Crimson Beauty of The Crescent Moon (Fate/Grand Order)

I think that they are all still currently Incinerated.

And we don't have to worry about Kiara just yet since Goetia hasn't been defeated yet, and Zepar hasn't gone in hiding.

Especially due to actions from the lovely BB and our buddy Avrum, especially since he is in the know about the Evils of Humanity.... which could be very useful knowing in advance.
Especially due to actions from the lovely BB and our buddy Avrum, especially since he is in the know about the Evils of Humanity.... which could be very useful knowing in advance.
I still can't believe your luck on this. Avrum needed the first 90+ to know the off feeling that there's something is wrong with Seraphix. The second would have been to figure out that the 'wrongness' is him being watched- though I rolled it with the first 90+ for narrative purposes- and confirm it- via explosives ofc.

The third would have been for him to actually catch [absolutely nothing wrong]. Any lower than 80+ would have [nothing] ????? and make him report the matter to Chaldea, which would have been the excellent point of investigation and what I had planned for.

Instead the madman rolled four 90+s, the first three of which are done in a row.

And to clarify, the matter of Beasts will be available to Maxamed to research- but as of now, Avrum will be using his own sets of eyes with BB piggy-backing a connection on his armour to get a backdoor on Chaldea to help him a notch on parsing through potential Beast information.

...which would make Chaldea sport its second backdoor after the first one from Medea. A fact that tickled me a tad.

And yes, until Seraphix have its Blast Shields in place, it's still a(n unusually stable) Singularity not yet located in the present.

Otherwise, more feedback would be welcome and since it's nearly 3 AM, I am going to bow out for the morning. Have a good day, y'all~
... Why is it that the electrically charged bone Berserker Catalyst immediately makes me try to find a Thunder Lizard(Brontosaurus) to Kijyo's Tyrant Lizard King(Tyrannosaurus rex).

Then again, Kijyo already shoots lightning, so maybe it's straight up just her.
I still can't believe your luck on this. Avrum needed the first 90+ to know the off feeling that there's something is wrong with Seraphix. The second would have been to figure out that the 'wrongness' is him being watched- though I rolled it with the first 90+ for narrative purposes- and confirm it- via explosives ofc.
Clearly, that's where all the luck for Hinako's catalyst and material rolls have been going to.
And here I was expecting the "Samson option" to be "Emergency decapitation, immediate flooding of system with cryo preserving and force rayshifting the head back, with the intent being to get something salvageable back home to chaldea."

Intact enough that there's a chance you might be able to survive and get reattached, but definitely enough to get something to salvage info from. Mission over life, but a different way.
Oh damnit I'd forgotten BB Channel's been a tag on here for a while. From the looks of it this is preemptively trying to stop EoR Extra? But this also leaves the question of where is Kiara?

Dead, remember? Human history is still Incinerated at the moment. Kiara is ash blowing in the wind right now.

And here I was expecting the "Samson option" to be "Emergency decapitation, immediate flooding of system with cryo preserving and force rayshifting the head back, with the intent being to get something salvageable back home to chaldea."

Intact enough that there's a chance you might be able to survive and get reattached, but definitely enough to get something to salvage info from. Mission over life, but a different way.

No, that's SaNson, not SaMson. SaMson is "Bring the house down, literally".

... Why is it that the electrically charged bone Berserker Catalyst immediately makes me try to find a Thunder Lizard(Brontosaurus) to Kijyo's Tyrant Lizard King(Tyrannosaurus rex).

Then again, Kijyo already shoots lightning, so maybe it's straight up just her.

Berserker, from Japan, lightning affinity... Raikou and Kintoki spring to mind immediately. Didn't know that about Kijyo, though.
The only reason I don't think it's either Raikou or Kintoki is because the quality roll is low and they're both pretty decent Servants. :3

You... DO remember Raikou's EX-rank Mad Enhancement, right? And her other half, Ushi Gozen? Just because she's powerful doesn't mean she's high-quality.
You... DO remember Raikou's EX-rank Mad Enhancement, right? And her other half, Ushi Gozen? Just because she's powerful doesn't mean she's high-quality.
You're not making whatever point you think you're making.

Raikou isn't Kiyohime, who's both unstable (as much as I love her) and not very strong. That's more befitting of a low quality roll.
So update: Chaldea Week Four is ongoing and with the help of @Who? once more, I have structured around 70+ Action frameworks to be launched in the next... six to a dozen week or so. Update will wait until I finish screaming at the sheer neglect and absence in Dead Heat Rerun on my end and farm most extensively.

As part of transparency and to give you all a teaser of the work committed, the following are the rewards from doing the Marisbilly Contingencies. More work:
Marisbilly Contingencies - Two Weeks: In The Event of My Demise...
-> Centaurus Contingency
-> -> Alpha [REDACTED] - One Week: Makes Chaldea [REDACTED]
-> -> Proxima [REDACTED] - One Week: Directs Attention to [REDACTED]
-> Sirius Contingency (...prepare for the brightest light.) - One Week: Unlocks Siriuslight Command Seal
-> -> Dog Days - [REDACTED] Weeks: [REDACTED].
-> Eridani Contingency [REDACTED] - One Week: Ensures [REDACTED]
-> Tau Ceti Contingency [REDACTED] - One Week: Unlocks [REDACTED] Project
-> -> [REDACTED] Project - Six Weeks: Unlocks [REDACTED], allowing Chaldea to [REDACTED]
So if you gentlebeings would excuse me, I will be back in the farming hole. Poke me if there are questions or the like.
Chaldea Week Four
... Why is it that the electrically charged bone Berserker Catalyst immediately makes me try to find a Thunder Lizard(Brontosaurus) to Kijyo's Tyrant Lizard King(Tyrannosaurus rex).

Then again, Kijyo already shoots lightning, so maybe it's straight up just her.
One of these days, I will stop making these posts.

Until that day comes, I have absolutely no luck.

"Is this bone even human?" Billy said, taking his seat on one corner of the room as Medea examines it closer. He helped himself to a glass of tea- the common refreshment his Master and the Caster preferred. It's definitely 'dainty' compared to the decoctions of coffee he used to drink during his times, but it is what it is. He too, peers at the bone from the relative distance. Not much to glean, really. It's just a pale and yellowing piece of bone to mundane sights.

Meanwhile, the Master kept her silence, electing to quirk her eyebrows instead as she sipped her own cup of tea at the question.

...Well, that's a challenge for sure. Sure, he's not the best of Servants, but it would be a poor fool who mistake Henry McCarty for a dumb hick.

And judging from his Master's glance, she is welcoming him to prove her right. Or wrong. Well, depending on how she assessed him anyway.

Well then.

Key fact one. She knows the Berserker. Perhaps not so familiar, but the way she speaks of them- how sure she is of their eventual Class- says to her being in direct contact with the Heroic Spirit enough to discern the Class.

Key fact two. It's a Japanese Heroic Spirit. Not much to be said about that.

Key fact three. They are associated with lightning.

And that's the stopping point. There's far too many legends of renown that can be associated with lightning in their motif. And a good number of them could well fit Berserker, which as the Grail reminds you, is a class that any Heroic Spirit can be slotted into with some difficulty.

...but even then, his Master did say they 'had to be' Berserker.

Annoying. Unlike Medea, he is not blessed with enough book-smarts to glean it out. The Grail Database can give him all the information the world has thrice over and it'll be useless without the wisdom to match.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden purple glow from the Caster, who seemed to cast a spherical spell around the bone, which crackled with wispy red bolts of electricity as if offended by the assaying. A moment or three passed by before the glow receded and the bone floated contentedly.

"There's definitely an odd sort of signature the bone holds. It's as if-" She searches for the words, and the prodigal mage of the Age of Gods takes longer than needed- in part because her audience aren't exactly mage material. "-As if you, Master."

"Oh?" She seems slightly interested now.

"The signature is superficially human, and in the ways that counted, passes for such. But in the ways it doesn't, as such when the lightning crackled, it is more than human. It felt... 'tainted' isn't quite the right word. Not to my knowledge anyway. But there's a sort of spiritual corruption suffusing through the seemingly ordinary human bone. Hmm- That doesn't narrow it down as much, does it, Archer?"


"Don't say 'eh'." Medea rolled her eyes. "I know you're thinking hard on this and believe me, this time, I have far too many variables to pinpoint." She glares at the placid Elemental resting in the bed with her back facing them and seemingly content in ignoring the argument. Of course, both Servants knew she's listening still. "I suppose this one will be a mystery to find out until we summon them."

"Is it really that hard for you, Caster?"

"If I take my mind to it, it's probably solvable but I'd rather prepare for next week. Besides, you should probably take a good break, Archer."

"Mmm, maybe I should." He stood up from his seat. "See you two tomorrow then."

...And for the night, he should try to wrack his brain for the answer.


It's useless. There's far too many candidates that can fit the bill. Susanoo is one- if the legends of his time on earth is one. Sakata Kintoki, the orphaned oni child of lightning is another.

It can even be the oddball possibility of Lord Shotoku.

But the main thing that gripped him the most is the last hint. What sort of Berserker would be so unorthodox in appearance that it would be a surprise of sorts?

...He's getting nowhere. And though Servants still don't need much in the way of rest, it'd probably be good to rest now.

With that thought in mind, Billy the Kid lowered himself on the too soft bedding of the Chaldea room and drifted to sleep.

'Oya? What do we have here boys? A lone wandering beauty travelling on the mountains? Dear me, that wouldn't do, would it?'

'It would. After all, I see nothing but a bunch of low lives flitting around being wastes.'

The forest around bristles in the keening sounds of drawn steel.

'That is the truth. Your band will not amount to nothing up here Oni. Like marks on the sand, the waves of time will sweep them away.'

'You- You talk big for someone within mauling distance, traveller.'


'You face the leader of the Togakushi Band, traveller. And I will leave your corpse as a warning to all. It will not be supped by the crows and critters, left to rot. For you see…'

Crackling red lightning punctuates the queen's statements as sparks flew around and hit the ground in an almost ordered manner. Not one spark lights the forest aflame.


'...You face the Kijyo, traveller. Know that in your dying terror.'

The bandit queen swelled in size as her form turned huge and grotesque. No, not grotesque. Brutish. What else do you call a draconic form of heavier than eight bandits packed within the frame of an oni?

'Perhaps not.'

The rasp of freshly drawn steel made everyone pause as the traveller wielded a sword twice her height.

'Perhaps here,
you will know what I mean why you are but lines in the sand, whelp.'

...Well that makes it easy.

That makes it exceptionally easy.

"Master, I've-" Whatever thought the young gunslinger had in his head was interrupted by the warning glare of purple orbs lighting up moments after he opened the door. "-Whatever happened to not being trigger happy?"

"You still aren't knocking. And by the split second of joy you had in your face…" The Caster turns towards Hinako who sighed in exasperation at the former's victorious smile.

"You won the bet, yes."

"Wait, what?" Billy paused, the gears in his head whirring and- "Wait, you already knew who the Servant is, Caster?"

She waved the tablet, the one containing the backdoor to Chaldea's systems. "Since you entered the mini-Singularity yes. Kijyo Koyo is an interesting Servant, no?"

A part of him feels rather cheated at the fact that both women made a game out of his guess… but a larger sum is most certainly happy at proving his Master wrong. "Momiji, was it?" He preens, not so incidentally aiming it at the Elemental. "There's something to be said about that being a Berserker and-" He paused. "Don't tell me, Master, did you take that bone from her?"

"I may have done so, yes. And from how pointed that question is, coupled with the fact that you came to the guess now in the morning," Her glaring eyes remain brown, but there's a hint to say that it can change crimson. "You've dreamt the answer."

"Would that be a problem?"

"No, not at all. I can sense that you've done your work on Koyo. And yes, she is as troublesome as an oni gets. A brash loudmouth who might be hard-pressed to be summoned by someone who had severed her arm down to the elbow. Except that Berserker means that she is likely to be…"

"In the form of a dragon?" Billy finished. "Wait, that's not at all a dragon, she's more of a dinosaur."

"A half ton theropod, yes. And one capable of going up to quite the speed. But more pertinently, she is likely to answer the summons- if only because I beat her fair and square. Onis. Regardless, she will be a great combat asset. Just one that is decidedly volatile."

The meeting room's mood is tense. Rather, it's the sorts of tense that isn't implied or preceded panic, but rather by anxious anticipation and slow mounting dread.

For this will be the first and true foray for Chaldea in saving the world from Incineration.

Failure is a non-starter, and yet, there is a sort of calmness to it. Chaldea prepared. And the six personages gathered have faith on the two Masters and the four Servants between them.

Enough, at least, that for an interloping emissary from the moon of another timeline viewing, the first motion she sees is departmental bickering.

"Are we really doing this now?" Romani Archaman looks exasperatedly at the other Department Heads save for Da Vinci, who is putting a comforting- if rather gauntleted- hand on his shoulder. She's not quite glaring at said other Heads either- hard to imagine the face Mona Lisa doing so- but the suggestion is there.

"Apologies, Archaman but this is quite something of a matter." Sulo Anselm is an interesting figure- most Chaldeans who aren't Magus by occupation tend to be so. There is something to be said of a man who is essentially, the second-in-command to the Director being nothing more than a commoner. "Who gets jurisdiction of the Command Centre is important."

"Is it really?"

"It is." Sterling Maxamed, by contrast, is someone who the Moon Cancer would consider a bore. Though that's relative still for at the least, he is someone who fits the bill of a 'spellcaster' rather than a 'Magus'. Perhaps in her own time, he would have been one of the, if not best, then definitely the more reputable of Spiritron Mages. Now... just an inventive and unorthodox Magus "In essence, with Da Vinci most assuredly taking the Grail to Seraphix-"

"Which," Da Vinci interrupted. "Is a decision that rests still in the Director's hands."

"-And assuming that she does, it means that you would not be able to oversee the operations of the Masters nonstop." Maxamed slid the last words in, one that the Caster could not quite refute. "As such, someone needs to pull the double shifts and as such, the Analytics Department will take the work."

"No. Security will." The form of Avrum Yisshakar consternates the interloper a notch. Thus, that makes him the most interesting person in the room so far. "The Masters will need combat guidance more than they need your frankly good but ultimately blue-skies analysis. They aren't practical."

"And the both of you need to rest- for varying reasons." The Head of Staffing glared at his compatriots. "Staffing will take care of the Command Centre for now."

"By which you mean, you will hoist the workload to the Director." Avrum countered.

"And I am fine with the work." The clipped bark of Olga Marie Animusphere stopped the bickering short. "Roundabout as it is, but the main crux is that everyone wants everyone else to relax. And since there is clear dissent on everyone, this and the choice on where the Grail goes is in my hands." The Animusphere, to her credit, did not so much as snap. More so her ambling towards severe exasperation.

In some ways, it's preferable to worrying about the destruction of humanity, the Moon Cancer supposes.

"Now does anyone have something else to add before we actually start the meeting?"

"There is something." Maxamed noted. "I wouldn't have put the decision forth but with how well everything went. There is a reason to accelerate the timetable of sending in the Masters to France. We have armed the Masters- well, at least Fujimaru. Hinako's equipment is in the care of Medea of Colchis and to that- I am sure she would be able to do the rush job as needed. The only downside is that this would likely postpone whatever training regiment the youngest Master would do."

Avrum drummed his metallic fingers on the table. "She, in my estimate, is near to the summit of self-improvement possible without prolonged combat deployment. Not yet fully fledged, but close. On the other hand, letting the strategic situation in France develop may not be in our- or the Allied Servants- interests."

"Anything else?"

"Um-" Romani raised his voice. "One last thing. We can now start to resuscitate and commit to surgery the cryogenically frozen staff. And I've coordinated the estimates with Anselm and while it would be a tight fit, we would be able to maintain food surplus with the increased caloric intake."

The Director makes her glance towards Anselm, who nodded. "It will be a very tight fit, especially if we decide to immediately switch on the Blast Shield Lattice and restore Seraphix."

"Then, let's start with the considerations." At this point, the interloper decides to flit away.

The last thing in her mind as she did so was, 'Masters, huh?'

Due to the confluence of many factors, Olga Marie has three Decisions to decide this turn. For convenience, they will be put on their separate folders.
The Holy Grail
As something of major import, it had been decided that instead of an immediate payoff, the Grail is to be used in other endeavours. The choice remains twofold.

[][GRAIL] Deploy the Holy Grail of Fuyuki to France.
- Result: The Two Masters are equipped with a powerful mana battery that retains the magical structure of Das Rheingold. Opens numerous strategic and tactical options. ???
[][GRAIL] Deploy the Grail to stabilize Seraphix Oil Rig.
- Result: Locks in Da Vinci Action for two Weeks on Blast Shield Affixing. Da Vinci will not be available to help the Command Centre guiding and limiting tactical options.
Departmental Jurisdictions
As something of a much lesser import, three Departmental Heads are butting heads on who gets to make the other two work as much. More seriously put, the concerns are still valid. And whomever gets picked would slant the tactical and strategic considerations in Chaldea to a different direction.

[][JURISDICTION] Staffing Department
- Result: Anselm forces Yisshakar and Maxamed to rest from overwork. Olga Marie Animusphere takes lead as Mission Control, slanting the options to ones focusing on thaumaturgical solutions when available.
[][JURISDICTION] Security Department
- Result: Avrum Yisshakar takes the lead as Mission Control, slanting the options to practical, arguably brute-force, solutions when available.
[][JURISDICTION] Analytics Department
- Result: Sterling Maxamed takes the lead as Mission Control, slanting the options to grand-reaching, arguably complicated, solutions when available.
Deployment Timetable
Due to what can be considered a confluence of good planning and luck, Maxamed and Yisshakar both deems the two Masters ready for deployment once everything is lined up properly. At the earliest, this means a deployment in the middle of the week than the end.

[][TIMETABLE] At Earliest Time
- Result: Stops the strategic development of the France Singularity overmuch. Stops Gudako's Training Roll. Stops Last Minute Preparation Roll for Hinako.
[][TIMETABLE] As Planned.
- Result: Week 4 strategic development of France Singularity goes as planned, for good or ill. Allows Hinako and Gudako their final preparation rolls.

Pick One (1) Directorial Action and One (1) Department Action each this turn. If given a [SERVANT] Tag, the Action counts as Servant Action. You may pick another (1) Servant Actions in a single plan this turn. Unless the Holy Grail Decision is set to Seraphix.

Staffing Department:
Sulo Anselm is not a mage. In the department though, he would be the third best thing. A people's person. His proposals are sound, but they carry an edge of dismissiveness towards the magical portions of Chaldea. It burned him once now, he will not be found wanting the second time. With the basics of Chaldea more or less satisfied, he has expanded his proposals into two folders.
[X] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1. The entirety of the Hydroponics Wing is buried in rubble. They need to be cleared first. Enlist some Servant-power and what few able workers to shift the debris and prepare for rebuilding. Time: One Week Remaining. Result: Hydroponics Wing is cleared of debris. Unlocks Part 2.

[] Doubled Rations.
The simplest thing is, as usual, the hardest. Increase the calorie intake and food variety for the Chaldean staff. Without the Hydroponics Wing, this… will be rather hard. The reward itself might not be commensurate but it is undeniably beneficial. Cost: Half of the Food Supply. Time: One Week. Result: Double the food requirement of Chaldean Staff. Adjust the Food Supply accordingly. Increase morale. ???
[] Morale Overview. After the Memorial, there is, for lack of better word, an uptick of morale and with it, productivity. Anselm wishes to investigate what even is needed to counsel everyone and the starting points of such an endeavour. Romani agrees and backs this effort, stating that with everyone affected, finding the most able of the few mental health workers is a matter of import. Time: One Week. Result: Gain rudimentary psychiatric and counselling facility in Chaldea. Open action continuation in the Medical Department.

[] Recreational Spaces. At a certain point, the sheer breakneck pace the personnel undertake will have negative impacts to their long-term mental care. For lack of a better word, 'distractions' need to be thrown to the human personnels. He has some ideas where to start with this. It will, however, be makeshift like much of the things Chaldea is capable of doing. Time: One Week. Result: Gain a small selection of recreational groups to allow for stress relief and creative outlets.

[] Departmental Expansions. With the memorial done and the staff reshuffle complete as well as the completion of several basic workloads, Anselm is comfortable directing the 'excess' work to a Department. He warns though, that it will be a while before this measure can be done again. Time: One Week. Result: Gain a Departmental Action in the chosen Department.
-[] Staffing Department
-[] Security Department
-[] Medical Department
-[] Analytics Department
-[] Research Department

Security Department: Avrum Yisshakar is… not an ideal person to lead the department. You know it, he knows it, everyone does. With the Memorial and the reshuffling of personnels, he has started to make great strides in his work and proposals. The bluntness of those proposals leaves something to be desired still though.

[] Prospecting. A pressing issue noted by the Department concerns the lack of raw materials needed. The current holding pattern states that there's enough materials to be recycled and refined. Any actual expansion needs materials. Avram proposes to some of the soldiers to brave the cold and the perimeter of the Chaldea — which is somewhat substantial — and find any particular deposit of ores. The Arctic can provide. And with the restoration of the archives, there's some pointers. Time: One Week. Result: Gain access to exploitable mineral wealth. Unlocks mining actions.

[] Seal Regeneration. The system of Seal Regeneration is a fascinating thing. But it's not the sort of things that Avrum would care to elaborate. Instead, he relays the problem with it. It's designed for 48 Masters instead of two. If he were to activate it now, it would likely to, in his words, 'sear the flesh from bone', from power overload. Regulate the power output and allow a safe regeneration option. Time: One Week. Result: Allows the Masters regenerating Command Seals. For every 3 Seal Regeneration, deduct 1 Week of Fuel.

[] Repair the Reactors Phase Four. The repairs are ongoing still but this time, Avrum warns you rather simply. This would use up the last of the refined materials available in Chaldea. That is all. Time: One Week. Result: Increase Primary Reactors Operational Level by another 10%. Unlocks "Servant Summoning I".

[] Inventorize the Storage Wing. Not a pressing proposal, the Captain said. Nonetheless, there are a lot of things in the storage. The result of perhaps excessive hoarding in the part of the Master Candidates — all but two of whom are more or less dead — and the accumulated treasure of more than one decade of activity can be quite considerable. Time: Two Weeks. Result: Gain access to Chaldean Materials and Servant Catalyst tabs.

Medical Department: Romani Archaman is a frazzled bundle of exhausted energy. You can relate. His proposals are penned in his usual conciseness and leaves none to be desired. He's doing better too now, on account of not having to deal with nearly a fifth of Chaldean staff under his Department's care. And with the Memorial, there's a rare sort of contentment in his expression.

[] Selective Revivification — Technological. Nearly half of Chaldea's staff is still in cryofreeze. One and all, their injuries are in such severity that suspended animation was the best choice. With the complete restocking of medical supplies and means to produce and recycle, Romani wishes to start operating on some of these personnels. It will be a slower process, and he would like to have Medea help with her own way still- but that can wait, he confided. Time: Two Weeks. Result: Start treating critically injured personnel, restoring 10% of Chaldean Personnel. If done now, cut 1 Week of Food at the end of Week 6 as "cost".

[-][SERVANT] Selective Revivification — Magical. Nearly half of Chaldea's staff is still in cryofreeze. One and all, their injuries are in such severity that suspended animation was the best choice. Now… now he can start to make a new proposal. Once more, he would like to enlist Medea's help. This time in creating what is in essence a sealed chamber filled with healing fluids. The specifics of this project eludes you but it is what it is. Cost: Medea Action. Time: One Week. Result: Start treating critically injured personnels, restoring 15% of Chaldean Personnel. If done, cut 2 Weeks of Food as "cost".

Analytics Department: Sterling Maxamed is a man of few words. But you can work with that. For a new Family, he is hard working, diligent, and nonplussed. His proposals are short, concise, and do not meander into tangents. With the reparations of the databanks, he has a bevy of proposals.

[X] AAR: Fuyuki. A side proposal put forth by Maxamed is a simple one. He believes that there's a particular need to compile a report of how the two Masters performed in Chaldea's first crucible. Attached preliminary data is… interesting, to say the least. And enlightening too. Time: One Week Remaining. Result: Gain an AAR and lessons to be learned from Fuyuki. Unlocks enhancement options in other Departments in the coming turns.

[] Supply Cache Investigations. One of the two notable things of import to be found is the fact that Chaldea has a list of supply depots scattered across the world. These depots seem to open themselves up with the second, much more notable part of the archives. Which is… a concern. Time: One Week. Result: Pin down locations where the caches are located. Unlocks deployment options for Servants.

[] Marisbilly's Contingencies. Honestly, Maxamed griped, all that needs to be said is the introduction text to the folder. "Open only in the case of extinction", written in a cursive that can only have been from the elder Animusphere despite being in digital format. It will take some time trying to see what, exactly, is contained within the folder and more importantly, what is actionable from it. Time: Two Weeks. Result: Self-explanatory. Unlocks further options.

Research Department: Da Vinci. You don't need to say anything else. She has a lot of plans. Plans that, admittedly, neglects her actual subordinates in their worth but she's Da Vinci. There's no bad blood in this on the part of staff under her, not in this scenario and after years of acclimatization. It is a bias worth noting though.

[] Industrial Framework: Refinery Suite. It is putting the cart slightly before the horse, Da Vinci notes, but all the materials that the Security Department can get are worthless if they can't be refined further. Build another industrial suite on the edges of Chaldea to allow for such measures. Cost: 1 Week of Fuel. Time: One Week. Result: Gain immediate refining capability when certain actions on the "Prospecting" action chain are done.

[-] Blast Shield Affixing. It is high time really, that Chaldea sorts out its fuel issues. Send Da Vinci in to bring Seraphix proper against the Incineration. Of course, that's just the first steps of getting the fuel. But it is a good first step nonetheless. Cost: Da Vinci Action and one Holy Grail. Time: Two Weeks. (AN: Yes, Da Vinci's Action is also Research's Action in this regard.) Result: Seraphix Oil Rig rescued from the Incineration. Further Options to Follow.

[X][SERVANT] War Panoply of the Fourth. In simplest terms, Medea of Colchis- in exchange for letting her Master not be examined by Chaldea once again- has opted to forge her Master with more 'proper' Mystic Codes. And really, from one crafter to another, Da Vinci had said, that's simply that. Cost: Medea Action. Time: One Week. Result: Hinako Akuta gains a war panoply.

Manual Moratorium in Effect. Please give feedbacks and ask questions if unclear.
so if the grail is deployed to France, then we don't have to vote on decision 2 since da Vinci will be overseeing the masters right?
so if the grail is deployed to France, then we don't have to vote on decision 2 since da Vinci will be overseeing the masters right?
You still will need to vote on the Jurisdiction vote. Da Vinci's expertise is fine and all but that just means the other two Department Heads that doesn't have an excuse to actually take a break.
Hm, at first glance I think there's a few things locked in for me. I am a big proponent of stabilizing Seraphix so I think Da Vinci has to go and do the blast doors. We aren't using our remaining director action on Analytics so that's staying as a solo. Technological revivification is a lock. For staffing, Hydro is a director action and I'm in favor of using the normal on morale. Now for staffing. No reactor since the summoning wouldn't allow the masters to summon before France. The inventorizing still isn't worth it here. So it comes down to seals and prospecting. Where realistically, we won't be at the point in France where we'll use enough seals to make seals very important. So getting prospecting up is more directly useful setup due to helping deal with the raw material bottleneck now before it becomes an actual issue.

So my view looks like this. The last director action is between using the staffing expansion on one of analytics/security. Analytics seems to be the way to initially open the tech tree, where it then sends off those researched things to new branches, while security seems to be the workhorse branch in terms of getting the base setup done.

For decision 2, the fact remains that grand overcomplicated plans has too many failure points and the brute force method doesn't work well when there's so many unknowns. Plus Yisshakar and Maxamed both need rest so they likely wouldn't be functionally at anywhere near max regardless. For decision 3, it just comes down to the fact that I think that the preparation and training rolls don't overcome the potential disadvantage of time. Any resistance might be quelled by then, the enemy stabilized, etc. It could be nice but I just don't want to take that risk ultimately.

[] Plan Setup and Oil
[][GRAIL][DECISION #1] Deploy the Grail to stabilize Seraphix Oil Rig.
[][JURISDICTION][DECISION #2] Staffing Department
[][TIMETABLE][DECISON #3] At Earliest Time
[][LOCKED IN OLGA][STAFFING] Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1.
[][NORMAL][STAFFING] Morale Overview.
[][OLGA][STAFFING] Departmental Expansions
-[] Security Department
[][NORMAL][SECURITY] Prospecting.
[][NORMAL][MEDICAL] Selective Revivification — Technological.
[][SERVANT/NORMAL][RESEARCH] Blast Shield Affixing.
[][SERVANT][RESEARCH] War Panoply of the Fourth.
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Unfortunately the actions left are all over the place. Finding hard to paint a story that really results in synergy in certain places...

Because Morale Overview wasn't done, we have literally one viable action to take in Medical. Further, it's a two week action, so even if we do Morale overview now, we can't followup without then burning a precious Director action on it the next week, which I'm loathe to do in a category that isn't typically very crowded. The alternative is 'wasting' a week of null movement in Medical, which isn't very great either. (If we don't have our food issues under control by Week 6 we are probably fubared anyway)

Prospecting doesn't immediately give us anything and will be in a chain to start mining. However, it also requires the Refining Suite in conjunction with a later stage to get us materials again. We can't do the Refining Suite this turn if we do Seraphix. If we don't do Seraphix, we're still hosed on Fuel issues anyway. There's an immediate an obvious usage for refined materials, but it -may- constrain us timewise with Hydroponics next turn.

Trying to resolve all of these...

[] Plan Berserkers Solve Everything
-[][GRAIL] Deploy the Grail to stabilize Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[][JURISDICTION] Security Department
-[][TIMETABLE] As Planned.
-[][DIRECTOR] Staffing - Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1 (Locked)
-[] Staffing - Recreational Spaces
-[][DIRECTOR] Security - Repair the Reactors Phase Four
-[] Security - Prospecting
-[] Medical - Selective Revivification — Technological
-[] Analytics - AAR: Fuyuki (Locked)
-[][SERVANT] Research - Blast Shield Affixing
-[][SERVANT] Research - War Panoply of the Fourth (Locked)

Keeping France in mind as the turn's other driver--
Fuel is hanging over us, so we're sending Da Vinci and using the Grail to deal with it. That means we have less options in France, fine. We know that going in, so we give the helm to Security.
Further to work with that, we take the Repair on the Reactors with the intention of using the immediate summon on a straightforward powerful (if unruly) Servant to help get us through France. While we know it's changed, barring a screwjob it should still be a relatively straightforward Singularity. :fingers crossed:
To hedge against material concerns, we then take Prospecting. That sets us up next turn to do both the Prospecting followup and Refining with a Director action at the same time and get materials back on track.
We take the Medical action because leaving a null there offends me and I think is bad practice. In light of that, I opt to take Recreational Space as a stopgap. I eyeballed the Department spread and I can't convince myself that we're short in one really crucial area over another to take an Expansion.

I would begrudgingly say it's probably fine to also take the null in Medical and do Morale Overview instead for the last trade but I didn't want to create that plan.
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Seraphix, Staffing jurisdiction, Morale overview and Prospecting are the priorities I have here.

Seraphix for power, Olga in command because "Grand overcomplicated plans" are too many failure points and the raw brute force approach of others is a poor choice given that a lot of singus are a situation where we arent going to be in a position to hammerblow things.

Morale overview because it is direly needed and we need more things to do in medical, Prospecting because resources are an imminent bottleneck so this lets us start the process of rectifying it.

Beyond that Im neutral on other bits and pieces.
If we repair the reactors and choose to go to France at the end of the week, would we get a chance to summon servants, or do we barely miss the timeframe to summon them?
[] Plan Berserkers Solve Everything
-[][GRAIL] Deploy the Grail to stabilize Seraphix Oil Rig.
-[][JURISDICTION] Security Department
-[][TIMETABLE] As Planned.
-[][DIRECTOR] Staffing - Hydroponics Reactivation Pt. 1 (Locked)
-[] Staffing - Recreational Spaces
-[][DIRECTOR] Security - Repair the Reactors Phase Four
-[] Security - Prospecting
-[] Medical - Selective Revivification — Technological
-[] Analytics - AAR: Fuyuki (Locked)
-[][SERVANT] Research - Blast Shield Affixing
-[][SERVANT] Research - War Panoply of the Fourth (Locked)
The only thing I'd change is Jurisdiction. Like Sightedjt said, we're rarely in a position where we can brute-force things, while grand stratagems just overcomplicates things. Olga is the thaumaturgical option, and we have one of the greatest magi in the world on our side; we should leverage that.

You might also want to change Reactor Repair to Seal Regeneration, since Repair only gives us the option to summon Servants; we won't be able to do a summoning in time for France. Not a deal-breaker, but something to consider.

Morale overview because it is direly needed and we need more things to do in medical
Revivification takes 2 Turns, while Morale takes 1. We can do MO next turn and still have it done in time for Medical to still have things to do the week after. Recreational Spaces also begins to try and ease stress, which should give us a bit more time on the morale/mental health front.
We take the Medical action because leaving a null there offends me and I think is bad practice. In light of that, I opt to take Recreational Space as a stopgap. I eyeballed the Department spread and I can't convince myself that we're short in one really crucial area over another to take an Expansion.

I would begrudgingly say it's probably fine to also take the null in Medical and do Morale Overview instead for the last trade but I didn't want to create that plan.

Time: One Week. Result: Gain rudimentary psychiatric and counselling facility in Chaldea.

This is what is said for morale. You don't have to take a null for medical to do it, you're still getting the rudimentary facility running. Yes, you need to expand on it obviously but its still an active improvement that will help on the mental health front. You can do this and have it up for a week before heavy improvements occur, we would have the time then.
Its just today that I readed this quest and thats only focusing on story posts. I know this is an AU but where is most important member of Chaldea? Whos lack disturbs me greatly and makes me terrified of its implications.

Where is FOU?!