The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Okay, so many questions that we don't know the answer to....

Are items in Homura's shield frozen in time? Homura probably doesn't even know yet. If so we could just throw the Seed in there to deal with later.

Is Charlotte really a threat if Nanami has Homura's help? A few railgun shots from timestop, maybe restarting time for a few seconds to let her change forms, then a few more railgun shots from timestop.

What the fuck, Simona? Are you seriously wasting time being jealous of Asami right now? Are you endangering the space-time continuum because you couldn't get your rocks off with the girl you had a crush on? That's like some Ikari Shinji level bullshit right there.

[x] Summarize Simona's intel on the witch and forward to Nanami.
[x] Advise maximum exploitation of unlimited timestop. Fire multiple rounds from timestop, get to safe distance, restart time briefly to observe results, restop time immediately, repeat.
[x] Continue call with Kyouko. If she can give us her location, we may be able to get her there in time.
She is already with homura, that is sufficient provided they remain ready to time stop as instructed.
Not yet, she isn't. There's plenty of ways for things to go sideways and Nanami to decide to play the hero. It would be too much to ask for everything to go to plan; the universe seems hellbent on giving us problems to deal with, trying to make life as interesting as possible.

[xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Make an offering of cheese to the grief seed
Adhoc vote count started by Grey John on May 31, 2018 at 10:03 AM, finished with 55 posts and 10 votes.

  • [x] Insist to Sayaka run away, Nanami's on it
    -[x]DON'T do something clever like call in a bomb threat, hang around to protect her husbando, or try and do a one-girl spirit uplifting show. She's worried, and mixed up with magic, which means if she hangs around the witch is more likely to hone in on wherever she is. We are going to fix this ASAP, but don't want complications.
    [x] Loop Ryouko in on this plan, because if you get distracted by da po-po she can take over strategic command
    -[x] Also keep an ear out recording the transcript of what's going down in that conversation between the police chief and the officers.
    [x] Brain-mesh Nanami. She's in tactical command. Which is both trust and responsibility, but you know she can handle this.
    -[x] Get her to contact Homura ASAP via her phone, or Amy, or Madoka. Get her to stop time and get to the hospital. Make sure to apologize for the suddenness and the long walk, we'll work out a better system in the future.
    --[x] Have someone call Kyouko with the situation, remember to try and make it seem like not-crazy if someone ever checks on the records. You'll ask her to delete her texts when you meet in person, just in case. Let her know everyone's situation, and warn her that with everyone tied up this would be a very good opportunity for certain assholes to mess with our group (and her) in one way or another. Politely request she try and hang out close to ourselves or the group, if something else pops up she's the only one with freedom of movement we can trust.
    ---[x] If we call Kyouko, proxy it via via Sayaka's phone
    [x] Get a status update of everyone, where they are, and what they're doing, and warn them to be careful. Hanging out in public places may not be a bad idea, if they're already there or can get their easily. If they're at home, staying put is fine.
    -[x] Keep Machina in the loop as well. While you might be worried about Mami breaking out to defend the hospital, you'll just have to trust that her and Machina will trust you. And they need to be warned like everyone else anyways.
    [x] Summarize Simona's intel on the witch and forward to Nanami.
    [x] Advise maximum exploitation of unlimited timestop. Fire multiple rounds from timestop, get to safe distance, restart time briefly to observe results, restop time immediately, repeat.
    [x] Continue call with Kyouko. If she can give us her location, we may be able to get her there in time.
    [X]Nanami wants big BOOM!
    [x] Insist to Sayaka run away, Nanami's on it
    -[x]DON'T do something clever like call in a bomb threat, hang around to protect her husbando, or try and do a one-girl spirit uplifting show. She's worried, and mixed up with magic, which means if she hangs around the witch is more likely to hone in on wherever she is. We are going to fix this ASAP, but don't want complications.
    [x] Loop Ryouko in on this plan, because if you get distracted by da po-po she can take over strategic command
    -[x] Also keep an ear out recording the transcript of what's going down in that conversation between the police chief and the officers.
    [x] Brain-mesh Nanami. She's in tactical command. Which is both trust and responsibility, but you know she can handle this.
    -[x] Get her to contact Homura ASAP via her phone, or Amy, or Madoka. Get her to stop time and get to the hospital. Make sure to apologize for the suddenness and the long walk, we'll work out a better system in the future.
    --[x] Have someone call Kyouko with the situation, remember to try and make it seem like not-crazy if someone ever checks on the records. You'll ask her to delete her texts when you meet in person, just in case. Let her know everyone's situation, and warn her that with everyone tied up this would be a very good opportunity for certain assholes to mess with our group (and her) in one way or another. Politely request she try and hang out close to ourselves or the group, if something else pops up she's the only one with freedom of movement we can trust.
    ---[x] If we call Kyouko, proxy it via via Sayaka's phone
    [x] Get a status update of everyone, where they are, and what they're doing, and warn them to be careful. Hanging out in public places may not be a bad idea, if they're already there or can get their easily. If they're at home, staying put is fine.
    -[x] Keep Machina in the loop as well. While you might be worried about Mami breaking out to defend the hospital, you'll just have to trust that her and Machina will trust you. And they need to be warned like everyone else anyways.
    [x] Also keep an ear out recording the transcript of what's going down in that conversation between the police chief and the officers.
    [X] Have Ryouko visit the ladies' room, deliver the grief seed to Nanami, and then return to the interview. Nanami can fight the witch solo if necessary.
    -[X] Try to raise Homura and Kyouko on comms and get them to reinforce Nanami
    -[X] Keep Machina in the loop
    -[X] Have Sayaka look around the hospital for QB or the Southern Group, both for info and so that she doesn't feel left out.
    [x] Send Nanami updated witch instructions over taclink NOW
    [x] Continue your call with Kyouko
    [x] Continue police interview as planned
    [X] Share this little experience
    -[X] with Ryouko
    [x] Send Nanami updated witch instructions over taclink NOW
    [x] Continue your call with Kyouko
    [x] Continue police interview as planned
    [X] Share this little experience
    -[X] with Ryouko
    [x] Make an offering of cheese to the grief seed
    [x] Have Nanami buy helmets, they might be useful
    [x] Advise the Tactical Commander not to start anything until someone else arrives to help
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Going to agree with The Narrator on the plan, that will keep people safe.

Also we do need to share this with Ryouko since it relates to the proplem with Simona.

[x] Summarize Simona's intel on the witch and forward to Nanami.
[x] Advise maximum exploitation of unlimited timestop. Fire multiple rounds from timestop, get to safe distance, restart time briefly to observe results, restop time immediately, repeat.
[x] Continue call with Kyouko. If she can give us her location, we may be able to get her there in time.

[x] Share this little experience
-[x] with Ryouko
Command mode active.
Requesting command mode: MACHINA
Requesting command mode: NAKIMURA NANAMI
Requesting command mode: SHIZUKI RYOUKO
Requesting civilian emergency mode: MIKI SAYAKA
Links established.
Well this is different. Sounds it wil be fun.

Uh oh.

You focus on the other girl: why are her eyes gold?

"Okay, we're not time-limited here, we're information-limited," says Simona, peering over the frame.

Or maybe this color is more appropriate?
Clarisse is trying to speak over Simona. "There's a reason that everyone—"

Simona is very upset. "Don't tell me that pathetic little minx—"

The image stutters.

"Damn you both!" shouts Simona. "You two just want her all to yourse—"

"— with Ryouko and she barely even notices, it's because her other —"

The image stutters for a longer interval.

"— like she did on the roof," declares Clarisse. "If they —"

"Go paradox yourself!" says Simona, and the window vanishes.
Uh. Yeah. Wow.

Ice cream, anyone?
Not sure about sharing this with anyone just yet. We kinda need focus on the Witch thing atm. This is kind of thing maybe best shared on more calmer situation/environ.
It occurs to me that Homura and Nanami are going to end up spending a lot of time holding hands while they run across town. :p

[x] PlanckConstant
-[x] But save the sharing for later. Busy now.
-[x] Update the IFF to label Simona and yellow!Clarisse as suspicious contacts of unknown allegiance.
[lol] Be sublime and merciful. Maybe then we'll guess what goldi-me is trying to say.
[x] 6.62607004 × 10^-34 m^2 kg / s
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Is Charlotte really a threat if Nanami has Homura's help?
Witches should always be considered a threat, until really, really dead.

What the fuck, Simona? Are you seriously wasting time being jealous of Asami right now? Are you endangering the space-time continuum because you couldn't get your rocks off with the girl you had a crush on? That's like some Ikari Shinji level bullshit right there.
<Alessandra Kaneko> "Get in the god-damned robot, Simona!"

the universe seems hellbent on giving us problems to deal with, trying to make life as interesting as possible.
no that's just me

Or maybe this color is more appropriate?
Shouldn't the color be golden?

[] 6.62607004 × 10^-34 m^2 kg / s
With respect to the amusement value here, if your vote deliberately evades the SV tally software's capabilities, I can make no guarantee I'll correctly count it.

label Simona and yellow!Clarisse as suspicious contacts of unknown allegiance.
Trust no one? Hmm. I like the paranoia in this thinking.
Relevant to earlier discussions: I've been rereading some of the earlier story posts, and Ryouko confirmed that she still has her soul gem cover. So she's well protected in that regard.
Relevant to earlier discussions: I've been rereading some of the earlier story posts, and Ryouko confirmed that she still has her soul gem cover.

Which doot, because I've been working on the assumption we don't as of waking up in Hitomi's house.

Edit: Don't bother, I looked for it, its checked for in 'do you have a crush on Hitomi?'
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The Simona we just saw is a future version of the Simona currently with Oriko, and is running around with a future version of us. This implies that, whatever current!Simona's plan is, it won't work, but not in a way inconsistent with our survival or cooperation.
I think it would be useful to consider the manner that Simona contacted us. I'm going to assume its from the future for this.

Given the way we were contacted it makes it out to be only possible to send information, not actual objects. The more interesting point is given this is from the future, how does infuencing time work? The best guess is that current!simona won't know about this little chat and maybe never have it. They mention 'Well, alternate-us tried' when talking about Ryouko's death. This would lead me to conclude that by doing this they make it so the circumstances that lead them to make the contact won't happen and so we might not need to worry about this conversation impacting our relationship with current!Simona.
I think it would be useful to consider the manner that Simona contacted us. I'm going to assume its from the future for this.

Given the way we were contacted it makes it out to be only possible to send information, not actual objects. The more interesting point is given this is from the future, how does infuencing time work? The best guess is that current!simona won't know about this little chat and maybe never have it. They mention 'Well, alternate-us tried' when talking about Ryouko's death. This would lead me to conclude that by doing this they make it so the circumstances that lead them to make the contact won't happen and so we might not need to worry about this conversation impacting our relationship with current!Simona.
I think the opposite. Simona was worried about self-consistent ontological loops, which suggests that they can only safely send us information that won't cause them not to make contact. Current!Simona won't know about it either way though, since she hasn't had it yet.
[x] Summarize Simona's intel on the witch and forward to Nanami.
[x] Advise maximum exploitation of unlimited timestop. Fire multiple rounds from timestop, get to safe distance, restart time briefly to observe results, restop time immediately, repeat.
[x] Continue call with Kyouko. If she can give us her location, we may be able to get her there in time.

[x] Share this little experience
-[x] with Ryouko
-[x] with Nanami.
-[x] But save the sharing for later. Busy now.
-[x] Update the IFF to label Simona and yellow!Clarisse as suspicious contacts of unknown allegiance.

Ryouko of course we have to tell, but the reason I want to tell Nanami is she's been thinking everything is on her, but we were just told that someone was fucking with her wish. Some of this crazy 'why did Nanami wish for this' stuff may not have been her! Letting her know that would be a weight off her shoulders, because it also seems she's more important to things being okay then previously thought.

There's other stuff too, but lets wait for combat-mode to be over before we tell people that Ryouko's girlfriend is now classified, why Yanderes are a bad thing, and the best way to interact with time-line clones of other people. For one, we need to figure that shit out when we aren't being pulled six different ways.
Also, what made Simona go from promising to look after Asami to getting upset at the mention of her name? Was she just hoping Ryouko would forget about her, or is there something more to it?
[7] Share this little experience
-[7] with Ryouko

-[1] with Nanami
-[5] But save the sharing for later. Busy now.

[6] Summarize Simona's intel on the witch and forward to Nanami.
-[6] Advise maximum exploitation of unlimited timestop.
[5] Update the IFF to label Simona and yellow!Clarisse as suspicious contacts of unknown origin

[6] Continue call with Kyouko.

Trust no one who's being that cryptic, anyway.
Maybe YOU should try relaying information to your past self through a hostile Simona.
... Oh, wait, maybe you actually will. Hmmmmmmmm.

Relevant to earlier discussions: I've been rereading some of the earlier story posts, and Ryouko confirmed that she still has her soul gem cover. So she's well protected in that regard.
Might be nice for your new friends though, especially the plot relevant ones.

Also, what made Simona go from promising to look after Asami to getting upset at the mention of her name? Was she just hoping Ryouko would forget about her, or is there something more to it?
The callback to the previous meta-commentary revolving around the lack of comment being the comment… is the comment.
Okay, there are at least three different versions of Simona in play. We have 25th century Simona, who is aware that this has happened before, but may or may not know the details (though her confidence in her actions suggests she's been given a plan from somewhere), and doesn't have anything against Asami:
Simona has transformed, mid-dash into a magical girl outfit, a relatively elegant affair, in orange, with clean simple lines. She skids to a stop upon hearing Ryouko. She stares at her. "... What do you mean, again? You're not ... You don't remember the last time... do you?"
And then Simona leans forwards to clutch her in a hug, squeezes her tightly, like she's afraid to let go.

"I'll watch over Asami for you," she says, "and protect her as long as I can, okay?" She punctuates it with a small, delicate kiss on the cheek. "May the Goddess protect you."

We have 21st century Simona, who we haven't met, but Kyouko describes as being totally obsessed with Ryouko, which Clarisse notes they hadn't seen before.

Finally, we have ceremonial dress!Simona, who is doing time travel interventions with future us, and who... thinks Clarisse and Asami are trying to keep Ryouko to themselves? Something like that anyway.

I think we can assume that ceremonial dress!Simona is the latest version of Simona we have seen so far, since if 21st century Simona post-dated her then there would be no need for time windows to convey a message. 21st century Simona probably post-dates 25th century Simona, because of the increased obsession, but it's not clear that they actually come from the same timeline. We also don't know what her powers actually are, but they're probably time-related. Seeing how future!Clarisse is working with ceremonial dress!Simona, I think we can assume that Simona isn't, generally speaking, our enemy, though she's clearly not totally reliable either.

He's my proposal for answering some of these questions: get Ryouko and Homura to track down 21st century Simona in timestop, and demand some god dammed answers. Ryouko so that we can take advantage of Simona's obsession to prevent her from running away (might not work), Homura so that no one except Simona can intervene, and no one else to avoid setting off Simona.
Also, what made Simona go from promising to look after Asami to getting upset at the mention of her name? Was she just hoping Ryouko would forget about her, or is there something more to it?
I've pretty much assumed that her motives weren't pure since she started putting her lips all over Ryouko without permission. :p
I've pretty much assumed that her motives weren't pure since she started putting her lips all over Ryouko without permission. :p
There's a difference between having impure motives and hating Ryouko's girlfriend and wanting to forcibly seperate them though. I feel like that represents a lot of time passing for Simona, either to outgrow her youthful obsession, or to spiral downward from repeated failure Homura style. Promising to protect Asami just doesn't fit with the Simona we just saw, or the Simona Kyouko told us about.

Also, 25th century Simona was confused by Ryouko's "again". This must have been an early loop for her or she would have seen that reaction before.