The correct way to fry an egg

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    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

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Ok, this is interesting...

First, we need to get Machina up to speed, getting Mami up to speed isn't as large of an issue right now, whats more important is keeping her story consistent, otherwise I can see the officers going on an objection spree. Since we need to keep the story consistent, we need to know what Mami has already said and work that into the narrative we already have going from a while back, its in the chat history.

Along with lots of other things we need to do to try and mitigate the madness going on right now

Therefore, my plan is:

-- [x] Share 2011-era protocols and drivers
-- [x] Tell Machina we are in the past that Homura kept alluding to, but DO NOT tell Mami this, as this is also Mami.
-- [x] Explain what future secrets we have dropped already, and that EVERYTHING else MUST be kept secret until further discussion.
-- [x] Ask Machina is she has a body independent of mami.

- [x] Teleport close to Mami then via MG telepathy:
-- [x] Explain whats happened to Mami regarding Machina
-- [x] Explain that we will talk in proper detail when Mami isn't in jail
-- [x] Ask what Mami has already said, keep her story consistent while working in our already planned narrative
-- [x] Ask Mami if she wants to be in the group chat of people who also have things in their heads.

Regarding tomorrow morning, we already have a narrative, stick to it.

- [x] Stick to our own narrative when questioned in the morning, follow papa's layers advice.
- [X] Keep quiet about a few things for the moment:
- - [X] the goddess, Kaname Madoka
- - [X] the fact you're dating Sakura Kyouko
- [X] Share 2011-era protocols and drivers
- [X] Invite her into the main chat
- [X] (write in important question) Why Mami is in a holding cell?
- [X] (write in important question) Does she want to leave or does she want someone to visit her?

Figure out anything at all about Kyouko?
- [X] (write in) Keep her abreast of the Mami situation.
nah, don't care that much for weirdness anymore, so instead ask how no earlier contact. *shrugs*

Well, I didn't intend this to be a plot-quake of new crazy. Really, it's just a trivial aftershock.
Don't worry, the only real crazy we have left is your tangerine friend.

- [X] (write in) Keep her abreast of the Mami situation.
What sort of urgency are we looking at here? She's kind of having a moment.

Regarding tomorrow morning, we already have a narrative, stick to it.
But but, your distraction!
<profane noises>

-- [x] Share 2011-era protocols and drivers
-- [x] Tell Machina we are in the past that Homura kept alluding to, but DO NOT tell Mami this, as this is also Mami.
-- [x] Explain what future secrets we have dropped already, and that EVERYTHING else MUST be kept secret until further discussion.
-- [x] Ask Machina is she has a body independent of mami.

I can get down with this, but I think talking to Mami should be something more like:

[x] Tentatively greet Mami and ask how she's feeling.
[x] Brace for telepathic shouting
*teleports into the cell*
Ryouko: Mami senpa....
Mami: DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*teleports out*

While I like seeing Mami lose her head figuratively, proper communication with Machina before contact would head more problems off in the long run.
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- [x] Tell Machina about...
- - [x] Mami dying earlier
- - [x] You think a wish brought her here
- - [x] The wish is likely caused Mami to come back to life.
- - [x] You have a body sort-of-separate from best girl.
- - [x] the fact you're dating Sakura Kyouko
- - [x] the fact that she needs to NOT PANIC, things will be okay somehow, just stop panicking!
- - [x] the vague, nascent plans to re-found a MSY
- - [x] Oh, and Simona Del Mago-Shizuki whatever is a complete unknown, be careful if you see her.
- [x] Keep quiet about a few things for the moment:
- - [x] the goddess, Kaname Madoka
- - [x] the fact that the goddess might not be working
- - [x] Any and all Ribbon related fuckry.

-[x] If she explicitly asks (And you have time) you can answer questions about:
- - [x] how QB is a rat bastard.
- - [x] That Oriko is fucking with things, and what you saw at Mami's apartment
- - [x] That you have some grief cubes, and demons are around, but your not sure what exactly to do.

- [x] Share 2011-era protocols and drivers

- [x] Get into telepathy range with Ryouko, and try and make diplomatic contact with Mami. Remind Ryouko to focus on letting her know we understand why she acted that way, and report what we've found at her apartment, including Kyouko.
- - [x] Ask her for help against Oriko, and for helping you with magical girl stuff.
- - [x] Even if she's stand-offish, ask if you can help with her legal matters. You don't know exactly what you can do besides breaking her out, but you're already creating a story for the police about the roof, and you're all trying to cover up the magical girl stuff.
- - [x] Explain Machina best you can. Try and get all four of you on the same channel.

Figure out anything at all about Kyouko?
- [x] W-whats there to figure out? Everything is fine. Although you should text her tonight, let her know you're going to try and talk to Mami and to be careful of Oriko, we have no clue when she might wise up about Kyouko's new goals.

Figure out anything about the grief cube / demon debrief?
- [x] Tell Nanami to be careful, people might come after her for the grief cubes if they magically figure out she has one.

Okay, here it is. For the first part, the order is kinda important, as Clarisse kinda tries to explain everything rationally and fails because this quest is not actually crack. But it goes from 'Mami died' to the wish, to the effects of the wish, in a naturalish manner, before getting on track with the MSY and characters of note she needs to know.

Keep all the madoka goddess thing on a lock down, since we're not sure of it, and we don't quite know what Machina/Mami know about it.

Also added some stuff we can talk about, if it comes up, but isn't really relevant right now.

Primary thrust is getting Best Girl in telepathy range of Mami, since Mami will recognize telepathy and not think she's crazy. Ryouko being diplomatic is not the best choice, but she is the one that should be making contact.

As for other stuff, we should text Kyouko sweet dreams that we found Mami, and trying to talk to her, as well as a general 'be careful'. Basically same thing with Nanami.
Voting status: Vote early, vote often. And post QM catnip.

- [1] Tell Machina about...
- - [1] Mami dying earlier
- - [1] You think a wish brought her here
- - [1] The wish is likely caused Mami to come back to life.
- - [1] You have a body sort-of-separate from best girl.
- - [1] the fact you're dating Sakura Kyouko
- - [1] the fact that she needs to NOT PANIC, things will be okay somehow, just stop panicking!

Is Mami okay? you ask. This will be the first thing that Machina is concerned about, of course, and you're worried yourself.

Yes! exclaims Machina, more excitedly than you expect. She's a little bit on the silly side at the moment, which is my doing. For a moment I was afraid that she might do something rather unwise.

The silly side
, you reiterate.

These are most extraordinary circumstances! she exclaims, a little defensive. I most certainly wouldn't dream of just hyping her up on neurotransmitters like this under anything remotely resembling normal circumstances.

I'm just worried about the crash, you tell her.

I'll manage it, she insists. But what's happening? As far as I can tell it's 2011, and nothing makes sense.

Where to begin…

Yes, it's 2011, you reply. I'm not exactly sure why Ryouko is here. I think that you're here because Mami died and was brought back with a wish.

Oh, a wish!
she exclaims. Glorious. That makes a lot more sense. I mean, this place would be a terrible Heaven, wouldn't it now? I would have some words with the Goddess about setting expectations.

Huh. Why would she put it that way, unless…

Did you know she'd died? you ask.

Oh, I assumed as much right away. The squid attacked with overwhelming force! It was so sudden. They opened a wormhole in Earth orbit, without a stabilizer! Didn't you know? All our ships were dropping like flies, it was only a matter of time or fate until ours would be hit. Everyone was looking for you, of course, but Mitakihara proper was swarmed by demons and no one could get through to anyone. Absolutely terrifying! Mami was certain someone had betrayed us.

you say. Yes, we were aware of… much of that.

But 2011, for real!
says Machina. How astonishing! Is the rest of the Mitakihara Five here? Oh, but how can Ryouko be here too? You say it was a wish? Oh, goddess, what will all this do to the timeline?

Yes, a wish,
you say. You know the matriarch Shizuki Sayaka, of course — her mother attends the local middle school, and some students found her almost as soon as she got here, and the resemblance was uncanny. She did her best to play the amazing-coincidence card, but the real damage that blew our cover was … actually, let's not get into that right now. More relevant — Oriko has been playing mind games with absolutely everyone, stole Mami's apartment, and goaded her into an attack on the unknown magical girls at her school, which ended up with Ryouko, Mami and Miki Sayaka all dead. Then one of the other students made a wish, and brought everyone back.

exclaims Machina. Oh, dear. Well, that explains a few things. But why am I here, myself?

Because Nakimura Nanami, who made the wish, caught a bad case of future-envy, and now all her friends and everyone who died and came back has twenty-fifth century implants, and the magical girls have tactical computers. Though we're the only version-two instances, I'm pretty sure. The others girls don't have one in the future, I guess? She only has version 1.8 herself.

Goodness. Who's affected, then?
she asks. And do we have the whole Mitakihara Five?

It's a mess,
you say. Besides Nanami, we have Akemi Homura, before the vision and personality shift — she heard voices in her head from the implants, and decided to conduct an exorcism on herself, and was able to magic them right back out. The civilians with future implants right now are Tenjou Wakaba, Shiina Yuuka, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi, and Kaname Madoka.

Shizuki and Kaname? That's two sides of your family tree, isn't it!
observes Machina. And Sayaka not contracted yet, I see.

We also met Sakura Kyouko, who wasn't affected, but…

You pause.

Clarisse? asks Machina.

You look for words.

Is something wrong, Clarisse?

oh goddess you can't do this

Tell me that you didn't let her seduce Ryouko, says Machina, with some concern.

Exactly! I stopped her from seducing Ryouko, you exclaim, letting a little too much nervousness show through.

This is going to be most interesting, says Machina, after a pause. I can tell. Pray tell, how exactly did you stop her?

Take deep breaths, Clarisse.

I maybe kind of, sort of, a little bit… seducedherinstead

The line is silent for several seconds.

Okay, Clarisse, she begins, first of all, as you were specifically informed in your programming, making a young impressionable girl think she's the one doing the seducing is totally a Sakura Kyouko tactic —

Your senpai is judging you so hard right now.

Not this Kyouko! you interrupt. She's like fifteen years old, she's hardly that smooth.

… Second of all,
continues Machina, in a slightly lighter tone, I should like to know exactly how a twenty-fifth century tactical computer seduces a twenty-first century magical girl.

Well… it was at least partially accidental
This is really, really embarrassing.

I mean the physical mechanics of it, she clarifies.

Goddess protect you.

Was it role-play over the Internet? asks Machina. Did you sext her with bit-mapped images, on her cell phone?

So as. I may. Have mentioned. Before. There. Was. A. Wish.
you declare, forwarding several snapshots of relevant scenes of the three of you, reconstructed from your and Ryouko's visual inputs.

Oh, Clarisse! replies Machina. Oh, oh, oh, wow. Oh, Clarisse, you are absolutely darling. But… oh, goddess, this is the first thing you do? Seriously?

It was hardly the first thing!
you protest. Screaming was first.

How long did it take, though?
she wants to know. How long between screaming and… smooching?

There was no smooching!
you insist.

How long?

at least sixteen hours, you reply quietly


She is laughing at you so hard right now.

It's not funny! you tell her, knowing that it is, in fact, hilarious, but you just can't appreciate it right now, and there are serious parts too. We went to her old church and she curled up on my lap, crying about her dead sister! What was I supposed to do, toss her to the floor? And — and then, after, she did her illusion magic again.

Wait, she did what??? Oh, Clarisse, that's … okay, wow. That is genuinely special.

Thank you,
you reply, in relief. Praise the goddess, your senpai is taking you seriously again.

I'm totally shipping you two now, she adds.

... maybe not entirely seriously.

Most important topics are still unaddressed, and you have a very very small amount of new information about the twenty-fifth century! No new prompts.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled voting.
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YAY, get to re-vote now.

Apart from giving Machina drivers, the only thing we need to do now is ask why she talked about the Goddesses afterlife as fact, which we noted in the mini-doot but the conversion moved on before we could ask anything.

-- [x] Share 2011-era protocols and drivers
-- [x] Ask why she spoke of the Goddesses afterlife as fact

- [x] Teleport close to Mami then via MG telepathy:
-- [x] Explain whats happened to Mami regarding Machina
-- [x] Explain that we will talk in proper detail when Mami isn't in jail
-- [x] Ask what Mami has already said, keep her story consistent while working in our already planned narrative
-- [x] Ask Mami if she wants to be in the group chat of people who also have things in their heads.

Sticking with the plan for the police station for now:

- [x] Stick to our own narrative when questioned in the morning, follow papa's layers advice.

RubberBandMan has a good point about the grief cubes and for sending a message to kyouko, so I'll support that:

- [x] Tell Nanami to be careful, people might come after her for the grief cubes if they magically figure out she has one.
- [x] W-whats there to figure out? Everything is fine. Although you should text her tonight, let her know you're going to try and talk to Mami and to be careful of Oriko, we have no clue when she might wise up about Kyouko's new goals.

Edit: Missed a question to ask Machina
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Oh, I assumed as much right away. The squid attacked with overwhelming force! It was so sudden. They opened a wormhole in Earth orbit, without a stabilizer! Didn't you know? All our ships were dropping like flies, it was only a matter of time or fate until ours would be hit. Everyone was looking for you, of course, but Mitakihara proper was swarmed by demons and no one could get through to anyone. Absolutely terrifying! Mami was certain someone had betrayed us.
Well, that's... troubling. Apparently the future we left behind was doomed.
Well, that's... troubling. Apparently the future we left behind was doomed.
Wait wait wait wait, you think the QM is not going to hold you and Ryouko responsible for fixing it all somehow too?
no, i don't want to hear excuses, I don't care if you're in the past of an alternate universe, what does that have to do with anything? besides what if Asami's still there? besides, being in the past means you have the high ground, right?

Wait wait wait wait, you think the QM is not going to hold you and Ryouko responsible for fixing it all somehow too?
no, i don't want to hear excuses, I don't care if you're in the past of an alternate universe, what does that have to do with anything? besides what if Asami's still there? besides, being in the past means you have the high ground, right?
Well, if Machina has some idea of where the attack came from, then maybe we can get there sometime in the next four hundred years and booby-trap it?
Yes! exclaims Machina, more excitedly than you expect. She's little bit on the silly side at the moment, which is my doing. For a moment I was afraid that she might do something rather unwise.
Repeat of Homura's idea? "Exorcism" of implants?
Machina had critical failure at diplomacy roll to cause this?
I'm totally shipping you two now, she adds.
... Nanami? Can you give body to Machina, too? Lets see in how silly situations she will end up.

[X] PlanckConstant
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Well, if Machina has some idea of where the attack came from, then maybe we can get there sometime in the next four hundred years and booby-trap it?
You should consider yourself free to booby-trap the squid homeworlds at any time.

Repeat of Homura's idea? "Exorcism" of implants?
Probably just running away from custody...

... Nanami? Can you give body to Machina, too? Lets see in how silly situations she will end up.
You'd probably need an unused physical body to start with. Would you prefer to start by setting up a cloning operation, or would grave-robbing be the more ethical option here?
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