Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Hey, @PlaguePaladin, do you think you could clear something up for me?

The Saints' warehouse is already in the industrial district, so they're covered, but aside from them, what is this accomplishing? By that I mean, if we're direction both our group as well as Caren and Assassin towards Mami's building, and then there's Kazumi, Mirai, Kanna, and Ramesses bombarding Sidonia's workshop, how is this even going to be possible? And if it is, what would this accomplish?
I meant somewhere between the industrial district and Mami's house, forgot to clarify. I'm mostly trying to have every-one meet up and get to Sidonia's workshop, but because I had no clue where that was, I settled for having them meet up and do that. I also thought it would help if we just had the whole entire team to face down the familiars. Sorry I didn't really convey this properly with my vote.

As for the movement stuff, again, I'm really bad at visualizing this in my head and keeping track of things, so I screwed that up a bit. The line's been removed; we're showing up at Mami's house to break the siege, and then we're going to do the same with the Saints once we deal with Mami's house. Mirai would probably be a big help, but if Sidonia pops back up, I at least want someone with tremendous firepower on hand to fend her off.
Day 30 Chapter 3
[X] Plan: Get The Damn Book And Go

Two explosions cause the building you're standing on to rock; one off in the distance, to your east; the other much closer, to the south, but only just barely. You can't see much from this distance, so it's up to Archer to relay the news to you. "Target eliminated," he says. "It doesn't look like her forces are dispersing any, but thankfully Rider and Berserker are doing what they can to keep them from entering the building."

That's good to hear. You look towards Matou Sakura; she's currently blasting at airborne familiars alongside her sister and your aunt. You don't see on her any way she could be carrying Twardowski's Mirror. "Let's hope they're able to hold off the rest of Sidonia's forces. I don't want to think about what could happen if one of her smarter familiars were able to get in and get their hand son that book."

You crane your head towards the sky, scanning for more incoming aerial familiars. Instead, what you see is the mighty flying battleship of Ramesses II, bombarding the workshop of Sidonia with its solar laser beams. Each beam kicks up a massive explosion as it makes contact with the church and the ground around it, and if they're big enough to cause the earth to shake where you re, you can't imagine how bad it must be for the environment at ground zero.

As if it could be worse than what Sidonia is doing.

"Kirika!" You hope your voice reaches your sister amid the din of battle, but it takes you until you've downed the incoming-most familiar near you before you can spare a moment to turn your head towards her to confirm. "Get Matou Sakura to tell you where she put Twardowski's book, and go get it for me!"

Kirika isn't able to spare the time to respond, until she herself has managed to slash her way through the familiars that are crowding her. But once she finally manages to- "Are you crazy, sis?" she shouts back. "You want me to head back down there? Where all the creepy-crawlies are?"

Another incoming familiar forces you to tear your attention away from Kirika. You take aim, loosing your frozen payload at the same time as one of Tohsaka-san's gemstones explodes in the air. Your projectile meets the gemstone's glittering magic dust, flash-freezing several nearby familiars in a single shot. "Is it really any worse than what's up here?" you reply. "At least if you're down there, you're getting that book out of reach of Sidonia's forces, and we can pull Berserker and Medusa back!"

That is what finally manages to convince Kirika; the thought of pulling her servant back and deploying him in a more advantageous position, one where he can actually use his greatest assets rather than be stuck defending a building where an old book was left behind. "Got it," Kirika says, before dashing off to convene with Matou Sakura, who is currently in the process of mowing down aerial familiars alongside your Aunt Illya.

But that still leaves a few more people…

"Tomoe-san, feel free to have everyone that's with you go all-out if they can manage. I don't care what it takes. We'll be there with reinforcements and to refresh your Soul Gems soon."

"Thank you, Akemi-san. But do hurry; I don't know how long the three of us will be able to hold out if you're late."

You'll try your best to not be late, but you won't put it past Sidonia to throw something else your way. But until then, you can only do what you can. "Oriko, get in touch with Nurse Ortensia if you can, and tell her and Assassin to head towards Tomoe-san's apartment. They're still under siege and could use some help breaking it."

"Of course, Akemi-san. I'll get in touch with her right away."

You make sure to thank Oriko for taking care of her cousin for you, because you still have one more person you need to coordinate with. "Archer, I've got Kirika making a run back to our building to grab Twardowski's book. Cover her. If things start looking a little too hectic, feel free to open fire with whatever you feel is appropriate."

"You're really sending her back there?"
Archer asks. "I… I'll support her, but you'd better know what you're doing, Homura. What about your group?"

"If we look like we're about to be overrun without Kirika-"
Which you sincerely doubt, since she's just one person and this has so far been a largely aerial battle, "-then feel free to open fire on the familiars that are coming after us, with whatever you feel is appropriate. But if we can secure Twardowski's book, we won't need Berserker or Medusa to hold the line anymore, and we can reposition them somewhere they'll be more useful; like Tomoe-san's building, or the Saints' base. That's what I'm hoping for."

As you see Kirika heading out, you force yourself to concentrate: on specific memories, of Archer, your father who loves you and Kirika, and who will do anything to keep the two of you safe; of your friends and family, both circles which you consider Kirika to fall squarely into; and of your teammates, because what else is Kirika to you right now, but one of the people fighting alongside you to save the world?

A cacophony of *Pop*ing sounds echo in your ear, on repeat, as though part of a song you keep skipping back to, and you're left surrounded by a horde of small familiars. The ones shaped like you in their folded-metal Archer-shaped armour, and the five troublemakers who take the shape of you nd your teammates. "Go," you say, directing your 'children' to assist in the fighting. "Head to whichever other groups we're closest to, and help them in whatever way they need you to."

The tin soldiers do nothing, standing there stock-solid, while the five in Quintet-shape stand around giggling to each other. You don't have time for this. You shoot down another incoming vampire familiar, and bark your orders at them again, this time adding a certain caveat. "Do it, and I'll make sure you get as many hugs and as much juice as you want after we're done here."

That does the trick. The familiars wearing your shape and Oriko's shape head off west, hot on Kirika's trail as they drag a small detachment of tin soldiers with them; while the familiars shaped like Tomoe-san and Kyouko head southeast, bringing with them another detachment to help break Tomoe-san's siege. Atop your icy, spider-shaped familiars, several others ride into battle, skittering along on their spindly little legs to join the rest of their respective detachments.

Only the Kirika familiar stays behind; not obstinate, not disobeying your orders, it throws itself into the battle on its own, drawing up tiny little claws, more like folded paper toys than actual weapons, and it joins the battle alongside Oriko. "Goodness, Akemi-san, I didn't know these little things were so eager."

Oriko is managing to keep herself calm and collected, as her drones shift rapidly from defensive walls to breaking apart and returning fire on the familiars that try to come close. She turns her drones around, blasting at several Skrzak that are trying to approach from the flanks, before reforming the barrier in front of you and she to deflect the sonic scream of one of the vampires. Tohsaka-san deals with that one.

"I told them to help whichever group they were closest to, but it looks like they just picked whichever group had their favourite person in it," you reply. It's the only explanation for why they broke off in the manner that they did.

Kirika landed on the roof with a pained grunt. The landing had been a bit too far down for her liking, not to mention the fact that she'd been forced to land in a less-than-ideal position thanks to an unlucky strike from an airborne familiar. She flicked her claws, sending a splatter of black sludge streaking across the roof from where they had found their mark. Moments later, after Kirika had picked herself up, the remains of a vivisected vampire familiar collapsed in a heap on the roof behind her.

Kirika tore her eyepatch off, stuffing it into the pocket of her costume, as she looked out at the massive horde of familiars that had the place surrounded. "Damn," she whispered to herself. Her eyes caught sight of a massive crater in the center of the sieging force. "That must be where Sidonia's puppet was standing before dad blew it the fuck up," she said.

"All right, time to get to work!" Kirika skipped over to the other side of the roof, and stared down. Fortunately, this side of the building was less besieged. These was no entrance here; except…

With all the grace of an Olympic gymnast, Kirika slung her body over the edge of the roof, angling her descent just so that she slipped in through the window of the upstairs residence. Going in through the front, where Berserker and Matou's Rider were still fighting, wouldn't have been possible for her, not without getting seriously injured; "And then dad'd kill me…" Kirika scoffed to herself, retracting her claws and slipping her hands into her pockets as she strolled through the upstairs residence. "Then again, he and mom'll probably kill me anyways if they find out I wasn't joking about not being a virgin; so it's like, six of one, half-dozen of another, right?"

But Kirika wasn't alone inside the building. Quickly, she drew out her claws, and her eyes shot back and forth. "Shit-!" she whispered. "How the fuck did one of them get in here? I thought Berserker and that other lady were-" She didn't have time to finish that thought. The wall to her left caved in, and a winged vampire charged at her, teeth and claws bared. "You slippery little fuck-"

Kirika had to move fast, thrusting with the claws in her left hand. They stuck, impaling the familiar through the hand as it tried to swipe. Its mouth opened wide, blasting Kirika with an ear-piercing sonic scream. Kirika ducked underneath the beam, sweeping her legs underneath the familiar's and causing it to stumble, altering the course of the blast and forcing it into the ceiling.

Kirika slipped her claws out of the familiar's hand as debris carved loose from the sonic blast fell onto the familiar's head, dazing it just long enough for Kirika to deliver the killing blow, thrusting her claws into its chest, before dragging them out and in one quick motion decapitating it. "Not so tough when you're not able to fly around like an annoying little fucker, are you?"

The defeated familiar dissolved into a puddle of bubbling black sludge, and Kirika winced as the sludge cooked a hole through the wooden floorboards. "Shit," Kirika swore to herself as she peered down through the hole. An almost perfect hole had been cooked, right from the kitchen in the upstairs residence, looking straight down onto the bed her parents shared. "Mom and dad'll be pissed when they see this."

"All right, gotta find that stupid book Sidonia wants…"

Leaping over the hole above her parents' bedroom, Kirika continued on her search, making her way to the guest bedroom currently occupied by Matou Sakura; and there- "Got it!" Twardowski's Mirror lay on the floor of the guest room, its pages opened from its fall, likely during the initial earth tremors, and she could see some damage on its spine from when it had fallen. Carefully, Kirika picked the book up, holding her breath that the book didn't fall apart in her hands.

Its ancient pages opened up to reveal an intricate diagram that, to Kirika, looked uncomfortably like the one she and Oriko had used to summon their servants. Just as carefully, she turned the page. She couldn't read any of what was written on the pages. It was all in Polish, and Kirika's understanding of any language besides Japanese was tenuous at best. She knew she was failing English, and that was before she decided to skip school for an entire week. "Mom's gonna kill me when she's sees what I got on that last test…" she said to herself.

"Oriko's so lucky… How come she gets to take a language she's already good at, while I'm failing English even when I try to do the work?"

It was enough to make Kirika want to tear her hair out. But she restrained herself, because doing that would mean impaling her claws straight through her skull. She'd survive, of course; as long as nothing broke the citrine-coloured diamond clasped to her waistcoat's back, nothing could actually kill her. But with her claws still slick with the black corruption from the defeated familiar, sticking them into her head would just cause her a lot of pain as the corruption seeped into her brain.

"So why don't I just stick my claws through this stupid book so we can be done with this?" she asked herself, as she continued to stare at Twardowski's Mirror. "Oh yeah, 'cause then dad's one friend'd get mad at me. Something about this book being super-valuable…" Kirika sneered at the open book, but pocketed it anyway, stuffing it into the folds inside her waistcoat rather than tearing it to shreds with her claws. "Who fucking cares if this thing's valuable to a bunch of crusty old mages, anyway? After all the trouble it's caused us-"

Again, Kirika didn't have time to finish her thought. The earth shook, and she was thrown to the floor, hitting her head on her way down. "Ow~" Making sure to dispel her claws, Kirika clutched at her head, as a pounding voice echoed in her mind's ear.

"Dearest, are you all right?" That wasn't just a voice- That was Oriko! "I saw an explosion coming from the direction of Akemi-san's building. Is everything all right where you are?"

"I hit my head pretty bad on the way down,"
Kirika replied. "But I'm… Still good to get back, I think. Tell sis that I got that stupid book, and I'll try to get back there as soon as I-"

Again, Kirika was thrown to her feet. At least the fall hadn't been from her previous head injury, which she was grateful for, but this was getting annoying. "Sorry, Oriko, I'm gonna have to call you back after I find out what the hell's going on."

Kirika pulled herself up to her feet, and tried to make her way to a window so she could see what was going on- "Oh…"

What she saw was not at all good. "Master, if you can hear me, please inform the others that Medusa and I are requesting immediate backup."

Kirika could see her Berserker, and Matou Sakura's Rider, engaging in fierce combat with one of Sidonia's giant serpents. The earth shook with each thrash of the serpent's body as it crashed into the surrounding buildings, and Kirika was once again thrown to the floor. "Hey, Oriko, can you tell sis that Sidonia's pulled out the big guns? 'Cause something tells me we might be a bit late trying to break the siege on Tomoe's place."

[ ] Wat do?​
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We've deployed our familiars, we're slowly making our way to Mami's place to help break the siege, and Kirika gets to be a badass before getting her hands on Twardowski's Mirror. The bad news, Sidonia has deployed at least one Basilisk, and it's preventing Kirika from getting away with her prize.

I also have a map of who is currently where. Hopefully it's legible, and that it makes sense. Hopefully Caren and Assassin, the grey dots by the school, are even visible. Like I said, I had to resort to coloured dots rather than names to prevent overcrowding. With the exception of Archer and Scat, all servants share their dot colour with their master, and servants will always be shown underneath their master as long as they're both in the same area.
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[X] Plan: Splitting Attention
-[X] Have Archer snipe the serpent from a distance, something at least powerful enough to injure it or let Kirika and the others break off and rejoin the siege group
-[X] Perspective Switch to Mami

Not sure there's much else to do, so I gave the vote one line. Everyone else is as close to where we can have them as possible. I would send Homura to share mana with Kirika and do an Arondight Overload so that the downtown group would have better protection, but we already told Mami that her group can go wild, so she'll probably need that mana refresh asap.

Akemi Residence: Kirika, Lancelot, Medusa
Downtown: Archer, Homura, Rin, Sakura, Oriko, Lancer
Tomoe Residence: Diarmuid, Hitomi, Achilles, Kyouko, Gilgamesh, Mami
Mitakihara Middle School: Caren, Aife
Houses (below school, they don't show up on this map): Hijiri, Mirai, Ramesses, Hijiri
Observation Tower (technically in the warehouses to the right, but it's closest): Boudica, Kaoru, Scathach, Umika, Saki, Kanna, Nightingale
Somewhere: Berserker & Illya

I could probably figure it out better if I had a key to go with it. I assume the red dot on the tower is Sidonia, or at least one of her puppets that got destroyed?

Did I get that right? Although a bit more cluttered, it's probably more detailed and easier to list things this way; though that'd be if we had the full map, instead of this one that cuts off at the bottom. I'll see if I can scrounge up the complete one. Or we could use Enetious's (I miss you, Enetious), but it might be a bit harder to grasp the environment that way.
Sorry for being a bit late, it took me twenty or so minutes to decipher the map. On the positive, that was kind of fun! On the negative, I feel like that wasn't the intent. Nevertheless, I'll applaud SVS for the unintentional puzzle.
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Houses (below school, they don't show up on this map): Hijiri, Mirai, Ramesses, Hijiri
Observation Tower (technically in the warehouses to the right, but it's closest): Boudica, Kaoru, Scathach, Umika, Saki, Kanna, Nightingale
Somewhere: Berserker & Illya

I could probably figure it out better if I had a key to go with it. I assume the red dot on the tower is Sidonia, or at least one of her puppets that got destroyed?
Mostly correct, except you did make a few mistakes. First, Illya and Berserker are with Homura and her group. They're the grey dots on the farthest right of the cloud where the other dots for that group are. Also, Kazumi is the first black dot by the houses, not Kanna. She's the green dot farthest right in that cluster, while Niko is the green dot above the warehouses. I'm sure that's what you meant, but it's confusing when you refer to them by their family names as their given names.

I mean, technically Niko's given name is also Kanna, but that's not exactly fair and calling them both Kanna makes it hard to distinguish between the two.

Also, the red dot on the tower is Archer. It's the tallest spot in the city, so that's where he's chosen as his sniper spot.
Sorry for being a bit late, it took me twenty or so minutes to decipher the map. On the positive, that was kind of fun! On the negative, I feel like that wasn't the intent. Nevertheless, I'll applaud SVS for the unintentional puzzle.
Sorry for making it so difficult to figure out. I didn't realise that it would be as hard to figure out as it apparently was, nor did I realise that Illya and Heracles would be so hard to see. Maybe there's a better way to mark where people are than dots that aren't visible if I use the wrong colour.
[X] Send Archer back to Kirika's group and let him hit the Serpent with a Caladbolg, or at least something to slow it down/severely injure it.

Not sure there's much else to do, so I gave the vote one line. Everyone else is as close to where we can have them as possible.
I suppose, if you or anyone else felt the need to add more to this, you could vote for which character's perspective you'd like to see the next update come from. Doesn't have to be Homura's. It could be Kirika's, like the latter half of this one, or Mami, or Caren, or Niko; I'm not partial to one or the other if you'd like some variety.
Sorry for making it so difficult to figure out. I didn't realise that it would be as hard to figure out as it apparently was, nor did I realise that Illya and Heracles would be so hard to see. Maybe there's a better way to mark where people are than dots that aren't visible if I use the wrong colour.
Like I said, you can probably just use the same method I'm using. I'm the only one who's actually needed to keep track of us anyways, after all, unless someone else feels like stepping up to the voting block.

I suppose, if you or anyone else felt the need to add more to this, you could vote for which character's perspective you'd like to see the next update come from. Doesn't have to be Homura's. It could be Kirika's, like the latter half of this one, or Mami, or Caren, or Niko; I'm not partial to one or the other if you'd like some variety.
I'd be preferential to seeing the warehouse group's perspective or Mami's perspective. If I had to choose, I'd probably go with Mami. The warehouse would give us more crucial information, but switching back to Homura from Mami's perspective might be less jarring. Added to the vote; also got a plan name. Switched up Archer's specific actions now that I know that he's sniping from a tower.

Oh, and I forgot to mention a funny thing I found; apparently if you search 'Mitakihara map' we're the sixth result. I thought there would be more, honestly.
Oh, and I forgot to mention a funny thing I found; apparently if you search 'Mitakihara map' we're the sixth result. I thought there would be more, honestly.
Doesn't really surprise me. The map I use has popped up once a month for almost four years now, pretty consistently.
unless someone else feels like stepping up to the voting block.
Well, you never know. Maybe Jefardi sees that we're having another huge life-or-death fight and he decides to pop in like he did last time.
God, I'm so tempted to just destroy the damn book already.

[X] Plan: Splitting Attention

I've been sitting here staring at the screen trying to come up with an alternative/more detailed vote. Archer needs 7 seconds or so to fire something big enough to hurt this thing, right? So, we need to stall this thing somehow, but I'm just drawing blanks.
So, we need to stall this thing somehow, but I'm just drawing blanks.
Depends on how much mana that basilisk has. As long as it doesn't match or exceed an A-rank Servant in terms of mana, then Medusa should be able to cause partial petrification, at the very least. Kirika also learned how to time-slow others during our last training session, and she could do that. Or, an idea, Medusa's A+ rank riding could possibly allow her to force control over the basilisk, and we might not even need Archer's help in such a case. We know it could work too, since A+ rank is apparently enough to ride Phantasmal Beasts, which the basilisk is probably less strong than.
So, we need to stall this thing somehow, but I'm just drawing blanks.
Depends on how much mana that basilisk has. As long as it doesn't match or exceed an A-rank Servant in terms of mana, then Medusa should be able to cause partial petrification, at the very least.

Medusa's A+ rank riding could possibly allow her to force control over the basilisk, and we might not even need Archer's help in such a case. We know it could work too, since A+ rank is apparently enough to ride Phantasmal Beasts, which the basilisk is probably less strong than.
Regarding option the first, while I haven't figured out how much mana Sidonia puts into each of her familiars, bear in mind that Sidonia's Basilisks have effectively infinite regeneration and that last time we needed Caren to exorcise it to stop it from coming back, so it's probably on the higher end of however much Sidonia puts into her creations. The other idea might be more feasible if we didn't want to throw Kirika at it and hope she doesn't get run over trying to slow it down. Or maybe not. I don't know what the hierarchy is for ranking phantasmal species, so I don't know where a basilisk would fall on that scale.
I don't know what the hierarchy is for ranking phantasmal species, so I don't know where a basilisk would fall on that scale.
It goes Monstrous Beast, Phantasmal Beast, and then Divine Beast. A Divine Beast is either a deity itself or the manifestation of a deity's powers, so we can cross that off. A Phantasmal Beast is a beast that's gained mystery to the point where it can resist magic, and basically is a living type of magic. A Monstrous Beast is basically any animal that's been mutated through supernatural methods beyond the capabilities of a normal animal.

Examples of Divine Beasts are Fairies, Cerberus, Gugalanna, Huginn & Muginn, and... apparently Moby Dick (why, Fate, why). Examples of Phantasmal Beasts are Pegasus, lower-grade Dragons, the Rabbit of Caerbannog (apparently Nasu thought it was so funny that he made it cannon), the 'golden werewolves' I talked to you about earlier, and Tsuchigomo. Examples of Monstrous Beasts are things like Chimera, Griffins, and Oni. However, be wary about this, because the source I used unironically used the terms 'monstrous beast', 'demonic beast', and 'magical beast' in the same sentence to refer to the same thing, telling me that it's probably a patchwork copy-paste, given the wiki's history.

In reality, the Pegasus that Medusa summons is said to be a Phantasmal Beast, so compare the basilisk to it to determine this.
In reality, the Pegasus that Medusa summons is said to be a Phantasmal Beast, so compare the basilisk to it to determine this.
All right, that's the least-confusing thing you could have said about this whole affair. Now, since we're dealing with singular instances of a creature, (the Pegasus, the Basilisk of Warsaw) and since I'm pretty sure that the Basilisk of Warsaw is entirely its own thing in the story and not just a mutated snake, I'm going to say that Sidonia's Basilisks are of the rank of phantasmal beast, since that's what they're supposeed to be replicating. ...I suppose that calls into question what the Chimera is doing as a monstrous beast and not a phantasmal beast, but who am I to try and make logical sense of Nasu's fever dreams?
All right, that's the least-confusing thing you could have said about this whole affair. Now, since we're dealing with singular instances of a creature, (the Pegasus, the Basilisk of Warsaw) and since I'm pretty sure that the Basilisk of Warsaw is entirely its own thing in the story and not just a mutated snake, I'm going to say that Sidonia's Basilisks are of the rank of phantasmal beast, since that's what they're supposeed to be replicating. ...I suppose that calls into question what the Chimera is doing as a monstrous beast and not a phantasmal beast, but who am I to try and make logical sense of Nasu's fever dreams?
I think the determining factor is that the type of Beast is dependent on the origin rather than the power, but even that falls apart. The Hydra is apparently a Monstrous Beast despite being made through Hera's authorities, and apparently even Medusa's ridiculous god-riding A+ or Astolfo's Pecos Bill-grade riding can't ride dragons, despite the fact that there are supposedly true dragons that are on the grade of Monstrous Beasts.

Fate is stupid, so make it up. Fate never cared about the consistency of its lore, so we don't have to excuse the messes it's made, and can play with it as we please. That's what Nasu does.
Barring the occasional outlier, it looks like the pattern is:
"Named, singular instance of the creature": divine beast (Fafnir, Moby Dick, despite your complaints, Scylla and Charybdis, Cerberus, etc)
"Unnamed, but still singular instance of the creature, or a senior-hierarchy member of a plural species": phantasmal beast (the Pegasus, the Basilisk, the Sphinx, golden werewolves, etc)
"Unnamed, member of a plural species": monstrous beast (silver werewolves, classical non-DA vampires, Nachtkrapp, etc)

I am just taking a shot in the dark with this, but it looks like the pattern I'm seeing with our list. Obviously there are outliers, but using this basic guideline, I'd say that in terms of Sidonia's familiars we're looking at:
Divine beast: Smok Wawelski
Phantasmal beast: the Basilisk
Monstrous beast: Everything else
Wasn't it also a thing that Elephants are also Monstrous Beasts? I remember that being a thing for some reason.
Pink elephants, maybe. That sounds completely bizarre and nonsensical, and not in the usual Nasuese kind of way. That said, going by the baseline metric I established above, I could theoretically see it tracking, since elephants aren't a single-specimen species.
Pink elephants, maybe. That sounds completely bizarre and nonsensical, and not in the usual Nasuese kind of way. That said, going by the baseline metric I established above, I could theoretically see it tracking, since elephants aren't a single-specimen species.

I think it has to do with the fact of them being descendants of Wooly Mammoths?
I think it has to do with the fact of them being descendants of Wooly Mammoths?
By that logic, modern birds are monstrous beasts for being descendants of dinosaurs. Housecats are monstrous beasts for being descendants of sabertooth tigers. Sloths are monstrous beasts for being descendants of giant land sloths. Bears are monstrous beasts for being descendants of Ice Age super-bears... Okay, you know what? I'll give you bears. Bears are pretty terrifying. But still, that argument is stupid, and unless you want to see Sidonia whip out Dumbo and throw him at us, I would kindly ask you to please put it back where you found it.
Day 30 Chapter 4
[X] Plan: Splitting Attention

Kirika pulled herself up to her feet, and tried to make her way to a window so she could see what was going on- "Oh…"

What she saw was not at all good. "Master, if you can hear me, please inform the others that Medusa and I are requesting immediate backup."

Kirika could see her Berserker, and Matou Sakura's Rider, engaging in fierce combat with one of Sidonia's giant serpents. The earth shook with each thrash of the serpent's body as it crashed into the surrounding buildings, and Kirika was once again thrown to the floor. "Hey, Oriko, can you tell sis that Sidonia's pulled out the big guns? 'Cause something tells me we might be a bit late trying to break the siege on Tomoe's place."

"Dearest, are you sure?"
Oriko's inner voice sounded panicked. "What's wrong?"

"Sidonia's brought out one of those bigass serpents. You know, the ones that don't die when they're killed."

There's a moment's pause where no sound comes to Kirika's mind, no whispers from Oriko's inner voice, until- "Akemi-san asked me to direct Caren-san and Assassin to Tomoe-san's building, but I can tell her to go to you instead if you-"

"While that'd be great and all, if sis asked you to send Nurse O to help Tomoe, then you better keep her there,"
Kirika replied. "No, just tell Homura, to tell dad, that we need some heavy artillery over here, and fast."

"Of course, dearest."

The earth shook again as the monstrous serpent thrashed its body into the side of a nearby building. Kirika braced herself against the windowsill, forcing her body to remain upright as she watched on. The building collapsed on top of the serpent's head; it wouldn't be enough to even slow the damn thing down, Kirika knew, and as soon as Berserker approached it to deal a crushing blow while his foe was down, the serpent's spined hood flared out, narrowly impaling Berserker and forcing him to dodge the blow.

"I just hope it doesn't use that stupid flammable gas attack…."

"Kirika!" Homura's voice rang in Kirika's mind. "If you've got Twardowski's book, Archer says to get the hell out of there as soon as possible."

"What's he packing?"

"Something big enough to deal with that serpent, hopefully,"
Homura replied. "Just grab the book and get out of there."

Kirika already had the book in her possession, though at the moment she wasn't about to tell Homura, Archer, or anyone else about the hole the familiar she'd defeated had cooked though the ceiling of her parents' bedroom. "Not it," she'd said to herself. She'd leave that for Homura and Archer to discover on their own later. "Right. Just give me a few seconds to figure out how the heck to get outta here, sis, and I'll-"

Another crash of the serpent into the side of another building, and Kirika once again braced her body against the windowsill to keep from falling over. "Damnit, this stupid snake just won't stop thrashing around. I wish someone'd just pin it down for a second or two to make this easier…"

"We're doing all that we can over here. Just get out of there, and tell Berserker to fall back so he doesn't get swept up in the blast. I'll have Matou Sakura tell her servant to do the same."

But getting out would be trickier than getting in. Getting in only required that Kirika go down. Going down was easy. Going up was harder. Kirika twisted her head, craning it skyward to survey the best possible route up and out. She was an acrobat; she'd had no problems leaping from the streets to the rooftops of buildings before- "Bingo;" And she quickly spotted her way up.

With her left hand, she made sure to keep a tight hold on Twardowski's book, clutching it tight to her chest inside the folds of her coat, while with her right, she extended her claws. With a flick of her wrist, she sent her claws flying out on lengths of chain, which latched themselves onto the ledge of a nearby building's rooftop. She gave the connection an experimental tug, hoping that it would hold for long enough to get out of there.

Takign one last look at the scene on the ground, Kirika mentally called out to her servant, "Berserker, get the hell out of there! Archer's gonna try hitting that thing with something big, and we don't want you getting caught in the blast radius!"

"Understood, master."

Kirika didn't bother sparing more than a brief second's glance as her servant and Medusa broke rank in preparation for what was coming, and Kirika took off, swinging from her makeshift grappling hook with a song on her lips. "Spider-Kirika, Spider-Kirika, sleeps with Oriko 'cause she's my girlfriend~"

As a screaming bolt soared over the top of Kirika's head from the highest point in the city, a single thought raced through all of Kirika's remaining braincells which weren't devoted to thoughts of Oriko, and she stopped, saying to herself "Wait, no, that doesn't rhyme at all-!"

From the west, a massive explosion rocked through the city, and a billowing mushroom cloud of smoke rose as Mami turned her head towards the source. "That must have come from Akemi-san's building," she said to herself.



Mami didn't have time to devote to thinking about Homura's current position, not when her own building was in the process of being overrun. She tossed aside her spent muskets, and drew up two more as she took aim, blasting at the nearest familiars as they crowded the lobby of her building. Tossing aside those in turn, she switched over to her golden gauntlets, hammering a powerful fist into the face of another familiar as it attempted to charge her position. The wounded familiar drew back, only to be impaled by a thrusted spear. One delicate, fire-wreathed flourish later, and the spear was drawn back, striking down the familiar.

"Thank you for the assist, Sakura-san," Mami said, before returning her attention to the next nearest familiar as it attempted to charge her distracted ally. "But do keep your head in the game, next time."

"Fuck you, Mami!" Kyouko shot back, though her tone was one of jest. "You think I wanna die ta some overgrown doggy?"

The overgrown doggy in question was tall, lean and muscular, and wielding a spear and a sword, one in each hand. It snarled, and clashed its blades against Kyouko's spear. She broke her spear apart into segments, winding them around the familiar and striking it in the back from behind. It staggered, almost losing its grip on its weapons, before a well-placed whip of Kyouko's wrist sent the familiar flying backwards into the throng of its allied assailants. When it tried to pick itself up, body knitting the wound shut before Kyouko's spear had even been withdrawn from its back, it quickly found itself impaled again, before a ringing clap of hands impaled it several times through with raised spears made from the tiled floor of the lobby.

"Nice save, Seaweed!" Kyouko called out. "But, uh…" Even after being impaled, the werewolf familiar still lived, and it attempted to pull itself up from the impaling pillars. "Thank ya can do anything about that?"

Standing in the far back of the lobby was Hitomi, cloistering herself in the most defensively advantageous spot she could manage. If things got too hectic, she could always head back up the stairs and make for Caster's fortified upper floors. "Just a moment, Sakura-san!" she called out in response. She snapped her fingers, sending a spark of flame out into the throng. Several wolves howled in agony as Hitomi's flames scorched them, and the screeching of several of the immolated vampire-women almost caused the roof to come down as their sonic lasers went wild.

Immediately, as soon as she saw the debris falling, Hitomi hit the deck, pressing her hands to the floor and pulsing her mana. From body to hand it flowed, and from hand to matter, reshaping the falling debris into spears of concrete and brick as they fell, causing them to do the work of impaling the familiars beneath them for her. She pressed her hands to the floor again, raising up sharp teeth of tile and stone, trapping within the rising and falling edges any familiars unlucky enough to be caught within.

Kyouko's foe had almost succeeded in pulling itself free from the stinging spears that kept it impaled, causing Kyouko to yell out "Any time now, Seaweed!"

A third tie, Hitomi touched her hands to the floor, and sharp spears became spine-encrusted walls, closing in on the familiar and barricading it inside a makeshift iron maiden. "There we go." Her task complete, Hitomi returned her attention to dealing out crowd control for her allies. She snapped her fingers again, and a storm of icicles rushed from her fingertips.

Mami took that moment to join in Hitomi's barrage. A ring of silver muskets formed around Mami's waist as she switched back to her preferred weapon, and blasted them off one after another, always replacing them in sequence as their predecessor was fired off. Kyouko hit the deck as the combination attack went wild, tearing through familiars left, right, and center. As soon as Kyouko had the chance, she joined in as well, launching an arc of flame from her spear that slammed into several of the nearest familiars.

Outside, the sounds of an even fiercer battle raged on. Brilliant arcs of blue, red, and gold flashed from the windows and the entrance of the lobby; the handiwork of Saber and Caster, no doubt. Through the bright daylight sky, a peal of emerald lightning flashed, followed shortly thereafter by the roar of thunder as Rider's chariot slammed into the horde of familiars.

But it wasn't enough. A loud crash echoed from the upstairs, snapping Mami's head upwards as she cried out "We should head back!" to Kyouko and Hitomi. "if the flying ones are able to reach my floor and breach Caster's defences-"

A loud explosion ripped through the upper floors of the building, pouring smoke as the body of a familiar fell. Mami was quick about it, raising her muskets up and blasting the falling body to pieces. It hit the lobby floor with a sickening sound, and with enough force to dent the floor. "maybe we don't gotta deal with that just yet," Kyouko said to Mami as she impaled the melting remains with her flame-wreathed spear. "Looks like Goldie's defences are still holding up."

Caster's defences, maybe, but despite the efforts of the three servants doing their part outside, there was still a fairly constant stream of familiars pouring in past them. Mami and Kyouko each readied their weapons, while Hitomi drew back against the far wall, readying a ball of water in one hand, and a chill wind in the other. Another roar of thunder sounded from the outside, but this time, no emerald peal accompanied it. An explosion came down, hard, sending a billowing cloud of smoke streaming into the lobby.

Mami and Kyouko took aim as they heard footsteps approaching, but the familiar that came through the smoke did not do so in the manner they had been expecting. It was another werewolf, forcefully thrown from the cloud by another, its arms sparking with a furious red as its body attempted to heal its missing limbs. It scrambled to its feet as it hit the floor, but a red ribbon shot out from the cloud, forcefully binding it. From within the cloud, a familiar voice spoke "Be crushed."

White lightning tore the cloud of smoke to pieces, revealing Caren Ortensia. Her right hand was held at her side, deftly manipulating the crimson holy shroud which bound the werewolf, while with her outstretched left hand she smote it with a bolt of lightning from her fingertips. Behind her, Mami and Kyouko could see a ring of ice had formed around the building, and they could now see that Assassin had joined the fray alongside Saber, Rider, and Caster.

"Oriko said you three could use some backup," Caren said. She flexed the fingers of her left hand as charred flesh knit itself back together, and she turned her attention towards the door. "I can see what she meant. It as a hassle for Assassin and I just to get through this mess."

"Regardless, we're certainly glad you could make it, Ortensia-san," Mami said.

"Right," Kyouko added. "Now, let's show all these ugly fucks what fer."

[ ] Wat do?
I apologise for not dwelling on the survival of the Basilisk. We should already know that it's probably not dead. I also apologise for the pacing of this update, because to me, it feels like someone could easily say that it feels like nothing is being accomplished. Maybe that's just me, and I only think that because it's difficult to juggle writing combat that's taking place across so many different arenas and to make it all feel like it's all important. But the truth is, at the moment this is just the opening overture. Sidonia is trying to soften us up, and until she makes a bigger move this is about the best I can do to make it seem like your instructions are being carried out.

I don't have a new map to show you, because aside from Kirika, Caren, and Assassin, people pretty much haven't moved all that much from their previous location.

On an unrelated note, I had an absolutely terrible idea that I just couldn't wait to share with you all: Not counting Hans, because he's currently inhabiting the body of a child, there are currently enough servants in Mitakihara that the gang could make, at least if Sigurd weren't evil right now, a pinup calendar of all twelve of our current servants. Hey, it'd be a good way to raise money if the city needs help rebuilding, at least. I wonder which servant would be the pinup for each month, and which month's pinup would be the one Minako tears out of every calendar she finds because it's the one with Archer on it.
[x]Plan "show all these ugly fucks what fer"
-[x] Mami heads up to the upper levels to take up a sniper position while Caren takes her place down here.
-[x] Assassan may not like it, but she's sticking to hit and run tactics for now. We still need her in top shape for when the enemy Saber makes his appearance.

...Yeah that's all I got.

Happy thanksgiving! Didn't vote because I was at relatives house for 8 hours and I am fucking drained. Thanks for the save, NMS.