You really need to learn not to be optimistic. It never ends well for anyone.
The witches do not break when their weakened comrade falls to your team's onslaught; instead, they stand firm,
feasting on the spilled corruption of their fallen comrade. That statement is quite a bit more literal that you would have liked it to have been; the fake witches devour not just the
two fake Grief Seeds dropped by their comrade, but the asphalt and grass and dirt stained black by its spilled Grief. In an instant, their injuries are healed, and their bodies shift, bubbling and bursting; the first of the two spreads its arms wide, leaping into the air on newly-formed wings of Grief; while the second stands upright, its body bulging with muscles like a strongman. The pair tear away from the battle and make a beeline south, you assume towards the church.
"I can hit them," Archer says to you.
"But this next one is going to drain you pretty hard, so be ready. I'll do my best to cushion the impact to you, but you might want to have a Grief Seed ready just in case."
"Understood." As if preparing to yell with your lungs, your body reflexively draws in air. But your shout comes not from the lungs, but from the mind.
"Everyone! Slow those things down however you can! Don't let them get away!" You turn your arrows towards the witch in flight, not even needing to speak a word to Tomoe-san to relay your intentions to her. You draw back on your bow, while Tomoe-san readies a volley of muskets. You take aim, but the misshapen bird-bat-and-is-that-part-of-a-crocodile witch is too fast for you to draw a bead on.
"I've got it!" you hear a voice calling from down on the ground. It's Kirika, who swings her arms wide as she launches chains from underneath her frilly cuffs. Jagged black claws line every link of the chain, digging deep into the witch's body as they wrap tightly around it. Each time the witch struggles to escape, the clawed chains dig in deeper. "I can't hold it forever!" Kirika calls out; she's losing her footing against the witch as it struggles to break free from her bindings. "Hit it now, you dummy!"
Neither you nor Tomoe-san need to be told a second time. A spray of blue and gold washes over the witch, binding and freezing it in place while the witch still on the ground is dealt with. That witch, Rider has cut off from escaping; its enhanced musculature doing nothing as Rider continues to ram it back into the kill zone with his chariot. You imagine Kyouko must be feeling the burn from Rider's constant use of his chariot, but no more than the witch is feeling the burn of her
Sowilo runes, tongues of fire lashing the witch in place. The flames cast long shadows in the shape of the witch, and Nurse Ortensia responds to the opening given to her by-
No way. There's no freaking way that actually works. Seriously? What is this, some stupid ninja anime?
Against the odds, against common sense, Nurse Ortensia has flung a series of small, needle-like blades at the muscled witch's shadow;
and they've actually managed to pin it in place. What the hell. That doesn't actually work. You refuse to believe it. You've seen a lot of weird things in your time as a
puella magi, but for some reason you absolutely refuse to believe that something so stupid actually works,
even though you're clearly seeing it work right before your eyes.
"Alright Homura, brace yourself," Archer says. You ready your body for whatever Archer has been preparing.
"Gáe Bolg!"
"So, anyone wanna tell Godzilla ta stay away from Mitakihara from now on?"
The damage done to the surrounding area by Archer's attack is minimal - in fact, most of the damage came from either the witches themselves, or from the attacks used against them - but there is something oddly fitting about Kyouko's jab when there are two large craters sitting in the places where once there were witches. Sifting through the blasted rubble of the craters, it almost looks like Archer's attack has vaporised tonight's prizes, until- "Ow!" Kirika catches her foot on an over-sized lump sticking up from the ground and falls flat on her face.
"Are you okay?" Oriko asks as she helps Kirika to her feet. Sending Kirika on her way with a kiss, Oriko then attempts to move the lump so no one else can trip on it, only to reveal that the lump is, in fact, not
just an over-sized lump at all. "Well, here's one of them, at any rate," Oriko says, holding up the first of tonight's two prizes, a fake Grief Seed engorged well beyond the usual size, but not so engorged as to be called a Grief Fruit just yet.
A quick examination of the second crater reveals the other of the two; like the first, the second fake Grief Seed is engorged. There is no sign of the two fake Seeds dropped by the first witch to fall; likely, these engorged Grief Seeds are meant to encompass two Seeds each.
"Tonight was certainly... Unexpected." You really don't know what else to say about tonight. "Can we talk about how the last two witches were able to mutate when they ate the Seeds dropped by the first witch?"
"I don't know," Nurse Ortensia says. "Can you? I assume that isn't something they've ever done before, but do you have any idea what that means?"
You really don't have any idea of what that means - and without further information, you likely never will - but you still have a few thoughts rattling around inside your head. "Maybe she's experimenting, or her attempts to accomplish whatever her goal is are getting more bold. These-" for lack of a better term, "-new model witches were obviously made to be adaptable, but that just raises further questions. Why didn't she start with these? Or for that matter, why didn't the witches she sent out to us start out already engorged on Grief? Why is she only just now starting to send them out in groups?"
"Maybe she has problems controlling that many familiars at once?" Oriko suggests. "Or at least, she has problems controlling many more of her larger familiars. I only start to have trouble controlling my drones when I've got well over a hundred and I'm trying to make too many different shapes with them; but if she's got the experience she can probably stretch that level of control out to a few more larger familiars. We don't really know how or how well she can control her familiars; maybe she's moving up gradually, trying to see what her limits are?"
"Maybe she has trouble keeping them together?" Kirika suggests. I mean, I don't really know the first thing about doing stuff with Grief, so maybe making stuff from Grief's harder than it looks if you're not, like, super-intimate with the way Kyubey's system works?"
"Or maybe she's just trying to conserve her stores of Grief?" Archer suggests. You were wondering when Archer would slip away from that rooftop he had perched on and come join the rest of the team. "Assuming she's not able to get back to her workshop for awhile, she may be trying to conserve the Grief she has stored elsewhere. We don't know how much she was able to move off-site before Rin and I got there, and we don't know how long it'll be before she's able to get through Rin's Bounded Field and get back to work, so for all we know she's working with limited resources and wants to conserve what she can."
Oriko, Kirika, and Archer all raise good points; you'll be sure to keep them in mind for later. "Hopefully she's never able to return to her workshop," you say to Archer. "Now, something else has come up. According to Caster, the Pleiades Saints are dealing with their own witches over in Asunaro. I'd like it if you could go and observe them. Don't attack; them; just observe. I want to know what's going on in Asunaro."
"Can do," Archer says. "I'll report back if I see anything interesting."
[ ] Wat do?