You attempt to keep a level head and concentrate as you work at Mystic Code creation, but the noise from upstairs is just too distracting. At times, you can hear almost nothing but brief, whispered snippets, while at other times you're sure you could hear McRemitz-san and Tohsaka Rin going at it in your sleep. You don't blame the blue Lancer for his decision to get out of there. Eventually, you decide to poke your head in and see what all the commotion is about.
"Excuse me for a moment," you say to Assassin, who pouts like a spoiled child as you pry yourself from her touch. "I just need to know if whatever is going on upstairs requires my intervention."
You exit your apartment, head up the stairs, and give three knocks on McRemitz-san's door. "Landlord," you call out, waiting a few moments as the commotion inside dies out, and McRemitz-san opens the door for you. She opens her mouth to speak, but with an abrupt "Excuse me," you walk past her, inserting yourself into the apartment. Sometimes, it's good to be the landlord.
"Akemi, this is... Sudden, of you," McRemitz-san says. "Did you need Tohsaka for something?"
"Actually, what I really need is to know what all the commotion is about," you say. Your eyes bounce from McRemitz-san to Tohsaka Rin, and you ask of both of them "So, what seems to be the problem here?"
"Plenty," Tohsaka Rin says, tapping her foot against the floor as she stares at McRemitz-san. "I know you, Archer, and the other girls all gave me the scoop on this town, but I wanted to hear from McRemitz here about how and why she let things get as out of control as they did. Then, I find out that she knew; this whole time, she knew just how bat-shit crazy things were here and didn't report any of it back!" Rin paces back and forth on the carpet; you swear you've heard these exact noises coming from upstairs before; she's probably just reliving everything that just happened previously. "Listen- McRemitz is a scary, scary person; and as a mage I have absolutely no desire to get on her bad side."
"That being said, in my current capacity as representative of the Mage's Association to Mitakihara, I technically outrank her right now, and as her technical superiour I've been trying to get in contact with her for days now ever since I got here; only to find out that she's been hiding from me in your attic this whole time! Because she knew that she hadn't been entirely truthful in the reports she was sending back and knew I'd be pissed at her the instant I found out; and rightfully so, I might add!"
This is news to you. You've known for awhile now that the Mage's Association is, at least according to the people involved with it, nothing to scoff at in terms of the lengths they're willing to go to to keep their secrets hidden; and even if both of the women who have acted as its representatives to your city have been at least passable in their tolerance of how different things are in Mitakihara, you know that you've probably been very fortunate not to have run afoul of any of the Association's less-kind mages. But to learn that McRemitz-san had been intentionally lying to her higher-ups in her reports so as to keep you and your friends and teammates safe from further intervention...
Tohsaka Rin stops her pacing. McRemitz-san looks like she's torn between punching a hole in her face or making a dash for the exit. Maybe she can still catch her Lancer if she's quick enough. "I get it, though- You're all good kids, and she was hedging her bets that keeping the really heavy stuff a secret would keep you girls safe if the wrong mage got the wrong idea; but still! If Archer had gotten in touch with me sooner, and McRemitz had kept the Association one-hundred per cent informed, maybe I could have figured out a way to prevent that... Wraith, witch, whatever-you-call-it, thing, from eating six-hundred people in one night! Because that's the kind of thing that really draws the wrong eyes, not the fact that things are a little different here... Well, okay, maybe a lot different; and maybe the average mage wouldn't hesitate to tear your brain out to, quite literally, poke around for the secrets of how magic works here, but still..."
Tohsaka Rin stops talking for a few moments, catching her breath. "Okay, yeah, now that I say that out loud I'm... Not actually all that mad at McRemitz-san for lying in her reports. You girls did the best that you could under the circumstances, and having to deal with whoever the Association sent to pick your brains would have only made things worse."
"Which is what I've been trying to tell you for the past half-hour," McRemitz-san says, calmly, but with an undercurrent of anger in her tone. "I made the choice to keep the secrets of this city safe from the Association at large, because I thought greater intervention would only make their jobs harder." She folds her arms across her chest, and the tugging of her sleeves as she does so reveals the silver glint of her wrist; you'll never not be amazed at the craftsmanship that went into making her new arm. "I'm glad we've finally reached an agreement that I did the right thing. Even if it took you having to restate my entire argument to another person before you got it..."
"So, I trust there's no more reason for the two of you to be yelling?" you ask. Without waiting for a response, you say "Good. I'm trying to practice creating Mystic Codes, and I'd like to go to sleep after I'm done, so I would appreciate if the two of you could save any further yelling you need to do for when I'm not busy." You try your best to smile, but you aren't sure how convincing you look given the irritation you feel deep inside. "Thank you."
With that, you head back to your downstairs apartment. Assassin is waiting for you to return, and now, hopefully, with a little quiet, you can finish your practice.