Always Late
Lacking in coffee, sleep, and brains
- Location
- Ohio
Magecraft. Lightning-shooting muskets and Reinforced blades. This must be the work of Tesla. Which means he's on the side of humanity. Unless the person responsible for the equipment is Edison, then Tesla's definitely a villain.A sudden fusillade of shots hit the dolls, sending three sprawling on the floor as blasts of lightning hits them head on. The fallen man looks at his saviours. A line of police officers, armed with muskets unlike any he had seen. Leading them is a man, heavyset with thick moustache, armed with a revolver and a sword as he charged forth. The officers behind him followed suit, the bayonets on their muskets glowing red.
... Calling out the names of the officers may be a bit conspiratorial. But Walham is likley Walham Green, a show of just how far out the perimeter of the Fog has pushed."Citizen, it is not safe. Why are you out here?" The main officer said, eyebrows quirking as he reloads his gun.
"I- My family needs food Sir. We ran out of the supplies two days ago and well-"
"I thought so-" He sighed. "Miller and Derek, escort this man to his family and then get them all to Walham, at the edges of this engulfing madness." Two of the officers snapped in a salute before they lift the man up.
"Thank you, Sir."
He snorted. "I am no Sir. I am merely a servant of the public. Now go, pack your belongings and move to a place more safe than... this."
Frederick Abberline. Yes, it makes sense. The man was a consummate and professional civil servant. Given he was known for his extensive personal knowledge of the goings-on around Whitechapel, and being somewhat personable, I don't envy his reaction to the second worst designed Servant Type Moon ever put out.As the civilian went on his way, the leader of the men allowed himself a deeper sigh.
"Abberline, sir? Is it truly wise to do split up with all these bloody Marionettes around the way?"
"It will have to be. There are more civilians on our round to corral. Those two are good enough to escort a family." Especially, left unsaid, due to the armaments and raiments they now wield and wear. It would be unthinkable just a week ago but now? Now he can push the fight to these inhuman beings.
"Let's go, we have a patrol to run." And with a chorus of yesses, Frederick George Abberline moved through the fog clad town.
Ah. So Holmes and Moriarty are involved, with at least Moriarty being a Servant."I must say, not-so-old 'chap. This is an unusual meeting."
"Indeed. But this is an unusual situation." Sherlock Holmes nodded at his adversary's words. Directly behind said adversary, his confidant stand ready, in case this meeting turns sour. Or, more likely, for if a third party intervenes.
"Well, which particular fact would you remark, oh detective?"
"A personal curiosity then. Pray tell, James, why are you three decades younger?" Indeed, top to bottom, the Napoleon of Crime is not an aged mastermind of evil. Not on the surface anyway. A youthful man with sliver-grey hair is youthful. But the eyes, his dull-blue eyes, radiates a sharpness most severe. One that indeed, matched the sharpness of the clear-brown eyes of the detective.
We're going to be getting Fate!Prototype Hyde, aren't we?
Oh right, in Fate-verse Sherlock was a kind of predecessor to people like adult!Waver or Kiritsugu."And I remember Batavia yes." James Moriarty steepled his fingers, resting his digits on his chin as he leaned back on his chair. "So now, what do you want us to do? My men are busy. This fog is bad for business of all sorts."
"Then I am here for the business of the Clocktower."
"Really now? I only have one eye open to the matters occult, you know that. Unlike you, I do not concern myself with the affairs of the Moonlit World more than necessary."
"Yes, I know." He merely looks at the criminal mastermind.
"...Very well, what do you want to know?"
Aside from Zolgen wanting something to help with Heaven's Feel, or stopping something that can shut him down, we know there's at least Tesla or Edison out there. But that begs the question of who else is with them."Not now. I, for one, consider our rivalry a stop in the face of extinction. My cards on the table first. The Clock Tower is assailed. By a bunch of spirits and monsters and more. At the helm is a Russian Magus who you may know by the name Zolgen. He is invested in the effort to crack open the stronghold of thaumaturgy."
"And failing."
"For now. I know you enough that you have your theories on what the damn Russian seeks or what the Clocktower might pose to his plans. But putting that aside, what you might have known is the fact that there's a mysterious benefactor of a sort aiding the Yard."
So the plotline of Sherlock hunting Jack The Child is still on. Only with Jack acting far more intelligently, likley under the control of a Master or the Demon Pillar."Fair." Moriarty concedes. "Then, what you want to know is-"
The roof falls in an explosive blast and in a smooth motion, three things happened at once. The first is the near-death of Sebastian Moran, a thrown knife lodging itself in his chest with the force of an elephant's trample. He slams to the wall behind, managing to only fire a single shot that, even with his skill, only grazed the tattered fabric of his assailant, features too indistinct under the cloak they wear.
The second and third happened simultaneously, as Sherlock Holmes, the Detective of Baker Street, thrusted his bladed cane at the assailant, impacting with a meaty crack that sends them flying out the windows... as the walls promptly exploded into splinters with the clattering of Marionettes rushing in by the dozens.
Bethlehem Royal Hospital. An insane asylum infamous for its highly unsanitary conditions and maintaining funding by encouraging wealthy and noble-born visitors to gawk and pity the mentally ill. As well as "illustrate morals" to people. And yet, removing the freakshow element made the staff behave only worse towards the patients."Well, I was waiting for this actually." He said as if the weather was the topic. He lifts Moran up, taking care to not agitate his wound. "Your destination would be the Bethlehem. There is a gift and a clue waiting for you there. Now leave!"
"But-" Sherlock looks behind him, at the youthful figure and the injured marksman.
"We are not maidens, Holmes. Besides, have you not heard of the luck of the Irish? Leave." That is a command, the detective knows. With nary a word, he does so, thinning the herd, if only to give his adversary a fighting chance.
He can do at least that much.
If Holems doesn't find Hyde, Nightengale, and Edmund Dantes in there, I'll eat my hairpin.
Heh. Even Moran jokes about the two having a hell of an asexual relationship."No~ But I really want to say that at least once and see his conflicted expression. To see that he cares. How unlike him."
"Maybe, Professor, you should consider the fact that you and him have been at this cat-and-mouse routine for thirty years and haven't finished one another." Cutting off whatever rebuttal his boss might have, Moran continued. "Besides, even I am perceptive enough to know what you mean by your saying. The Irish," He said as he spit a gob of blood. "is meant to be fools in that saying. That only the greatest of lucks can help fools."
Ah. So Moran is also part of Moriarty's Servant status. And they have enough power to obliterate an entire city block. I suspect Mortiarty's a Rider Class, as they bring the biggest bang for the Noble Phantast buck and are often the ones to have summonable minions."Plan C." The Marionettes rush at those words, whatever it was that held them back is no longer there. Three dozen of them rush in, the clattering of limbs sounding slaughter for the two.
Unfortunately then, the only slaughter that comes is ones that comes for them.
And for the first time in three weeks after the Siege of London starts, a light shines through the fog from the direction of Walworth Road.
When what few responders the Yard can spare arrives, all they see is a smoking and charred ruin of where the block used to be.