Give Lord of Camelot to Bazett? Would that use Mana?

Lancer is going to get a big hug from Oriko when she gets resummoned. I hope all the resummoned servants do... Kirika hugging berserker would be very funny hehe
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So uh

Gonna do the layout of a plan to jumpstart conversation

Archer, Homura, Kirika, Miyuki, Caster- Going to Milk UBW for all its worth, have Archer throw as many swords as he can, Kirika intercept world destructor beams. Let Homura rest until UBW begins to destabilize, then she command seals it back and resumes time stop with Miyuki keeping an eye on her. Caster still laser beams as per usual, but have him pull back a tad to keep an eye on Kirika and the next group...

Mami, Oriko, and Kyouko They pull back, to a degree, so Mami can use her command seals to preemptively bring back Ea, while Oriko provides command seals. Kyouko giant spears while remaining in this group. As a side note, when Homura asks for ribbons for time stop Mami provides.
[X] TURN 21: WALPURGISNACHT - Die, Die my Darling
-[X] Offense
--[X] Archer:
---[X] Pre-UBW: As long as UBW is ongoing, keep spamming infinite swords.
---[X] Post-UBW: Coordinate with Homura to use Mac an Luin to increase the damage of Finitora Freccia Maggiore. If Homura doesn't use it, Nine Lives Caladbolg x9 (or x5 if Homura needs more of a rest).
--[X] Caster:
---[X] Pre-UBW: mystic code/GoB spam
---[X] Post-UBW: coordinate with Mami for a x3 command seal powered Ea after Reality Marble ends.
-[X] Defense
--[X] Mami:
---[X] Pre-UBW: Doomgun of Rail + x3 command seal transfer.
---[X] Post-UBW: Building Destruction + x3 command seal Ea
--[X] Kyouko:
---[X]: Pre-UBW: giant spear attack.
---[X]: Post-UBW: Large spear blockade for buildings/medium size spear building interception.
--[X] Oriko:
---[X] Pre-UBW: Transfer 3x command seal to mami + Doomgun of rail.
---[X] Post-UBW: barriers
-[X] Other
--[X] Miyuki: Keeping soul gems clean, such as when Homura is doing her attack.
--[X] Kirika: Defense saves with Avalon using time alter
--[X] Homura: TimeStop until she has to stop. Full Soul Gem cleanse and if she think she can handle it (in this turn), Finitora Freccia Maggiore (WITH DAMPENING) after coordinating with Archer's Mac an Luin for maximum damage. If she can't handle it, spend the rest of the turn recovering.
--[X] OG!Lancer & Bazett:
---[X] Pre-UBW: Sword of light and anything OG!Lancer thinks he can do to do damage
---[X]Post-UBW: Turn away any civilians that may make their way over here. If they see any of our friends (Hitomi, Sayaka or Madoka, ESPECIALLY MADOKA) tell them everything is under control.

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Wait, UBW is still running right?
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Wait, UBW is still running right?
It is currently in the process of falling apart thanks to being hit by several shattered World Destructors two turns back. It is still running right now, but once we stop stopping time it'll go pretty fast. Faster still if Caster uses another Enuma Elish.
I think we should delay this and use command seals to keep UBW together. Milk it and timestop for all its worth before Ea.
Refer back to what I said here;
We can squeeze out enoug use of timestop to last the first half of the next update, then we're cut off and will need some time to recover before we can use anything too mana-intense again.
There's a massive amount of corruption floating in the air thanks to all of Wally's shenanigans, and that adds up to an ever-mounting cost for our most mana-intense moves, like timestop and the Finitora Freccias. We only have enough to keep time stopped for about half of the next turn before we need to take a breather, and that's going to be a lot less if we use a Finitora Freccia on top of that.
Well, it's been 24 hours since the most recent update went live, and we're only at a single vote. Going to need a lot more of those before I can do anything else.

More discussion about the active vote, if anyone has any comments or complaints, is also acceptable.
[X] TURN 21: WALPURGISNACHT - Die, Die my Darling

I don't know if it's just my paranoia or if I should even say this but I'm a bit worried about a stray World Destructor hitting Caster while he's doing Ea. Hopefully that doesn't happen but y'know.....paranoia.
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Minor stipulation, use command seal to repair UBW

[X] TURN 21: WALPURGISNACHT - Die, Die my Darling

Also caster should be safe thanks to precog and Kirika running interference.
Did we?

I don't remember that

Or was it insta recast with command seal and I just mentally jotted it down as the same practically speaking
If I'm being honest, the best I can think to do, is use Ea on it. It's effective against grail mud and will literally destroy anything that can cause harm and what it destroys will be super gone due to anti world.
We also have Avalon n stuff like that. Pretty sure that thing will take out like

80% of the corruption.
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I have one more edit I need to request of you. I need this broken up so that there's a clear divide between what everyone is doing pre- and -post UBW actions, instead of lumping both under the same character's actions in a single task. That'll make it easier for me to figure out how to turn everything into a coherent post.