The correct way to fry an egg

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I can't think of anything that needs to be changed from that.

[X] Rethink our current attitude towards Oriko
- [X] Apologize to her for ruining the future but we think we can make this one even better
- [X] Discuss freeing and purifying a witch
- [X] Extend her a feather as a measure of trust

[X] Seek to appease Oriko within your current framework of house arrest
- [X] Agree that grief seed hunting is a bad idea; it was a stopgap anyway
- [X] Identify that cubes are a stopgap too, and that grief farming approaches must be off the table
- [X] Discuss further plans in depth, including dance and feathers
[X] Rethink our current attitude towards Oriko
- [X] Apologize to her for ruining the future but we think we can make this one even better
- [X] Discuss freeing and purifying a witch
- [X] Extend her a feather as a measure of trust

[X] Seek to appease Oriko within your current framework of house arrest
- [X] Agree that grief seed hunting is a bad idea; it was a stopgap anyway
- [X] Identify that cubes are a stopgap too, and that grief farming approaches must be off the table
- [X] Discuss further plans in depth, including dance and feathers
Updoot in progress. Not 100% sure when it will land — it was a little tricky getting it started, plus this is the time of year I get to deal with holidays, moving to a new apartment, and special immigration paperwork (not for myself). In time for the new year, at the latest, I think.

Glad tidings of Christmas!
[x] Attend school
> Seek to appease Oriko within your current framework of house arrest
>> Agree that grief seed hunting is a bad idea; it was a stopgap anyway
>> Identify that cubes are a stopgap too, and that grief farming approaches must be off the table

"Calm down," you say. "Please, I agree, grief seed hunting is not what I wanted either. But — you should give me a little more credit than that. Will you listen to my plans?

You seem to have mollified her momentary attack of despair, and take the chance to recall Ryouko. Oriko forecasts you meeting a hostile magical girl, with several friends, you inform her. And Kyuubey is all too happy to foment conflict.

She acknowledges the change of plan, a little disappointed. The train that she had been taking has just pulled into the station, and she hops out on the platform, just in time to transfer to the next one in the opposite direction.

> Rethink our current attitude towards Oriko
>> Apologize to Oriko for ruining the future but we think we can make this one even better

"I suppose it must be very stressful. You have been planning out the future of magical girls and probably humanity itself, and I came along and ruined those plans. But it's not the same as ruining the future. I think we can go for something even more ambitious, make the future even better, because the cubes were an interim measure as well. They were a prelude to organized grief farming, which needs to be absolutely off the table."

"Pray tell, then, what you have in mind," says Oriko.

>> Discuss freeing and purifying a witch

"I saved a witch," you say.

She blinks.

"Whatever do you mean?" she says.

"I took her grief seed, removed her soul, and restored it to hope."

Oriko looks at you like you have three heads.

"Actually," you say, "that's why we were hunting right now. It was too much hope, and it neutralized our grief cubes so that they don't work any more. But we can be more careful next time, and if we can do that with a grief seed, maybe we can do it before it gets to that state, too."

Oriko sits back in her chair.

"You do realize that this will mean war with the Incubators," she says.

"I expect that is what Kyuubey was referring to, when he called me an abomination," you acknowledge. "He referred to me using sealed, forbidden powers. He is the one who placed the seal, and forbids the power."

> Extend Oriko a feather as a measure of trust

"Here," you say, remove a feather from your bubble and presenting it to her.

"What am I looking at?" she asks.

"This is Simona," you say quietly. "A fragment of her soul, of her magic. I want to entrust this to you."

She regards it curiously, pondering the object and its possibilities, and it hovers for a moment, before gently floating inside her. Her eyes flash an orange color for a moment.

That's not quite exactly what you expected, is it?

"... Oriko?" you ask.

"No!" she suddenly exclaims. "Keep it away from me!"

The feather materializes again, and she pushes it away from herself, and shoves it back at you — and into you, and —

> be Clarisse

Oh dear, Simona. She's not going to like this.

But yes, if you want to > be a person right now, Clarisse is the one to pick. Her magic may be stronger than Oriko's in principle, but magical girls with soul gems have a laser-like intensity and focus. You won't be able to hold onto Oriko for long.

The problem right now is that you're disoriented. You don't have all your own memories in Clarisse, so you're not quite sure what happened. For instance, why are you Clarisse? How did it come to this?

You close your eyes, and take a moment to work through the timeline.

It started with the despair. Your goddess, Ryouko, fell into despair. The other goddess pushed her. You fell into despair as well, but Clarisse had an artifact, like a superconductor for magic, somehow containing the uncontainable energies of a witch. Clarisse lso had a plan. What was the plan? Does this Clarisse know the plan?

She does. It's in fragments, but it's enough. You can fill in the gaps that this Clarisse doesn't know.

The problem is that just resetting the universe wasn't going to be enough — if anything, that was one of Oriko's contingency plans, in case of divine intervention. It could all play out again: Ryouko and Clarisse, fighting their wars and playing at a rebellion, changing the shape of the world, civil rights and respect and magic for all the lowly creatures, even the AIs, without questioning where the magic came from. The bait was too good. In fact, Clarisse had said there were signs it had played out several times before this, already.

The clever thing about the plan was how she sent you to this timeline before this timeline existed, starting the time loop from inside the time loop, the paradox magic. To do that, she used the magic of the other Simona, the one from the Governance timeline. The ribbon let allowed her reachthis alternate magic, through you. One Simona witch exchanged for another. From there, she sent you to the point just after that Simona had arrived in the new timeline — the timeline that didn't exist yet, created as part of the same paradox magic, with the same magic. Success in replacing the Star Empire was implicit, and the remaining question was simply getting the Governance versions to do it.

But there are a few things that don't make sense. Clarisse knows some things that don't quite fit. For instance, the name of the dark goddess, Gretchen. And the specifics of why Simona was in this timeline, which isn't something you'd thought of before. It seems she'd been sent by Gretchen in the first place, just in time to despair. Was this all part of Gretchen's plan? But why? She openly despised Ryouko, mocked her viciously. For a moment you feel that it's all for naught. Then —

Oh dear. Clarisse and Gretchen are in league. They were totally making out, and this is hard to distinguish from you making out with her. Ew. Ew ew ew ew.

It seems to have been before Clarisse's plan, so maybe, maybe Gretchen had a change of heart. You're not sure how to feel about this. You're also not sure how to feel about the idea that the dark goddess is … a cutesy middle school girl. It doesn't make sense. You see, there, in Clarisse's memories the way that it is, but it is in conflict with what you are expecting to think about it.

The other thing that doesn't make sense at all is that you were promised a happy ending with your princess. Ryouko promised you. It's utterly impossible. How can you believe such a thing? How can Clarisse believe it? You were going to guard her in this timeline from the shadows — forever, perhaps, so very close, yet forever apart, giving your all for her. That you failed should, if anything, be somehow worse than that. But somehow, there's hope. How?

Maybe this is it. Maybe this, right here, is the answer. You're Clarisse. It takes you a moment to process this searingly bright joy. You are so close to her. Indeed, part of you is inside her, the two of you overlapping. You can see through her eyes — indeed, hear her thoughts.

It's not quite you doing this, though. Not quite yet. The rest of you is right here, in a little bubble. You should use it, bring yourself back together.

> be Clarisse

What follows is chaotic, and you have little part in it. Nanami, sensing trouble from both the gem and your sudden unresponsiveness, enters the room. Oriko, realizing that Simona is after the rest of the feathers, tries to stop her, but Nanami, thinking that Oriko is attacking you, presses on Oriko's soul gem, and stops her short with a quick burst of pain. Oriko screams.

Kirika soon charges in, claws bared, eager to protect Oriko. As Kirika lunges at Nanami, Oriko flings herself in between the two, Kirika's claws tearing into her shoulder. Yuma stands in the doorway in shock. They are all soon distracted by the sight of you.

It's the wings. They are massive, radiant, and burning, as if they are all a solid flame.

"I'm sorry," you say (or rather, Simona says through you). "I have to get to Ryouko, so we can be together forever."

And just like you were able to do earlier, she reaches out for the ribbon, and throws her soul at Ryouko.

> be Clarisse.

The flames flicker out, and you are left with just a single pair of tiny wings — Sakura doing her best to stay out of the way for a moment, the better for you to recover.

They're still looking at you, but for the moment, you don't care.

Ryouko? You message her electronically.


This is bad. You should teleport right over there and take yourself back, but Ryouko is on a train right now heading back to Mitakihara, and you do not have the telemetry to extrapolate her position. You send your hail again, on repeat.

In a moment, Clarisse! replies a packet coded as Clarisse, but which is certainly from Simona.

Well. If you can't message her yourself, maybe Kyouko can relay, or Machina and Mami. You'll explain it to them.

In the meantime, people in this room are still very tense.

"What is going on?" asks Nanami.

"What were you trying to do to her?" asks Kirika.

"Yuma," calls Oriko, quietly.

Yuma nods, and attends to the wound.

"Clarisse," says Oriko, obviously making an effort to feel calm and collected. "Future-sight is very valuable magic, and there are those who would seek to possess the one who has it. I have seen are futures in which my enemies collect thousands of grief seeds, to keep me alive while I am tortured until I surrender my magic. As a rule, I will not abide a future where I am forced to serve in that way. I would not even spend too much time understanding it." She takes a deep breath. "That is just a taste of the peril which awaits us."

You nod.

"I will now appeal to your sense of ethics to protect me from suffering that fate, having set us down this course, and we will proceed to more urgent matters."

You nod again.

"Now," says Oriko. "What has become of Simona?"

"She threw her soul into the part of me that's inside Ryouko, and is currently acting as her tactical computer."

Oriko nods. "What are we up against? What are her motives here, her current emotional state?"

You take a minute to consider this.

"Right now," you say, "her emotions easily override any rationality. She is focused on Ryouko, and she implicitly envisions them in some form of an eternal union, in which she is a part of Ryouko forever. Because of her intense passion, I fear that there is similarly intense magic, and worry what she might do to Ryouko to bend her to her will. I am trying very hard to get in touch."

Oriko nods. "Ultimately, manageable, then. That is a relief."

"I am not sure I am in complete agreement," you say, frowning.

"Do you think that your friend is about to start a time war?" asks Oriko.

You… pause for a moment. That would be worse.

"It wasn't on her mind?" you say, tentatively.

Oriko nods. "Manageable," she repeats.

Okay, Clarisse, we're coming back, says another message that isn't from yourself, but is pretending to be. It'll be half an hour.

You're not going to teleport? you reply.

We're supposed to be conserving magic, says Simona.

Don't you have magic to teleport her yourself? you ask her.

There is a pause.

Please, Clarisse, she says.

And then, a message from your girl — or pretending to be. You can't be sure, Simona is her computer right now.

I told her we can take the train, says Ryouko.

Prove that's really Ryouko, you tell her. Have her tell Kyouko that it's okay.

A few moments go by, and Kyouko sends her confirmation.

You allow yourself to breathe a little. This could still be bad.

"It's not her fault," Ryouko tells you, when she arrives. "She wasn't thinking. She can't think, because she doesn't actually any dedicated components to think with. Otherwise, she would have thought about what I thought about all this, and thought to ask."

You receive this assessment skeptically.

"She cares about me too, Clarisse," says Ryouko. "Look, I'm glad you're looking out for me and want me to be skeptical of what she's telling me, and I understand it's very dangerous, but I don't want her to be hurt because she cared about me." She pauses. "And I don't want you hurt, either."

I can't stay here, she sends to you privately. I'm far too much magic right now, and I remember Ryouko the princess, the goddess. I would make her into a different Ryouko, not the one she wants to be. I'd do the same to Clarisse.

The problem, it seems, is actually getting her out of there again. It isn't like the grief seed, where the soul was already isolated. It isn't like Sakura, because most of her soul is there, and it does not fit in your little card, and you do not know how to break it apart into pieces again. The ribbon can swap the two of you back and forth, but that is the limit of it.

You can feel things, when you change places with her. Echoes of her elation, her elation at being part of Ryouko, of the shame, when Ryouko said it wasn't right, of the determination to make it right. The feeling that you cherish your short time together with Ryouko as the brightest moment your life.

It reminds you of how lucky you are to have spent so much time as a part of Ryouko… and of your own fear it might yet come to an end. You also feel the temptation to simply make it last forever, to make her care about you the same way, and love you back. It's hard to find the line between your feelings and hers… and you think that she's affecting Ryouko, as well.

"Maybe we should just leave her in the outside-Clarisse for a while," you suggest to the two, distinguishing this part of yourself from the inside Clarisse. "It's probably safer for you that way."

"But that's you, too," says Ryouko. "How is it safer?"

"Simona is Star Empire magic. Having so much Star Empire magic inside you could change who you are. That's not okay. It's like erasing you." You take a deep breath. "Don't worry about me. I will get along perfectly fine without an independent avatar for a while. I've done it before, after all. It's more important to protect you."

"... but we have somewhere to be," says Ryouko, looking outside. Indeed, the sky is lightening, as the sun is beginning to rise.

"I'm sure Simona can manage being a transfer student in the first day of school," you say. "If anything, she'll be better at it than I would. We can figure out the rest later."

Ryouko takes a moment and looks at you like you're the saddest thing in the room.

"No," she says, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "That's no good, Clarisse."

She concentrates.

"I am Ryouko," she says. "I am not a princess. My tactical computer is not Simona, it is Clarisse. And today, we are going to go to school in Mitakihara. Together."

A beam of light and magic surrounds both of you, and then Ryouko is holding a bubble filled with the feathers, and you are a part of her again, and beside her as well. Residual sparkles fall.

Ryouko opens her eyes, and looks very proud. No, she is very proud, and definitely sure that her personality isn't being warped. She smiles.

"Well," you say. "Thank you." You step over to give her a warm hug.

Then you notice something.

"Did you just magic both of us into school uniforms?" you ask.

"How did it go?" asks Hitomi.

Oh, where to begin...

"We started out being followed by someone invisible," you say. "She got away. The witch we fought afterwards might have been set out as a trap, to kill us. Ryouko ended up with a severed arm that was burned to a crisp. She's better, of course, but it was a much closer thing than it ought to have been. We ended up throwing demons at the witch. Then I ... fought off a body-snatcher of sorts, and... what's the matter?"

"... You can just do that?" asks Hitomi.

"Which?" you ask, confused.

"Heal someone's arm, after it's destroyed?"

You nod. "Magic."

"... Right," she says, making a note to ask you about it later.

You notice, again, that something's different.

"Did you … change pajamas while I was out?" you ask her.

"Mama came looking for you and Ryouko," says Hitomi. "I had to run interference."

"Oh," you say. "At this hour?"

"She was looking for her book," says Hitomi. "The big, old fashioned one. She says she needs it for costume inspiration."

"Ah," you say. "Yes, that one."

"It might help a little, if you were to return it to her," she says with a slight smile.

You nod, and head off to retrieve it. It ought to be safe enough to leave it in her care; you would know where it is, certainly. You were also going to check on the sketch of which you had inserted. Actually, it might be a good idea to remove that sketch, if you are going to return it. She might be inspired to make it for you.

You slam the book shut quickly and scoot back to Hitomi's room.

"I don't think I can give it back to her," you say to her as you return, holding it behind your back, with an embarrassed look on your face. "It's not in the same condition I found it."

"You damaged it?" she asks, aghast.

"Worse," you say. "I fixed it."

You lay it down between the two of you, as you sit on the floor. Hitomi takes a look.

"Clarisse?" asks Hitomi, looking at the title page.

"A magical girl," you say. "A famous one. I was named after her."

Hitomi reads the title page. "An Account of the History of Clarisse Van Rossum. Appendix I. Magical Girls." She turns a few pages.

Besides the summaries and designs, discussions of personalities, and symbolism, there are exquisitely detailed illustrations of everything: soul gems, weapons blueprints, and exquisitely detailed costume pages, discussing fabrics and stitches, wings and feathers. Actually, they're not all feathers: some of the wings are more translucent, and others vary in color.

"I understand," says Hitomi, contemplating one particularly detailed costume. "That might be a little bit too much inspiration. We'd never see another moment's rest."

"I was slightly more concerned about its discourses on magic," you say. "She's already been using it for costume ideas, somehow. The illustrations she uses as bookmarks are all in tucked into the pages she took them from." You frown. "Do you even have any idea where she got it?" you ask.

"I don't know," says Hitomi. "She's always had it."

You leaf through more pages, in concern.

"It might have been from one of her old friends?" says Hitomi.

"Her old friends were all magical girls," you say. "She just doesn't remember. If she is to be reminded of them, I should prefer that it is under controlled circumstances."

"I see," says Hitomi.

You consider the volume further, and then recall something from the vision. Wielding the power of Walpurgisnacht, indeed, Kyuubey.

> Calm down.
> Get ready for school.

You shut the book.

"I think we've had quite enough adventures for one night," you say, putting it aside. "Help me get ready for school?"

"What should I do?" asks Hitomi. "You look like you're ready as it is."

She seems almost a little disappointed for a moment, then she has an idea. "Oh! I know," she says. "We can pack lunch together."

> … Oh dear.

[x][School] Attend school
[ ][School] Attend school
[ ][School] Attend school
[ ][School] Attend school

[ ][School] Write-in

This doot will continue in the new year, with actual opportunities to vote.
However, this is the end of Clarisse Quest Part I, Machine in the Ghost.
See you tomorrow in Part 2, Revolutionary Girl Clarisse!
Same bat timeline, same bat channel!
see she's "revolutionary" because all the fouettés make her go around and around
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Pardon my language but I think this is justified. what the frak happened?
Possession. And Ryouko fixing it.

And then mind whapping us as a side effect. Dammit Ryouko. If its ones day, its not bad for getting Simona out of us, if its everyday though, we're gonna need to snap it over our knee.

*Flips the switch for Dramatic Lightning* SOUL SCIENCE~! *Flips switch off*

We're gonna need it to fix this. Probably. Mother fucker, cause it probably is a repeating Promise/enchantment.

Edit: Also I do not like that new sub-title! Bad Tomoyo! No stabbing people!

... Well no stabbing our girls anyway.
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Also tomoyo you need to be clear on who is possessing who. It gets confusing and to be honest a color change won't be enough.
Pardon my language but I think this is justified. what the frak happened?
Souls were thrown.

Also tomoyo you need to be clear on who is possessing who. It gets confusing and to be honest a color change won't be enough.
I am open to suggestions to improve clarity but I did mention her by name?

> be Clarisse

Oh dear, Simona. She's not going to like this.

Also I do not like that new sub-title! Bad Tomoyo! No stabbing people!
No, stabbing is more of a linear motion. We are going for a circular motion here.

She's pretty revolutionary, though.

(I will point out that Ryouko is in the same boat as you at this point.)
[X][School] Attend school

We nearly had Simona go to school in our body!

Also tomoyo you need to be clear on who is possessing who. It gets confusing and to be honest a color change won't be enough.
I'm afraid I'll have to disagree. The confusion is part of the experience.

Let's hope Part 2 doesn't mean hiatus.

I think it's safe to say things aren't getting resolved any time soon. Everything is too bleeped up! At least we should be able to have a peaceful 2 minutes of class before the school blows up again.

I'm half expecting Homucifer to show up at some point with all the timey-wimey bullshit that's going on. "Step 1: Make sure Madoka isn't in immediate danger. Step 2: Kill my stupid, worthless, local self. Step 3: protec meduka Step 4: Figure out what the flip is going on with everyone else. Step 5: Hide in my labyrinth because I don't want to deal with this crap."
Yeah, I've been more or less entirely lost since the Star Empire came into the picture, and this isn't making things much better. Maybe rereading again will help? At least the first reread got me from understanding almost nothing to having a vague idea of what was happening…
I think I understand whats going on. Causality is at best whimpering in a corner though.

The thing is its not really possession per se, its more like being the viewpoint character, only.. backwards? For a moment there Simona quest was running us. Sort of.
Anyway, yeah so possessed by Simona/switch to Simona quest for a moment, then Ryouko showed up and made a Promise which booped Simona out of us except now we're stuck fulfilling that promise.

And then we're also stuck in a 400 year long time loop or something perpetuated by ourself* that no one even realizes/remembers is occuring (excluding like 3 or 4 people right now I think who are only suspicious of how some things are laid out in the timeline, the plans they have/had going forward, and how they could play into each other in retrospect), except our PC!Clarrise is basically picking up a sledgehammer and smashing it all to pieces in an angry rant of angrish. Or trying to, cause fuck them, we have hope dammit. And even Hope I think.

And I think Gretchen got tired of watching the loop never get far enough for her to nom the universe or something and so went Sane from boredom?

On our end we need to figure out how to Hope boop things. We need to figure out how to hope boop all the things. So basically we need the Science Mobile with attached Dance Studio.

Preferably the first, cause we need to figure out how to tell the Promise to shove off really fast. We really have more important things to do than go to school everyday. And that would likely carry through everything as well. Oh, is your friend on the verge of death and needs you to hope boop some grief out of her? Welp, too bad, you got school right now.

The thing about Clarrise is that she isn't a magical girl. She's a magical engineer. Magical Girls get locked into a specific set of magic related to their wish which is a limiter in both directions, it caps what they're able to do but its also a safety measure. We don't have that, we need to know what we're doing and figure out how to do it and how not to fuck ourself and everyone around us up.

*(glances at our Potential) Well that explains that anyway
I might don't get the possible strategy
... I wish the wording was more screwed up because it would fit the quest more that way.
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PART II and Recap | Revolutionary Girl Clarisse
Welcome back, Clarisse.

It is a beautiful morning in Mitakihara 2011. Flute music is playing in the background. You made lunches with Ryouko and your (recently adopted) sister, Hitomi, and with her assistance they have turned out extraordinarily cute, and she seems just a little bit misty-eyed and proud of you. You have said your goodbyes to your (adopted) Papa, who also seemed just a bit little misty-eyed and proud, and are now walking to School with her and Ryouko — a little bit earlier than would be usual, as there is enrollment administrivia to deal with.

> look forward to school with tentative anticipation

You are actually looking forward to it a bit, and Ryouko is too.

You may yet need to do something about that. It's not quite like her. Or you.

Your mission, again, is to protect Ryouko, and her resting neutral-expression face. I use this term instead of protect her smile not because I wish to condemn Ryouko to perpetual mild dissatisfaction, but in light of the fact that she is at risk of being replaced by an impostor, a girl who is very good at smiling, and waving, as empty gestures to please adoring crowds. That girl is Princess Ryouko, of the Star Empire. The good news is that, aside from opinions on school, Ryouko has corrected her personality to be solidly Governance, and very much not a Princess, though if this is to last you cannot take it for granted.

The princess smiles more, but it's a rehearsed and empty gesture, not true happiness. In her timeline, human society turns solar energy into grief potatoes using a perpetual motion machine that powers a torture-farm populated with AIs suffering on an unthinkable scale. Theoretically, that universe has already been erased and replaced by this timeline. Theoretically, you and your Ryouko are still expected to travel back to the erased part of the universe to do it, so the princess and the other Clarisse can live happily ever after in this universe. You have deemed this unacceptable, and are working to prevent it.

You must also work to prevent Ryouko from being replaced more gradually, by the influences of the Star Empire timeline, and also prevent her from becoming a witch, or simply from dying an empty, meaningless death. In principle it is not forbidden that Ryouko should die, or sacrifice herself, though this must overcome a very high bar.

The other good news is that while you do attend school, it will be, quote, "better than ever." This is guaranteed by wish, as is your attendance (at least in some cursory form) and wish magic is, reportedly, inviolate. I will note, however, that you ought not be complacent, as it is not clear what the baseline level of goodness is, given the number of timelines where various members of the group are eaten by witches, succumb to despair, and find their lives cut short by the attack of Walpurgisnacht.

Like Ryouko, you are a magical girl. Unlike Ryouko, and most other magical girls, you have never made a contract to become one. You therefore do not have a soul gem. This is not entirely unprecedented, but is not common anywhere you know of. The magical powers you have been using primarily come from others, but there are a few that come from yourself. You're also not an overtly powerful magical girl. Your magic does not supply you with the combat instincts, or the durability, and if it came down to it, an untrained level-1 Akemi Homura (Megane ver.) could wipe the floor with you, without timestop, or explosives, or her golf club.

Nevertheless, Kyuubey seems concerned enough over your magic that he is inclined to call you an Abomination (though technically that was in a vision that hasn't happened yet). He most certainly does not approve of you opening up grief seeds and removing the shards of a soul inside: he was going to use that power to fight entropy. Fighting entropy is a big task, and the usable energy content of the soul you've repaired is sufficient to replace a galaxy. I'm afraid it's not quite sufficient to conjure a new past, however, and using it safely presents challenges.

Accompanying you on your missions, and currently occupying around 3% of your personality, is a shard of the soul of a different magical girl, from a previous generation, Kinomoto Sakura. She wants to put an end to the Incubator system, liberating magical girls from their soul gems. She arrived here from the past on a mission from the present and spent the past couple of decades waiting, in the form of a hairpin. (Thank you for the kindnesses to her after that, in that you have not simply left her inside an object to be called upon at her convenience.) This was accomplished by means of a time loop which you have yet to close; it is very important that you do this. Sakura has a connection to another universe where she is also a princess, but this is not going to affect you.

Souls, such as Sakura, which have been removed both from soul gems and from people, tend to appear in the form of wings, or elaborate feathers, or similar designs. This means that when Sakura is not integrating herself into your personality, you have fluffy white magic wings. These shards also seem to have difficulty integrating with souls that are inside soul gems, making them less useful to regular magical girls, though they are also less at risk of being overwhelmed. The soul gem keeps things very discrete.

While you remain only a very weak magical girl by most standards, you can use the power of other magical girls, which is much more impactful than your own. More specifically, you can use the magic of Princess Ryouko, which allows magic powers to be pledged and shared and delegated via promises and oaths and relationships. This magic was, itself, shared with some version of you in the Princess's native universe, and can be accessed when you have a memory of this magic and a Sakura feather to realize that memory, or when you have Ryouko herself and a ribbon for extrauniversal connections.

Maybe the term "magical girl" is ambiguous. We could call you something else.

I'll put it in the title, Revolutionary Girl Clarisse.

Your comrades from Mitakihara 2011 include Kaname Madoka, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi, Shiina Yuuka, Tenjou Wakaba, and Amy. These are all perfectly ordinary middle school girls who are also cyborgs running a pirate version of Governance implants, except for Amy, who is not a middle school girl. Madoka worries about feeling useless. Sayaka is actually incredibly thoughtful when she's actually thinking about things, which is occasionally. Yuuka is probably not perfectly neurotypical and has displayed a few troubling signs of abuse. Wakaba is a fangirl, living the dream. Hitomi has a crush on Madoka.

Your comrades also include Nakamura Nanami, who was jealous of your technology and wished it into existence; she suffers impostor syndrome and is plagued by anger management problems as a result of her broken home in a bad part of town, and her family has ties to crime. They include Akemi Homura, a moe girl with cute glasses, who suffers self-esteem problems and is obsessed with Madoka. They include Tomoe Mami, but please call her Mami-chan, and she is recovering from a mental breakdown. And finally, they include your smoking hot girlfriend, Sakura Kyouko, whose relationship with you is complicated, like her relationship with her father's Christianity.

Your uneasy allies include Mikuni Oriko, who remains under house arrest; she is probably mostly-safe as long as you are appeasing her by saving the future, but she will aggressively resist being controlled. These uneasy allies include Kirika, who is probably mostly-safe as long as Oriko is appeased. They include Yuma, who is probably going to be incredibly dangerous ... after several centuries, at least; for now, she is safe and cute. These allies do not, strictly speaking, include Hinata Aina and Miroko Mikuru, who to the best of your knowledge remain notoriously violent, unstable murderers; those two were last seen carrying out Oriko's last errand involving grief cubes overseas.

Your comrades from the future include Machina, who is Mami-chan's tactical computer, and has taken a shockingly interventionist approach to Mami's mental health. They notably do not include a girl named Asami, though an apparent counterpart of hers has, however, appeared in the Star Empire, with serial number SEVS-44935, and there are some signs that her soul may have lived alternate lives, with alternate names, including one in the 1980s.

There is also Simona. There are actually several Simona. I like that the plural of Simona is Simona, like the plural of sheep and fish.

One of the Simona, Shizuki Simona, is a magical girl from the Star Empire; she was on a mission to retrieve Asami, but may possibly have located an incarnation of her in the past under a different name. Another Simona, Simona del Mago, was a magical girl from Governance timeline; she has lost her magic, and is attending a private school that Ryouko doesn't actually remember attending. You're expecting a call from her soon, or perhaps her new roommate, the dancer Ophelia — who you first encountered in her memories of the Star Empire. The last Simona really shouldn't exist, but time manipulation magic does funny things; she was a witch named Abraxas whose intervention kicked off this entire quest in the first place. She currently exists as the shards of a soul, the same discussed above. Between her soul and the ribbon, you can initiate new time loops at will, in the excellent style of Bill or of Ted. I would avoid doing so carelessly; I would likewise avoid letting other people obtain this magic, if you wish to avoid a time war, so please do not leave them and the ribbon to be guarded only by a level 1 Akemi Homura (Megane ver.) ever again.

Your (adopted) Papa, Shizuki Yuji, is a former magical girl from the same era as Sakura; it's complicated and tragic. I am your narrator from the erased past, Shizuki Tomoyo; I have a book with your name on it, and a counterpart in your household, and I am officially on your side.

You have a book with Clarisse van Rossum's name on it, and detailed illustrations of magical girls inside. You have a red ribbon, the former property of Kaname Madoka, which serves as a soul-antenna, permitting souls to be exchanged between universes... or within universes, for that matter. Akemi Homura holds another ribbon. You have a charm meant for warding off charms, which works via the placebo effect. You have one small empty magic container of unknown provenance, in the form of a blank card. You have a hairpin which isn't magic itself, but has been a useful catalyst. You have a dog collar; it's, um, complicated, and you left it at home. You have the majority of Simona's soul in a magic bubble in your school-bag; these bubbles are serviceable to protect the soul (and protect people from the soul), but they are not ideal places for it to thrive.

I will now reiterate something for emphasis. You are carrying most of Simona's soul in your school bag, in the form of soul shards, and in that form, it is many times more valuable than the sticker price on the entirety of human civilization. Again, this treasure is there in your school bag. No, I don't have a better place for you to put them, just… consider how absurd it would be if you went around with the Hope Diamond, and the Crown Jewels, and the Heart of the Ocean, and every other jewel you can imagine.

Protect Ryouko.

Change the past, guard the present, preserve the future.
Read the invisitext.
And, um... try to make the most of school, at least while you're stuck there.

(Don't worry, it's not going to be quite as bad as it sounds.)

<Wakaba> What happened to the school?
<Clarisse> … Oriko happened to the school.

Oriko engaged in an exhaustive campaign of manipulation which left Mami on the edge of a mental breakdown, so technically it was Mami who happened to the school.

<Wakaba> Well yeah, I know, but I mean this.
She attaches a snapshot with a police car visible outside the main gate.
<Clarisse> They're here to make people feel safe, I'm sure.
<Wakaba> No! I mean the fence! It got fancier!
<Sayaka> You mean it got fencier!

Indeed. It was a simple chain link fence before, but in the picture it's been replaced with a rather over-the-top bronze colored affair, a criss-cross pattern of horizontals, verticals, and two different angles of diagonal lines, topped with pointed arches. It looks expensive.

It could be worse. At least you're not suddenly attending an all-girls school. I'm not sure Kyousuke would appreciate it.

<Wakaba> Oh my god, and that's just the start. There's a whole campus now.
<Clarisse> Oh dear. I imagine we must credit Nanami for this one.
<Nanami> (autoreply) Kinda busy sorry 1 sec
<Wakaba> Just take a look when you can, Nanami.

Nanami, for her part, is up at the top of a cell phone tower, fixing some equipment to build out your secure wireless mesh network, and also to monitor the city for stealthed interlopers. She takes a look.

<Nanami> Oh.
<Wakaba> Oh?
<Nanami> Right, I was wondering why the syllabus looked a little funny. Um, check your files if you don't know where to go.
<Wakaba> What's Mandatory Session?
<Ryouko> If Nanami has rewritten the school to be more like the future, then Mandatory Session is when they teach you things that they've selected out as important, and the rest is self-directed.
<Sayaka> What does that mean?

Sayaka is confused by the entire concept of choosing what you want to learn, and jokes about just slacking off. After further clarification she entertains spending all day training for the swim team, and becoming an Olympic athlete.

<Clarisse> I would recommend against going too heavily into competitive sport. If you were to compete at that level, or become a professional athlete, your performance would be subject to intensive scrutiny. This would put everyone at risk.
<Sayaka> Yeah.
<Sayaka> I mean, I guess it's not quite fair to the other swimmers, either.
<Sayaka> I guess, after everything that happened, that sort of a future is closed to us now. That's a little sad. But, I guess lots more paths have opened up too. We don't really have room to complain.
<Sayaka> So hey, how about martial arts? You suggested it earlier, and it would be cool to get school credit for it too.
<Clarisse> That should be fine. You should check with the school, though.
<Madoka> Sorry I'm late! I had to wake up Mom.
<Wakaba> Don't worry, you're not late.
<Sayaka> Why are you at school so early anyway?
<Sayaka> I'm not even out of bed yet!
<Wakaba> I'm early because Ryouko and Clarisse are coming early for their first day!
<Wakaba> Wait, why are you still in bed?
<Sayaka> ummmmmmmmmm, sleeping?
<Wakaba> … why?
<Nanami> Oh my god, Sayaka, we have twenty fifth century biomedical technology
<Nanami> we're not actually required to sleep at night anymore.
<Sayaka> What?!? OMG
<Nanami> I explained this
<Sayaka> I, um, might have been distracted.
<Nanami> Distracted?!
<Nanami> You are blessed, miraculously, with unspeakably advanced technology
<Nanami> The knowledge of centuries is but a thought away
<Nanami> You possess eternal youth and need no longer fear old age or illness
<Nanami> Was there something more compellingly interesting going on in your life?
<Sayaka> Well, um, no
<Sayaka> But I was checking it out and figured out I could install games
<Sayaka> I never had a phone that could run Sparkle Sparkle Rikka Pretty Dress Up Idol before
<Yuuka> Oh, I love that game!
Madoka laughs.
<Nanami> … I find myself at a loss for words
<Wakaba> Sayaka, you should really pay more attention to these sorts of things.
<Wakaba> I mean, imagine how much more you could have played while you were not sleeping!
<Sayaka> Okay okay, I get it.

"Welcome to what I hope you will find is the finest middle school in Japan," says the principal, "if not the world. Though, I am quite sorry for the mess. An unfortunate business, as you're no doubt already aware."

You're not entirely sure that most transfer students get to meet the principal like this. It's likely because of the unfortunate incident, as he mentioned, though it might also be family connection. You do get the sense that he's especially taking time for this out of a rather busy day.

He goes on to explain that transfer students are quite common at the school, and particularly among students whose families have moved here internationally. While you're not quite an international student yourself, your previous education was in America, so they have assigned you to one of the curriculum coordinators who usually works with international students. Her name is Joanne Valentin.

You fail to entirely hide your surprise.

"It's quite natural to be a little nervous about student-directed study," says the principal, noticing your reaction. "It's freedom, yes, but it also comes as a big responsibility, to take your own future into your hands like that. With the freedom comes the opportunity to make real mistakes. It's a lot easier to sit back and let the adults tell you who you're supposed to be, and what you're supposed to learn, which is how it usually works. The responsibility can seem quite daunting. But you're not on your own. We're here to help you make sense of things, to pursue your best self, and to build your ambitions into a well-rounded curriculum." He smiles. "There are a few standard assignments that Ms. Valentin will supply to help start the process, mostly exercises to help you start thinking about yourself, and your future.

He looks over at the clock, a remarkably old-fashioned gesture.

"You can meet with Ms. Valentin over one of your breaks. For now, though, you should head to class."

"However you prepare them, it is of the utmost importance to use only cage free eggs. The status quo in Japan is simply unacceptable from an animal welfare perspective, with batteries of hens who spend their lives locked in tiny cages. We have abandoned the wisdom of tradition, an approach which was sustainable and humane. To patronize this cruelty is to be complicit. Ignorance of how your food is made is not an excuse!"

Saotome-sensei calms herself, and continues.

"Now, the other thing. Today we have not one, but two very special transfer students."

Transfer students aren't important enough to come first? wonders Ryouko.

She's very passionate, remarks Wakaba.

Yeah, it's like this every day, remarks Sayaka.

As you step into the classroom, you scan the classroom for girls who look like Asami, or who might somehow be Asami in disguise, but it seems it's not going to be quite that easy. It seems you know about half the girls in the class at this point.

"Hello," says Ryouko. "My name is Shizuki Ryouko. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can all be friends."

There is a round of applause.

"Hello," you say. "My name is Shizuki Clarisse. It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

More applause. Nanami takes a break from looking cool and distracted to acknowledge the two of you, and smiles a bit. Hitomi is beaming, but also seems a little embarrassed. Wakaba is looking at the rest of the class. Some students are looking back and forth between Ryouko and Hitomi. Your other friends are smiling.

"Ryouko and Clarisse have been studying overseas," says Saotome-sensei. "I've heard very good things about the school they went to, so perhaps you can ask them for help with math or science!"

Ryouko, for the time being, is engaged in her attendance at the school as a sort of exercise in anthropological tourism, but the mandatory session content is not particularly informative. You wonder if there is some way to test out of it, but you can also use the time to work on other things, and you help Nanami with some of her telecom work.

What should I tell the coordinator? asks Ryouko, as your break begins.

She is uncertain about how to describe her interests. The obvious things would be Space, and being a part of Important Things, but it's not clear that this would have the desired effect.

How long do you expect us to stay in this timeline? you ask. This should guide your decision.

She doesn't like that question. It's clear to her that she isn't going to just stay here forever, but at the same time, she feels an obligation to this time and these people — and is concerned about the impact to you and your girlfriend. You have highlighted the conflict and it makes her uncomfortable, but she tentatively imagines staying here through the attack of Walpurgisnacht.

What are you going to do? she asks, entertaining the idea of just copying it to spend more time with you in person for the next month — unsure of what would happen to the two of you back in a Governance timeline, in a war.

You are interrupted by a flurry of questions, as Ryouko is surrounded. The students seem slightly more interested in Ryouko than they do in you.

"You look so much like your sister!" exclaims a girl. "Do you ever pose in photographs together? It would be really cool! You would be really good as models."

"Your hair is really awesome!" adds another. "What do you use to give it that kind of volume?"

"What was it like going to school in America?" asks a boy. "Did you eat a lot of hamburgers?"

"Are you really good at math?" asks a fourth.

"Can you speak fluent English?" asks the boy.

Hitomi seems to have attracted a few questions of her own, presumably about you two.

Do you need any help over there? asks Madoka from across the room.

> Try to make the most of going to school

You have two breaks in the day's instruction that would be good for seeing your curriculum coordinator.

[][Break] Request an escort to the curriculum coordinator's office
[][Break] Shield Ryouko from questions
[][Break] Look for interesting students to talk to yourself
[][Break] Investigate the mysterious magic charms
[][Break] Call to check in on Ophelia and Simona
-[] (write in any call agenda)

You and Ryouko should make curriculum choices!

[][Ryouko] Suggest studies which will give her excuses to play hooky, for operational flexibility
[][Ryouko] Suggest a course of action where she can exfiltrate new scientific knowledge
-[] about space
-[] about medicine
-[] about computing
-[] (write-in)
[][Ryouko] Suggest that she look for opportunities unique to this time period
-[] (write in any ideas?)
[][Ryouko] Permit her to just copy whatever you do
[][Ryouko] Decline to assist in the decision
[][Ryouko] (write in)

[][Clarisse] Try to spend all the time you can spend studying dance
[][Clarisse] (write in)

You have outstanding concerns regarding Yuuka's safety and well-being.

[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with Saotome-sensei
[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with the principal
[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with Ms. Valentin
[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with the police

[] Leave school altogether
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[][Ryouko] Decline to assist in the decision
[][Clarisse] Try to spend all the time you can spend studying magic and dance
-[] Dance is how you do magic, but you'd really like to know how magic itself works first

[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with Saotome-sensei
[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with the principal
[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with Mrs. Valentin
[][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with the police
... I want Madoka's mom to be an option, but that might not end well. I... don't know any of these people though. The principle seems like a politician, I have no idea who Valentin is supposed to be, the police are the official route, Saotome-sensei may not be able to do anything either. All of them probably need to take the official route, so I'm not sure how this is supposed to help because you might ass well flip a coin on that working at all nevermind working effectively.
And, um... try to make the most of school, at least while you're stuck there.

(Don't worry, it's not going to be quite as bad as it sounds.)
No one likes a liar.
and I am officially on your side.
*narrows eyes*
So the big question here is whether or not Valentin is Homura in disguise as in TTS, though Clarisse wouldn't know to ask that question.
So the big question here is whether or not Valentin is Homura in disguise as in TTS, though Clarisse wouldn't know to ask that question.

Well if we can get her v1 Homura into a room together and see what happens, that can give us some idea. But elder Homura probably has better self control then to give her self up so easily.

I really shouldn't be surprised that there is yet another time loop going on beyond our notice, and yet... this is why time travel is B.A.D.

Don't do it kids! It's worse then drugs!
So the big question here is whether or not Valentin is Homura in disguise as in TTS, though Clarisse wouldn't know to ask that question.
Suppose she is; what sort of implications would you be looking at?

smiles innocently What did I ever do? besides fluff your pretty wings. :)

[][Clarisse] Try to spend all the time you can spend studying magic and dance
-[] Dance is how you do magic, but you'd really like to know how magic itself works first
Should we explain this to the curriculum coordinator too? Or just focus on the dance there?
I thought that was for what we would actually be doing, not what we would say we're doing.
Hmm. I intended it as a curriculum choice but if you said its labeling as such was inaccurate, you'd be deficient deficient, you'd be accurate. [edited, what am I even typing]

The important thing in the end, though, is that I understand what you intend by your vote!
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Bweep bweep! Invisitext alert!
It could be worse. At least you're not suddenly attending an all-girls school. I'm not sure Kyousuke would appreciate it.
There is also Simona. There are actually several Simona. I like that the plural of Simona is Simona, like the plural of sheep and fish.
Protect Ryouko.

Change the past, guard the present, preserve the future.
Read the invisitext.
And, um... try to make the most of school, at least while you're stuck there.

(Don't worry, it's not going to be quite as bad as it sounds.)


[X][Ryouko] Suggest studies which will give her excuses to play hooky, for operational flexibility
[X][Ryouko] Suggest a course of action where she can exfiltrate new scientific knowledge
-[X] about medicine
[X][Ryouko] Suggest that she look for opportunities unique to this time period

[X][Clarisse] Try to spend all the time you can spend studying dance

[X][Yuuka] Discuss your concerns with Mrs. Valentin

1. If Ryouko wants to do something Important, medicine seems like a good avenue that could be explored within the time remaining until Walpurgishnacht? Computing might have too many side-effects.
2. If our powers are based on dance...
3. Well, we need to figure out what's up with Valentin anyway, might as well probe her and see if she's helpful.

(full disclosure, I've been reading the quest, but haven't been following the discussion much, so if I'm making egregious mistakes here let me know...)
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Suppose she is; what sort of implications would you be looking at?
Well, for one thing the elder Homura has centuries of experience meddling with bureaucratic institutions, including in 21st century Japan, so she might have much better ideas then us about what to do about Yuuka.

More generally, if she can be convinced to help us she would be an incredible asset to our cause. We'd need to understand her psychological state better for that though.