Crimson Beauty of The Crescent Moon (Fate/Grand Order)

In my opinion we really should not be dedicating to much to Seraphix when we have so many problems right now and France coming up next turn. We can deal with Seraphix properly in the time between France and Rome but right now we need to focus all our efforts on dealing with the immediate issues and gearing up for France.

So here's my plan

[] Plan: France Focus
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] [David] Food. More of them.
-[] [Staffing] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] [Olga 1] Morale Overview.
-[] [Security] Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] [Medical] Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] [Olga 2] AAR: Fuyuki.
-[] [Analytics] Sheba Calibration
--[] France.
-[] [Da Vinci] Automata Creation.
-[] [Research] Mystic Code Inventorizing.
In my opinion we really should not be dedicating to much to Seraphix when we have so many problems right now and France coming up next turn. We can deal with Seraphix properly in the time between France and Rome but right now we need to focus all our efforts on dealing with the immediate issues and gearing up for France
I would agree with this if he wasn't going in this week, and if it wasn't Avrum who was going in. While I am still unsure about servant deployments, considering they aren't locked out of other actions I think we should at least send one. However, we have 1. At least some backup in France and 2. Some knowledge of what going on thanks to OoC knowledge. Seraphix meanwhile is currently very much on the red flag marker, to the point that we are sending an armed person/force to scout it out. Worse, we have no information about what's going on in Seraphix. Also, Avrum is the head of the security departments, one that is noted lost a chunk of leadership. If something happens to him, morale is going to get chunked and the staffing department is going to have to undergo a leadership shift again, to someone potentially not as good as what we currently have.
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[X] Plan: France Focus
Choosing this because I agreed with the thought behind it.
Manual Moratorium. You can't vote yet

I would agree with this if he wasn't going in this week, and if it wasn't Avrum who was going in. While I am still unsure about servant deployments, considering they aren't locked out of other actions I think we should at least send one. However, we have 1. At least some backup in France and 2. Some knowledge of what going on thanks to OoC knowledge. Seraphix meanwhile is currently very much on the red flag marker, to the point that we are sending an armed person/force to scout it out. Worse, we have no information about what's going on in Seraphix. Also, Avrum is the head of the security departments, one that is noted lost a chunk of leadership. If something happens to him, morale is going to get chunked and the staffing department is going to have to undergo a leadership shift again, to someone potentially not as good as what we currently have.
That's fair enough. I'd be okay with sending Billy with him, but I'm not focusing Sheba on Seraphix. It is going to be focused on France this turn as making France easier is far more important. Loosing Avrum is bad, but if we have to burn the grail because we messed up the France prep then it was pointless to dedicate effort to Seraphix
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I would agree with this if he wasn't going in this week, and if it wasn't Avrum who was going in. While I am still unsure about servant deployments, considering they aren't locked out of other actions I think we should at least send one. However, we have 1. At least some backup in France and 2. Some knowledge of what going on thanks to OoC knowledge. Seraphix meanwhile is currently very much on the red flag marker, to the point that we are sending an armed person/force to scout it out. Worse, we have no information about what's going on in Seraphix. Also, Avrum is the head of the security departments, one that is noted lost a chunk of leadership. If something happens to him, morale is going to get chunked and the staffing department is going to have to undergo a leadership shift again, to someone potentially not as good as what we currently have.
Slight addendum about Avrum. He's from the department we rolled a 1 in department leadership.
Can we get an aggregate of the proposed plans thus far?
Sure thing, will be compiling them once I finish with breakfast and morning routines. Unfucking sleep schedule takes time, and noon for a fair number of y'all is midnight for me. The vote will be opened as the same time I make the aggregate the plan proposals.
Slight addendum about Avrum. He's from the department we rolled a 1 in department leadership.
Extra addendum, that though Avrum is the result of a Nat 1 and that he's the leader of the very much decapitated Security Department, this doesn't mean that he's a) incompetent and b) irreplaceable. The latter is true for Week 1 but we're in Week 3 after the healing Synergy. His self-assessment of being expendable isn't untrue, now that a lot of his technical superiors- in the literal and figurative sense, the 'energy' portion of the Sec. Dept. are engineers- have been healed. True, if he dies in Seraphix, it is likely that no other Security Head will be as good in matters martial and tactical. But well... that's what Servants are for, right?
Here be the collation of the complete plans so far. They will be spoilered but the QM commentary will not be. Now let's start.
[] Plan Don't Starve, Immediate Seraphix
-[] [DECISION] It is too risky. Send a Master and a Servant to accompany him.
--[] It will be the 4th Master. Hinako Akuta can keep her silence. Which is the problem.
---[] Send for Medea of Colchis, she would be able to scry for traps and tripwires.
-[] Staffing (Olga) - Food. More of them.
-[] Staffing - Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1
-[] Staffing (Olga) - Morale Overview
-[] Security - Repair the Reactors Phase Three
-[] Medical - Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals
-[] Analytics - SHEBA Calibration - Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[] Research (Da Vinci) - Automata Creation
-[] Research - Mystic Code Inventorizing
-> Sends Hinako with Medea for magical tripwire with the double-whammy from SHEBA. Focus on HR and lining the shots for France.
[ ] Plan Redshirt (Seraphix)
-[ ] [STAFFING] Food. More of them.
-[ ] [OLGA 1] Morale Overview.
-[ ] [SECURITY] Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[ ] [MEDICAL] Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[ ] [MEDEA] Selective Revivification — Magical.
-[ ] [ANALYTICS] SHEBA Calibration: Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[ ] [OLGA 2] AAR: Fuyuki.
-[ ] [RESEARCH] Mystic Code Inventorizing.
-[ ] [DA VINCI] Automata Creation.

[ ] Plan Redshirt (France)
-[ ] [STAFFING] Food. More of them.
-[ ] [OLGA 1] Morale Overview.
-[ ] [SECURITY] Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[ ] [MEDICAL] Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[ ] [MEDEA] Selective Revivification — Magical.
-[ ] [ANALYTICS] SHEBA Calibration: France.
-[ ] [OLGA 2] AAR: Fuyuki.
-[ ] [RESEARCH] Mystic Code Inventorizing.
-[ ] [DA VINCI] Automata Creation.
-> These do not have the [DECISION] but well... frak it. Redshirt made the plans and the differences for these plans is that they put their focus on the respective Singularities. Attention here is on the AAR, I think. I will note that an Olga/Directorial Actions that lasts for more than one Turn will, for the sake of micromanaging sanity, be locked until completion.
[] Plan Don't Starve, SE.RA.PH
-[] [DECISION] It is too risky. Send a Master and a Servant to accompany him.
-[] It will be the 48th Master. Ritsuka Fujimaru is untested. What she sees might not be good for her.
--[-] Mashu Kyrielight will not be sent in. It doesn't need repeating why.
-[] Staffing (Olga) - Food. More of them.
-[] Staffing - Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1
-[] Staffing (Olga) - Morale Overview
-[] Security - Repair the Reactors Phase Three
-[] Medical - Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals
-[] Analytics - SHEBA Calibration - Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[] Research (Da Vinci) - Automata Creation
-[] Research - Mystic Code Inventorizing
-> An invalid plan. Mash cannot be sent into Seraphix. And Guda alone is invalid. The rest, of course, is a mirror of Spectrum's plan framework.
[]Plan Finger on the Trigger
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] (David) Food. More of them.
-[] (Staffing) Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] (Olga1) Morale Overview.
-[] (Security) Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] (Medical) Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] (Olga2) AAR: Fuyuki.
-[] (Analytics) Sheba Calibration
--[] Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[] (Da Vinci) Automata Creation.
-[] (Research) Mystic Code Inventorizing.
-> Hrm, I see that there's a misconception. David isn't eligible to do the "Food" actions on his lonesome. He will participate, of course, but it is part of Staffing Department's work. And for the uh:
-[] It will be the 48th Master. Ritsuka Fujimaru is untested. What she sees might not be good for her.
--[-] Mashu Kyrielight will not be sent in. It doesn't need repeating why.
-[] Send for King David. His combat skills and exorcism capability might prove useful.
I see that I missed adding an extra dash for David's vote option. Whoops. But yes, that plan is invalid, but the reasoning for why Avrum can be sent alone is a solid one. No comment on whether it's true or not, of course.
[] Plan: France Focus
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] [David] Food. More of them.
-[] [Staffing] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] [Olga 1] Morale Overview.
-[] [Security] Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] [Medical] Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] [Olga 2] AAR: Fuyuki.
-[] [Analytics] Sheba Calibration
--[] France.
-[] [Da Vinci] Automata Creation.
-[] [Research] Mystic Code Inventorizing.
-> Also invalid as with Who's plan though I will say that the idea of reconnoitering France to be an interesting one.

...Overall, there's still enough chinks in the plans that I am not comfortable with releasing the plans right now. Not when most of you Western Hemisphere lads are either asleep or in the process of falling asleep or should go to sleep- @Pawn Lelouch, fix your sleep schedule :3


We're extending this Manual Moratorium a fair notch still. will be the final deadline of plan revisions and when I will be opening the vote before I go to bed. Or if I fell to sleep, that will be the time you peeps can just fire away with the plans.
[X] Plan Don't Starve, Immediate Seraphix

Moratorium is still active, votes aren't active yet.

And with the David change for Seraphix that shifts things slightly. I still want to maximize the odds of Avrum surviving so we need to bring a servant with him imo. Gudako isn't an option so we need to do some combination of Hinako + Medea/Billy. I just think that we want to minimize the chance of Hinako having to fight directly in sight of Avrum, so increased mobility + fighting seems like the play over Medea here.

The rest of this is fairly standard for a Seraphix focus but one thing I do want to make clear. Next turn we should have a relatively free amount of hero units + director actions. Research, Analytics, and Medical likely do not have much in terms of opportunity cost next turn based on probable unlock paths. I am going to ask that we lock in a department expansion next turn, preferably to staffing or securities judging by what we've seen so far. We are in the early game still and we're already getting hit by opportunity cost badly. The faster we are able to get a permanent opportunity cost reduction going, the more benefits we will gain from it.

[] Plan Staffing Focus V2
[] [DECISION] It is too risky. Send a Master and a Servant to accompany him.
-[] It will be the 4th Master. Hinako Akuta can keep her silence. Which is the problem.
--[] Send for Billy the Kid, he would be able to outrun any potential dangers.
-[] (Olga 1) Food. More of them.
-[] (Staffing) Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] (Olga1) Morale Overview.
-[] (Security) Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] (Medical) Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] (Analytics) Sheba Calibration
--[] Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[] (Da Vinci) Automata Creation.
-[] (Research) Mystic Code Inventorizing.
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-> Hrm, I see that there's a misconception. David isn't eligible to do the "Food" actions on his lonesome. He will participate, of course, but it is part of Staffing Department's work. And for the uh:

I see that I missed adding an extra dash for David's vote option. Whoops. But yes, that plan is invalid, but the reasoning for why Avrum can be sent alone is a solid one. No comment on whether it's true or not, of course.

-> Also invalid as with Who's plan though I will say that the idea of reconnoitering France to be an interesting one.

Ah right. Let me shuffle things around a bit.

[] Plan: France Focus
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] [Staffing] Food. More of them.
-[] [Olga 1] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] [David] Morale Overview.
-[] [Security] Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] [Medical] Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] [Olga 2] AAR: Fuyuki.
-[] [Analytics] Sheba Calibration
--[] France.
-[] [Da Vinci] Automata Creation.
-[] [Research] Mystic Code Inventorizing.

Does this work?

-[] It will be the 4th Master. Hinako Akuta can keep her silence. Which is the problem.
--[] Send for King David. His combat skills and exorcism capability might prove useful.
With the way the option is set up I think Servants need to be paired with their masters. So either Billy or Medea if you want to send Hinako
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[]Plan Finger on the Trigger
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] (Olga1) Food. More of them.
-[] (Staffing) Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] (Olga2) Morale Overview
-[] (Security) Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] (Medical) Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] (Analytics) Sheba Calibration
--[] Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[] (Da Vinci) Automata Creation.
-[] (Research) Mystic Code Inventorizing.

There we go. Moved the second Olga action to Sheba calibration so we have both Olga actions next turn.

Edit: Had to change the plan.
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[]Plan Finger on the Trigger
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] (Archers) Food. More of them.
-[] (Staffing) Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] (Olga1) Morale Overview.
-[] (Security) Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] (Medical) Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] (Analytics) AAR: Fuyuki.
-[] (Olga2) Sheba Calibration
--[] Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[] (Da Vinci) Automata Creation.
-[] (Research) Mystic Code Inventorizing.

There we go. Moved the second Olga action to Sheba calibration so we have both Olga actions next turn.

If I am not mistaken, the advantage of targeting Sheba onto something is getting intel before deploying forces. Aiming Sheba at Seraphix and sending Avrum will happen concurrently, or worse, Avrum could go in first with Sheba Calibration happening later.
Yup, though again- Putting Olga Action on AAR locks it in, as a forewarning.
Alright then, here's the final version of France Focus.

[] Plan: France Focus
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] [Staffing] Food. More of them.
-[] [Olga 1] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] [David] Morale Overview.
-[] [Security] Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] [Medical] Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] [Analytics] AAR: Fuyuki.
-[] [Olga 2] Sheba Calibration
--[] France.
-[] [Da Vinci] Automata Creation.
-[] [Research] Mystic Code Inventorizing.

Actually a question, has it been brought up whether David recognizes Romani as Solomon? I think it's canon based on an interlude but I'm not sure.
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QM Retrospective — Part 1 (Fuyuki)
So we finished Fuyuki.

Closer to two years but it is done. And now, this is the part where I open up the QM curtains and for you all to see what the decisions made lead up to. And considering that this Chapter might have ended with both Masters potentially dead, I don't think I need to relay what Bad Ends might have occurred.

Instead, I am going to relay again the three corners of grading. The meta centerpieces that led to the results as viewed. They are:
  1. Rolls. Self-explanatory. As designed, I used d100s to be intentionally swingy with just enough bonus to make things suitably dramatic. Other, smaller, dice sizes will be used for certain rolls that signify game mechanics like Battle Continuation. I may phase the more tabletoppy elements down the line though. Mostly because rolls alone would not save you from the narratives. Speaking of…
  2. Planning. Having plans of action is good. In other news, water is wet. Whether within Singularities or in Chaldea Turns, resources and costs would need to be managed properly. In this, synergies and anti-synergies would have to be considered with some degree of care. Speaking of costs though…
  3. Judgement Calls. Or opportunity costs. These are the cumulative weight of… karma seems like a good word for it. Basically, the snap judgements and calls made in the Quest to prioritize and lock certain courses of action will have consequences. One can consider this more important than the other two due to their propensity to flat out make one automatically pass or fail rolls and enable other courses of actions.
With the grading triangle elaborated, how did you all fare?

Rolls: You have rolled surprisingly well, both seen and unseen rolls. Of interest would be the fact that made the strike against Salter to be an anti-climactic affair- more on that later. The other ones would be the fact that Billy managed to completely bowl over EMIYA. That one was a sequence.
Let me clip the most ridiculous part of that:
>Archer really not going down without a fight?
>Nope, EMIYA Genes

>Bow and arrow?

>"Get down here, y'damn fool!"
>Marksmanship Skill Activates (All Hits Extra Fatal)

= 88 =
>o o f
>EMIYA falls down.
>That's a surprisingly easy that really all?

>That was hardly a duel at all.
> it really all?

So yeah. 'Course, you do not have a monopoly on dice rolls being good. To that, we return to the Yorokobe Interrupt. As a forewarning, don't expect me to draw the curtain this far next time. Mostly because there's no Yorokobe in other Singus to sap the luck so badly :V
Main Group
>Nearly there on the bridge
>Severity of complications against the group?

>Roll below 40 or Yorokobe
>Romani Interrupt?
= 18 =
>1d4 for Target, in terms of squishiness


>Dragon Warriors Interception?
= 35 - 15 (Surprise) =
>Incantation of The Divine? (Pass 60)
= 57 - 15 =
>Instinct of an Elemental?
= 47 - 15 =
>The Plucky Master
DC 60, -15 Surprise Malus

= 27 - 15 =
>Medea is incapacitated
> ???

= 5 =
>Priest tracks the closest target
>The Fear-Gripped Master?

= 9 - 10 (Lessened Surprise)=
>The Purest Knight
= 11 =
>Is all for naught?
> ???

= 47 =
> Interception of An Elemental, Bent on Revenge
= 39 =
> ???
= 5 =
> Awaken, Magus
= 66 + 20 (Medea's Ministrations) =
= Olga Marie Animusphere Enters =

>The Heir of Chaldea
= 86 =
>Interception Success
>Black Key Strike

>Black Key Dismissal
= 41 =
>Black Key Hits...
>Resistance against Spiritual

= 65 + 20 =
>Duet of Shield and Blades

= 60 + 5 (Newfound Cohesion) + 5 (Righteous Fury) =
>Yorokobe Beaten Back!

= 94 =
>Surprise 3 Line Aria of The Gods
= 8 =
>Utter evasion
= Result: Battleline is set. Update Ends.
As you can see from the rolls though, two other parts of the triangle shows themselves. Speaking of which…

Plans: It's the 'tutorial Singularity', I wasn't going to give you all a hard time on deciding which plans but due to the interrelation with this and judgement calls, I will say that your decisions on utilizing Resonance and finishing off all three Servants are the optimal course of actions given...

Judgement Calls/Opportunity Costs:
The vote to tell Olga Marie that she's dead is not the most tactful as can be. But it was the fastest option in the long run to cure her. Medea said it in another way:
On that matter, she does not know whether to thank or curse her new Master. Thank her, for the fact that patient is unconscious, which meant that she can operate easier; and due to the fact the cognizance of the Director to her predicament meant that it is easier for Medea to do more..thorough surgery.
If you Questers opted to not tell OMA that she's dead- both in City and Church, it would have made her vulnerable from two death-flags. The first being Kirei, who will be singling her to take out first. The Black Keys would have made a short work of her, if she- and intervening characters- failed their rolls. The second would have been Flauros doing as canon and attempting to suck her into the CHALDEAS black hole. In this and in order, Billy, Medea, and Hinako would each make consecutive rolls where two out of three of them must win the roll-offs. Respectively to murder Lev, dispel the CHALDEAS portal, and quickly pull Olga Marie to safety.

Failure here, of course, means that Olga Marie would be dead.

That plotline done with, we move to the next bit. The Church Votes:
[X] [MEDEA] Fully commit her attention to cure Olga Marie's affliction. The undivided attention of one of the most accomplished Magus from the Age of Gods will allow her to survive past the Rayshift back to Chaldea...and perhaps more.
[] [MEDEA] Only commit half her attention on Olga Marie. As much as completely curing the Director is a thing to accomplish, their battle against the Blackened Servants takes precedent:
-[] Focus half her attention on improving the combat capacity of the Masters. Allowing Hinako to leverage her melee prowess and making Ritsuka less of a combat liability and supporting of the team is a good idea.
-[] Focus half her attention on replenishing herself. Without Master and pitted against three hostile Servants and one Executor, Medea managed to force a fighting retreat. A full-powered Medea, in prime fighting conditions would be even greater, as befitting of her fame.
This voting block is the formation of the general plan made for the Singularity. Regardless, the coffin will be made. But only the 'full commit' option that gives the safety net of OMA 'resurrecting' herself with the potential for the dice roll to allow her waking up before the final duel with Salter.

As for the roads untravelled well... Had 'improving' been taken, Hinako would have access to her canonical blood-swords, which has the nifty feature of being able to, drawing from Medea's Helios lineage, set the blood on fire. As for Gudako, she would have been granted a defensive suite. Or suit. Sure, the whole Greco-nanomachine deal is decidedly LB5 but Achilles had the Tron power armour aesthetics way back. Alas, we did not get power armoured Guda keeping up with Servants. Why even live ; -;

And for the focus of letting Medea recuperate then well… I had ideas. Ones that involved a good deal of magical saturation, area denial, and pinning down of Servant-grade oppositions. I would have drawn several notches of inspirations from Touhou for the could-have-beens. Probably a mix of Yuyuko and Okuu's respective purple-flavoured death and nuclear hellfire shenanigans, respectively. Esoteric payload kamikaze skeleton warriors is also one of the things in the cards. Those would have been the safety nets for the Yorokobe.
[] [HINAKO] There's no time like the present. Talk to Medea right away and explain to the Caster about her conditions. Nipping this off the bud would be of substantial good to easing the contract between both Master and Servant.
[] [HINAKO] Give encouragement to Ritsuka. Hinako is not human, but Ritsuka is. And as one of the two people tasked to save the world, as well as being the (bluntly put) worse one, it falls to the Elemental to guide her.
[X] [HINAKO] Clear out the bad blood between her and Shielder. Hinako knows that her action in regards to Olga Marie had soured her relations with the Demi-Servant. After all, the Director had stopped all experimentations on the homunculus and treated her like a human. If nothing else, the Elemental respected the Director for that.
This set of votes are still technically ongoing. In a way. Medea Talk would have unlocked her Interlude turn by now and made her a more natural confidante to Hinako's secrets. Now though, the way to unlock it… a secret.

Encouragements to the Gudako would have granted her an early resolve. And would have made her look up to Hinako as a senpai even more. The possibility is very distant now that Gudako got "Endurance+" but she would have followed a tad along on being a more combative Master. Considering that not all foes will be Servants… well, that's that. It would also assuage Mashu that Hinako is at least a bit on the up-and-up.

Speaking of, what got voted is an interesting one. The talk with Mashu has its own votes, of course:
[X] For her peace of mind.
[] For the fate of the world.
[] For Chaldea.
With Medea actively peeping at the matter, this does impact how Hinako is viewed by the two as a sliding scale of sorts because remember, Hinako is her own character. The lower you go down the list, the less 'truthful' she is. And Medea knows enough what the fate of inhuman 'monstrous' beings are, even in her times. Picking 'peace of mind' is Hinako being at her most truthful… which shifts Mashu's antagonism to sheer incredulity and a flare of indignant anger- possibly a chivalric bleed-off from the Perfect Knight, who knows~ It very much resonates with Medea though, considering who her new husband is. Well, was.

The second and third would assuage Mash the more but they well… Medea can smell the Augean Stables from what Hinako's saying. Which is well, obviously would have made her more stand-offish.

All in all, the calls made are good calls. And all three sides of the triangle are solid and reinforce one another, which is why you lot got what is essentially the Golden Ending of the Singularity. Let's review it in motion:
  • You brought everyone along for the ride, this meant that Medea was there to, despite being ganked by Kirei, keep the convoy going to the outskirts of the Fuyuki Grail.
  • The journey to the centre of the city had very few stragglers accosting the convoy and then the tag-team crit between Mash and Hinako cleared out the tarpit before Berserker could join the scrum.
  • Billy got ultra-lucky and took out EMIYA without him doing his trademark 'fake fade-out'. Which…
  • ...means David gets assistance. And the vote went to finishing the job, at the risk of one of the Archer dying and the other disengaging while heavily wounded. Billy nearly did bit the dust here, but Elemental mana-output is a wellspring.
  • Hinako chose to take the 1 on 1 fight against Kirei which is well… I didn't need to tell you how that could have gone badly.
  • Olga Marie got revived and thus able to contribute her firepower to the fight.
  • Everyone made it through without dying.
The key point here? You all pushed through without stopping and took out the three non-Salter foes which means…
Calculating Time Elapsed since exiting the Church...

And yet, static defences are all that barred the way. No ghouls save for pockets of one and twos — heads instantly blown off by a venting Archer — and no amalgams of large make made themselves known.

And as they reached the spacious cavern that hosted the corrupted King of Knights...

Calculation Complete. 50 Minutes Elapsed.
Hidden Goal Reached!

...they find her standing alone. Arms holding her stabbed sword on the ground. A haze of black smoke suffusing her armour, equally black and covers all but her face. An imperious expression is held by the pale King, ashen gold eyes peering to the assembly of Chaldeans.
...See, Grail Mud Corruption takes time but even headstrong as she is, the corrupted Arthuria would be… circumvented given time. Time is of the essence- without Chaldea's input, the pieces that I set will move and change states.

Chaldea faced Salter alone in her regular blackened raiment. Had ten more minutes passed on the hour mark, Chaldea would have faced Salter with a more protective living armour raiment. Had an hour and fifteen minutes passed, you would have faced her atop a skeletal steed and be a superior maneuverer that would've been hard-pressed to be pinned by the Archers and smoke screen as she was on foot.

Had you somehow faced her on an hour and half mark, you would have had to deal with skeletal flunkies, just as a cherry on the top.

But as it was, well the results can be seen. The Archers pinned Salter down and chipped her armour bits by bits, stalling enough time for the casting duo to do their work and enact the smoke screen, and then allow Hinako an alpha-strike that normally would have merely severely crippled Salter but well…
The Strike: 100 + 25 (HD) + 15 (Medea's Enhancements) vs 68 + 25 (MB A) + 25 (STR A) - 15 (Smokescreen)
140 vs 103
...yeah. Golden ending.

Do not expect this to happen again. Not because I wouldn't plan for them- I still will - but because the stakes and the board gets more complex. There isn't going to be a single target to deal with, nor, perhaps, a single win condition. You lads will make mistakes, and that's fine~

Because there will never be a single point of failure. Because even in failure or seeming ones, there's a silver lining and a path forward. And that is how I simulate this Quest.

If you have any questions with regards to Fuyuki, feel free to ask. This is, after all, the broad strokes. There's numerous details that I might not have elaborated because this is pushing 1.7K words and I'd rather not get too verbose. Answers might come in 'this is classified' or cryptic variants though. Some of the things are still in motion, after all~

Also, please give feedbacks and/or comments as well, the QM needs it.
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Well it is past Noon the 14th so voting should now open

[] Plan: France Focus
-[] [DECISION] Send him alone. There are skeletons that are best left unseen, so close to the deployment in France.
-[] [Staffing] Food. More of them.
-[] [Olga 1] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
-[] [David] Morale Overview.
-[] [Security] Repair the Reactors Phase Three.
-[] [Medical] Industrial Framework: Pharmaceuticals.
-[] [Analytics] AAR: Fuyuki.
-[] [Olga 2] Sheba Calibration
--[] France.
-[] [Da Vinci] Automata Creation.
-[] [Research] Mystic Code Inventorizing.
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