The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Conduct an analysis of her comings and goings so that you can be sure to run into her outside

We are good at analysis and bad at being healthy. So..
[X] Conduct an analysis of her comings and goings so that you can be sure to run into her outside

Stay classy Clarisse.
[X] Focus on your study of dance, and try to get into the special class with Ryouko

I have no idea how much, if any, of this will translate back to April 2nd in any form, but we have been repeatedly stymied by not being able to dance and it is slightly frustrating.
[3] Focus on your study of dance, and try to get into the special class with Ryouko
[2] Conduct an analysis of her comings and goings so that you can be sure to run into her outside
[1] Abstractly Yearn

Doot soon™
2 minutes too late to vote. Damn computer failing to boot up this morning!

[X] Conduct an analysis of her comings and goings so that you can be sure to run into her outside

Analysis of the situation may reveal that we may or may not be more or less computer than was expected.
It's a declaration of war!
(My apologies to late voters. Vote early vote often.)

[3] Focus on your study of dance, and try to get into the special class with Ryouko
[2] Conduct an analysis of her comings and goings so that you can be sure to run into her outside
[1] Abstractly Yearn

"All right!" you exclaim, resolving to focus on your practice.

"What are you saying 'all right' for?" asks Asami.

"Were you thinking of going to see Ryouko-sama?" asks Chiaki.

"I'm going to practice, until I'm in the Special Class," you explain.

"Really!!" exclaims Asami.

"That's so cute!" adds Chiaki.

"You can count our support!" says Asami.

You nod, with resolve, as the two head out.

"I wonder if it will be all right?" asks Asami.

"It will," says Chiaki. "Because even if she fails, I'll comfort her."

It is about twilight, and you are walking home from a late practice when suddenly, you notice someone. It's Ryouko-senpai it's ryouko senpai ryouko senpai she's heading past right now she's just floating past like a goddess she's —

actually, something's off. She's in a long nightgown, but the hem is torn, and her hair is a mess.

"R-r-r-r-r-r-rrrr-Ryouko-senpai... are you okay?" you ask.

"I fell out of a window," explains Ryouko, offhandedly.

"Omigosh, are you injured?!?" you ask.

"I don't know," she says, with a shrug. "Kyouko-san says it's just scratches, from landing in the bushes."

You feel a twang of guilt, and begin to apologize. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm interrupting you, and being weird, I know I'm weird, I shouldn't have said any—"

"I don't think you're weird," says Ryouko.

You stop.

"N-no one's ever told me that before," you say.

Ryouko sits down on the grass, idly, and looks up at the stars.

You're not sure what to do. Should you sit next to her? Would that be weird or is that not-weird too? Is it weird if you're asking yourself whether it's weird?

You interrupted suddenly, as —

(Pictures at an Exhibition - Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle)

— an alien appears.

"A-a-alien!" you exclaim.

"Yes?" replies the alien.

"Good evening, Alienerina-san," says Ryouko.

"Good evening. May I sit next to you?" she asks Ryouko.

Ryouko nods.

"I was just wondering," asks Alienerina, sitting down, "what you happened to think of Simona-san."

Ryouko shrugs.

"Do you love her?" asks Alienerina.

"Not really," admits Ryouko.

"Well then," asks the alien, "would you like to go out with me?"

Ryouko shrugs again. "Okay," she says.

Alienerina beams, and strokes Ryouko's face with a tentacle.

"How lovely," she opines. "Now we can be happy together."

This is too weird this is too weird....

"I'll... just... be leaving, then," you say, and back away to head back to your dorm.

Then you bump into bump into Simona.

You ... kind of don't want to think about what happens when she finds out what's happening here.
(Pictures at an Exhibition: Ballet of the chicks in their shells)
"Oh! Simona-chan!" you exclaim.

"... Do I know you?" she asks.

"I was just thinking that you probably didn't want to go over this way," you say, attempting to keep her from the scene.

"Why not?" she asks.

"Oh, hahaha, merely to avoid certain unpleasant shenanigans which might happen to be occurring in the general area of this present vicinity," you ramble, taking up time.

But you are soon approached from behind. Alienerina has scooped up Ryouko in her tentacles.

Ryouko, meanwhile, continues to observe the sky, barely noticing.

"My my," says the alien, "if it isn't Simona-san? I'd like to inform you that Ryouko has decided to go out with me now,'s clear who's ahead, isn't it?"

"Oh," says Simona, and looks at her, contemplating.

"Goodbye!" says the alien, strolling off with her prize into the plaza.

"... right so I don't think that's right," you say to Simona.

"I'm not worried about it," says Simona, confidently, then smiles. "You're a good person, aren't you?"

You're not quite sure how to respond to that. She's confident, at least.

"Excuse me," says Simona, as she departs. "We'll talk again later."

The people in the plaza, in any event, have taken notice of Alienerina, and can hear exclamations and the murmurs of gossip.

"What? With an alien?" asks one girl.

"Didn't she like Simona?" asks another.

"I can't believe this," opines a third.

The crowd stands around gossiping for a while, until a certain red-headed girl pushes her way through the crowd and extracts Ryouko, leading her back to her dorm.

"You dumped Simona, huh," states Kyouko, as she passes you. "You're a cruel person, aren't you?"

"Do you think so?" asks Ryouko, blandly.

"It's because you don't understand people's feelings," says Kyouko. "That's why doing things like this doesn't bother you."

"Sorry," says Ryouko.

"It's fine," says Kyouko, with a grunt, leading Ryouko inside. "Just don't fall out of any more windows."

She closes the door.

You frown. Is Kyouko always like this when she talks to people? What a jerk. Why are those two even friends?

"If you take a one-day break from ballet, you will know it," says Azrael. "If you take a two-day break, your instructor and your fellow dancers will know it. If you take a one-week break, your audience will know it. Thus, every day of practice is important, and I assure you, it will pay off during this monthly placement test."

Asami frets. "I don't want to be in the probationary class," she whispers.

"Alternatively," says Azrael, strolling by, "you will also have the opportunity to marry me."

"I definitely don't want that!" you opine.

"You... you don't?" asks Azrael. She seems slightly shocked.

Alienerina interrupts.

"Excuse me, sensei," she asks. "Is the special class always limited to just five dancers?"

"That's right," says Azrael.

"Then I suppose someone will have to drop out, to make room for me," she declares.

Chiaki gasps.

"It's a declaration of war!" observes Asami.

"She's going to steal Simona's place right after stealing her girlfriend!" exclaims an excited Chiaki.

"I will dance a pas de deux with my partner, Ryouko," says Alienerina, matter-of-factly, and grins at Simona.

> Dance with someone

[ ] Object to Alienerina's plan. Ryouko may need rest, to recover.
-[ ] Insist on dancing with Alienerina yourself instead.
-[ ] (offer some other alternative)
[ ] Stay out of it. Let Alienerina dance with Ryouko.
-[ ] Offer to dance with Simona, who lacks a partner.
-[ ] Ask Asami or Chiaki to dance with you.
Last edited:
[X] Stay out of it. Let Alienerina dance with Ryouko.
-[X] Offer to dance with Simona, who lacks a partner.

We should plot with Simona. Ally to get rid of Alienerina in return for her permission to become the mistress to her official waifu status.
[2] Stay out of it. Let Alienerina dance with Ryouko.
-[2] Offer to dance with Simona, who lacks a partner.

[2] Yearn Abstractly

Would it be possible to get more votes? :)
Clarisse is in a pinch!
[3] Yearn abstractly

Chiaki is very excited. "Simona is in a pinch!" she exclaims.

Asami elbows you. "Hey, were you going to audition for the special class, too?" she asks.

"Oh," you respond, distractedly. "Yes, I'll do an audition."

"With who?" asks Asami. "It's a pas de deux."

"I, um, hadn't thought about that," you say.

"Oh dear!" says Chiaki. "Now Clarisse is in a pinch!!!"

"You're so scatterbrained," says Asami, sighing.

"That's our cute Clarisse, though," says Chiaki, pulling on your cheeks vigorously. "Don't ever change, understand?"

You push Chiaki away from you, to better watch Alienerina's dance.

(Hungarian Dance)

You watch, mesmerised by the sight, yearning abstractly for the idea of the princess which Ryouko represents for you, when suddenly Ryouko stumbles, and lets go of Alienerina, who tumbles to the floor.

Everyone gasps aloud.

"Quiet, everyone!!" says Azrael, cutting off the music. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," says Alienerina, picking herself up.

"Ryouko-san?" she asks.

Ryouko remains on the floor.

"My leg," says Ryouko. "I twisted it."

Azrael dismisses the class early.

"We'll finish our auditions tomorrow," she says.

You feel bad that Ryouko was hurt, and wonder if you should have said something.

Your abstract yearning finds you wandering near the nurse's office. You're not quite sure what you're supposed to do here, though.

Suddenly, you hear a commotion.

"You simply think nothing of it?!" exclaims Alienerina. "For me, your girlfriend, to suffer like that?"

Ryouko shrugs.

"You purposely didn't do your best," she accuses.

"I don't know," says Ryouko-senpai.

"Don't mock me!" exclaims Alienerina.

"Okay," says Ryouko-senpai.

"You know," says the alien, "if you hadn't been Simona's girlfriend, I would never have asked you to go out with me."

"Yeah," agrees Ryouko-senpai.

Alienerina slaps her.

Ryouko doesn't really react, and the alien storms out of the room. She sees you at the door as she's leaving.

"Have you come to laugh at me, too?" she asks.

"No, that's not what ...."

She shoves you aside violently, and you stumble, catching yourself as you hit the wall.

But —

For a moment, you thought you saw an image of Ryouko, shoving you, instead of her, and it was terrifying.

Alienerina lingers in a quiet, unlit stairwell, alone. And yet, there is someone with her ...

It's not Ryouko-senpai. It's a ghost, that looks like her, tinted an unearthly green.

"I understand," says the image of Ryouko-senpai. "You just want to destroy things, don't you?"

The alien nods, crying.

"I need you," says the Ryouko. "Your wounded heart. Your blind rage." She grins, delighted.

You're not sure what's going on, but you don't like it at all. This isn't right.

You feel like you should do something. Anything, if it would help.

"... Well, now," says the voice of the Devil.

You can't see her, exactly, but she can see you. She's there, lingering, just out of the corner of your eye. She is in the walls. She is in the floors. She is in the mirror. She's all over the room, but she's not in the room. Maybe you're not in the room, either. It feels as if time has somehow ... stopped.

"It seems you've found a piece of the princess's lost soul!" explains the devil, and you know that she is stretching out the tips of her toes, spreading her long black wings. "How marvelous. Now, will you let me see how this mysterious story plays out?" asks.

"Beep boop?" you ask, confused, and scared.

"Would you like to save your princess, dear Clarisse?" asks the devil, Akemi Homura.

> Make a pact with me, and become a magical ballerina!

[ ] Cooperate with the devil
[ ] Run away!
I am... Princess Beep-boop!
[5] Cooperate with the Devil

(holy quintetu people, of all the things that brings a prompt, unanimous vote)

You're worried about her, aren't you?" asks the devil.

"Beep!" you agree.

"Do you want to help the princess?" she asks.


"And you'll let me tell this story?" she asks.


"Good, good," says the devil. "Then you already know what to do."

"That's right! I'll save the princess," you say.

"And have you remembered who you are?" asks Akemi-sama.

"I am... Princess Beep-boop!"

Swan Lake - Ballet Suite, Op. 20 - Finale

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

(Watashi No Ai Wa Chiisai Keredo)

I fell in love, and my life was like a dream.
My heart beat so fast... it was like I was going to burst!
Being alive suddenly seemed like it was such a beautiful thing.
I can hardly wait for tomorrow.

I want to be your strength,
Anytime you need someone,
I want to be there for you.

So if you can, please wait...
I will rush to meet you!
Overtaking the wind,
the clouds and rain,
flying to you,
on my own
"I am... Princess Beep-boop!"
I suddenly want a science fantasy story with a fairy tale princess who just happens to be an artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever find one closer than either this or RWBY. Penny pretty much is the closest thing to a princess of Atlas at this point. And after being blessed with the sacred power of the Winter Maiden, long may she reign.