The correct way to fry an egg

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F### Cultists they exploit the common man's superstition and people's vulnerability to peer pressure to pressure Cultists and allow their leaders to line their pockets with money, convince people to drink Kool aid and abandon common sense.

Rant over
This is my most complex plan yet

[X] Operation no body expects the Feline Inquisition!
-[X] Follow them quietly and see what they're up to
--[X] Dispatch Amy to follow from a distance
---[X] Use tactical computer part of brain to calculate route for cat that ensures maximum information collection and non detectability at the same time while being simple for cat brain
----[X] Point Amy at calculated direction.
-[X] Call For Reinforcements
--[X] Homura for timestop Mami for Firepower
--[X] Non-Lethal Ambush Timestop Takedowns if bad (which they probably are)
---[X] Lethal If necessary
If we send Amy we loose the guy from yesterday, that's why we came ourselves.
Also because of the fact that Sakura thought it would be nice.
She is honest and straightforward like that. <3
You will note that she also wants to get their attention and talk to them.

[X] Follow. Information is the priority.

[x] Capture everyone and interrogate them. Information is the priority. ;)
Does this version of Simona have implants? She's the one from the Governance timeline, right?

I think it was mentioned at some point she dons't? She was also a magical girl and that's been taken away as well.

As for what to do? We can either follow them and get some information but at the risk of Simona and Ophelia or we can intervene now. I'm thinking follow ourselves, we need to be ready to save them at any moment after all.

[X] Follow them quietly and see what they're up to
-[X] Follow them yourself
a Ceph utility design
[6] Follow them quietly and see what they're up to

There is something weird about the way the cloaked figures are walking, as well, but not like the way that Ophelia is dancing her way forward.

Simona looks over her shoulder a few times as she goes along: not at you, maybe towards the portal you'd opened.

They proceed through the woods, past the water treatment plant, and cross a small creek, emerging in a small field next to a local Boys and Girls club affiliated with the Salvation Army. There is a rail terminal to the north, and a residential subdivision to the south. They proceed towards a crude dirt trail that leads towards an unusual structure situated behind the club building.

No, wait... that's not a dirt trail, that's more of a ... skid mark.

The structure is a spaceship, just sitting there, completely unstealthed. It looks like a variant of a slightly less common Ceph utility design: a smaller vessel, with both atmospheric flight capability and its own FTL drive. You can't see whether it is armed, but usually this type has only very light weapons; they use them primarily for delivering high-value equipment and specialists, to support their operations in areas which they have already secured. The standard crew complement is probably about four to eight, but it could hold up to a dozen passengers if it happened to be configured as a light troop transport.

It is guarded by — well, it's one of the smallest Ceph you've ever laid eyes on, but it is still tall enough to tower over you and the others. Contributing to its smaller size is a near total lack of armor, though it does brandish a light ray gun. This guard seems somewhat agitated, and calls out to the others using sounds that you don't understand. It seems to be motioning for them to hurry over and get inside. One of the cloaked figures calls back, in what seems to be the same language.

[] Sneak aboard after them
[] Evacuate the humans
-[] Attempt to take one or more aliens hostage, too
[] Assault the vessel with magical girls
-[] (write in details)
[] (write in some other tactic)
[x] Reveal yourself, confront them, and ask what they're doing
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... Alright. I think we need to start killing things now. Like now now.

We cannot afford to let them get taken in the time we confront them or have them potentially be used as hostages and one of them is drugged to her gills right now.
Ok, so there is a reason the ceph would be here and interested in simona and ophelia; that is the magic we performed to cleanse the feathers. It was a massive signal and lots of people will flock to it.

The other thing to consider is there is no war going on between humans and the ceph and they can be assume to be so far beyond our power we are garentieed to lose if it reaches that point. Therefore we should be somewhat restrained, but they probably dont have any of their protections against capture in place.

This infomation is probably enough for us to free simona and ophelia so long as we are careful and use our infomation correctly.
Ok, so there is a reason the ceph would be here and interested in simona and ophelia; that is the magic we performed to cleanse the feathers. It was a massive signal and lots of people will flock to it.

The other thing to consider is there is no war going on between humans and the ceph and they can be assume to be so far beyond our power we are garentieed to lose if it reaches that point. Therefore we should be somewhat restrained, but they probably dont have any of their protections against capture in place.

This infomation is probably enough for us to free simona and ophelia so long as we are careful and use our infomation correctly.
Or we could just make everything vanish. Or just vanish with those two.

Why diplomacy? Diplomacy just tells them who we are with no guarantee to do anything but get us captured as well.
Why diplomacy? Diplomacy just tells them who we are with no guarantee to do anything but get us captured as well.
I don't think anyone recommended diplomacy except Sakura. Planck is merely suggesting that, because of the non-wartime posture, you could safely hope to rescue the two girls, and maybe capture a squid as well, if I'm reading it right.

Sakura wants to diplomacy because she is a traditional cute magical girl protagonist who just wants everyone to get along and believes that everything will be daijoubou. You know the type.
I kind of want to diplomise because it's a way to get information fast.

We need to know so much about the situation, and we know so little.

So I'm not actually for talking because we can't really risk it, but it's tempting, if we could like talk in the past or an alt time line or something that would be good.

Hmm. But yeah I don't think we should let the shuttle take off. Tech base wise it's probably not worth much... ugh. So many things to think about.
If we want to talk to them with added safety we could also talk though an illusion of ourselves. We can then set ourselves up to save Simona and Ophelia if things so south. And if we need to we can probably have the copy take on physical properties.
We should grab Simona and Ophelia before trying to talk things out to avoid putting them in danger. If we can do an illusion of ourselves (where are we getting that power from?), we can do illusions of them too.

How about we drop them through a wormhole to safety while covering it up with sound and illusion magic and then try talking?
Oh goodness.

Frankly, I'm not sold on either violence or diplomacy; I think that I favor evacuating Simona and Ophelia and then observing what the Cephalopods do.

Like, we can talk to Simona about this after, since she seems to know at least something. And I'm not sure what murder accomplishes here other than escalation for no particular reason, potentially up to "war with the Cephalopods that we cannot win."

Because unless the Ceph are, like, bizarrely bad at record-keeping and general awareness of the disposition of fleet assets, it's not like they're just going to forget that they sent a scout. If we kill the crew and scuttle the ship or whatever ... then what?

To some extent, I'm not seeing a good option. Because, like, if I sent a scout to investigate "lolwut. What caused that massive energy release here?" and then the scout never reports back, I'd send another scout with a better escort, because clearly the phenomenon is dangerous.

And if my scout reports back with "we found the source of the anomaly, only, it vanished," I think I also send more scouts, because that's weird.

... of course, I suppose that it's possible that, due to time shenaniganery, we are still at war with the Cephalopods even 450 years in the relative past and a couple universes over, in which case ... gosh, I don't even know. We're now at a legitimately insurmountable disadvantage, as opposed to the merely extremely large disadvantage Governance had against the Ceph.

I guess ... make peace with the fact that we'll have to wish to stop them, and that Sakura will then feather us to death rather than let us witch out? And then be sad.


I am in the middle of a major depressive episode, so if someone wants to chime in with ... less ... bleak analysis of the situation, that would probably be helpful.
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If we travel there in secret, would we then be in range for telepathy to get Simona to explain things?
I guess ... make peace with the fact that we'll have to wish to stop them, and that Sakura will then feather us to death rather than let us witch out? And then be sad.
FWIW I'm not convinced that the Incubators are the only available source of wishes.
And if my scout reports back with "we found the source of the anomaly, only, it vanished," I think I also send more scouts, because that's weird.
I'm not sure how this is better then attempting diplomacy, especially if we make ourselves difficult to locate.
If we travel there in secret, would we then be in range for telepathy to get Simona to explain things?
I don't think we have time for that before they get in the shuttle.
If we travel there in secret, would we then be in range for telepathy to get Simona to explain things?
I fear Simona doesn't have a telepathy.

If we can do an illusion of ourselves (where are we getting that power from?

Your girlfriend.

I am in the middle of a major depressive episode, so if someone wants to chime in with ...
… affection and love?
I know in a major depressive episode it won't make everything magically better but I do hope it will help a little.

I suppose that it's possible that, due to time shenaniganery, we are still at war with the Cephalopods even 450 years in the relative past and a couple universes over
If you're not at war, though, it sounds like remaining not-at-war would be good.

But if you were really still at war, this scout might be better armed, and might be stealthed, and the Ceph might have armor.

I guess ... make peace with the fact that we'll have to wish to stop them, and that Sakura will then feather us to death rather than let us witch out?
[] Signal your allies in the alien insurgency
[X] Signal your allies in the alien insurgency

I mean it's worth a try? Does Sakura have any ideas how to do so?

[X] Rescue girls, put illusions in their place, open dialog via the illusion of Simona.