wonder where the direction is going. "The Oracle of Delphi?"

"Indeed, Analyst. Tell me, if the knowledge survived and kept public, if you know the truth of how the Phytia conducted her business."

Maxamed chuckled ruefully. "I do not. But if I were to be allowed a deduction," He paused, waiting to see if the Caster, still directing her attention to the magical array around the databanks, would interrupt. Finding none, he continued. "Then the inhalation of the vapours of the dead Python is… somehow not far from the truth and yet, less fantastical than it seemed."

"Unsurprising then, that you're in this position. Correct on both counts." She paused. "Nanites."


"Nanomachines, son. The greatest Mysteries and secrets of the Olympians have the same framework as the computational technologies of the now. The automata of old is the robotics of the now, so to speak."

"And… nanomachin-" He paused. "The Phytia is said to deliver unerring prophecy to all who seek her counsel. Am I right to consider that these vapours of nanites are inhaled into the Phytia, giving them all the information needed to answer the supplicants?"

"Unsurprising again then. Indeed, for all that this," Her hand waved to the ruined databanks. "Is inferior to some of the mysteries I've seen in my time, it's also more widespread and proliferated."

"And thus, the replacing of mysteries with technologies." He watches as entropy becomes reversed and as the burned husks of the servers return to their original form. Though if he takes a closer look, he sees that the databanks are not repaired to the fullest extent. "It would seem that Lev Lainur put more tricks in his bombs. There's something magical about them. Full recovery might not be possible."

"That is still better than what we previously estimated. That, and there's some written archives. I will leave you to this." With that, the Chief Analyst turned, moving out of the room.

"...Good." She sighed a bit in relief. The Witch of Betrayal turned on a second array, intoning but a single word. That man is indeed perceptive. Now that he's gone, she does not need to risk her plan on altering the data that Chaldea possessed within the Server. Data that, while does not harm Chaldea, would be of risk to her Master's wishes.

A slightly irrational wish, but one that she does not have any qualms on.

Hinako's Plan — Medea's Side: 92

By the end of the week, two things of note occurred at the same time. The first, is the release of a majority of the hospitalized Chaldean personnel and with no further loss of lives. It's a miracle, two Casters working in tandem to heal as many patients as they can. With work that only the almost-untiring inventor and mage can do, aided with the almost punishing pace set by Romani Archaman that ran everyone including him ragged, it is done.

Dozens of Chaldean personnel walked from the Medical Wing not whole, but healthy. Prosthetics of mechanical make replace most of their limbs. A rare few walked with pinkish visible, their injuries healed in ways more magically. The medicinal herbs brought back by the two Archers almost seemed like an afterthought in it all. Seemed, anyway. Without those herbs, there would be no modern medicine left in Chaldea's stock. As it is now though, there's enough to do… more.

The second thing though, Avram Yisshakar muses — outfitted with a more potent sort of prosthetics than most — is less known yet more important. It's what's happening to the girl in front of him.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's Physicality Aptitude: 98
Critical Success!

Rolling for Speciality...
Endurance+ gained!

In his time back before all this, as a Rasar in the IDF, he always had an eye for good recruits. Those who at first seemed like nothing but waste of good rifles. Those who turned out to be uncut gems.

This girl in front of you are.

Sweat covered and sore all over is the form of the Last Master but here and now, the Demi-Servant cannot deny what he saw in her earlier that week, when they exercised in a secluded hallway where he liked to smoke. She would not be a fighter, unlike Hinako Akuta. She can, but that's not what she's good at.

No, Fujimaru Ritsuka is someone who would be untiring and unceasing. Already, you can see the beginnings of muscles forming in a body that never had one. You pushed her to the breaking point that would make any wet-behind-their-ears conscript sleep for a week and yet for her, led her wanting more.

"What's next, Captain?" Ritsuka voiced, grabbing the bottle of water Kyrielight proffered to her. "I've done my sets."

"Next?" Even now, with a synthesized voice not fully his own, he speaks. "Next would be something else. I have done my part." He looks at the Demi-Servant. "I have given you my regimen. Now all there is to do is to continue them." He smiled, a rough one his face is unused to. "Continue as you do, I do not need to intervene now."

The third noteworthy thing to happen is not something that any humans know of.

Hinako's Plan — Hinako's Side: 52
Hinako's Plan — Billy's Side: 26

"Sorry Master, I-"

Material Rolls — 2d100: 10, 84

"No need for forgiveness. Luck is not on our side much." Hinako looks at Medea, calmly sipping her tea in her side of the Elemental's room that she claimed. The Caster had pulled through, implanting all the cache data into Chaldea's systems for retrieval with none the wiser. Not only that, she had ensured that there's a backdoor that allowed for Rayshift logs to be deleted behind Chaldea's back.

But in the end, the key factor of having the right mini-Singularities to Rayshift into was not fulfilled.

'Most of the time anyway,' the Elemental mused, holding in her hand a catalyst. An… appreciably old one. This one. Yes, she knows of this one. A large shard of a blade long chipped, one that she acquired so very long ago during her first few decades of being sapient, from a temple protected by a tribe of martial artist apes.

She was rather rash then, admittedly. Uncaring of the consequences of her actions. But her prize remained even now. And here, in her hands.

"Saber." The Elemental said with finality. "This is sure to summon a Saber."

"You are familiar with the human, Master?" Medea asked.

"She was before my time but her deeds were known then. Now, her legend is mostly forgotten."

"Huh, how good is she, Master?"

"You might get along with her well. A good match, perhaps." She paused at the gunslinger's quirked eyebrows. "A fair one maybe. Your Thunderer might even be countered, in more than one way."

At the slight paling of the Archer's face, Hinako allowed herself a smile. "Not to worry, with the power drain in Chaldea, you will not face her, for now."

Week One Results:
  1. Food stocks gained. Food supply secure until the start of Week Four…?
  2. Heavy Synergy on all Medical Department Actions. No lives were lost and all 19% of Chaldea personnel interred in the Medical Wing has recovered. This brings the number of active personnel in Chaldea to 35%. This presents both opportunity and some complications. Further details to be seen in Chaldea Week Two. New Actions, of course, unlocked.
  3. Synergy between Spare Parts Creation and Repair the Reactors Phase One identified. New Power Source needs to be found else the whole reactor overheats. Week Three would be the cut-off limit for this. Secondary Reactors operability increases to 50%. Fuel supply is now secure until the start of Week Four. New Actions unlocked.
  4. Anti-synergy between Materials and Reagents and Seal the Storage Wing found. No significantly large caches will be 'retrieved' by Chaldea. Storage Wing protected from the elements. New Action unlocked.
  5. Synergy between Materials and Reagents and Backfill Documentation found. A backdoor system of log deletion and all pertinent cache information inserted in the database. One more week before the latter is done.
  6. A new Servant Reagent is found! A specific Saber Servant would be summoned. Due to low rolls, no other materials or reagents are found.
  7. Gudako turned out to be much like canon — an endurance-built Master! Training will continue...
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Together, we've concluded that we need to reduce the strain for the secondary reactors. They are not meant to hold everything together. As it stands, in another two weeks, we would run out parts to maintain them even with reproducing new parts. We would run out of raw materials to get them running…" She looks behind the Director. "...though those metal ingots would help.

[] Repair the Wind Turbines. Chaldea, as a measure of energy-sufficiency, has a small windfarm. Its output is enhanced through cutting-edge tech, thaumaturgical expertise, and a large amount of capital. With its almost complete destruction, there'd normally be no way to repair the turbines. But the existence of Leonardo Da Vinci changes things. Divert her effort here and let her genius be applied. Cost: Da Vinci Action. Time: One Week. Result: Fully repair the turbines to 100% Operatibility. Increase fuel supply by 1 Week. Lessen the load on the overworked Reactors. ???

Windmill time. Give us that sweet lessened load.
Good show on the medical actions. Pity about thr reactors. Da Vinci's going to be locked in on the turbines I guess.

I'm assuming that's an Indian Saber?
Huh. A blade that is in the hands of monkeys sounds right for Rama, who kept tangling eith Hanuman and co, but they're a rare male Saber per the wiki. Anyone know who this is?
"Nanomachines, Son. The greatest Mysteries and secrets of the Olympians have the same framework as the computational technologies of the now. The automata of old is the robotics of the now, so to speak."


  1. ood stocks gained. Food supply secure until the start of Week Four…?
  2. Heavy Synergy on all Medical Department Actions. No lives were lost and all 19% of Chaldea personnel interred in the Medical Wing has recovered. This brings the number of active personnel in Chaldea to 35%. This presents both opportunity and some complications. Further details to be seen in Chaldea Week Two. New Actions, of course, unlocked.

We're gonna lose a week's supply of food, aren't we? Either due to increased nutritional requirements for recovering patients or simply having more people than Anselm predicted.

'Most of the time anyway,' the Elemental mused, holding in her hand a catalyst. An… appreciably old one. This one. Yes, she knows of this one. A large shard of a blade long chipped, one that she acquired so very long ago during her first few decades of being sapient, from a temple protected by a tribe of martial artist apes.

She was rather rash then, admittedly. Uncaring of the consequences of her actions. But her prize remained even now. And here, in her hands.

"Saber." The Elemental said with finality. "This is sure to summon a Saber."

At first I assumed it was Rama, given the allusion to vanaras and Saber class. That said, the other two clues don't fit.
  • Not Saber
  • Lived and died before 200 BC, given that's the earliest Hinako could've been "sapient".
  • Involved with martial artist apes.
  • Counters Thunderer - either has no weak spot or has a guaranteed hit NP that nullifies the 'counter'
  • Female?