If I had to get this down to a short conclusion statement it would be this, even if I am wrong about the reality all of this there are fundamental problems in the structure of this quest that for a significant portion of the player base create a valid perception of unfairness.
Sorry for the really long post and don't feel obligated to respond to this. This is as much for me trying to get my opinions down for myself as it is to give you feedback.
A couple of things first. Narrative comes before the mechanics doesn't mean that they trump the mechanics or I will override the mechanics because of 'narrative'. It means that if I will treat this first and foremost as a narrative quest and if the mechanics aren't representing the narrative, I will change the mechanics to fit the narrative. It doesn't mean that I will just give you mechanical bonuses because narrative.
I will not just be giving you mechanical bonuses because the players want more stats and bonuses.
Secondly, the idea that I need to add every last detail into an update is laughable and ridiculous. That is not possible. Any QM can tell you that trying to put everything into an update is impossible. Maybe if you were willingly to accept an update that was tens of thousands long every couple of months. But I would lose interest in the quest before any updates got released.
The best that I can do is put what I consider the relevant information into the update and then it is up to the voters to ask for more information. If things seem to be unclear or contradictory, then it is up to the players state this and ask for clarification. If you want to know more information, you need to ask for it because I don't know what information the players need if only because I am looking at things from a different perspective so some things that seem obvious to me aren't obvious to the players.
At the end of the day, there is only so much information I can just provide in the updates and further information about the setting, the ongoing events and so forth needs to be asked for by the players and then shared with the rest of the players. And the onus is on the players to ask up for more information. I can only put some much information into the updates without bogging things down or reducing the update speed to a crawl or suffering authorial burnout. You feel like you need more information or just want more information, you need to speak up and ask for it.
Communication is a two-way street. I will provide what information I can, but if you guys need more information or feel that is not enough information provided, you need speak up and let me know that is the case. You need to be specific about what information you want to know and not just make broad requests for just more information in general. You can't just expect the QM to provide every last bit of information you want without prompting.
The rest of this post is not directed at the
@demonthese2211 and their post specifically, but at the thread in general.
Looking back at the debate today, I think that while there is a perception of unfairness, I don't consider it to be valid. While there is some criticism, it seems to have mostly given way to pessimism, salty, rationalisation and complaints about unfairness, cheating and illogical actions.
Very few of the posts have been about how to defeat Urth or win the war or how you can do better or what you need to avoid next time. Instead it has been primarily complaining about things are unfair or don't make sense and how your opponents are overpowered and need to be nerfed. While I debated back at the time, in hindsight, it has been the voter base getting unhappy at getting bested by an NPC and complaining that things need to be changed to make things easier for them so they don't lose.
To go down the list.
-The Caradysh are superior and more powerful civ and they not a peer opponent and the QM wasn't telling the truth when he said they were a peer civ.
--This is untrue. The Caradysh are a peer civ to the Arthwyd, but they operate differently to the Arthwyd due to having built wide instead of tall. How did do they operate differently? Try to find that out or figure it out yourselves (without going on about how they are cheating and have an unfair advantage over you). Do remember that they may not neccessarily have the same actions as you or in the same form that you have as I explained to the thread on how the Maradysh expanded so quickly.
-Undead Immortal Heroes are overpowered and need to be nerfed.
--They have already been adjusted so they aren't overpowered.
---They do not need nerfing further just because the players don't want to go up against them. I am not going to nerf your opponent's advantages just because some players want things easier.
-Urth is overpowered, does everything perfectly, nothing goes wrong for them and they are always going to win due to authorial fiat.
--Urth isn't overpowered and they do make mistakes and things don't always go in their favour. They can be beaten and have been. What Urth is a competent Hero who is a planner and doesn't make their move until they got things set up in their favour. Your opponent is an NPC who is competent and can make mistakes not overpowered and infallible.
---The Caradysh and their leader Urth, have bested you. You got bested by an NPC via planning, preparation and diplomacy. Stop complainting about it and crying out out about how they need to be nerf because the OP cheaters and try and figure how to win now or next time.
-The QM isn't provided enough information.
--Then ask for more.
-The players are getting railroaded.
--Not true at all and is frankly stupid. Some players might fail that their only one choice, but that is due to their personal perspective and goals. Maybe you think that one option is nonviable because it costs too much or you have to do something because not doing so is sub-optimital. That isn't railroading. That is you deciding that there is a best course of action for your goals or one to avoid. You don't have to go for the Hero or Megaproject or whatever shiny you are after. You don't have to avoid the options that have a clear price attached to them. You haven't been forced to keep the Maradysh as a subordinate and devote actions to keeping them as one. If you feel that that is only one way to get your most optimal outcome, you aren't being railroaded, you are choosing to go for your most optimal outcome.
---The players are responsible for what options they vote for and those options have consequences. If you want to complain about a vote winning, then blame the thread for voting for that option and not the QM for providing it.
-The NPC civs are unfair and don't follow the same rules.
--The answer is two-fold. On the one hand, I have made it clear I don't track the NPC civs as closely as I do with the player civ. What they do is operate in a similar if less loosely followed manner. Some civs have advantages over you. Are these unfair advantages? No, they are not because the NPC civ has different ways of doing things, different actions, different values and different techs. They usually operate differently to the players and have some advantages over the player civ just as the player civ has some advantages over the NPC civs.
-Diplomacy did nothing for the Maradysh or relationship with them.
--Diplomacy did help as you will noticed that it is a Maradysh civil war and not a Maradysh revolt. Half of them (the stronger half as well) support you and uphold your values. They are firmly in your camp and are strongly against Urth. As for why diplomacy has been so hard, it is because the Maradysh values make them poorly suited for being diplo-ed and being a vassal, especially when your cultures are so radically different. The Maradysh have never been a loyal vassal and rather than let them go, the players have chosen to keep working at keeping them as a subordinate. This is a player choice. You could have decided to cut your losses and not keep the Maradysh under a personal union or just left them drift apart, but instead you have devoted actions and choices to keeping them under your control. This a player choice to devote time and resources to keeping an unruly vassal under your control. It has even worked out as half of them are firmly loyal to you.
-The Narrative isn't overriding the mechanics or providing enough benefits.
--Tough luck. I'm not changing the mechanics or handing out bonuses because posters want to nerf their enemies. The narrative is about the narrative and not the mechanics. It doesn't influence the mechanics, but the dice rolls and fluff. I'm not translating all of that into mechanics and showing it to the thread because is too much work for me as the QM to both do it and then maintain it so tough luck.
-[Insert thing] should have turned out this way because [insert reasoning] and the fact that it didn't is illogical and doesn't make sense.
--Maybe it could have turned out that way that favours you. But it didn't and things instead turned out differently in a manner that doesn't benefit you as well. That doesn't make it an illogical outcome or an outcome that doesn't make sense. It just means that there are multiple valid ways that things could have played out in and it just so happened it played out in another valid way to the valid way that you feel it should have played out in.
-We are doomed because of [insert reason] and there is no hope because the QM is against us.
--Stop belly-aching and try to solve the problem. Stop going on about how there is no hope and you just give up because the QM is against you and there is nothing you can do to win. Frankly, half of these reasons are just incredible negative assumptions that the thread has come up with to rationalised why you got bested and how the QM is being unfair and making the NPCs cheat to beat you. Stop complaining that things need to be changed to favour you. Instead try to come up with solutions to deal with the problem which don't require a QM bailout to save you.
-The [Insert the thing being complained] is unfair and needs to be fixed.
--At least half of these complaints are just posters wanting their opponents to be nerfed so they can't beat you or you don't lose to them or to have the situation changed so they are more favourable to you. I am not doing this. The rules are working as intended and if that means you get beaten, tough luck. You can be defeated and you can be bested by NPCs without those NPCs cheating or having unfair advantages or winning due to authorial fiat.
---The rules aren't meant to be perfectly balanced. They are meant to simulate a civilisation and the world around them so you have run a civ quest. That means that some options are inherently unbalanced and just which option are better depends on your perspective. Iron and Steel are better than Copper and Bronze. Cavalry will often rule the battlefield. Metal is generally superior to stone. Some government or economy types provide inherent bonuses in certain areas. Some civs have advantages over other civs because that is how things work out. Nobody is fairly balanced and has the same chance of success or doing something as everyone else. Some will get an advantage over their rivals and they will make use of those advantages. Does that makes unfair? In a way, I suppose it does. Does it mean that they are cheating or getting QM favouritism to get an unfair advantage? No, they are not.
----NPCs are also not just going to give you a fair chance. If they can, they still try to stack things in their favour so that they will emerge as the victor and not the defeated. That doesn't mean that they are cheating or have been given unfair advantages. It means that they are going to act in their own self-interest and do that it takes to win.
At the end of the day, I am not nerfing your enemies or giving you bonuses because you think that things should be different in a way that benefits you and doesn't let you lose. Stop rationalising way you getting defeated by an competent NPC opponent as them having unfair advantages and cheating thanks to the QM and demanding that they get nerfed to make things easier for you. Try to come up with actual solution to the problems that don't require the QM changing things to bail you out.
I will not be giving you free-handouts because you got bested and you complaint a lot about it.