The correct way to fry an egg

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sourceless unease about everything that is going on

that's just because of the novel coronavirus, tbh
It's hardly sourceless! There's lots that's going on here that one might be uneasy about!
I used the word "ominous!" Could I wave the flag any harder?
specific unease about ribbon-type interference by the Devil

The Devil? What would that concept even mean, exactly? In this timeline.
Besides, I thought you were willing collaborators. The vote was 5 - naught.
extreme worry about how Clarisse has - again, in a quite sudden break from her usual behavior; and immediately following the 1st of April interlude - started talking like Princess Beep-Boop, contextualizing non-computer-ish problems in computer-ish terms.

Oh. But that one was a computer problem! Clarisse was assisting a student with code for a Sudoku solver (a classic toy backtracking algorithm.) As just a bit of a hint to would-be analysts, I wouldn't actually be concerned about Clarisse turning into Princess Beep-Boop, especially since we did explicitly vote to not embrace that destiny:

[3] Embrace your destiny as Princess Beep-boop
[4] No princesses!

May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy it find glory.
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Oh. But that one was a computer problem! Clarisse was assisting a student with code for a Sudoku solver (a classic toy backtracking algorithm.)
Oh, oh, they're actually writing code, okay. I had assumed this was, like, a math problem - possibly on paper or a whiteboard, though now that I think about it of course everything would be done on computers after Nanami's wish finished with the school - in the context of which, talking about 'her code' was ambiguous and frankly bizarre.

I blame the headache.
moderate worry about how Clarisse has - quite suddenly - started experiencing algorithms as a direct part of her experience of consciousness, with associated nausea.
To be fair, she is an AI. She's probably experienced algorithms directly all her life. They're just not worth talking about or she knows how to rephrase things in more human terms.
Technically, you owe me grief seeds already.
> Put Nanami in charge and conduct a focused raid immediately

Nanami wants a small incursion team, because doing surveillance editing is extra work, and thinks you are best suited to help her with things. Granted, you could help her remotely, but latency and communications to the other side of the planet are just bad enough to be really annoying.

You are not Simona, and you are navigating without a very strong emotional attachment to WXII News 12. This puts you at a disadvantage, and it also puts you back on the roof at Salem when you try to travel directly to the station. It seems that repeated use has made this a bit of an anchor spot for the magic. Perhaps Simona's own presence nearby contributes to this as well.

Slight detour, you tell Nanami. One more hop, and we'll be there.

Simona is asleep, dreaming. You'll return here later.

The first good news is that they do not intend to put this footage of aliens on the 6am news. They'd have to be insane, or at least very very stupid, because the owners at Hearst would absolutely blow their top — much as if someone decided it were a good idea to air stories about Bigfoot and nine eleven conspiracies.

The editor responsible for the morning news is explaining his strategy for this. He intends to sit on the tapes and gather additional documentation before they go public. In particular, he'd really like some reporters to speak with those girls.

The two of you discuss the possibility of editing the footage — such that it appears to be a hoax — but decide that there will be fewer opportunities for loose ends if you simply overwrite the files with static.

The station maintains a digital archive, and the original recording is here in 1080p video, readily replaced. That's not the hard part. There are also off site backups, which should be readily compromised. That's not really the hard part either. The hard part is that they've moved copies to other computers to analyze what they have, isolating select stills of the craft and of your two friends. The audit trail is terrible, and Nanami would really prefer to erase everything more or less at the same time.

Also, there's one other small problem. The digital archive system has logged an export to a magnetic tape cassette output system.

Someone was paranoid, you suggest, or wanted a souvenir.

Nanami agrees.

I say we edit the archive to keep the problem from spreading, she suggests, then we track down this tape. It's either in the station, or someone took it away.

Tap the phones, then,
you suggest. If it's stored off-site, they might call whoever has it, and we can try to find him.

In hindsight, tapping the phones wasn't necessary. You simply needed to trace the employee login. The camera operator brought a copy home. Fortunately, he lives nearby; also fortunately, he didn't place it anywhere more clever than his coffee table. He's catching up on sleep as Nanami erases it.

And that's it, I think, she says.

The 6am news broadcast is airing now, alien-free, but judging by the station's records, you still have a short while before things actually get busy.

> Side mission: repurpose WXII infrastructure to improve your monitoring of orbit

Permit me to explain to the readers how this works, Clarisse.

When a ship's FTL bubble collapses and joins with the broader universe, a distinctive type of electromagnetic signature escapes, a shockwave "chirp" in the microwave spectrum. Suppressing this is a challenge for the best stealth vessels, so detecting the signature won't be too hard. Indeed, Governance elementary schools often make it into a hands-on learning experience, measuring and assembling a radio dish as a group activity, and configuring a signal processing pipeline.

There are limitations, of course. For starters, any infrastructure is pretty worthless while it is on the wrong side of the planet. Also, with sensors in only one location, instead of on multiple bodies throughout orbit, you won't have much idea where they've arrived, but their probable destination is known. Finally, this approach does somewhat rely on the aliens to cooperate and drop out of FTL near the target on a direct approach, so it is still somewhat probabilistic — but of course, much better than nothing.

In any event, the television station has many interesting capabilities to offer you, including big satellite dishes, medium dishes, powerful television and radio transmission equipment, a crude Doppler radar installation (primarily used to monitor rainstorms), and mobile transmitters attached to news vehicles parked in the parking lot. In short, it's a fine target of opportunity, and the dishes can be put to use monitoring passively without even interfering with their regular operations. (And if you do want to interfere with operations, there are options as well.)

These primitive systems, however, have very specialized signal processing capability, and are not programmable remotely. Nanami needs to gain access in person to make it happen, and is mostly finished with this as the local magical girl approaches.

The girl has a bob haircut, and she is wearing jean shorts with a black jacket with a bronze emblem that says "WF". You estimate her to be a high schooler. She keeps her distance, standing on the other side of the street.

Hey, she sends to the two of you.

Hello. Is there something we can do for you? Nanami asks.

Okay. Well. The problem is, you're in our territory without permission, she replies. Technically. The line mostly follows the road, but the TV station is still in 27106, not 27104.

You take a moment to process what she has indicated. The numbers appear to be some sort of local administrative designation.

Our apologies, Nanami tells her. We'll be gone shortly, then.

Technically, you owe me grief seeds already,
she declares.

Nanami frowns, but the girl continues without waiting for a reply.

But that still doesn't make any sense, she interrupts. You're with Salem Academy, right? And even south of Coliseum Drive belongs to West, and the Career Center. So … what have you been doing down there, and what are you doing way over here now?

The local territory agreements appear to be nontrivial. The girl seems to want answers more than she wants the grief seed, folding her arms as she speaks, and looking … well, about as tough as your average grumpy teenage girl; appearances are deceiving.

> How much do you intend to tell other magical girls?

[][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[] (how much do you tell her?)
-[] ask her some questions yourself (write in)
[][Meguca] Make up a cover story (write in)
[][Meguca] Pay her off with a grief seed
[][Meguca] Apologize again then just leave
[][Meguca] Fight her for the territory
[][Meguca] (write in some other approach)

> Side mission: check in on Simona and Ophelia in person
[][Simona] (write in questions for Simona about aliens)
[][Simona] (any other last minute directives?)
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Huh. Anything but fighting for territory seems reasonable (why would we WANT territory in the US?), though I'm not sure how much, if anything, to reveal; or we could just pay her off/leave before she can stop us.

Also those poor journalists have no idea what they lucked their way out of.
I'm inclined to just not explain anything and leave. That gives Kyubey the chance to come up with his own explanations, but I don't really expect that to cause trouble for us. He doesn't want the masquerade to break down here either, and this girl isn't really in a good place to be sent after us compared to e.g. anyone in Japan.

Not sure if it would help to disclaim any local affiliation. It makes it seem more like an accident that we're in her territory, but also more mysterious that we're here at all.

[X] Be maximally vague about what we're doing, except that it isn't witch hunting
[X] Try to stall for time until Nanami finishes, but bail out early if it looks like a fight is going to start
I mean, I assume that this MG also wants to avoid breaking the masquerade, so if we said that we were here because the TV station has video footage of something that they weren't supposed to see, they would probably agree with our goals? It seems much more likely to disarm the situation than not answering.
I'm down for just telling her and giving her a grief seed on top of it.

[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Explain that the local news helicopters caught magical girls talking to aliens in full 1080p, so you're taking care of that. Kyubey would normal handle that, but he's been really busy lately so we're doing it ourselves.
[X][Meguca] Pay her off with a grief seed

I mean, she's already a magical girl. And I think Kyubey tells them he's an alien anyway. This is even mostly true! Just give her a seed to make it go down easier, we should have realized this was someone's territory anyway so it's our bad. We don't need to make a production out of this.
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I mean, I assume that this MG also wants to avoid breaking the masquerade, so if we said that we were here because the TV station has video footage of something that they weren't supposed to see, they would probably agree with our goals? It seems much more likely to disarm the situation than not answering.
That's not technically what we're doing right now, but I guess she doesn't have any way to find out before we leave.

Kyubey isn't exactly open about being an alien, he calls himself a "messenger of magic". Magic is much closer to her frame of reference, so someone e.g. catching a magical girl going into/coming out of a barrier is a much more plausible story.

[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Tell her the local news saw some things they shouldn't have, and we're cleaning up after that
--[X] If pressed for details, say they got a hold of some footage of a magical girl fighting a witch
[X][Meguca] Don't pay her off

I don't think we're exactly flush with Grief Seeds right now, and we can almost certainly escape her if she tries to fight over it. This detection apparatus is really just a nice-to-have and if it comes down to it we can probably set one up somewhere else, we shouldn't be giving up actually important resources to get it.
I don't think we're exactly flush with Grief Seeds right now, and we can almost certainly escape her if she tries to fight over it. This detection apparatus is really just a nice-to-have and if it comes down to it we can probably set one up somewhere else, we shouldn't be giving up actually important resources to get it.
Agreed. We have too many mouths to feed and not enough Seeds or Cubes.

I'm inclined to say that we've not local to avoid starting a fight between the local groups with our intrusion, although that might also raise further questions.
why would we WANT territory in the US?
Hmm.... to hunt? to demand tribute? to farm demons? to extend your influence? Idk, brainstorming here.

Well, it didn't impress Clarisse, but it might impress the locals.
I'm inclined to say that we've not local to avoid starting a fight between the local groups with our intrusion, although that might also raise further questions.
True. She has identified your erstwhile school affiliation.

Tell her the local news saw some things they shouldn't have, and we're cleaning up after that
If you'd like to, you can honestly say Kyuubey entrusted this sort of cleanup duty to you.
[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Explain that the local news helicopters caught magical girls talking to aliens in full 1080p, so you're taking care of that. Kyubey would normal handle that, but he's been really busy lately so we're doing it ourselves.
[X][Meguca] Pay her off with a grief seed

I think this is the best thing to do, but we could say instead that Kyubey has told us that we can break the masquerade, so we can't assume Kyubey will deal with any thing like this for us. We will still need to pay her off for beinging a magical girl into the area still. I think we should also explain we are actually from Japan but we were phoning a friend over here and discovered the alien issue that way as they were clearly in danger.

I also think it might be worth saying Keybey is desperate for us to make a wish because we are able to do magic without a soul gem and he hates that and wants us to give into various schemes.
I think this is the best thing to do, but we could say instead that Kyubey has told us that we can break the masquerade, so we can't assume Kyubey will deal with any thing like this for us. We will still need to pay her off for beinging a magical girl into the area still. I think we should also explain we are actually from Japan but we were phoning a friend over here and discovered the alien issue that way as they were clearly in danger.

I also think it might be worth saying Keybey is desperate for us to make a wish because we are able to do magic without a soul gem and he hates that and wants us to give into various schemes.
I don't like the idea of revealing that, because it sounds like a very fake excuse. The latter, I'm not sure what revealing gets us.

I'm 50% convinced that QB informed her of our presence.

[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Tell her the local news saw some things they shouldn't have, and we're cleaning up after that.
--[X] If pressed for details, say they got a hold of some footage of a magical girl.
---[X] We were entrusted with this sort of task by QB.
--[X] Nanami's a Japanese technopath here as a favor, and once we finish with this equipment, we'll be on our way.
[X][Meguca] Don't pay her off
I mostly agree with AlphaDelta. I want to be a little more upfront with our excuse ("footage of a magical girl"), and simply refuse to provide more details on the nature of the footage if pressed. I also don't want to explicitly identify our country of origin.

[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Tell her the local news got footage of a magical girl, and we've been cleaning it up.
--[X] We were entrusted with this sort of task by QB. We have useful skills for this.
-[X] We aren't with Salem Academy despite appearances. We aren't local, and we will leave shortly, without hunting.
[X][Meguca] Don't pay her off

Technically we're already past the "cleaning it up" stage, but I think we can honestly say we're now trying to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again.
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[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Tell her the local news got footage of a magical girl, and we've been cleaning it up.
--[X] We were entrusted with this sort of task by QB. We have useful skills for this.
-[X] We aren't with Salem Academy despite appearances. We aren't local, and we will leave shortly, without hunting.
[X][Meguca] Don't pay her off
[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Tell her the local news got footage of a magical girl, and we've been cleaning it up.
--[X] We were entrusted with this sort of task by QB. We have useful skills for this.
-[X] We aren't with Salem Academy despite appearances. We aren't local, and we will leave shortly, without hunting.
[X][Meguca] Don't pay her off

On an unrelated note: Any ideas what Valentin might be up to? I feel like shes obviously going to be doing something but I have no idea what.
[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Tell her the local news got footage of a magical girl, and we've been cleaning it up.
--[X] We were entrusted with this sort of task by QB. We have useful skills for this.
-[X] We aren't with Salem Academy despite appearances. We aren't local, and we will leave shortly, without hunting.
[X][Meguca] Don't pay her off

Ms. Valentin looks at you askance, and blinks a few times. Then she stands up and leaves the room.
We admire the room for a bit and then
Ms. Valentin suddenly reappears behind the two of you.
This feels time-stoppey. It's too short for her to have done anything other then maybe check some notes the next room over, and even that doesn't make much sense seeing how we're in her office.

She also promises that the matter will be dealt without us actually telling her anything more then how we're concerned about Yuuka's home life. Mind reading? Post-cognition? Details unclear, but I think there was probably some kind of time-stopped magical investigation going on there.
This feels time-stoppey. It's too short for her to have done anything other then maybe check some notes the next room over, and even that doesn't make much sense seeing how we're in her office.

You seem to be working on the assumption that Valentin is homura, which isnt something we can do since she is shown to do things in this quest that homura would never do, like the dyson sphere of suffering.
[X][Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
-[X] Tell her the local news got footage of a magical girl, and we've been cleaning it up.
--[X] We were entrusted with this sort of task by QB. We have useful skills for this.
-[X] We aren't with Salem Academy despite appearances. We aren't local, and we will leave shortly, without hunting.
[X][Meguca] Don't pay her off
[X][Simona] Ask about working with Homura and whether Homura ever disguised herself as one "Joanne Valentin"
Hey, so, the Empire is undergoing some level of internal turmoil right now. Can you believe I have an 8pm curfew? And even before that, there were some more personal issues flying about.

It's not necessarily all bad? But, um, it's very distracting, and nextdoot will have us talking with Simona and we'll cover some things which are probably important to get right. So, I might have a post Monday, I think.
Kissing practice
oh goddess it's been ... it's been something; here is your longest delayed doot in the history of the quest

> [Meguca] Explain why you're here and what you're doing
>> Tell her the local news got footage of a magical girl, and we've been cleaning it up.
>> We were entrusted with this sort of task by Kyuubey. We have useful skills for this.
>> We aren't with Salem Academy despite appearances. We aren't local, and we will leave shortly, without hunting.

> [Meguca] Don't pay her off

"Oh," she says, her voice suddenly growing colder. "I see."
"What's wrong?" you ask.
She looks over at the two of you carefully, probably sizing you up for a fight.
"Nothing," she says, gritting her teeth. "It's just one of your many duties. I just didn't realize he was outsourcing."

"What's her problem?" asks Nanami. "You'd think we weren't doing everyone a favor."
You consider this for a while. After a short while of dealing with a weak data connection to back home, you notice something interesting.
"The jacket she was wearing," you identify to Nanami, "bears the insignia of a local university. I wonder if she might be a student?"
"She's not old enough," objects Nanami.
You frown.
"She could be, though," you say.

"A magical girl's appearance is more determined by her self-image than normal human development and aging processes. Before magical girls were professionalized, there were a few from time to time who just didn't grow up the right way, and had trouble for it. And if she's a university student now, then she's probably been a magical girl for a long time…"
"So you're saying she has a chip on her shoulder, from being treated like a kid?" asks Nanami.
"No, I'm just saying she might simply know enough by now to hate Kyuubey. Did you see how she frowned the moment I said his name?"
"Huh," says Nanami.
"They seem to have a system here. I'll bet that she helps keep it going. If we see her again, we'll have to keep that possibility in mind. Hopefully she hates him more than us."

The first thing that happens when you sneak into Simona's room is that a girl cries out in pain.
"Aaaah," says Ophelia. "Ahh. Ow, ow, ow, ow."
Simona's attention is torn between the two of you, but she quickly tells you to get inside, and shuts the door behind you.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"Leg. Foot. Everything sore. Ow."
You scoot over to look at her.
She'll be fine. You'll reassure her about how there will be a little discomfort for a while, but the nanites will handle most of it; she might not even need a visit to the medics —
No. No. This isn't a battlefield. She doesn't have nanites. She is a frail and delicate natural human. You suppose this is probably rather bad. With ancient medical technology they might have to amputate… Okay, no, this is the twenty-first century, not the eleventh century.
Her feet are not so good: bruised, swollen, some bleeding. It looks like they've attempted some first aid, though hydrogen peroxide was probably not the best choice to disinfect it.
"You were doing … very sophisticated ballet techniques, with rather unsuitable shoes," you note. "And no physical training. How are your muscles?"
"My muscles are hurt," she laments.
"I can imagine," you say. "You are probably hurting in places you didn't even know you had."
She nods.
It does drive home how ballet is showy and fun, but a brutal business when you get down to it. Perhaps on some level it's like being a magical girl. You should put that in your essay, except that's a rather bad idea to mention specifically, so maybe you should just think on the parallels. Actually, the things Ms. Valentin said about dance sounds like it might apply just as well if she were talking about the sacrifices associated with magic, using some sort of a code or metaphor.
Sakura nudges you.
She feels bad about letting Ophelia get hurt, and wants to help the girl.
"Well then," you say. "The least we can do after all that is to make this better. May I see your ankles?"
With a few seconds and a slight glow of magic, she is much better.
You get a better view of her soul while doing so, and it is in an interesting state. There are some resonances which are much stronger and others which seem to be partially suppressed. It's probably some latent echo of what they were doing earlier to affect her.
Well. You've got some further explaining to do.
"The good news," you tell the girl, "is that you have a latent magical talent for interpretive dance. Unfortunately, it's somewhat out of your control, and there are some aliens who wish to abscond with you."
Well. Really they're much more interested in you, Clarisse, of course, but for the time being, they don't know better.
"Fortunately," you continue, "Simona here might know more about the aliens than anyone else alive."
Simona blinks.
"I… suppose that's so," she says. "I did manage some study outside of what Governance usually performed."
"Could you tell me about it?" you ask.

> Ask Simona about working with Homura
According to Simona, the core of the work she was tasked with was related to the Ceph: oft repeated diplomatic missions that didn't seem to go anywhere, but also scouting missions into deep space, well outside of Ceph territory, excavating a specific site on an empty planet for an abandoned artifact which Homura would then attempt to study: a shard of a broken ceramic vessel, a gong, a fine chain. At first Simona assumed that Homura was too busy to do these things herself, or that she simply was too hated and too high profile of a target after New Athens, but now she thinks there was a deeper reason, as well.
"The ceph are top of mind right now," you agree. "Do you have any insight into what we're facing, here in 2011?"
"Well," she begins...

> be Simona

Your clandestine meeting with Akemi-sama is in what is clearly in the most audaciously inappropriate location you could imagine: in downtown Mitakihara, between Prometheus and Zeus. Here she sits, waiting for you, at an outdoor cafe table, under an umbrella fringed with dangling beads, sipping a cup of tea. The pedestrian traffic simply flows around, paying her no heed.
You pause a moment as you approach, half expecting someone to jump out at you and shout, "Aha!"

Your topic today is Ceph vocabulary, and she is explaining some concepts.
"The concept of a translation device is somewhat alien to them," Homura explains. "Their understanding of our languages is almost entirely a one-way matter, like imaging a planet's terrain."
"Is this because they've had a single language for so long?" you ask. "Something that co-evolved with the species?"
She shakes her head.
"The opposite, in fact," she says. "Historically the predecessors of Ceph, and indeed, all their sister races across three galaxies, were united together through mind to mind communication and sharing of emotional states. The Ceph that we know today are the successors, and the spoken language constructed less than one thousand years ago. It is an unused historical artifact, but one they will recognize."
You nod, struggling to put all the context together.
"What happened?" you ask.
"A sudden energy crisis, essentially," she relates. "The civilization all but collapsed."
Something about that seems wrong, though.
"How does a civilization like that get surprised by an energy crisis?" you ask.
"Let's not get into that," she defers.

"So this phrase means decision making authority," you say. "But literally…"
"A more literal translation is the power to speak. Language, after all, is a potent weapon, and its use is highly regulated as such. During the Reformation, the concept of speech and of authority were tied together."
You frown.
"That's something else that bothers me about this," you say. "I'm not exactly an official representative of Governance. Is speaking their language sufficient to accept me as a negotiator?" you ask. "I'd be somewhat more comfortable if you could be there."
"Unfortunately, my presence would render a peaceful outcome all but impossible," she says. "An unfortunate consequence of New Athens. But rest assured that you will be recognized without question; in fact —"
She pauses suddenly, and makes a sign for silence.
In a moment, Tomoe Mami approaches. She walks just a few steps past the table, then pauses, and looks behind her, not quite at your table, and yet …
You squirm in your seat.
Akemi-sama carefully stirs a cube of sugar into a cup of tea, and takes a sip. She then sets it back down, with a small clink of china.
Mami-san promptly shrugs it off, and continues walking.
"She's not supposed to be here," says Akemi-sama, standing up. "Excuse me."

"What happened to the Ceph parent civilization?" you want to know.
"I don't know the details," she says. "Just that they were surprised by a sudden energy crisis."
"An energy crisis, surprising a civilization in multiple galaxies?" you want to know. "And what is this Reformation? Oh, goddess, that's going on right now, isn't it? Kyuubey specifically mentioned an alien insurgency." You frown.
"They did look a little bit more rag-tag than the standard troops," admits Simona.
"I expected the technology to be older, though," you say.
"No, the dates on technology are weird," clarifies Simona. "They lost a lot of what they once had, and have only just stopped the backslide since the war with humanity."
This is not a comforting thought.
"Either way," you say. "We need to be even more careful than I'd thought. Even if we negotiated an alliance with one group, we could end up reliant on them to stop the other side from wiping out humanity. And we might have more uninvited guests coming to visit your school. Or Mitakihara. Or if we're really unlucky; they might just fly straight to the United Nations."
At least you can monitor FTL arrivals; maybe you can avoid the worst of it…
Ophelia raises a hand sheepishly.
"Why are aliens coming to Earth begin with?" asks Ophelia.
This is when it clicks.
"Energy," you explain. "Emotional energy can be used as an energy source, and something about humanity specifically may be particularly powerful. This planet, our population, could actually be the most valuable asset in the galaxy." Certainly if what Kyuubey told you is true. The aliens must have seen a very powerful signal, and just tried to fly off with its source. It would have been quite the heist, though of course, it's uncertain whether Ophelia would have been exactly what they wanted.
"Oh," says Simona.
Indeed. But look on the bright side, Clarisse. At least if the Ceph end up distracted by humanity's potential generally, they may be less interested in Simona's soul shards. You know, the ones in your handbag. Well, mostly in your handbag.
"I need to go back and confer with the others," you say. Your data uplink here is not very good, and you'd prefer this in person. Then you pause.
"Simona," you ask. "When Akemi-sama told you about all these things, you two were in downtown Mitakihara?"
"Yes?" she replies.

You have a suspicious feeling. And it is, after all, literally right in front of her place of business.

> Ask her whether Homura ever disguised herself as one "Joanne Valentin"

"I don't know who that is," she says. "I mean, I wouldn't put it past her. She can do a lot of things like that. There was one time she stole her own clone from the Prometheus Institute because she wanted to be two places at once."
"Joanne was there on the river-bank the night Ryouko made her contract," you say. "Before the demons attacked. We thought it was suspicious."
"On the river-bank…" repeats Simona, and she nods. "Of course."

Ryouko has been waiting for you.
Machina wants us to be quiet, she tells you as you arrive. By this she means radio silence.
Machina has been keeping an eye out for the interloper. She caught a very brief anomaly shortly after Nanami returned, and is working with Nanami to isolate this part of the building. Machina also thinks the interloper might be aware of being tracked, and would prefer not to tip her off that you're on to her. Since you were likely to return to the girl's room yourself, she stationed herself here to guard it, and to intercept you.
Okay, you acknowledge. I've just learned interesting things about aliens. How have you been?
This is a slightly loaded question, it seems.
Ryouko has been pondering what to do with herself. One of the students asked her what she was interested in at school, and she couldn't very well detail all the space topics, so she mentioned offhandedly that she always got high marks in civics.
The girl thought civics an excellent idea, suggesting Ryouko should run for student council, and go into politics, so that she could "throw out all the old men, and make it so that women aren't required to wear super high heels at work any more." It's a bit of a trivial suggestion, compared to more direct ways of saving the world, but something about it has left Ryouko unsettled. She really doesn't want to be President of some unimportant student council in the 2011 edition of Earth. And yet …
The girl thought of the government as changeable, Ryouko saw. That, fair or unfair, it was possible for one person to change it, and especially so with the right connections.
And now Ryouko is afraid, because she thinks something is wrong with Governance, and it's rooted in the fear of stagnation that vexed her, that drove her to her wish in the first place. And besides that, she thinks of how it cooperates with the Incubators, and how that isn't good enough either. And she is afraid to even dare to change it, and she is even more afraid to leave it alone, afraid of not daring to try for better, afraid of saying it can't be helped and moving on...

You're rather fond of Governance, so this is a bit much that hits you.
Oh, you think at her, a bit flustered —
You are suddenly interrupted by shouting from down the hallway, not too far outside.
"Aha!" says Nanami, as she flings open a door; then there is high-pitched shrieking. Ryouko, slightly annoyed that Nanami didn't think to plan this part of the assault, quickly blinks outside to the scene of action, readying her outfit and her crossbow.
The closet does not contain an invisible interloper. It does, however, contain a very startled and somewhat embarrassed Sayaka, and a somewhat startled and very embarrassed Hitomi. It appears they have been caught kissing.

Hitomi has fled down the hallway.
There are several ways this could have been handled better, notes Machina, regretfully. A few more moments to get everyone in place, for instance. We're lucky it was two of our group and not random students who we might need to explain ourselves to.
I don't even know how they got over there!!!
says Nanami. She's visibly shaken, and upset.
Nanami, you tell her, it's quite understandable. Our situation is imperfect. If we had all the resources of human civilization before us, we'd have training, we'd have senior magical girls who would take point on operations, and you'd have time to learn before these things happen. You were doing the best you could without all of that. The important part is acknowledging that it was a mistake, and learning from it.
Nanami slams the door in frustration.
Sayaka, in the meantime, stands there, attempting to gain her composure.
Nanami sighs.
"I don't suppose there's anything to be said about it," she
"K-kissing practice," she mutters.
"You turned off location updates for kissing practice?" asks Nanami, incredulously.
"Y-yeah! You wouldn't? Why are you even tracking us to begin with?" asks Sayaka.
"For your own safety!" says Nanami.
"Yeah, well, no one asked you," complains Sayaka.
"Stop it," demands Ryouko, sharply, as she hears the approach of footsteps, and Ms. Valentin steadily walks down the hallway, to the group, and stops.
"Staying late on your first day, Miss Shizuki?" she asks Ryouko, and then turns to Nanami. "I trust there's a ready explanation for the disturbance here," she says.
At least there isn't much need to make up a story about it.

> invest time wisely

[][Aliens] Discuss aliens with the group!
-[] (float your proposals, concerns, contingency plans)
-[] (what would you be willing to overtly break the masquerade for?)

[][Ryouko] Encourage Ryouko to change the system from within
[][Ryouko] Encourage Ryouko to imagine radical change to Governance
[][Ryouko] Steer Ryouko's concerns towards ending Incubator perfidy and Governance's role in the exploitation of their magical power
[][Ryouko] Steer Ryouko towards building the future she hopes for outside of Governance, such as this world she's in right here
[][Ryouko] Don't dissuade Ryouko so much as remind her of how much there is to preserve that is good in Governance
[][Ryouko] Steer Ryouko towards more important or more immediate concerns (like finding Asami)
[][Ryouko] (a write in here would be lovely)

Sequence a few top priorities, write in details, and discuss any delegation that you find wise.
A few suggestions follow.
[][Evening] (your plan name here)
- [] (write in follow-ups, schemes, goals to pursue)
- [] Work on that essay about ballet
- [] Talk to Sayaka about things like boyfriends
- [] Try to watch just how Ms. Valentin deals with Yuuka's situation
- [] Consult Oriko about the future and the state of cubes
- [] Try a new tack to locate the interloper and tail Nanami's neighbor
- [] Arrange general training to improve teamwork skills
- [] Perform more research on souls
- [] Orchestrate witch hunts
- [] Hang out with Kyouko (possibly multitasking)
- [] Locate Hitomi and speak reassuring things to her
- [] Execute earlier plan in which Hitomi visits the past again
-- [] (write in directives regarding Nadeshiko, or Yukari-san, or Simona)
- [] Discuss your first day of school with Papa.
-- [] (bring up other topics?)
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