I really don't like an idea of sympathetic magic of some sort affecting reflections instead of — or together with with — the mirrors themselves. Should we try to, say, cover them with smoke first?

…Meh, we can take them. It'l probably be fine.
[X] Shatter the mirrors through concussive force; to do so time-stop with Mami, have her enchant some of your explosives to allow them to affect the Witch, and then set them off nearby enough that the forces generated from the blast would hurt or kill the Witch
-[X] If the mirrors prove too difficult/impossible to break, try hitting the spell tags instead
Day 29 Chapter 11
[X] Shatter the mirrors through concussive force; to do so time-stop with Mami, have her enchant some of your explosives to allow them to affect the Witch, and then set them off nearby enough that the forces generated from the blast would hurt or kill the Witch
-[X] If the mirrors prove too difficult/impossible to break, try hitting the spell tags instead

"Holy shit!" Kure Kirika exclaims as she watches from on high as the witch's laser attack tears the roof to shreds, yelling far louder than is necessary when you have her voice coming directly into your ear. "Are you guys alright down there?"

"We're alive and in one piece," you say back, adding "Thankfully. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the roof," which you can already hear groaning under the stress of supporting four people in its present condition; and the witch is readying to attack again... "Tomoe-san- You and me, timestop. Understood?"

Faster than the witch can fire off its second barrage, Tomoe-san has tied a ribbon between the both of you, and with a turn of your shield the world goes grey as time is frozen. "Alright, now what?" she asks, gingerly stepping towards you so as to avoid plummeting dozens of meters down through the large crater that cuts through the building's center.

"I've got an idea, and I'm hoping it'll be enough to work." Why did it have to be mirrors, you find yourself thinking as you retrieve a single 28cm brick of American army-issued plastic explosives, remembering your previous experience of fighting another mirrored witch with Mikuni Oriko. You had been saving this for Walpurgisnacht, but "I was thinking that you could enchant my explosives with your magic, so that I'd be able to use them to harm the witch."

"And what happens after that?" Tomoe-san asks, as she takes the brick of explosives into her hand, allowing it to be enveloped in faint golden light, before handing it back to you, now enchanted and ready-made for hurting witches.

"What comes next?" Silently, you tear your brick into seven smaller 4cm pieces, moulding each one into the rough shape of a ball. From there, you make your way over to the witch, advancing with steps as careful as Tomoe-san had made earlier; and one by one you attach your seven blobs of explosive material to each of the witch's seven mirrors. You've got a few loose wires and a detonator stored inside your shield as well, and once everything is all rigged up, you return to your starting position, detonator clenched tightly in your grasp. "Now, we watch the fireworks."

You flick the switch, immediately returning time to its normal flow once the impulse to explode has been sent. The fireworks are decidedly less-than-perfect, owing to your shaping of the blobs to direct the blast energy inwards towards the witch's 'face', and your view of the witch is obscured by smoke. Several seconds pass as you wait for the smoke to clear, unable to see the results of your handiwork.

Of course; of course that wouldn't be enough to outright kill the stupid thing.

The 'face' of the witch is heavily damaged, almost to the point of no longer being recognizable as a face at all, but all seven of the witch's mirrors remain unharmed. You hear a faint sound, like a boot stepping over broken glass, as the damaged 'face' falls from the frame holding it in place. You hear it shatter, several meters down the hole in the roof- "Is it over? Did we win?" asks Tomoe-san, but the labyrinth does not fade.

"Of course not. This witch is just getting warmed up."

You hear the sound of breaking glass a second time, but as your eyes snap to attention you do not see any new damage forming on the witch. Rather, the painted 'face' has returned, having taken over one of the mirrors and growing it to fit. Instead of seven, now the witch has six mirrors. "Heads up Akemi, you've got familiars coming your way."


"I see'em coming up the stairs through the hole in the roof." You take your eyes off the battle for a brief moment - big mistake - to confirm; Kure Kirika is correct; another flock of familiars is indeed marching up the stairs and are visible through the hole in the roof.

The witch's eyes flash, and you prepare yourself for another round of laser attacks. Instead, the roof is enveloped in smoke and fire as explosions go off all around the perimeter fencing. What little remains of the roof creaks; it groans; and then it gives out.

So, that's how this witch wants to play, you think to yourself, in the momentary blink of calm before the witch's explosives tear down the roof of the building, sending you and your team plummeting into the pit. Lancer and Caster land steady, falling into a waist-deep pit swarming with familiars, but your fall is arrested by a sudden stop and a bright yellow ribbon.

"We're not out of this that easily, Akemi-san," Tomoe-san says, holding the both of you steady through sheer personal grit and the strength of her ribbon's tether. "So let's get back up there and finish this witch off."

You pause time while still suspended in the air, giving Tomoe-san the opportunity to swing the both of you onto safe ground without being accosted by the familiars that have now completely swarmed the interior of the building. You debate spending the ammunition to deal with the problem now, but decide against it. You've got a plan in mind, and when every second counts, there's no time to delay removing minor inconveniences when the major threat is still standing.

"Alright, before we go through that door," Tomoe-san says says, her hand touching the lever to unlock the door to the roof, "What's the plan this time? You had a good idea last time, but as the witch showed us it wasn't enough. So what do you have in mind to make sure that this time is enough?"

The mirrors, for as long as they are mirrors, don't appear to break, not even when explosive charges go off at point-blank range. Either they require more powerful hardware than you could safely deploy at this range, or they simply don't break, period. With even the theoretically fragile, theoretically paper spell tags completely undamaged by the previous round of explosives, you're inclined to assume that it's the latter, and that you will have to destroy the witch seven times, once for each mirror that its 'face' is able to move into, before it finally dies. Not just one, this time you take out six bricks of plastic explosives, saying "We're going to keep blowing the witch up, until we've finally blown it up enough times that it stays dead."


Though absolutely nothing remains of the roof, the access stairs remain undamaged and the door is still standing, somehow. With time still frozen, Tomoe-san opens the door to the no-longer-standing roof, and the operation commences. "I'll need a pathway to reach the witch," you say, preparing the first round of explosive charges once Tomoe-san has enchanted them to deal damage to magical enemies."

"One pathway, coming up." Tomoe-san waves her hand, and her ribbons weave themselves into a yellow rope bridge; exactly the way you remember it from your very first kill.

You make your way over the ribbon bridge as Tomoe-san prepares for her own onslaught with a barrage of ribbonwork muskets, fixing your six blobs of explosive charge to each of the witch's six mirrors. You step back, taking "Three" seconds to admire your handiwork, "Two" seconds for Tomoe-san to give you the all-clear form her end, and "One" second for your finger to engage the detonator.


Neither you nor Tomoe-san give the witch even a single moment of BOOM reprieve. Every moment in which time is unfrozen inside the labyrinth is spent in BOOM a cacaphony of smoke and fire and destruction, the deafening BOOM cannonade of your explosive BOOM charges, combined with the ringing bells of Tomoe-san's Minié balls as they collide into the witch's face and mirrors, the thick BOOM cloud of smoke doing nothing to obstruct her well-honed aim as her bullets ring in hit after hit; and every moment where time is frozen is one spent in preparation for the next BOOM barrage; and soon, you've spent all six bricks of explosives.

You don't know how Lancer or Caster are doing down on the ground floor, during those brief moments when time is allowed to move and they are free to tear into the writhing pit of familiars; but you don't need to know. You return time to its normal flow, and as the smoke clears from the last of six barrages, the labyrinth fades into nothingness.; and then "Holy shit, what was all that back there?" the voice of Kure Kirika asks. "Everything just started blowing up nonstop; I couldn't see anything down there! Are you guys okay?"

You look to Tomoe-san; she's weary from battle; you're arguably feeling even worse; but the both of you are alive and victorious, holding the Grief Seed in your hand as proof of your victory. "Yes; we're all okay down here. What about yourself?"

I'm doing just peachy," Kure Kirika says, in her real voice this time, as she wheels herself beside you and Tomoe-san. "But no, seriously, what the heck happened back there?"

"The witch had the annoying ability to resurrect itself after dying," you say, as you fall to one knee, exhausted after a battle that yet again strains your ability and your desire to comprehend fully all the changes that have been made to this timeline. "We had to kill it multiple times in order to put it down for good. Overkill was a tactical necessity."

"Do you need the Grief Seed we've obtained, Akemi-san?" asks Tomoe-san, approaching you, Seed in her hand.

She reaches over to touch the prize to your Soul Gem, but you stop her with your free hand. "I'll be fine. You're the one who earned it this fight." Tomoe-san looks at you incredulously, but she concedes, taking the Seed into her possession as you add "I'm just a little worn out, that's all." "Archer, report-"

[ ] Wat do?​
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So, We have to kill this Witch Six more times, then? And it's going to copy whatever we do.

Also, we're falling from a collapsing building.
So, We have to kill this Witch Six more times, then? And it's going to copy whatever we do.
The witch derives her name from a shortened version of a Russian name which means "resurrection". From the wiki:
Stacey is a shortened form of Anastasia, a Russian name meaning "resurrection".
I couldn't not make her require multiple killings.

Also, we're falling from a collapsing building.
Not entirely collapsing, but the remainder of the roof did just give way.
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[x] Second Verse Same as the First
-[x] Get to Stable ground.
--[x] Stop time with Mami and blow up the Witch again.
---[x] Unfreeze Time.
----[x] Repeat until Witch is out of lives.
[x] Second Verse Same as the First

Homura has explosives, so many explosives. She has an entire JSDF base of grenades, C4, other plastic explosives, bombs, many, many times over. Killing it another 6 times won't be a problem at all.
The witch derives her name from a shortened version of a Russian name which means "resurrection".
A minor, however irrelevant, correction: Anastasia is a Greek name that happens to be popular in Russia. There's a lot of such names ever since the Russian Orthodox Church was established as a state religion under the influence from Eastern Roman Empire.

Anyway, are there seven mirrors as a reference to the "seven years of bad luck" superstition? That's brutal. Oh well, it's not like our life expectancy as magical girls is that long.
[x] Second Verse Same as the First
Day 29 Chapter 12

[X] Explain to Kirika that you had to kill the Witch several times before it would go down
-[X] Fall over
--[X] Tell Mami you're alright, just worn out
[X] Grief Seed goes to the person with the lowest stock, which is Mami; without her enchanting it wouldn't have been possible to take out the Witch with so little magical energy so quickly anyways
[X] Switch perspectives to Archer

"Archer, report- How are things going on your end?"

You look out over the massive rolling expanses of grey, trees lining the long and winding pathway you and the rest of your team have been traveling down for what feels like an eternity. The occasional splash of colour, orange, yellow, and blue of the flowers that dot the wide dirt path, does little to help make the trek any more navigable. "I hate to say this, master, but we're hopelessly lost."

"What do you mean, you're lost? Where are you?"

Your team of five - consisting of yourself, Kyouko, Mikuni, Rider, and Berserker - had probably entered the labyrinth about ten minutes ago; and had almost immediately gotten lost. Familiars, brilliant crimson brains stuck atop signposts which no member of your team had trouble dispatching, quickly led the five of you astray, and even "Still nothing?"

Mikuni shakes her head, saying "I'm afraid not, Archer. There's something about this labyrinth that's confounding my precognition. Every time I try to look for the path which we should take, I only get further and further lost. I think that might be the point of this labyrinth, actually- To confuse accidentally entrants, and tire them out before the witch comes to eat them." Mikuni's precognition fails you when it comes to finding your way out.

Backtracking is nearly impossible, and any attempts to leave a trail are quickly swept away by errant brain-familiars, eager to do their job of obfuscating the way forward or backward. So when your master asks you a question like "Where are you?" the only possible answer you can give is "All I know is that we're somewhere inside the labyrinth. The familiars are actively working to keep us lost, and Mikuni's precognition gets scrambled when she tries to find the exit." You turn to her, asking "Hey, can you try looking for something else?"

"Like what?"

"Anything. Check tomorrow's weather, or what you're going to have for lunch tomorrow; anything that doesn't have to do with us being lost."

Mikuni nods, eyes closing for a moment as she takes a peek into the future. She smiles, and then her face turns really red, and she says "Well, I can definitely see, um, other things."

"Like I was saying," you return to your waiting master without missing a beat "Mikuni's precognition is shot, but only when she tries to use it to find our way out of this place. Apparently, she can see other things perfectly fine."

"Of course. Of course that's how things would be. I finally have an ally with a useful ability, and half the time she can't even use it properly because there's something jamming her."

You spot another of the brain-familiars up ahead. A single arrow dispatches it before its signpost-faces are able to lead you and your team even further down what would probably be the wrong path. Then again, you're doubtful that there even is a right path.

Well, in times like these, what you need is a better tool for the job. "I am the bone of my sword,"
you chant, calling up Hrunting from your unlimited store of blades. Your eyes make a moment's pass at Mikuni, but you refrain from taunting her as you would were she not your master's valuable ally. "This was the blade that destroyed your partner's legs," you wish you could say to her, but you don't. They didn't even try to save anybody; they just jumped straight into the killing. Straight into what made you hate what you had become.

You draw back your bow, whispering to the cursed blade "Hrunting, seek out our foe and guide the way to it" and release, straight into the boundless grey sky of the labyrinth. Hrunting soars upwards at breakneck speed, before suddenly stopping, changing course mid-flight and tearing to the east, leaving a crimson blur in its wake. East it is, then; but you aren't done yet. You're positive that the chance to get lost is still high even when you know that east is the direction you need to head, so "Steel is my body, and fire is my blood" there's one more sword you'll need to employ for this task. "Hey Rider," you call out, holding in front of you the sword that belonged to his father. "Look familiar?"

"Hey, that's a pretty neat trick you've got there," Rider replies, sauntering over to your position. You hand the sword over to him, and he takes it eagerly, testing the weight and balance with a few solid swipes and thrusts. He hands it back to you, saying "It's just like I remember it. How'd you do that?"

"Trade secret. Wouldn't want to spoil the reveal by giving away my identity before the big climax, would I?"

Rider shakes his head, muttering "Man, you're weird, you know that? You're an Archer, but you use stuff like swords and shields, and all sorts of things Archer's aren't usually supposed to use."

"Well, why don't you tell me about the Archer-" you add the "s" immediately after, reminding yourself that there were two Archers in Rider's War. "-s from your War, then; maybe if I had someone else to compare myself to, I might be inclined to agree that I'm 'weird'. Actually-" while you're at it, getting as much out of Rider about his War as possible would probably be a good idea, since if Caster is right, your own team is about to be facing a similar situation "-I'm very interested to hear about your War as a whole. I've never heard of a War with two factions to it, so I'm curious."

"Yeah?" Rider cocks an eye at you, just like you've seen his master do to yours many times. "Maybe I'd be more inclined to tell you, if you'd stop being so mysterious and tell us something about yourself as well. How's that?"

"I'll make you a deal; you and Berserker, even." Kure's black knight, who has discarded the dark suit he wore during the day for his equally dark plate armour, sans the helmet that once obscured his no-longer-maddened features, looks to you as you speak of him. "The both of you have Wars that I'm curious about, so while we're busy hunting this witch down, why don't we all share some information with each other about what our respective Wars were like. Who knows, that information might come in handy one of these days."

Rider speaks first, saying "Well, I never figured out who the Saber on my own team was, but I'm pretty sure the enemy Saber was Siegfried. As for my team, we had myself, Atalanta as our Archer, Karna as our Lancer, Semiramis as our Assassin, and some pretentious twat writer as our Caster. Never cared for him very much; too much talk, always about either himself or whatever crap he was writing about." Pretentious twat writer? That could only be Shakespeare. "We had a Berserker, for a little while, but he got loose, and the enemy team captured him and turned him against us. Lasted all of one battle before he blew himself up with his own Noble Phantasm."

"And the enemy faction? You mentioned Siegfried, and I assume he was their Saber, but who else did they have?"

"They had him, but he actually wasn't the one in charge of things- That, as far as I could tell, was actually the enemy team's Lancer. Fucking Dracula, of all people; can you believe it?" You can't, as a matter of fact. "And because the War took place in Romania, he was all of crazy strong, right up until we stole the Grail from the enemy faction. He lost his advantage as soon as the fight shifted from Romanian soil to Assassin's floating fortress. Then his master forcibly fused the two of them together, he turned into an even bigger vampire, and our master just flat-out annihilated him after that. Anyway, the rest of the enemy faction was kind of a mixed bag. Their Archer was my old teacher, and their Rider was some annoying French kid. She... Turned out to be alright, in the end, but it's not like she wasn't annoying at the start. I have no idea who they had for a Caster or Berserker, but their Assassin... Well, you've already seen what she can do."

Some annoying French kid; and it's a girl... There's a few people you have in mind; you'll have to remember to ask Rider about your guesses later.

Rider spends the next few minutes explaining his understanding of the background to the War. Boring institutional politics, the Nazis, a homunculus from the rival faction turning into an independent master and Siegfried, somehow, and an extra class of servant showing up not once, but twice, with one of them even being the master of Rider's faction. Amakusa Shirou Tokisada versus Jeanne d'Arc; now there's a fight you wish you could have seen. Hearing him describe things to you, Rider's entire Grail War "Sounds like one hell of a rollercoaster."

"Yeah, it was a pretty wild experience. I kinda wish I hadn't had to leave the way I did, but..." Rider smiles, staring up at the expanse of grey with a wistful smile on his face "Hey, I'll never forget finally being able to fight and die side-by-side with a girl I admired since childhood. So, I guess it wasn't too bad." You'll pretend not to see how the rain only falls on Rider's face.

"And you?" you ask Berserker, "Was your War as wild a ride as Rider's was?"

It was not. While Rider's War sounded like an adrenaline-fueled rush, Berserker's War was practically a horror story. An unidentified Caster, who went out at night with his master to kidnap and slaughter little children; a decaying master, standing both feet in death's door fighting and dying to save his niece from the twisted violations inflicted upon her by his father; the master of Archer, the man who sold that girl to his master's father, who commanded a golden Archer of unspeakable power; and Saber, the virtuous King brought to ruin when faced with the maddened results of her reign. Only Berserker's description of Rider, Alexander the Great, brought any amount of levity to the story.

That's when it hits you; you've heard this all before. King Arthur as the Saber; a golden Archer; Alexander the Great as the Rider; a murderous Caster; and a black knight as the Berserker, commanded by a master who was falling apart from the inside. Lancelot's War was the Fourth Grail War; the one that engulfed Fuyuki in flames at its climax. The one which your father, Rin's father, Sakura's uncle, and Kotomine fought in. Berserker's master was Sakura's uncle. He was trying to save her. He could have saved her.

You breathe in; you don't have time to let Berserker's revelation disrupt your concentration. Focus on the battle in front of you; then you can focus on the battle that's already behind you. That, and you owe the pair your own version of events. But how to talk about your War, especially to Berserker, without giving too much of yourself away?

Maybe you won't have to. A brilliant explosion rocks in the not-too-distant east; that'll be the signal for battle. "Sorry about this, fellas, but we'll have to postpone talking about my own War until after we've dealt with the witch." You take one look at Kyouko's spear, and Trace a duplicate of the design, with one slight alteration made to the head. "Here," you say, handing the new and improved weapon to Rider's master. "I showed you how to use this before, right?"

"Kinda," she replies, taking the improved spear and slinging it over her shoulder, one now in each hand. "I remember ya gave me one'a these the first time we all went ta fight Assassin, and ya told me how it could cut through defense like crap through a goose."

"Alright, then before we get tangled up with this witch, let me show you how it works..." You take a few moments to explain to Kyouko the proper way to handle and fight with the Boneless Man; and by the time you're done, it's time to face the witch. It looks like a trash bag wearing a tie. It has hands for a head and heads where its hands should be. In other words, it's the same sort of garbage as every other witch you've encountered so far. Best not to underestimate it; some of these witches haven't been the easiest of pickings.

[ ] Wat do?

Minor characters unlocked!
Minions of the wandering witch. Their role is to be signposts. They're signs that guide the witch along her path. Since their heads look like brains, you'd think that they're well-informed about geography, but since they have no idea where the witch's homeland is, they always just point in some random direction. In fact, they can't even tell which cardinal direction is which.​
The witch of vagabonds. Her nature is homesickness. A witch who roams the land in search of her hometown, hoping to return one day with her bag stuffed full of memories. When she sees someone already in their own house, she doesn't pay them much mind, but if she sees someone right as they're entering their house, she sometimes feels a sudden rush of sadness and tries to drag them away.​
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[x] Explain to Kirika that you had to kill the Witch several times before it would go down.
-[x] Fall over.
--[x] Tell Mami you're alright, just worn out.
[x] Explain to Kirika that you had to kill the Witch several times before it would go down.
-[x] Fall over.
--[x] Tell Mami you're alright, just worn out.
.... eh, Homura definitely wouldn't be worn out from using so little magical energy and not really being hit by any attacks. There's a reason Homura was so efficient back when she could use purely mundane equipment against Witches after all. ;)

[X] Explain to Kirika that you had to kill the Witch several times before it would go down
-[X] Fall over
--[X] Tell Mami you're alright, just worn out
[X] Grief Seed goes to the person with the lowest stock, which is Mami; without her enchanting it wouldn't have been possible to take out the Witch with so little magical energy so quickly anyways
[X] Switch perspectives to Archer

Time to go through things with Team B.
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.... eh, Homura definitely wouldn't be worn out from using so little magical energy and not really being hit by any attacks. There's a reason Homura was so efficient back when she could use purely mundane equipment against Witches after all. ;)

Maybe, but this bit seems to imply otherwise.

You look to Tomoe-san; she's weary from battle; you're arguably feeling even worse; but the both of you are alive and victorious, holding the Grief Seed in your hand as proof of your victory.
.... eh, Homura definitely wouldn't be worn out from using so little magical energy and not really being hit by any attacks. There's a reason Homura was so efficient back when she could use purely mundane equipment against Witches after all. ;)
Huh, weird that that's a thing. Anyways, edited in your full vote.
It doesn't have to mean just magic. Consider- You'd probably feel worn-out after battle too if you had to deal with yet another witch pulling some new bullshit ability out of her ass that was never possible outside of this loop. You can be as used to it as you want, and it'll still wear on you every time you encounter it because it's just so damn infuriating that nothing wants to behave the way you're so used to knowing it should behave.

Completely unrelated to this battle, but I've been watching the FGO anime since I have no chance of otherwise knowing what happens outside of wiki synopses and meme videos, and dear lord, I cannot stand the design of Merlin's staff- Just his staff; I'm fine with the rest of Merlin, but I cannot stand his staff. I don't know what it is, but every time I see his staff I just want to break it over my knee into a million little pieces.
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I definitely should have asked this earlier, but do we have any conversation topics to go over with our team, now that it's Archer taking the wheel? I've gone ahead and edited both halves of the Stacey fight into a single post, and am currently turning the old 29-11.2 into 29-12, but I've run aground of not having enough to say to make an entire post's worth of material, so I need conversation topics.

If someone wishing to add on conversation demands context, you can read what I've got up so far of the soon-to-be 29-12.

We could also use votes on how to proceed after conversation, so that you guys don't have to wait around for 29-13 once I've finished making edits to 29-12.
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[X] Plan Grail War Days
-[X] Ask Rider and Berserker what their Grail Wars were like; reciprocate accordingly with your three iterations without giving away any personal details
-[X] Project Kyoko's modular spear with the spearhead replaced with Boneless Man's and give it to her; show Kyoko how to properly change the forms of the spearhead before entering the Labyrinth and give her a rehash on what the spearhead does and is capable of
-[X] Project Hrunting to sniff out their prey. If that doesn't work, project the Sword of Peleus to make you victorious in this hunt.

Projecting just part of Boneless Man is very cheap, probably nearly as cheap as projecting just Kanshou or Bakuya, so there's no reason for Archer not to give Kyoko a massive offensive boost in the form of the potent passive effect Boneless Man possesses.

Also as a Witch that's consumed a fair number of lives presumably, as Witches do, Hrunting should be up to the job of tracking the Witch down. If that doesn't work the Sword of Peleus should at least enhance Archer's ability in hunting down this Witch, at least better than they have been.
Oh, just a word of caution- We've almost exhausted our supply of canon witches. There are only six canon witches left at my disposal, this one excluded, and all are locked to specific scenarios. I have no plans to make OC witches from scratch. What this means is that, after tonight, there will be no more witches unless we stumble into the correct scenario to activate one.
Oh, just a word of caution- We've almost exhausted our supply of canon witches. There are only six canon witches left at my disposal, this one excluded, and all are locked to specific scenarios. I have no plans to make OC witches from scratch. What this means is that, after tonight, there will be no more witches unless we stumble into the correct scenario to activate one.
... uh oh. That's not good. Can people still hunt them off-screen, or if Homura orders Archer to hunt one while she's in school? Maybe you could use the remaining canon ones for more meaningful hunts (like the trainings ones such as these) as opposed to solo hunting?

EDIT: With a bit of Google-fu, I found an album full of pretty good oc Witches:
Not sure if you'd need to get permission to use them though, or if you can just use them.
EDIT2: Forgot the familiars, only for some of the Witches though
EDIT3: Nvm, since it's a plot point
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Oh, just a word of caution- We've almost exhausted our supply of canon witches. There are only six canon witches left at my disposal, this one excluded, and all are locked to specific scenarios. I have no plans to make OC witches from scratch. What this means is that, after tonight, there will be no more witches unless we stumble into the correct scenario to activate one.
You know, I was wondering about those images/witches and whether they were actually in the series and they just legit had photoshop-like images in it, or if there was some kind of witch creator website you used.

[X] Plan Grail War Days
... uh oh. That's not good. Can people still hunt them off-screen, or if Homura orders Archer to hunt one while she's in school? Maybe you could use the remaining canon ones for more meaningful hunts (like the trainings ones such as these) as opposed to solo hunting?
I've excluded the witches that our main cast can turn into- Those are extra-special, possibly even quest-ending Bad Ends, so they've been excluded from the list and are in their own special categoy. I've also excluded Gisela, the minotaur witch, and the witches from Oriko Magica because those witches were all killed offscreen, either by Kyouko or by Kirika. We're left with three witches from MagiReco, along with HN Elly, Elsa Maria, and Walpurgisnacht, as our remaining six that are part of the count.

Oriko's campaign of extermination went a little too well, and that's been a major plot point for awhile now. We're moving through the results of Kyubey's attempts to replenish the local ecosystem, but he's already had to move down several tiers in potential viability and we're still outpacing him; and once they're gone, they're gone.

At no point do I plan on bringing in the witches from Kazumi Magica, because Kazumi Magica hasn't happened yet in this timeline. OG Kazusa Michiru only just recently made her contract a few days ago.

You know, I was wondering about those images/witches and whether they were actually in the series and they just legit had photoshop-like images in it, or if there was some kind of witch creator website you used.
Nope, this whole time I've been using canon witches, either from the TV series or from MagiReco.
I've excluded the witches that our main cast can turn into- Those are extra-special, possibly even quest-ending Bad Ends, so they've been excluded from the list and are in their own special categoy. I've also excluded Gisela, the minotaur witch, and the witches from Oriko Magica because those witches were all killed offscreen, either by Kyouko or by Kirika. We're left with three witches from MagiReco, along with HN Elly, Elsa Maria, and Walpurgisnacht, as our remaining six that are part of the count.

Oriko's campaign of extermination went a little too well, and that's been a major plot point for awhile now. We're moving through the results of Kyubey's attempts to replenish the local ecosystem, but he's already had to move down several tiers in potential viability and we're still outpacing him; and once they're gone, they're gone.

At no point do I plan on bringing in the witches from Kazumi Magica, because Kazumi Magica hasn't happened yet in this timeline. OG Kazusa Michiru only just recently made her contract a few days ago.
Gotcha, Can you give us a figure for how long it takes for Mitakihara to generate a Witch, presumably through familiar migration from other areas (since Puella Magi Witching out to form an original Witch is still rather rare in comparison).
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Gotcha, Can you give us a figure for how long it takes for Mitakihara to generate a Witch, presumably through familiar migration from other areas (since Puella Magi Witching out to form an original Witch is still rather rare in comparison).
I don't really have a good estimate, nor do I know where I should look to find one. Best advice I can give in the circumstance you're hoping for is just to send people out each night and hope for the best. Maybe someone will luck into the conditions to unlock one of the remaining witches, maybe they'll come back with a Seed in tow, maybe nothing happens. Maybe we'll find more witches if the PMHQ goes out as a full unit, or maybe we'll find them striking out on our own.

I don't have a good answer to give you, in part because I don't know what a good answer would be; and in part because once they're gone, it'll be up to you guys to figure out how to find them.
[x] Hey, Archer. I know you're in the middle of something right now, but remember that thing I mentioned before about how your Master and her cohorts are killing their own ecosystem and you should probably be thinking of alt ways for them to restore their mana before things get to that point? Looks like we're getting dangerously close to reaching that point. And your Master has three additional mouths to feed in the form of three greaving girls locked in a church basement. Unless you think them cannabilizing each other is a good idea, you need a solution ASAP.