Day 36 Chapter 5
[X] Plan Dinner Prelude

"Oh! I know!" With a snap of her fingers, and a dirty look directed towards you, Kure Kirika says "You can hand over that present Archer got me so you can teach me how to use it! It's gotta be ready by now, right?"

Yes, of course her present is ready; you have a three-hour nightmare that can attest to its readiness. But it isn't simply enough to just hand a pistol over to someone that's never had proper firearms training before. "It is ready," you say, before moving on to press Kure Kirika for information. "But first, I need to figure out where the best place to go to teach you would be. Where does your mother live?"

"She lives a few stops before Oriko does. Get off the train, head northeast for a bit, then hang a few lefts once you reach the shadier-looking parts of town. You'll see a convenience store a little after your second left, and that's when you hang a right. Keep going and you'll eventually see a four-story apartment complex, and that's where mom and I have lived since the divorce. Well, just mom now, ever since I moved in with Oriko."

Given the location of the Kure residence relative to the MIkuni mansion, there's only one place that would work for your purposes. "Then we'll head up to Mikuni Oriko's mansion after school. I'll teach you proper safety and handling behind her Bounded Field, and then we'll head back to your mother's apartment at seven."

"Sounds great!" Kure Kirika says, slapping you on the back as the first bell of the morning rings. "I'll see you then! Gotta run!"

It dawns on you, as you watch Kure Kirika run off to her class, that you haven't seen Tomoe-san at all this morning. You hope everything is alright.

Going anywhere with Assassin was bound to be a harrowing experience, given the combination of Presence Concealment to make her hard to keep track of and her poisonous body making sure you have to keep track of not just her, but the people around her as well. Combine that with the general level of excitement she's displaying at being allowed out of the apartment, and it's a miracle that you've only had to say "Don't touch that" to her once this entire trip.

Assassin darts to the other side of the aisle, pressing her hands and face against the glass display window. "I have never seen a bazaar like this before," she says, staring at the wedding dress on the other side of the window. "There are so many different things for sale, I do not know where we should start."

"Not there, that's for sure," you say, laughing. "That's a wedding dress you're looking at."

Assassin pulls herself away from the window, blushing furiously. "Ah, this country's wedding customs are much different from what I am accustomed to." But her eyes can't help but wander back to the wedding dress, and she asks "Tell me- Will master and her girlfriend wear something like that when they are wed?"

"Maybe." To be honest, you can't really see Homura as the kind of girl to wear a dress for her wedding. Madoka, sure, she'd look perfect in something like that. But for Homura, you're seeing her wearing a nice suit. Yeah, that's a bit more 'her', you think. "Come on, I'll show you where we'll be shopping."

You lead Assassin through the mall to a mid-scale establishment. The clothes aren't cheap, but they won't break the bank either, and there should be at least one outfit Assassin ends up liking. Mentally, you review the shopping list, before saying the shopping itinerary out loud. "Alright, for you we need... Pretty much everything. Shoes, socks, underwear, long pants, long-sleeved shirts, gloves, and probably a jacket or a hoodie or two."

"In other words, everything I am already wearing."

"Right. Homura wants you to be able to live a normal life, and it'll be that much easier for you if you have your own clothes so you don't have to borrow from her every time you need to go outside." Getting Assassin's sizes is going to be the hardest part of shopping for her, probably; but given that she's only two, maybe three centimeters taller than Homura, it shouldn't be too difficult. And you've done her laundry enough to know what sizes Homura wears, so... "Alright, undergarments are first," you say, leading Assassin over to the oh, no; you don't want to go there.

"Is something wrong, Archer?" Assassin asks, her eyes switching between you and the racks of bras.

"I, uh, it's nothing," you say, forcing yourself to power through the unease. You've had to wash Homura's underwear before; this isn't too much different from that. "There-" You point to the sizing chart standing beside the bras, specifically to the size that Homura wears. "You and Homura are about the same size, so something like this should fit you. Same goes for underwear and socks. Just find whichever pairs you like that are in these sizes and you should be fine."

You stand back a polite distance, allowing Assassin to browse the women's delicates in peace. Ten minutes later she returns, and you take stock of the damage. Black bra, nondescript; black panties, cat print; black socks, cat print. You wonder if this means that Assassin likes cats, that she's made her choices in order to appeal to Homura's liking of cats, or if it's a statement on her own cat-like nature. Then again, you can't think of any domesticated cat that would display anywhere near the degree of dependence on an owner that Assassin displays for Homura.

"Alright," you say, careful not to touch Assassin's skin as you hold out a shopping bag for her to deposit her wares in. "Now we can tackle everything else."

In the end, Assassin settles on clothing with a colour palette remarkably close to Homura's own liking; blacks, greys, and purples abound in her selections, and you worry whether you'll have difficulty sorting what belongs to Homura, and what belongs to Assassin, the next time you do the laundry. And again, you find yourself wondering whether Assassin's choices reflect her own likes, or if they were chosen to appeal to Homura's tastes.

As for yourself, in addition to a basic phone you snagged on the way out of the mall, you picked up another few pairs of black pants, a few shirts in varying shades of grey and one in a dark blue, and a black suit jacket with thin grey pinstripes and a matching pair of pants, just in case you need to look a bit more formal for some occasion or another. To go with your new suit, you've picked out two ties, one in a grey-to-silver fading patter that compliments the pinstripes of your suit, and one in a solid red chosen so you'll always have a bit of your signature colour even when you're without your red shirt.

You know, you think you're noticing something about the colour preferences of your new family.

All that's left now is "Dinner," you say, as you and Assassin pass by the market. "I need to pick up fish for tonight's dinner." Assassin nods, silently standing back while you peruse the fish. "Salmon, where's the good salmon..." It's not enough to just get good salmon for tonight's dinner; given what you've seen of Kure Minako's kitchen, it's likely you'll have to pick up everything you'll need for tonight's dinner, rather than picking up the most important things and trusting that she'll have the rest.

It takes a little while, but soon you leave the market with everything you'll need to make dinner a success. That means the food, yes, but also a few basic things which you don't know if Kure Minako owns or not, like salt, pepper, paper towels and foil, and the few pans you'll need to actually cook everything. And the beer. You have a feeling that Kure Minako will want something to drink with her dinner. Good thing you learned what brand she likes while you were on vacation.

You wonder if she'd like some scented candles, or if that might be a bit too intimate for a dinner that's less 'first date' and more 'family dinner'.

[Archer] Wat do?
[Homura] Wat do?​
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So yeah, I just realised how awkward this is going to be. Archer and Minako's first date is also going to be a family dinner with their kids.
[X] Plan Probably Not Dinner?
-[X] (Archer) Finish shopping and drop Assassin and non-dinner things off at Homura's apartment
--[X] When you're delivering Minako lunch, ask her what her and Kirika's favorites are for dessert (and purchase the ingredients on your way back if you don't already have them) and exchange phone numbers
--[X] When appropriate head on over to Minako's to start setting things up with her before their kids arrive
---[X] Cook the greatest Salmon in Foil this side of Japan with your beautiful sous chef and with your charm cranked up to 200%
-[X] (Homura) Go to Lunch after your usual school routine and talk to
--[X] Madoka
---[X] looking at her recent drawings/art together
---[X] playfully complaining that you still can't perform anywhere near the crazy archery moves Archer can; tell her about that one time your tried doing something like that in your club and failed
--[X] Sayaka
---[X] asking for her help in figuring out how to best get revenge against Kirika at tonight's dinner for the talk she gave you without hurting or ruining the dinner experience
----[X] Who's cackling evilly while you and Sayaka are discussing this?
--[X] Hitomi
---[X] about poetry, one of your shared interests (at least before the whole timeline shenanigans)
-[X] (Homura) After school be the gun instructor that your "big sis" needs, but not the one she deserves; make sure Kirika knows not to mention to her Mom that you're teaching her how to shoot a gun due to the obvious consequences to both of them (mostly Kirika) of doing so
--[X] Be on your best behavior while having dinner at the Kure residence with the hidden agenda to embarrass Kirika in front of her Mom by acting like her sibling as recompense for the talk, but otherwise enjoy the dinner with everyone and try to get to know your future Mom (while mentioning that in front of her and Archer with a knowing look in your eyes)
---[X] *internal evil laugh* Archer has been a great influence on you
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I mean, if you want to just timeskip to dinner that's fine, but I was expecting some lunch conversation topics to come from our most recent vote.
Not sure what kind of topics you're talking about (this is referring to conversation topics derived from this chapter, right?). Anyways, edited my vote.
Not sure what kind of topics you're talking about (this is referring to conversation topics derived from this chapter, right?). Anyways, edited my vote.
... The kind of topics we usually have? You know, what's Homura talking about with her friends over the lunch table? What's Archer talking about with Minako when he brings her lunch? That sort of thing. Not sure how you wouldn't know what topics we're talking about when they'd be the same kind of things we'd usually talk about over lunch.
... The kind of topics we usually have? You know, what's Homura talking about with her friends over the lunch table? What's Archer talking about with Minako when he brings her lunch? That sort of thing. Not sure how you wouldn't know what topics we're talking about when they'd be the same kind of things we'd usually talk about over lunch.
Ah, thought you were referring to something specific that was brought up that had to be addressed. :p

Did forget Archer-Minako conversation topics for when he delivers her lunch, so I'll just edit that in real quick.
EDIT: Done
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[X] Plan Probably Not Dinner?

In the end, Assassin settles on clothing with a colour palette remarkably close to Homura's own liking; blacks, greys, and purples abound in her selections, and you worry whether you'll have difficulty sorting what belongs to Homura, and what belongs to Assassin, the next time you do the laundry.

That's what Structural Analysis is for.
Day 36 Chapter 6
[X] Plan Probably Not Dinner?

Kaname Junko is conspicuously absent from the space surrounding Kure Minako's desk when you bring lunch to her today. "Hey," she says, toying with a lock of her hair as soon as you approach. "We're still on for tonight, right? I already told Kirika to come over for dinner, so..."

"Don't worry," you say, as you hand over today's lunch box. You've already told Homura about your plans for tonight, you've already gone shopping for everything you need to make the best salmon and mushrooms baked in foil this side of Fuyuki, and you've already set aside the time in the afternoon to have dinner with your daughter, your is Kure Minako your girlfriend now? and her own daughter. The closest thing you've had to a real family in God-knows-how-long. "Unless something catastrophic happens, we're still on for dinner."

Kure Minako smiles; she looks really nice when she smiles. She looks really nice in that suit of hers too, now that you're looking closer. "You know, I'm really looking forward to tonight. It'll be nice to sit down and have a dinner with Kirika that I didn't have to make in a microwave. Oh, and you and Homura of course. I know I've got a small apartment, but you're both welcome any time you'd like." Kure Minako smiles, shifting her legs in her chair and giving you a not-so-subtle glimpse of her thigh as she opens up her lunch. "Maybe we'll be seeing the two of you more often after tonight?"

"I can't speak for Homura, but I imagine that you and I will be seeing one another more often, now that you're quitting your night shift." You hope that Kure Minako will take the extra time she'll have from now on to do what you wanted her to quit for, to have time to spend with her daughter and to give you more time to tutor her. And not to treat it as more time to spend flirting with you. "Now, I have an important question I need to ask you about dinner- I'm trying to think of what to do for dessert, so what do you and Kirika like?"

"Well, I haven't been able to treat myself to a dessert in a long time, but when Kirika was little, I'd always save up a bit to get her a few chocolate oranges for her birthday. I don't know if she still does, or if the time she's spent living with Oriko has caused her tastes to change, but she used to love chocolate oranges."

"Are you sure that's all she'll want?" you ask, still not entirely clear on when your thoughts on the daughter Kure changed to be those of actually caring for her, maybe? "I don't at all mind spending a bit of time to go shopping again to make something really nice."

"You're free to do whatever you feel like for dessert, but if you feel like being lazy a chocolate orange should probably be good enough."

You make your way to the cafeteria from the library, and as usual your friends have arrived before you. Despite all of you coming from the same library, and despite you not making any stops that would keep you hel dup any longer than them. You really don't understand how you're always one step behind those three girls at getting situated in the cafeteria. Madoka flags you down as soon as your eyes meet, and with a cheery cry of "Homura-chan!" you take your place at the table, nestling up beside your girlfriend. Tomoe-san and Kure Kirika are absent once again; late, most likely; you recall how yesterday it took Kure Kirika some convincing from Tomoe-san to join you all again.

Then again, after that little talk she gave you yesterday, maybe she's right to feel like she isn't welcome. Her talk certainly wasn't. You shudder at the thought of your big sis's brazenness, hoping it isn't a sign of things to come for your relationship with her going forward.

Putting those thoughts out of your mind, for as long as your big sis isn't present, you lean over, hugging your girlfriend as you say "How's your day going, Madoka?"

Madoka hugs you back, and she responds with "I'm doing just fine. How about yourself?"

"Much better now that we're together." And your big sis isn't here to ruin lunch with another crass talk like yesterday. "You know, I'm always curious what sorts of things you're drawing back there at your desk when we have art. Do you think you could show me some of your work?"

"I'd love to!" Madoka says, but her elation quickly deflates once you realise the slight complication to your request. "Just, not now; I don't usually bring my art stuff with me to lunch, because I don't want to get any food on what I'm drawing."

"That's perfectly understandable," you say, offering Madoka a smile to cheer her back up. "You can show me your art another time, then. Perhaps Friday?" Not wanting to make your other friends feel left out, you turn to Sayaka and Hitomi, asking the two of them "Sayaka, Hitomi, are you two also doing well?"

Two bobbing heads is your response, and while Hitomi says "Yes, my day's been going quite well, Akemi-san" you have to keep your eyes on Sayaka, lest she steal some of your lunch before you're ready to hand it over.

You smile, saying "I'm glad to hear that," more so to Hitomi than to Sayaka; she did at least bother to answer your question. For Sayaka, you have something a little different to say. "I see you eyeballing my lunch," you say to her. "I'll share some with you, on one condition." Sayaka stares at your food, almost too entranced by the prospect of Archer's cooking to care what your condition is. "I need your help coming up with a way to embarrass Kure Kirika over dinner tonight. Something that will make her feel bad for..." You can't suppress the shudder that escapes your form as you say "The things she said to me yesterday; but I also don't want to actually ruin dinner for Archer and Kure Minako."

Sayaka smirks, and she reaches her hand over to clap you on the shoulder. "Looking for a way to get back at your big sis in a way that won't piss off your dad or your new mom, eh?" It's strange to think that you'll have a family again, possibly in very short order. Just a few weeks ago, you couldn't even imagine having Kure Kirika as an ally, and yet now you've almost entirely accepted having her and her mother as members of your new family. Will this timeline ever stop being weird to you? "Alright, so what you're going to want to do is..."

"What are your thoughts on chocolate oranges?"

Archer's question comes as you and Sayaka are in the midst of your conspiring, and it comes as suddenly as it does unexpectedly. "Well, I don't really know how I feel about them," you respond. You can't recall the last time you ever had a chocolate orange, or if you've even had one to begin with. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm planning for our dinner with the Kures, and when Minako and I got talking about dessert, she mentioned that Kirika really likes chocolate oranges. So I'm trying to figure out whether that would be acceptable, or if I should try to impress by making an actual dessert."

"Well, what were you thinking if you were to make an actual dessert?"

"I don't know, maybe a pie or a cake of some kind?"

Ah, here come Tomoe-san and Kure Kirika now. "What if you did both? Say you made a cake, but then you also brought a chocolate orange or two? It's better to have too much than too little, and this way everyone is likely to find something they like for dessert. That's just my suggestion, though; feel free to take it or not." You wave the pair over, greeting them with a "Good afternoon; especially you, Tomoe-san; where were you this morning?" while hoping that Sayaka's massive smirk doesn't give away your plan to get back at your big sis over dinner.

"Sakura-san and I were out late last night, and I was so exhausted in the morning that I didn't wake up on time," Tomoe-san says as she and Kure Kirika take their seat at the table; Tomoe-san sits beside Hitomi on the opposite side of the table, while Kure Kirika takes a seat beside you, boxing you in between your girlfriend and your step-sister-to-be. Once she's made sure that the coast is clear - that's probably not a good sign - she leans in and says to you and Kure Kirika "We were out hunting down familiars." You were right, that wasn't a good sign. "I don't know if this is an older witch that we just missed, or if this is a recently-hatched witch we didn't have the foresight to prevent."

"Do you think it's one of Nagatsuki's friends?" Kure Kirika asks. "I hope it is; especially that Namekata bitch. She deserves it the worst for how she and Komaki treated Oriko."

"Don't talk like that, Kure-san. The way those girls treated Mikuni-san was deplorable, but no one deserves to turn into a witch."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kure Kirika has been doing so well lately, but you know the girl that she is can't help but have a low ceiling when it comes to how nice she's willing to act for the people that made her girlfriend miserable for so long. "So, how's this going to impact dinner tonight? Because Akemi and I are going over to my mom's for dinner tonight. Archer's going to be there too, and this is really important for my mom, so how's dealing with this witch going to get in the way of dinner?"

Do you
[ ] Cancel dinner so you can deal with finding the witch
[ ] Ask to postpone dinner to tomorrow night so you can deal with finding the witch
[ ] Assemble the team after dinner and go out hunting
[ ] Go to dinner and skip the hunt; Tomoe-san and Mikuni Oriko can take the lead tonight
[ ] You need more information about the familiars before making your call (write-in what information you need)
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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I actually don't know the first thing about poetry, and dealing with Mami's absence - which is something I thought we'd have picked up on when she wasn't waiting for us in the morning - felt more important to me. We will also have to come up with a specific plan to embarrass Kirika over dinner, since I did only imply it here.
[X] Plan Let's Tempt Fate
-[X] Go to dinner and skip the hunt; Tomoe-san and Mikuni Oriko can take the lead tonight
--[X] They should be fine on a single Witch hunt without you, considering their combined personal power and Servant power they have on hand
---[X] If anything were to go awry, you're just a telepathic call for help over Kyuubey radio away from time-stopping and saving the day, but they should be fine
----[X] ... maybe big sis should send Berserker with them just in case?
-[X] What are your thoughts about dessert tonight?
--[X] Make a cake to go with the chocolate-covered oranges, as it's best to have too much than too little considering how easy it is to store desserts like that and have them another day

They'll be fine, they have an extraordinary amount of power on their hands both Puella Magi and Servant-wise, plus they have a precog, plus they have an everything-cog, plus they could always just telepathically call out to Homura "Help" for her to suit up and time-stop if things are really bad. In any case, as long as the Witch isn't too hax (and let's be honest, you need a lot of hax to counter all of the team's hax abilities) they should have this one in the bag... Have I just doomed us all by tempting Fate? :V

Also we definitely need the scene where Archer asks Minako for her number to complete the cliche. Who knows, maybe a wild Junko will appear?
In any case, as long as the Witch isn't too hax (and let's be honest, you need a lot of hax to counter all of the team's hax abilities) they should have this one in the bag... Have I just doomed us all by tempting Fate?
Maybe, maybe not; but it sounds like you really want to find out how much hax it would take to put a stopper on our entire team.
Okay, now think of something that I'm actually likely to use, rather than something hax that exists solely for the purpose of being hax.

EDIT: To elaborate, the beasts are clearly meant to be overpowered for nothing more than the sake of being overpowered. We're already slated to fight Walpurgisnacht, so there's no reason for me to throw yet another final boss-tier enemy at us for no other reason than to prove to you that I can because you decided to tempt Fate. Instead, I'm asking what I might actually be likely to do in the face of our team's hax, since you're clearly all too willing to tempt Fate.
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Okay, now think of something that I'm actually likely to use, rather than something hax that exists solely for the purpose of being hax.
A copy-cat Witch that can use the abilities of other Puella Magi while they're in it's Labyrinth, but only while the ability in question is being used.

An anti-magic Witch that no-sells all active-use magical abilities within it's Labyrinth but as a consequence is physically weak and has even weaker familiars. That way it becomes a fisticuffs sort of situation, which is a neat/funny situation.

A puzzle Witch who can only be harmed when someone completes a riddle or puzzle, but consequently you wouldn't be able to move the necessary components in the Labyrinth in time-stop or something. Can scramble precog in regards to the puzzle only (probably manifesting as a blur over that area in visions) to prevent cheaters.

A draining Witch which drains any magical energy that's in use within it's Labyrinth making magical abilities operate much weaker before sputtering out soon enough, but consequently it also drains Grief from one's Soul Gem which could come with a lot of morality conflicts on whether or not to let the Witch live or not (since Witches feast on people and whatnot). I can just imagine it, where say it's in Tokyo and a team of magical girls claim it like it's King of the Hill in order to reign supreme in the local area against rival factions, and where other teams could try to kill the Witch to take out their asset or supplant the team controlling it in order to take it for themselves.
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A copy-cat Witch that can use the abilities of other Puella Magi while they're in it's Labyrinth, but only while the ability in question is being used.
We sort of had this with the mirror witch. Sort of. It couldn't use timestop, but by the same token timestop did nothing to stop it from using our attacks against us.
An anti-magic Witch that no-sells all active-use magical abilities within it's Labyrinth but as a consequence is physically weak and has even weaker familiars. That way it becomes a fisticuffs sort of situation, which is a neat/funny situation.
This is a good idea, and if either of the two new witches introduced in the MagiReco anime had character cards I might be tempted to turn one of them into something like this.
A puzzle Witch who can only be harmed when someone completes a riddle or puzzle, but consequently you wouldn't be able to move the necessary components in the Labyrinth in time-stop or something. Can scramble precog in regards to the puzzle only (probably manifesting as a blur over that area in visions) to prevent cheaters.
We technically had a puzzle witch, and no one could figure out the puzzle because they were all focused on the water in the labyrinth rather than the witch's rubber nature. Also nobody else but me was familiar with the 4th Drama CD so the puzzle completely went over everyone's heads. The timestop witch was also kind of a puzzle witch, in that we had to figure out how to hurt it without it reflecting our attacks back at us. Given the poor performance of most of the players in figuring those puzzles out, I doubt a logic puzzle/riddle witch would go over well, or even be solvable without me dropping hints.
A draining Witch which drains any magical energy that's in use within it's Labyrinth making magical abilities operate much weaker before sputtering out soon enough, but consequently it also drains Grief from one's Soul Gem which could come with a lot of morality conflicts on whether or not to let the Witch live or not (since Witches feast on people and whatnot). I can just imagine it, where say it's in Tokyo and a team of magical girls claim it like it's King of the Hill in order to reign supreme in the local area against rival factions, and where other teams could try to kill the Witch to take out their asset or supplant the team controlling it in order to take it for themselves.
That's a damn good idea. I might reuse this for the sequel.
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