I'd probably go for the upload being more of a human than the stiff, myself. Like with your own zoo animals comparison, I'd think the body would actually have more in common with them than the upload would.
Any non dna definitions of humanity will either exclude lot of humans, or include lot of animals in zoos (and in the wild, for that matter).

Yes, the body would have more in common, if we just want to make a list (pulse, body temperature, mostly made of water...), but going with the usual "what makes a human" definitions that do not include actual physical characteristics or dna, those animals can start suddenly look real human (abstract thought, tool use, emmotions...).
The way I see it, physical characteristics would probably include like, most mammals, until you started getting really specific. Meanwhile mental characteristics would narrow you down to a handful of species right from the get go, and going into specifics would probably rule out everything else.
The way I see it, physical characteristics would probably include like, most mammals, until you started getting really specific. Meanwhile mental characteristics would narrow you down to a handful of species right from the get go, and going into specifics would probably rule out everything else.
No, i don't think there is no specific mental standards you can assign to being human that would not include quite a lot of birds (mostly corvids and parots), that would not also exclude lot of humans.

Even DNA is poor measure, because there is no "human" template biologically speaking, there is no point where our ancestors became human, and there is no point where our descendants will stop being human, but in long enough time period, the beings at the different ends of the timeline will clearly be different species.

So, in terms of cliches i can't stand.
Navel gazing about "what does it mean to be human", because any answer you come up with will either be pointless, or potentially very problematic.
No, i don't think there is no specific mental standards you can assign to being human that would not include quite a lot of birds (mostly corvids and parots), that would not also exclude lot of humans.

Even DNA is poor measure, because there is no "human" template biologically speaking, there is no point where our ancestors became human, and there is no point where our descendants will stop being human, but in long enough time period, the beings at the different ends of the timeline will clearly be different species.
Yeah, with the three traits you thought of for the mind, you'd be including like parrots, crows, several apes, elephants, maybe a few others. But with the traits you thought of for the body, you'd get like, every single mammal and a lot of things beyond that.

I know those weren't meant to be the definitive list of traits, just some stuff you thought of off the top of your head, but I think it's still illustrative.
Yeah, with the three traits you thought of for the mind, you'd be including like parrots, crows, several apes, elephants, maybe a few others. But with the traits you thought of for the body, you'd get like, every single mammal and a lot of things beyond that.

I know those weren't meant to be the definitive list of traits, just some stuff you thought of off the top of your head, but I think it's still illustrative.
Illustrative of what?
That there is no good definition of "human" beyond the medical/biological/genetic?
Any "this is what it means to be human" definition i have seen is either very exclusionary (be it towards people with disabilities, different cultures, or even just political alignment), or would lead us to seek save our fellow humans from slavery in zoos and pet stores.
Nah, just that upload the computer is more human than the body. I just thought this back and forth was interesting. You're a bit of a downer, y'know?
Nah, just that upload the computer is more human than the body. I just thought this back and forth was interesting. You're a bit of a downer, y'know?
Not really.
Because, again, those traits used will almost certainly include many animals, and exclude many humans.

And if i am a downer, it is because i have actually looked at your position, and seen where it goes.
Stardust Crusaders is a big offender here. The justification early on is that Stand users generally keep their powers hidden from each other, but at some point you'd think Dio's minions would become more afraid of the protagonists than of each other. I guess in Egypt some of Dio's assassins do work in pairs to an extent (the Alessi and Mariah fights happen simultaneously, I believe), and there was a period where they thought that Avdol was dead and thus that they were making progress in killing the Joestar group, but they still act oddly confident after what happened to all the other Stand users, and they never act in groups of more than two.

Oh yea, I was thinking small groups but that one went full on 'stand user of the week.' And unlike some sentai monsters, there's no reason why there can't be bigger groups. Heck, there's 5/6 heroes. They mostly have a numbers edge! (even if it's often just 2-3 in a fight).

There's even specific *groups* within the stand users who just trickle in despite presumably knowing each other.
What would be more "human"? A fully functioning human mind uploaded into a computer that has no DNA at all; or a brain dead person with normal DNA?
The actual physical human of course. "Human" is literally just an animal species, and species are in fact defined by DNA. Human means in fact Homo Sapiens (or maybe just Homo, if other species in that group had survived). Human literally is a biological category, and that is actually an important fact: We, for example, grant human rights to all humans, to everyone in that category, regardless of other concerns. If we try to define human in some weird, subjective philosophical way, then that leaves the door open for all sorts of manipulations, or at least unfortunate consequences - as we have seen.

That being said, though, the AI program patterned on a human mind (ehem - no such things as "uploads") would be a person, of course. But that is indeed the crux: Person is not the same as human, at least as far as their theoretical definitions go. "Human" is defined entirely by biology, whereas "person" is a social-ethical concept.
I don't know, I like "the Resistance". Sounds simple and competent to me personally. "Chain Breakers" or "Flag Smashers" sounds silly, like they're trying to overcompensate for something.
Eh, the Resistance just sounds too generic for my tastes. If you like it that's cool. I just prefer names that are more creative.
Eh, the Resistance just sounds too generic for my tastes. If you like it that's cool. I just prefer names that are more creative.

I think there are just certain naming conventions I like more than others. I have come up with organization names like "CHOIR" or "the Congregation", which appeals to my sensibilities. I'm also fine with stuff like "the National Liberation Front" or "the Citizen's Volunteer Army" or something.

I think it depends on genre, though. I'm going to be more willing to find names such as "the Order of the Black Knights" or something similarly chuuni when it's actually in anime/manga or some other work that's obviously anime/manga-inspired.
I think there are just certain naming conventions I like more than others. I have come up with organization names like "CHOIR" or "the Congregation", which appeals to my sensibilities. I'm also fine with stuff like "the National Liberation Front" or "the Citizen's Volunteer Army" or something.

I think it depends on genre, though. I'm going to be more willing to find names such as "the Order of the Black Knights" or something similarly chuuni when it's actually in anime/manga or some other work that's obviously anime/manga-inspired.
It all comes down to preferences really. I like to give my resistance groups more creative names than simply The Resistance or The Rebellion.
Is this some sort of " Star Trek transporters kill you" argument?

Yes. Create the same "pattern" as you while you are alive, as a copy, you have a different person. This wouldn`t change just because you die/disappear in the process. Continuity is what matters.

It all comes down to preferences really. I like to give my resistance groups more creative names than simply The Resistance or The Rebellion.
What you seem to fail to realize is that it isn't actually a matter of creativity, as you repeatedly proclaim so self-laudatorily.
Speaking of my own cliche I can't stand, it always annoys me in a racing show/film/whatever when cars arbitrarily speed up or slow down whenever, typically so that they can have a dramatic scene where the vehicles are side-to-side and possibly ramming each other. There are a bunch of reasons why a car might suddenly go faster or slower than a competitor: Gear transmission ratios, exits out of turns, slipstreams, etc. But it just seems like cars will suddenly go faster than the one in front of it for the purposes of catching up, and then suddenly slow down once they're actually neck-and-neck.
no kei you dont understand the cars vroom vroom faster because the camera cuts to them shifting gears dramatically with loud sound effects thats how you know the driver is better than the other driver
Yes. Create the same "pattern" as you while you are alive, as a copy, you have a different person. This wouldn`t change just because you die/disappear in the process. Continuity is what matters.
You can still call it "upload" though. Because uploading is creating a copy somewhere else and deleting the original.
Yes. Create the same "pattern" as you while you are alive, as a copy, you have a different person. This wouldn`t change just because you die/disappear in the process. Continuity is what matters.
Extrapolated in the other direction, this means that any kind of interruption in consciousness equals death.

So, sleep is murder.

An upload performed using a patient which is awake can be argued to have a greater continuity than one person going to sleep and waking up.
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I would say the last part is optional 😁
That gives a morbid feel to Pokémon transfer. Also on a side note the Pokémon World has some very advanced tech like they can turn living things into Energy/code and transfer them, which might involve deleting the original. But still impressive. And deleting the original and making a copy in another place is the same as death. Wait can humans be transported the same way as Pokémon?
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